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View Poll Results: Which option best describes your feelings about the current iteration of the politics sub-forum
As good or better than it's ever been.
2 2.86%
It's good, enjoy coming here to read and participate.
11 15.71%
It's okay I guess.
8 11.43%
It's definitely worse than it was prior to The Exodus.
20 28.57%
It's really bad and I rarely venture in here due to how bad it's become.
29 41.43%

01-05-2020 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i agree.. i also have one of the best win percentages on this site with at least 50+ games played
I bet I got killed earlier more often though.
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01-05-2020 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
And as far as POGgers go, I see you all playing quite a few POG games over on your new forum. Hypocrite c*nt.
Pretty sure it's at most a tiny minority of those who LOLPOG who LOLPOG because of either the Puzzles or Other Games. We hosted plenty of POG games in the old Politics forum here.
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01-05-2020 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You think it was conventional wisdom that Trump was a stone cold lock in December 2015?
You took the bet. You tell me. I just wonder did at anytime between when he made the bet and election night did he re-affirm the bet?
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01-05-2020 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
You took the bet. You tell me. I just wonder did at anytime between when he made the bet and election night did he re-affirm the bet?
No I didn't. It was Lilu. And he reaffirmed many times.

Last edited by MrWookie; 01-05-2020 at 06:33 PM. Reason: Wrong account.
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01-05-2020 , 06:27 PM
What was the actual bet? I get that the terms were loser quits, but he bet that Trump would lose the election/nomination or what and against who?
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01-05-2020 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Ikes didn't make the wager under duress or intoxication. He could have offered a buy out prior to the bet coming due, but he openly refused. To the degree that you mean "empathy" (and not the more appropriate "sympathy), we all understood quite well what his feelings were.

I'm not sure what more there is to discuss on the matter, but whatever.
I actually agree with you. But I did want to take the opportunity to say that I believe you always acted with the best intentions. Ultimately we just disagreed. I also acknowledge that things could have been handled much better on my end. It would have helped if I knew you were a woman, but the disguise you wore when we met was very, very good.

I still see no reason that the separate unstuckpolitcs forum can't thrive independently and why there should be any lingering animosity.
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01-05-2020 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Yeah I've always been in favor of transparency

Also while we have your attention could you confirm or deny that wookie has nudes or russian pee tapes of admin? I can't figure out why he's still a mod after abusing and creating an abusive environment for 2p2 members for years. Now he's abusing his mod status to read post reports and then publicly spread conspiracy theories which disparage and mistreat more 2p2 posters. It just seems weird to allow him the privilege when he abuses it and his only participation in the new version of politics is spamming pissy/trollish zero content nonsense to derail topic after topic. If there is pee tapes, you don;t need to specify who the urinator is
Yes an answer to this would be helpful. I mean I haven't seen him actively mod or indeed post in the other forum he is a mod in being the lounge. If I was Mat, I would mod Dominic if the other mod there needs help.
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01-05-2020 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
No I didn't. It was +rep. And he reaffirmed many times.
So a person to person bet and not even with admin or at least yourself. How was the outcome of banning ever going to be realised if you didn't validate it? And by validate it I mean you simply didn't just stand by and allow it as you also would have supported the outcome as a poster as you wouldn't have to listen to him but you ran it by the mod forum here as something that the site would allow.
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01-05-2020 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle;55718651[B
]Is it possible to ban all posters like this? [/B]As Wookie pointed out they are obviously a sock/troll account that doesn't contribute meaningfully to the forum. Who cares what their politics are.

If I could make one suggestion, it would be to somewhat restrict OT posting like you guys do with PMs. Nobody legitimately signs up for a poker forum and starts making hundreds or thousands of OT posts.
the problem is, hes not doing anything terrible or xplicit, hes bringing points from other side, whether he beilevs them or not truly. he is creating some discussion from the other side that we rarely see. and it not always just terrible posts or one liners, he actually backs up his points wether he truly believe sornot. which I thin he does.

I have no clue why people think his posting is trash and bringing the forum down when there used to be far worse who had no basis to stand on and never backed their facts other than lol america.

vegas isnt a negative addition to this forum fro what ive seen
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01-05-2020 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What was the actual bet? I get that the terms were loser quits, but he bet that Trump would lose the election/nomination or what and against who?
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01-05-2020 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
So a person to person bet and not even with admin or at least yourself. How was the outcome of banning ever going to be realised if you didn't validate it? And by validate it I mean you simply didn't just stand by and allow it as you also would have supported the outcome as a poster as you wouldn't have to listen to him but you ran it by the mod forum here as something that the site would allow.
He could, you know, honor the bet and ask to be banned. Or just not come back.
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01-05-2020 , 06:45 PM
how the **** could anyone not see how trump could and WAS resonate with a decent chunk of people. especially when he super clobbered in the repub noms
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01-05-2020 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
everyone wanting someone to hold their wager/bet. I sure as hell hope you werent the same person on the same boat with people being completely ok with a mod kinda screwing peoples money/escrow and using for his own.
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
All bets are not treated the same, IMO.
as usual. its OK for Republicans to do it but if someone even slightly sympathetic to the left does it then they are pilloried.
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01-05-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Pretty sure it's at most a tiny minority of those who LOLPOG who LOLPOG because of either the Puzzles or Other Games. We hosted plenty of POG games in the old Politics forum here.
Oh that’s right, much of your lolpog was related to mocking people with aspie tendencies when you weren’t outright mocking posters with various illness and disorders.

