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The Supreme Court discussion thread The Supreme Court discussion thread

10-26-2020 , 09:18 PM
Pack the courts. Curtail jurisdiction. Neither require a constitutional amendment.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 09:25 PM
Just a question from a relative neophyte: Could they ever do something like go after Kav for not being completely truthful during his confirmation? I seem to hazily recall someone saying he basically perjured himself.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The climate does indeed change over time. The question is to what extent it is because of human activity (if any).
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
It's not a question among people who study it. It's only a question among people who stand to lose a lot of money if it's treated as a serious problem.
Originally Posted by lagtight
You are correct that the scientific consensus is that climate change is real. And it was real before there were any scientists to investigate the phenomena. And climate change will be real 100 years from now. And it will be real 1000 years from now, etc etc.

The question is, what, if anything, can or should be done about it.
I don't even understand why the 2p2 owners allow this ****. I mean, I guess I do, but really, a website basically founded on rational thought should be slamming the door on any of this.

The effects of elevated emissions on the environment are well-understood and not up for any sort of serious debate. The impacts of human activity on those emissions are also well-understood and not up for any serious debate. The theoretical AND practical evidence are absolutely overwhelming, to the extent that any arguments about them not being clear should be as down-shouted as QAnon theories and Obama birtherism.

There's plenty of potential solutions for climate-change on the conservative side, but they all fundamentally hurt the current financial backers of conservatives, so of course none are taken seriously, all are denounced, and they're painted as liberal hysteria and government overreach, even when they are bog-standard conservative economic arguments. As with everything else from the Republican establishment, it's grift, projection, and bad-faith all the way down.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 09:54 PM
If the Democrats somehow get 66 senate votes. Here's a good overview. Basically the same as impeaching the president.

I think we should stick to solutions that require neither a constitutional amendment nor super-majority.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 09:57 PM
Welcome to P&S, RDH!

Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.
I don't even understand why the 2p2 owners allow this ****.
I think these links may help you understand why:
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.
I don't even understand why the 2p2 owners allow this ****. I mean, I guess I do, but really, a website basically founded on rational thought should be slamming the door on any of this....

As with everything else from the Republican establishment, it's grift, projection, and bad-faith all the way down.
I don't know why the 2+2 owners allow this kind of broad-brushing blather.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
Burn it all to the ground. A stolen presidency is 4 years, but a stolen supreme court seat is 30+ years.
How bout 3 stolen supreme court seats?
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
How bout 3 stolen supreme court seats?
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
You have to actually have principles and a word that means something for you to get the joke.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You have to actually have principles and a word that means something for you to get the joke.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-26-2020 , 11:35 PM
Black man swears in woman appointed by racist misogynist
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 12:02 AM
Either understand Tit for Tat theory or get buttsects without your permission.

Burn it all to the ground. Stop bringing knives to a gun. Even now I am seeing Democrats in here saying something to the effect, "don't go overboard in the opposite direction." Well it is too late for cooperation. This is death spiral time.

This crap is basic. Tit for tat theory is enough to show that the GOP isn't playing fair and isn't about to start playing fair anytime soon no matter how often the Democrats forgive/cooperate/etc. Come on we are up to tit for two tats.

Tit for tat against a hypocritical GOP requires retaliation. If Democrats wanted to be the better person and let the first stolen supreme court seat go unchallenged as a means to avoid a death spiral, then so be it. But after this seat, it is clear the GOP won't play fair. The Democrats have no choice but to retaliate and death spiral this situation. Burn the Senate to the ground.

Last edited by ladybruin; 10-27-2020 at 12:30 AM.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 12:08 AM

What Democrats now believe is McConnell won’t let them govern if they win, and in the aftermath of Garland and of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, he won’t show them any quarter if he wins. Republicans, to be fair, believe the same about Democrats. Compared to the Senates of yore, both sides are right. McConnell has gone further, faster, than the Democratic leaders in torching old precedents and making the realpolitik principles of the new era clear. But in doing, he’s potentially done something that liberal activists and pundits were never able to achieve: convince Senate Democrats that the Senate is broken, and that new rules are needed.

In this, McConnell’s strengths are also his weaknesses. He possesses a brazenness about American politics, a cynicism about the use of power, that lets him execute stratagems other leaders would be constrained by their reputations or fear of backlash from attempting. But that same comfort with the dark side, that willingness to play the Grim Reaper of politics, robs his opponents of their excuses for inaction, of their comforting belief that comity and compromise waits around the corner.
The article is a month old and looking very prescient, particularly around McConnell getting moderate Dems to start to believe what the far left could never make them understand.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by ladybruin
Either understand Tit for Tat theory or get buttsects without your permission.

Burn it all to the ground. Stop bringing knives to a gun. Even now I am seeing Democrats in here saying something to the effect, "don't go overboard in the opposite direction." Well it is too late for cooperation. This is death spiral time.

This crap is basic. Tit for tat theory is enough to show that the GOP isn't playing fair and isn't about to start playing fair anytime soon no matter how often the Democrats forgive/cooperate/etc. Come on we are up to tit for two tats.

