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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

09-14-2021 , 07:10 AM
People turning up at the polling stations appeared on TV after they were told they had already voted when they hadn't, with election officials confirming that 70% of the people in that district had the same baseless?

Are you serious?
09-14-2021 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Are you serious?

Unless you are claiming that the California GOP possesses the power of time travel, then references to events that had not yet taken place at the time of writing and publishing is indeed complete and irrefutable evidence of "baseless".

Of course, what happened is simply that someone published a pre-written text whining about election fraud at the wrong shedule. Which in itself is evidence of the utter intellectual void behind it. It's rhetoric at this point, the sad equivalent of a motto.
09-14-2021 , 07:18 AM
Why do you think it's the GOP?

People have already turned up and found that their votes were cast. Do you understand time travel?
09-14-2021 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Why do you think it's the GOP?

People have already turned up and found that their votes were cast. Do you understand time travel?

What happened here is that a pre-written text was published ahead of schedule.

I merely find it humorous that it references to future events that had not yet taken place at the time of publishing (such as Newscom winning the recall election). This makes the "baseless" part pretty silly to argue against.

Other than that, it is of course solid evidence that these claims are just boiler-plate rhetoric at this point. It is certainly interesting to see claims that violate the laws of physics defended with "Are you serious?".
09-14-2021 , 07:37 AM
They could tell him "LOL you moron, we put this out too early by mistake" and he would still believe it and hurl money at them. It is actually almost elegant how that business model works, I have to give credit where credit is due. Some people compare the derps to the characters in the movie "Idiocracy" but in the movie if the main character called them morons - at least the morons were offended by that. In real life it appears that they would keep hurling money in response.
09-14-2021 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
People turning up at the polling stations appeared on TV after they were told they had already voted when they hadn't, with election officials confirming that 70% of the people in that district had the same baseless?

Are you serious?
So firstly the page referred to in the article has nothing to do with that issue and claims that statistical analysis of the result proves there was fraud. Short of time travel that is obviously completely impossible.

Secondly the issue you're referring to affected two polling stations in one neighbourhood (out of more than 250 stations) for less than a day (it was fixed three days before polling closed) and anyone affected was allowed to cast a provisional ballot that will be counted once eligibility has been confirmed.
09-14-2021 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
So firstly the page referred to in the article has nothing to do with that issue and claims that statistical analysis of the result proves there was fraud. Short of time travel that is obviously completely impossible.
I didn't post an article. Not sure what you're talking about there.

Secondly the issue you're referring to affected two polling stations in one neighbourhood (out of more than 250 stations) for less than a day (it was fixed three days before polling closed) and anyone affected was allowed to cast a provisional ballot that will be counted once eligibility has been confirmed.
Do you have proof of what you're claiming above?
09-14-2021 , 08:14 AM
If proof actually mattered to derps then the various krakens would have won a case in the courts at some point. Seriously, how much money and time have you donated at this point?

All the best.
09-14-2021 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
I didn't post an article. Not sure what you're talking about there.
Your reply was to td's post, which contained an article that referred to a stop ca fraud website that had the statistical analysis claim. Maybe you should have actually read the post before replying to it with something unrelated?

Do you have proof of what you're claiming above?
Roughly as much as you do, which is to say reporting of the events that happened. This article includes both locations that had the glitch, reports that everyone affected was offered a provisional ballot, and that it was fixed by the evening of the day the problem occurred (Saturday, so 3 days before the polls close today).
09-14-2021 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
Your reply was to td's post, which contained an article that referred to a stop ca fraud website that had the statistical analysis claim. Maybe you should have actually read the post before replying to it with something unrelated?
Maybe you should read before you post. Heres what I posted.

Voter: “About 70% of the votes at this location have been shown as already casted when they were not?”

Election official: “Right.” absolutely no one.
09-14-2021 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by Willd
Roughly as much as you do, which is to say reporting of the events that happened. This article includes both locations that had the glitch, reports that everyone affected was offered a provisional ballot, and that it was fixed by the evening of the day the problem occurred (Saturday, so 3 days before the polls close today).
I posted first hand testimony from election officials on video. So wheres your proof of your claim that the attempted fraud has been cured?
09-14-2021 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
Maybe you should read before you post. Heres what I posted.