It’s SO WEIRD how the self-proclaimed wokest posters so often engaged in decidedly unwoke behavior... It’s almost like you just get off on pointing out how much better you believe you are than everyone else...
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01-05-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
the problem is, hes not doing anything terrible or xplicit, hes bringing points from other side, whether he beilevs them or not truly. he is creating some discussion from the other side that we rarely see. and it not always just terrible posts or one liners, he actually backs up his points wether he truly believe sornot. which I thin he does.

I have no clue why people think his posting is trash and bringing the forum down when there used to be far worse who had no basis to stand on and never backed their facts other than lol america.

vegas isnt a negative addition to this forum fro what ive seen
The notion that liberals would have no idea about conservative arguments BUT FOR the heroic, belligerent conservative posters has always been silly. "Trust me, Iran isn't going to respond violently, and nothing bad is going to happen," isn't something that we'd never see otherwise.
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01-05-2020 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Oh that’s right, much of your lolpog was related to mocking people with aspie tendencies when you weren’t outright mocking posters with various illness and disorders.

It’s SO WEIRD how the self-proclaimed wokest posters so often engaged in decidedly unwoke behavior... It’s almost like you just get off on pointing out how much better you believe you are than everyone else...
You're welcome to check my search history for "aspie" or whatever. And I've never claimed to be the wokest poster, only that I'm trying. I was much more put off by the open white supremacy there, as well as Luckbox's conspiracy theories.
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01-05-2020 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
You took the bet. You tell me. I just wonder did at anytime between when he made the bet and election night did he re-affirm the bet?
Really seems to me like you should have learned about how the bet went down first and *then* proceeded to ***** and whine about how terribly Wookie mishandled it.

I do look forward to you eventually concluding that it was his job as a mod to stop grown-ass men from engaging in prop bets on a gambling forum.
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01-05-2020 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Really seems to me like you should have learned about how the bet went down first and *then* proceeded to ***** and whine about how terribly Wookie mishandled it.

I do look forward to you eventually concluding that it was his job as a mod to stop grown-ass men from engaging in prop bets on a gambling forum.
My failings are limited only by his imagination.
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01-05-2020 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
I'm not saying that specific poster should be banned; I'm saying I think all posters like that one should be banned. The ones who are obvious sock/troll accounts, signing up on a poker forum, who don't post about poker and immediately start making hundreds or thousands of off-topic posts, usually here in the politics forum.

At a minimum, these posters are not using their real accounts, which makes them more likely to post in a negative manner, because if they cross the line and get banned, it's not their main account with whatever reputation they have built up that gets nuked.

At worst, these posters have previously been banned, and so it goes without saying they are highly likely to engage in posting behavior that is a negative for the rest of the members of the forum.

I just think these types of sock/troll/previously banned accounts should be ruthlessly moderated and eliminated, and that the forum would be better for it if that's possible, but that's just my opinion man.
thats a fair take. also if the bolded is esc true. I do think its kinda weak for you to not go on main acct to post but thats an issue from my perspective
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01-05-2020 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You're welcome to check my search history for "aspie" or whatever. And I've never claimed to be the wokest poster, only that I'm trying. I was much more put off by the open white supremacy there, as well as Luckbox's conspiracy theories.
The pog politics thread has literally only one single poster who is pro-Trump and he’s constantly and relentlessly dragged, and we have one independent; the rest are all liberals.

Lockbox is banned from posting his conspiracy theories in POG.

So I’m gonna call your post here a pretty piss-poor defelection of what you know as well as I do is the truth- that a lot of the lolpog was based in making fun of people you all considered “less than” for various reasons related to personalities and especially mental health.

Hypocrite c*nts is an accurate description IMO for people who lolpog while lauding their own moral superiority.
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01-05-2020 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You're welcome to check my search history for "aspie" or whatever. And I've never claimed to be the wokest poster, only that I'm trying. I was much more put off by the open white supremacy there, as well as Luckbox's conspiracy theories.
I won't bother trying to defend my conspiracy theories, but there has never been open white supremacy in pog. There have been plenty of uncouth views espoused I won't deny that. But none of the right of center people who have posted there have come close to advocating for white supremacy--not Mets, Pwns, VMF, or anyone else--and if they did there would have a number of other posters calling them out for it. The overall tone of pog has been anti-establishment left as exemplified by birdman.
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01-05-2020 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
The pog politics thread has literally only one single poster who is pro-Trump and he’s constantly and relentlessly dragged, and we have one independent; the rest are all liberals.

Lockbox is banned from posting his conspiracy theories in POG.
Neither of those things were always the case.
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01-05-2020 , 07:21 PM
Fwiw I think I'm technically banned from discussing false flag attacks against Americans. Other conspiracy topics are still fair game.
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01-05-2020 , 07:25 PM
Does that include school shootings?
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01-05-2020 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mat Sklansky
it might be fun and/or interesting for mr wookie and i to have a public conversation about recent history here. i would go in with an open mind with an intention to learn and inform, not necessarily "win" anything.

if well named and wookie want that to happen we should make this happen.
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I'm not sure what more there is to discuss on the matter, but whatever.
I'm also not really sure what it's meant to accomplish but I have no objection.
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