Tit for tat against a hypocritical GOP requires retaliation. If Democrats wanted to be the better person and let the first stolen supreme court seat go unchallenged as a means to avoid a death spiral, then so be it. But after this seat, it is clear the GOP won't play fair. The Democrats have no choice but to retaliate and death spiral this situation. Burn the Senate to the ground.
Agree with all of this. Unfortunately Democrats nominated the candidate least likely to support any of this. The one talking about appointing people from the opposition party to his cabinet. Sad!
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

The article is a month old and looking very prescient, particularly around McConnell getting moderate Dems to start to believe what the far left could never make them understand.

Elections Have Consequencez is about to get an encore.

The GOP’s Pearl Harbor attack on Garland and subsequent confirmation of ACB is about to get Battle of Midway’d.

And then I think we are all familiar with the next couple bombs that are going to drop on em.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Agree with all of this. Unfortunately Democrats nominated the candidate least likely to support any of this. The one talking about appointing people from the opposition party to his cabinet. Sad!
Joe said he wanted to “see how they handle [ACB confirmation]”. They literally rammed her through without debate.

Garland was Barack’s boy. Joe is not going to let this go quietly. He may be extending an olive branch to Lincoln Project folks to build his coalition (or b/c he agrees with some of their **** who knows). But ya gotta remember, the Trump/Mitch tactics are what they’re fighting against too.

These are the “chumps” Joe was referring to yesterday in PA. He’s not going to let them take over.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 02:09 AM
We'll see. Biden has been the arch institutionalist for quite awhile. During the primary he was often trying to argue against the other Dems (not even/just Bernie) who were arguing for rule changes/more scorched earth. He won, which he views has a justification of his views. Has he finally changed his spots? Maybe. I wouldn't bet on it.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 02:25 AM
If the Dems don’t win the Senate then he’s not going to do much.

If he and the Dems have a big electoral mandate, I think we see the hammer.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 02:52 AM
The tears are real. I say if the D's win the Senate and the White House, they should do what ever the law allows them to do. The D's have an issue with this concept (when it comes to the reverse).

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 10-27-2020 at 03:00 AM.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 03:18 AM
If the only answer is non-ending escalation, USA would have been doomed a long time ago.

We can de-escalate and bring decorum back if we demand it. Maybe it will take another 22nd Amendment like effort but hopefully not.

We can do better. And we must. Just look around the world for what happens when politicians keep escalating with no democratic institutions/traditions to hold them back.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 04:00 AM
Good to see Trump get the job done that many democrat supporters would expect the same if a Democrat president was in the office right now.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 04:02 AM
If the only answer is non-ending escalation, USA would have been doomed a long time ago.

We can de-escalate and bring decorum back if we demand it. Maybe it will take another 22nd Amendment like effort but hopefully not.

We can do better. And we must. Just look around the world for what happens when politicians keep escalating with no democratic institutions/traditions to hold them back.
Since this is specifically the Supreme Court thread, whats your solution to the Republicans throwing all norms out the window to block Obama's last nomination then turning on a dime to do the very thing they said in 2016 ought not be done to nominate this hack?

Lets assume that just accepting a conservative court majority where John Roberts is the swing vote for the next thirty years isn't in the cards.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Good to see Trump get the job done that many democrat supporters would expect the same if a Democrat president was in the office right now.
Your a lost cause ....
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
If the only answer is non-ending escalation, USA would have been doomed a long time ago.

We can de-escalate and bring decorum back if we demand it. Maybe it will take another 22nd Amendment like effort but hopefully not.

We can do better. And we must. Just look around the world for what happens when politicians keep escalating with no democratic institutions/traditions to hold them back.
Brother, game theory, given the nature of 2+2, I welcome you to give me a game theory response to not only one stolen supreme court seat, but a couple.

Tit for tat is game theory simplified about as simple as you can go. And the de-escalate you mention, I already covered. After the Obama stolen seat, the democrats could forgive/cooperate/whatever-you-want-to-call-it to avoid a death spiral. But after the GOP steal multiple seats you don't know crap about game theory if you don't retaliate. Number 1 the death spiral has already been started by the GOP. Or Number 2 the Democrats are a forever bitach-slapped second rate member of the system.

And it is called a death spiral for a reason. The consequences are brutal. Mutual destruction stops most hypocrites from going too far. But when the GOP know that the Democrats keep bringing knives to a gun fight, then the GOP keeps stealing supreme court seats. And has the nerve to say sound bites that are the exact opposite of the sound bites they used 4 years ago.

The current system doesn't work. Burn it to the ground. And from the ashes something else will be built.

Anyone wanna try and dispute tit for tat theory? If anyone wants to try and dispute tit for tat theory, then please also try telling us how you can change the laws of thermodynamics.

Tit for tat game theory...equivalent retaliation.

Last edited by ladybruin; 10-27-2020 at 06:34 AM.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
10-27-2020 , 07:45 AM
I like the weapon reference. Remember, the D's went nuclear first.
The Supreme Court discussion thread Quote
