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View Poll Results: Which option best describes your feelings about the current iteration of the politics sub-forum
As good or better than it's ever been.
2 2.86%
It's good, enjoy coming here to read and participate.
11 15.71%
It's okay I guess.
8 11.43%
It's definitely worse than it was prior to The Exodus.
20 28.57%
It's really bad and I rarely venture in here due to how bad it's become.
29 41.43%

01-06-2020 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
You’re the one who wants to drag him.
For serious I'm just curious to know what happened. At the time, it seemed like a fairly simple question.

Originally Posted by the pleasure
trolly hes right and its happened to other users as well. you annoy some of the "in" crowd that has a mod on their back and theyll find small ways to try to get at you. you can even ask vic on this one and even HE woudl agree

I mean, what specifically did he do to annoy the "in" crowd (whoever the **** that is)?
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:17 AM
Seriously, someone just say he posted a dick pic or something semi-plausible and we can let this go. At least try to sell the lies in a convincing way.
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01-06-2020 , 12:18 AM
if you dont believe me then have vic, someone im sure has some credibility with you and others to chime in that, THAT specific instance, where a user kinda annoys and honestly only annoy a certain crowd with a mod backing and they(that specific user who has only annoyed and not attacked anyone) get punished for it. im not just saying it happened to one individual im saying i ve and many others have seen it happen to others.

thats what i was referring to, its not just a one time instance,

edit* and luckbox did say why, he didnt give a specific but hat happened over the course of time

Last edited by the pleasure; 01-06-2020 at 12:24 AM.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:22 AM
And I don’t believe you’re motivated enough to stink up this thread for a full page but not motivated enough to click through on a linked thread and read it yourself just because you’re interested in a simple answer, so anytime you’re ready to drop this pretense that you don’t have some bizarre ulterior agenda that’d be super swell, you twisted tedious turd.

Maybe you could just tell us the answer you’re looking for so you can get your shots in and we can all move on.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:28 AM
It's more or less true that he was finally perma'd just because he annoyed a lot of people, but it's also true that he annoyed a lot of people because he was prone to streaks of high-volume shitposting when he was aggravated about whatever, and mostly unwilling to ever figure out when it was time to slow down. The ATF thread is fairly representative.
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01-06-2020 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by well named
It's more or less true that he was finally perma'd just because he annoyed a lot of people, but it's also true that he annoyed a lot of people because he was prone to streaks of high-volume shitposting when he was aggravated about whatever, and mostly unwilling to ever figure out when it was time to slow down. The ATF thread is fairly representative.
This feels more authentic than the other answers I’ve been getting and I sincerely appreciate it, but what was the “about whatever” that set him off? Still feel like I’m not getting the full story.
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01-06-2020 , 12:40 AM
Everyone is telling you the same thing over and over.. Are you certain that English is your first language...?
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01-06-2020 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
And I don’t believe you’re motivated enough to stink up this thread for a full page but not motivated enough to click through on a linked thread and read it yourself just because you’re interested in a simple answer, so anytime you’re ready to drop this pretense that you don’t have some bizarre ulterior agenda that’d be super swell, you twisted tedious turd.

Maybe you could just tell us the answer you’re looking for so you can get your shots in and we can all move on.
For someone who doesn’t know what happened, you seem surprisingly vested in defending him.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
For someone who doesn’t know what happened, you seem surprisingly vested in defending him.
For someone who doesn’t know what happened, you seem surprisingly obsessed with his backstory after two years of him being gone.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by well named
It's more or less true that he was finally perma'd just because he annoyed a lot of people, but it's also true that he annoyed a lot of people because he was prone to streaks of high-volume shitposting when he was aggravated about whatever, and mostly unwilling to ever figure out when it was time to slow down. The ATF thread is fairly representative.
do you think its a mods job or within right to give a courteous warning in cases such as this?
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
do you think its a mods job or within right to give a courteous warning in cases such as this?
Sure. I'm pretty sure VMF got a lot of opportunities like that. n.b. I didn't ban him either.

I don't really know what specific topics got him banned in SE. In Politics it was pizzagate stuff about Clinton, IIRC.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 12:56 AM
this is completely off-topic but SE is one of the poorly run mod discussions in all of internet tbh. worse than even this forums worst rough patch
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:03 AM
SE is an irredeemable trash fire of toxic masculinity at its most potent, and it’s been that way for years upon years.

Bro level 9000
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by well named
I don't really know what specific topics got him banned in SE. In Politics it was pizzagate stuff about Clinton, IIRC.
Ah yeah, OK. Dumb**** conspiracy theories. Appreciate this, in all sincereity.

