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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

10-07-2021 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am completely lost as to the relevance of this question.
I ignore it. He asks it often at the weirdest points.

Tien is in to weird internet d*ck measuring contests. IN the BFI thread he kept suggesting I was fat and out of shape, while boasting how in shape he was, and challenging me in that regard as if it was relevant to the discussions when it was not.

So I finally called him on it. I proposed a bet and structure for us both to have that tested to see who was in better shape for their age. Everyone in the BFI forum was good with the structure and called for the bet to happen. Most of them hate me but still thought my bet should happen based on Tiens big talk. They were setting up a book for people to take action and said it was like the good ole days of 2+2 where many such bets took place.,

Tien then dropped out and got called out by the regulars for being all talk but it is his thing. He likes to ebrag as if his age, his wealth, his poker are all beyond anyone else's ability to compare. That is until he is challenged.
10-07-2021 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Tien

I am fine with the investigations happening.

Then you have no dispute with me as my issue with Deuces is that he says the Investigation should never have happened. He equated the foundations for the Riggie Investigations as equivalent to the foundations of the RussiaGate investigation.

I point out to him RiggieGate is complete garbage. There is not an ounce of foundation to any of it and Trumps own lawyers in court admit that (we are not alleging fraud) whereas the Russiagate was well funded and had to happen.

Glad we agree.
10-07-2021 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
He got banned from this Politics and Society subforum when it was created since the mods didn't want flaming as a part of it.

I think he grew up finally and stopped being belligerent and angry all the time.

Good for him, hope he is doing well in life. I argued a lot with him but he is a smart dude.
I still remember the great arguments with the anarcho capitalists. Definitely persuaded me away from their nonsense at the time.
10-07-2021 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
Trump did commit obstruction of justice.
So just the kinda thing that knocked Nixon out of office?

I wonder why other reaclearpolitics readers don't get warrants and sanctions leveled against them?
10-07-2021 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
Cuepee said in the immediate previous post that it was impossible that I was a poker player or a winning one.

I want to know how good a 2010 twoplustwo account holder that's in his 50s is at playing poker.
Ah. I missed cuepee's statement. You are both wrong if you think there is any significant correlation between success at online poker and success in other endeavors. Plenty of wealthy people are bored silly by the stakes of your average poker game and are too busy to think seriously about poker. They indisputably are poker fish. But they are not life fish by any stretch. And plenty of good poker players are deluded into thinking they are analytical geniuses in some sort of cosmic sense. As a result, they end up making all sorts of dumb investments with their money.

I also see little or no evidence that good pokers players are unusually clear thinkers about politics.

Last edited by Rococo; 10-07-2021 at 11:55 AM.
10-07-2021 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I say this all the time in so many areas with you but there is no chance you play poker (or well) as your entire MO is based on a belief system around Results based Thinking.
I would back Tien in a poker game against any of the Donks in this thread.... especially you, QP.
10-07-2021 , 11:58 AM
I agree with all of that but that is not my point though.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone who becomes truly good at poker can base most of their logic processing in Results based Thinking.

I guess it is possible to win and over come that massive flaw in deduction but I have not seen it. Most, if not all good players learn to eschew Results based Thinking as a basis of poor reasoning to get to ANY result.

Tien, consistently, not just in this thread, utilizes results based thinking to make his points. Hind sight analysis.

Thus my belief he cannot have that foundational logic mistake in life generally but somehow over come it at the poker tables.

Perhaps he can, but i doubt it as he clearly thinks it is sound.
10-07-2021 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I would back Tien in a poker game against any of the Donks in this thread.... especially you, QP.
I would take that on but in a live ring cash game in Vegas as that is my game.

I am due a trip to Vegas and I will take the side action bet of anyone that wants to bet against me.

I have no clue what Tien's skills are but I have yet to lose in Vegas so I am comfortable even if I lose the bet to him I will be mostly freerolling the side action with the money I will make at the table.

Get Tien to agree and I am ready to book a trip to Vegas early in the new year and we can build the betting side action book.

As always the tough part will be getting Tien to agree. Not me.
10-07-2021 , 12:13 PM
Complaining about the whole system while defending what trump&co were up to is a special kind of dumb
10-07-2021 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I would take that on but in a live ring cash game in Vegas as that is my game.

I am due a trip to Vegas and I will take the side action bet of anyone that wants to bet against me.

I have no clue what Tien's skills are but I have yet to lose in Vegas so I am comfortable even if I lose the bet to him I will be mostly freerolling the side action with the money I will make at the table.

Get Tien to agree and I am ready to book a trip to Vegas early in the new year and we can build the betting side action book.

As always the tough part will be getting Tien to agree. Not me.
I don't see how this bet would generate much action. Variance is so high. In a 4-6 hour session of full-ring live poker, I am guessing that any reasonably good player who wasn't on scared money would have a ~30% chance of up cashing out with more chips than an elite player. Odds obviously would depend on how bad the other players at the table were.
10-07-2021 , 12:36 PM
I don't think Cuepee realizes how terrible of a poker donk he is considering he doesn't play online poker and is a full ring live game player.

Cuepee has also never lost in Vegas.

I am an awful player by online 400NL 2021 standards, but yeah, a dude that plays live full ring only walks into an online poker forum thinking he knows anything about poker.