Voter: “About 70% of the votes at this location have been shown as already casted when they were not?”

Election official: “Right.” absolutely no one.
The post of yours I quoted was you replying to td and asking "are you serious?" when he posted an article that referred to the impossible statistical analysis. The fact that there may have been other, unrelated claims of fraud is completely irrelevant to the fact that the specific claims td was referring to were quite obviously baseless.

Originally Posted by bingobazza
That video is proof of nothing more than that there was a problem with the system in that location. In fact it even makes it very clear that it wasn't a widespread problem as the election official says that if they don't want to fill out a provisional ballot they can simply go to another location to vote.

The video provides precisely zero evidence of any fraud, actual or attempted.
09-14-2021 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
You seem confused.

From Crowdstrike.
Yeah, well, they did not mean it, right Deuces?
09-14-2021 , 09:35 AM
If you want to see the future Riggies now can make that happen.

(i am providing you a small mercy of not requiring you to click thru by following it with screen shots.)

First go to Larry Elders campaign website .

Click "Stop Fraud"

The already have their Call to Action and call for an Investigation!

And unfortunately for the Librulz and those easily duped into believing the corporate lies about the Elections being sound they already have the proof!

And in case you think they are not deadly serious Larry Elders website makes it abundantly clear what the path forward terminates at if you do not act in consort with them.


Deuces do you agree with this Investigation and its results for the election that will happen tomorrow?
09-14-2021 , 10:01 AM
Who would have guessed the Derps think Russia is a 3rd world country.
09-14-2021 , 11:14 AM
And to be clear this prescient view of any election a Republican losing being rigged is just the formalization of what Trump was saying all along about any election he was in extended out to the entire Party.

During the Primaries versus other Republicans for the party Candidacy Trump was saying if he lost it was because it was rigged.

During the 2016 GE at the time it looked like he would lose to Hilary, Trump was saying that was because it was rigged.

Long before a vote was cast in the 2020 GE versus Joe Biden, Trump was saying it was rigged.

All those claims on a future event that had not happened and in races (2 of them) that he won and then never pursued the riggers.

Trump also always bragged his supporters had all the guns in the US and on that we see that drumbeat rising.

There is now a constant undercurrent that is clearly saying 'if we, Republicans, do not get to win these elections, you will face our guns'. A clear attempt to normalize the thought and put it in peoples head as the appropriate and necessary reaction to a loss. It is a building Call to Action.

That society accepts this call is deeply disturbing.

Would anyone be shocked to see assassination attempts begin anew, of winning Dem's, if this type of rhetoric continues?

Would anyone be shocked if there is a plan to radicalize the most extreme Derps into GOP Jihadis who will gladly give their life to kill any Dem who wins an election by 'cheating' in an attempt to intimidate Dems from opposing GOP candidates, lest they be labeled with cheating?

Last edited by Cuepee; 09-14-2021 at 11:21 AM.
09-14-2021 , 11:20 AM
A statement by Catherine Englebrecht on the True The Vote website explains;

What We Did

In late 2020, True the Vote engaged a select team of contractors and set out to determine whether widespread ballot trafficking was occurring as part of an organized criminal enterprise.

We’d watched the mass mail out of paper ballots to highly inaccurate voter records, the harried installation of ballot dropboxes privately funded by billionaire tech magnates, and the hundreds of legislative changes, lawsuits, and the consent decree that fundamentally altered election processes. All of it came together in 2020, under the fog of COVID. It was planned. It was purposeful.

Having studied the election process for decades, our team was well aware of the pitfalls associated with America’s uniquely insecure approach to elections. We knew that attempts to prove certain types of election malfeasance would fail, so we chose instead to focus on the grifts that would necessarily leave trackable, provable data trails.

To test our trafficking theory, we acquired over ten trillion location-based cell signals in major metropolitan areas across six states. Initially, we worked with whistleblowers and witnesses, but soon enough, the data alone told the tale. Using mobile and GPS data, we mapped the travel patterns of ballot traffickers to ballot dropboxes.

This tracking method is explained in great detail by The New York Times in a series they ran called The Privacy Project. They and others have published much about how mobile data was used to track President Trump and identify individuals at the January 6th event at the Capitol. Law enforcement uses this type of data routinely. So, lest anyone say we did anything untoward, let us be very clear, all of this data is regularly bought and sold, about all of us.