I truly don't know why I'm giving free advice here, but seriously when I ask "Why did this dude get banned?" and y'all circle the wagons and respond with a barrage of vague/evasive/abusive/dishonest answers, that's only going to pique my interest, right? Y'all play werewolf, right? There's a basic theory of mind needed to win at that game, right? Sell me something with a basic ring of truth and not "mods randomly banned him because they didn't like his face." Pretend this is a werewolf game and you're trying to convince someone with a pulse that your friend wasn't banned for spamming the board with pizzagate nonsense.

Like, WN could be bullshitting me here for all I know, but it's at least plausible enough that I can stop inquiring.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:15 AM
While we are at it, what got fly banned?
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01-06-2020 , 01:19 AM
Also, I that WN casually drops "n.b." into his posts; I always **** up and say "nb." like the uncultured Midwestern slob that I am. It's such a handy little thing and more people need to use it.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
While we are at it, what got fly banned?
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Well, you also have that Brazilian lady who talks about the literal devil. So that's three. I honestly don't think you have anything else! You didn't know who Bret Stephens was, you didn't know what Chapo Trap House was, the way you got real excited about Matt Ygelsias' twitter bio makes me suspect you din't know who he was... you don't seem very curious or interested about politics at all.

So yeah, that's it.

The military industrial complex.

Absolutely not. People have been yelling at you and Kelhus for months to explain how complaining about racism or giving gay people rights helps the elite, you never can.

And, again, because you're both functionally illiterate you wouldn't know this, but the Acela corridor/Villager conventional wisdom is OPPOSED TO SJW ****. That's why Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss have jobs!

Nobody talked about this thing either. But Taibbi isn't talking about SJWs "creating division" like you and Kelhus and reactionaries complain about, he's talking about the media PRETENDING division exists when it doesn't. You think division is bad, right?

Actual reporting, leftist reporting, reporting that attempts to upset people about our military spending... that would be creating division.

No. I attack the media all the time. I attacked the media in the post you were responding to!


Learn to read.

Man, I know I look silly because I'm arguing with the stupidest Uncle Tom on the entire ****ing internet(an internet that includes Coleman Hughes). It's just to pass the time.
Looks like his last post here was directed at me.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:35 AM
I literally linked the thread to you where he got banned and it was explained. Your refusal to read it doesn’t make anybody else a liar, it just makes you a needy idiot.

The “sincerely” thing is hilarious by the way.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Someone remind me what VMF got booted for.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
VMF was banned because sometimes he can be annoying.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
It was this thread. OP:
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
He started a thread in ATF that was linked and that was the final straw that he was perma'd. Like I said, people found him annoying.
Originally Posted by the pleasure
THAT specific instance, where a user kinda annoys and honestly only annoy a certain crowd with a mod backing
Originally Posted by well named
It's more or less true that he was finally perma'd just because he annoyed a lot of people, but it's also true that he annoyed a lot of people because he was prone to streaks of high-volume shitposting when he was aggravated about whatever, and mostly unwilling to ever figure out when it was time to slow down. The ATF thread is fairly representative.
I try not to use ableist language so again I’ll just ask, *sincerely*, if English is your first language, because WN literally just reiterated what everyone else already told you repeatedly.

State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Looks like his last post here was directed at me.
seems like a really good post. you ever answer any of that?
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
While we are at it, what got fly banned?
It's hard not to be curious about that.
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01-06-2020 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by cplo42
seems like a really good post. you ever answer any of that?
Scroll down from it.
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01-06-2020 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
SE is an irredeemable trash fire of toxic masculinity at its most potent, and it’s been that way for years upon years.

Bro level 9000
idk where you got that from. they're just ****ing bad moderating, and the reason I brought it up is that if we think politico forum had an "in crowd" well not only did htey have one too but their depth of substance discussions were pretty bad. and the modding was way worse than it was here. I bring it up because if people thought politics forum was badly moderated, they didn't post in SE. and politics forum should be greater difficulty to mod.

on to the agenda at hand, nobody should be bitching at all about the moderation currently, and nobody is. but I do hope well named stays kinda lazzeis faire if we ever see a bump of new posters and we see multiple arguments of both spectrums go at it. should only be stepped in when needed like personal agenda attacks of violence toward each other. i think heated debates are fine as long as we don see gangbanging

edit* hate to sound like a broken record but he got outed since he spewed right wing points form time to time so ofc he was under a microscope
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
I try not to use ableist language so again I’ll just ask, *sincerely*, if English is your first language, because WN literally just reiterated what everyone else already told you repeatedly.

lol, glossing over all the Pizzagate conspiracy stuff he posted didn’t work out for you too well the first time around, why do you think it’s going work the second time? You’re just insulting everyone’s intelligence.
State of the Forum Quote
01-06-2020 , 09:41 AM
I'm not sure why anyone on either side is wound up about VMF getting banned. He seems to have come back as jsmith. Is it really such a tragedy that he lost his screenname?

Also, if he got banned in SE, then he almost certainly earned it, because the bar for banning in that forum is damn high.
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