He probably never loaded up pokertracker in his life.
10-07-2021 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't see how this bet would generate much action. Variance is so high. In a 4-6 hour session of full-ring live poker, I am guessing that any reasonably good player who wasn't on scared money would have a ~30% chance of up cashing out with more chips than an elite player. Odds obviously would depend on how bad the other players at the table were.
Lot of variance at play, i agree.

That said, arriving on a Thursday, playing each day until Sunday evening. With agreement on games, tables and set hours of play.

Who leaves with the most money, is not a meaningless indicator for a fun bet.

Would I call it definitive or repeatable, even. No. I've played enough poker to know even a fish on a heater can crush games across an entire weekend.

But the bragging rights would be present regardless as would the side action bets.

And what is the downside? Poker in Vegas??
10-07-2021 , 12:42 PM

10-07-2021 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I don't think Cuepee realizes how much of a poker donk he is considering he doesn't play online poker and is a full ring live game player.

He has also never lost in Vegas.
Ahhh the 'only online players are good at Poker' solid logic based argument.

I did enjoy, every single time an online star player arrived at our brick and mortar casino as you always knew them. They always had to flash their giant bank roles. Found so many excuses to pull it out in plain view.

Most of them I would see took beatings at first, but quite a few could adjust to a live game, given time. Some became regulars and good ones at that. But they certainly did not school the other live players who were regulars and did not play online,

But once again that won't stop you whipping out your eDick and adding that to your brags on eAge, eFitness, eWealth and any of the internet dick measuring contests you are always trying to get in to.

That is until you are challenged and then suddenly you are not interested and that eDick gets tucked away real quick.

You would think after getting universally panned in the BFI for bailing on your own dick measuring contest that you would have learned your lesson but sometimes dumb just cannot learn.
10-07-2021 , 12:44 PM
You don't like Vegas?

You don't like live poker?

Or you don't think you can win?

Explain the funny.
10-07-2021 , 12:46 PM
I will gladly deposit money again on pokerstars and do 200NL full ring.
10-07-2021 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ahhh the 'only online players are good at Poker' solid logic based argument.

I did enjoy, every single time an online star player arrived at our brick and mortar casino as you always knew them. They always had to flash their giant bank roles. Found so many excuses to pull it out in plain view.

Most of them I would see took beatings at first, but quite a few could adjust to a live game, given time. Some became regulars and good ones at that. But they certainly did not school the other live players who were regulars and did not play online,

But once again that won't stop you whipping out your eDick and adding that to your brags on eAge, eFitness, eWealth and any of the internet dick measuring contests you are always trying to get in to.

That is until you are challenged and then suddenly you are not interested and that eDick gets tucked away real quick.

You would think after getting universally panned in the BFI for bailing on your own dick measuring contest that you would have learned your lesson but sometimes dumb just cannot learn.
This is amazing.

A live poker donk not knowing how bad he is at poker and bragging that he chews up online poker players.
10-07-2021 , 12:51 PM
Cuepee I dont think you can even break even at 200NL over 500 hands online on stars.

You have no comprehension of how difficult online games are today if you are just a live full ring player.

You are like a chicken walking into a crocodile den.
10-07-2021 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I will gladly deposit money again on pokerstars and do 200NL full ring.

So you are not interesting in Live games and I am not interested in Online ones.

Fair enough. We both have that right.

Maybe that should mean, since neither of us is willing to step up and provide any proof the attempts to establish the biggest eDick should stop. then right?

And since I have never been he one interested in those games, that statement is on you.

I am curious though why you don't like the live game option?
10-07-2021 , 01:11 PM
Oh i see the eDick measuring not only did not stop but is being ramped up.

Ok let me play.

'oh no Tien, my eDick is way bigger than yours. You would never last two seconds with me in a 50/100 nl cash game.

ROLOLOLOLOL! I am so much better than you. Haha you suck.

Ok Tien, now you go!
10-07-2021 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
So he recused himself and Rod Rosenstein hired special counsel Mueller to investigate it. Which all Democrats were on board with.
And if you go back to right after the announcement was made, Republicans were on board with it also. It was just a well founded and reasonable thing to investigate, unlike 2020 election fraud lies.
10-07-2021 , 01:19 PM
I would get up to 300 hands an hour 8 tabling online 6 max games.

Why would I play live where I get 20 hands an hour sitting next to scum at casinos.

You can't play online games because you just aren't a good player. There is no shame in that. Just accept it and move on.

Live only players are generally bad poker players. This was established back in 2004.
10-07-2021 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
And if you go back to right after the announcement was made, Republicans were on board with it also. It was just a well founded and reasonable thing to investigate, unlike 2020 election fraud lies.
We are in agreement. 2020 election fraud claims are one of the most shameful things ever done by a sitting president.
10-07-2021 , 01:25 PM
Pretty weird derail, but if anyone really wants to play online poker then I have no problem setting up some games against some of the players I back. This is not my entry into whatever this e-dick thing is going, rather I already have them currently playing many of the games mentioned and I am always fine with people who have not played for years joining those games.
10-07-2021 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Pretty weird derail, but if anyone really wants to play online poker then I have no problem setting up some games against some of the players I back. This is not my entry into whatever this e-dick thing is going, rather I already have them currently playing many of the games mentioned and I am always fine with people who have not played for years joining those games.
Just to save time, can you just transfer 5% of their bank rolls into my stars balance on the first of every month.

Just seems the most efficient way of doing it.