What We Found

Our findings reveal overwhelming evidence of ballot trafficking, some of which is highlighted in the article. We have much more.

All our research, including suspected locations where ballots were delivered, processed, and distributed, along with the individual devices associated, has been submitted in the form of a formal complaint, along with all data, to the FBI. Briefings have been provided to state law enforcement and political leadership in several states. These conversations will continue to broaden in the coming days.

We’ve also acquired over a petabyte of video surveillance data. The quality of this video is inferior overall; lighting is bad, cameras are poorly positioned, timestamps are manipulated, key timeframes are often missing.

Nevertheless, we are working video by video, using proprietary AI-based code we’ve written to screen the over 100,000 clips in our possession. The result? We are successfully finding video evidence that corroborates the digital data and supports the need for full investigations by law enforcement.

Our novel approach offers never before seen insights into the exploitation of America’s elections.

This person’s route included stops at 5 organizations and 27 individual ballot dropboxes, traveling across 6 counties. Red dots represent ballot dropboxes, blue house icons (circled) represent targeted organizations, the blue line represents daily travel paths.

What Comes Next?

To date, law enforcement has not taken action.

Make no mistake; what we have found will be made known. If law enforcement doesn’t initiate investigations, we have plans to release all data, all video, publicly.

So, that’s where we are. This is a massive undertaking. And it continues. Once all six states are completed to the best of our ability, and if at that point law enforcement still has not acted, we will publicly release it all.

How long will that take? Hard to say. We could release what we have now. And we may. But if it serves the greater good to hold on a while longer, then that’s the option we will take.

One way or another ballot trafficking will soon be exposed on a massive scale.
09-14-2021 , 11:34 AM
At least they learned to stop giving specific deadlines, as they did lose a few derps when those passed by without anything happening. This way they can have the "ongoing process" last forever and continue to grift the derps.

I would ask someone like you how long you will wait before "wait and see" and "hard to say" no longer satisfies you, but I am guessing it would be essentially your expected lifespan.

All the best.
09-14-2021 , 12:27 PM
I find it increasingly difficult to believe there is anything behind Stop The Steal. If there was credible data to present, the early court cases would have been the best avenue for an election "reversal". To get dragged out this long can't be anything but a Ronco-matic "But wait, there's more"...... that really isn't "more"
09-14-2021 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I find it increasingly difficult to believe there is anything behind Stop The Steal. If there was credible data to present, the early court cases would have been the best avenue for an election "reversal". To get dragged out this long can't be anything but a Ronco-matic "But wait, there's more"...... that really isn't "more"
It's a cult, much like the whole Trump presidency was a cult. This is basically how cults operate.
09-14-2021 , 12:51 PM
This Bingo guy represents why that is a very valid business approach for that target market. Promise everything, deliver nothing but promises of future deliveries. Look at how much people like that buy into it, because they want to believe it. Very elegant business model.
09-14-2021 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I find it increasingly difficult to believe there is anything behind Stop The Steal. If there was credible data to present, the early court cases would have been the best avenue for an election "reversal". To get dragged out this long can't be anything but a Ronco-matic "But wait, there's more"...... that really isn't "more"
I think we can call that a lock.

If I say today that one day I will run for POTUS and the only way I can lose is if the system is rigged against me. And that is my M.O in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION, then the idea that anyone would take it as credible when I do then lose, is pretty crazy on its face.

That level of prognostication ability just does not exist on this planet.
09-14-2021 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
This Bingo guy represents why that is a very valid business approach for that target market. Promise everything, deliver nothing but promises of future deliveries. Look at how much people like that buy into it, because they want to believe it. Very elegant business model.
Certainly something a man of my boundless resource and bounded integrity might want to look into in future.
09-14-2021 , 01:13 PM
As someone who was on the happy receiving end of Trumpderp generosity in a rare spot where I could do it in an adversarial, competitive manner - I am tempted by the sheer idiocy of that group as a target, but it does help to actually share a chunk of their core beliefs if you plan to grift them. They are pretty stupid, but they also want to be told by people who are like them, and it is not easy to fake being them, so not sure the opportunity to grift them, as large as it is, is that accessible to those not genuinely living the derp lifestyle to some extent.
