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Riggie containment thread Riggie containment thread

09-08-2021 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
I don't deal with the tech stuff, so your idea about Bios passwords is better than mine.

The full canvass report is on Skillshare, if that makes you feel better Wet work. Who chooses to publish it from there is really beyond the control of the authors...a bit like a Youtube video embed. Other sites have the ability to embed whatever Youtube videos they want.

The internet is a confusing place for me too!
Are you sweating a certain date? Have you hooked donnie up to your bank account yet or are you just more of a weekend/casual player?
09-08-2021 , 10:37 PM
Makes sense people would post stuff for derps on Skillshare as they get paid per minute watched, and there is no vetting for the most part on that site as to who can post what type of "teaching" materials. Definitely a logical way to monetize derps.

Originally Posted by bingobazza
Here is an army intelligence officer and former baseball analyst (Moneyball comes to mind for some reason) going through the big picture. 5 minute video...interesting.

No one will watch whatever you post so just give the cliffs as to when the Pope will be arrested and the latest date Trump will be re-instated. Also, what's new with pillow guy? Thanks!

All the best.
09-08-2021 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Makes sense people would post stuff for derps on Skillshare as they get paid per minute watched, and there is no vetting for the most part on that site as to who can post what type of "teaching" materials. Definitely a logical way to monetize derps.

No one will watch whatever you post so just give the cliffs as to when the Pope will be arrested and the latest date Trump will be re-instated. Also, what's new with pillow guy? Thanks!

All the best.
He's like TheoryJuice, but somehow, better! TJ would be explaining to me right now how I don't understand BIOS passwords or something.
09-08-2021 , 11:16 PM
You guys are probably's only 180k votes in AZ. Nothing likely to happen and they'll be forced hand over the routers soon too. Likely to be another nothing burger.

Skillshare sure seems like a ******ed way to monetise derps...conduct thousands of canvasses to make like $100 on Skillshare? If what you're claiming is right and thats their master plan, then they're idiots.

Somehow, I don't think that was their goal...but there's plenty of idiots around.
09-09-2021 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
You guys are probably's only 180k votes in AZ. Nothing likely to happen and they'll be forced hand over the routers soon too. Likely to be another nothing burger.

Skillshare sure seems like a ******ed way to monetise derps...conduct thousands of canvasses to make like $100 on Skillshare? If what you're claiming is right and thats their master plan, then they're idiots.

Somehow, I don't think that was their goal...but there's plenty of idiots around.
I've def. seen some artists on yt who sing the praises of skillshare above other things for what it's done for their income/the overall % it comprises. Put up a video and then collect passive income as long as people keep watching.
09-09-2021 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
People go to the gateway pundit for news? I thought it was just the young filipino boys or something

The wiki page is a good read.
09-09-2021 , 03:04 AM
I'm surprised theres not more pushback on the facts of the canvass if I'm honest.

So you guys are ok with their collection methodology?

No one see any issue with their findings?

09-09-2021 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
English translation: do you understand? do you get it?

Italian to English translations [Non-PRO]
Italian term or phrase: capice

English translation:do you understand? do you get it?
usually in the form of a question; the standard Italian form should be "capisci" (second person, informal) or "capisce" (third person, formal)
In the American form the last vowel is dropped, but in Italian all vowels are pronounced.
I have no idea what is; I'll stick with sites like Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, or Collins.

I honestly don't care much, as it's really sort of an informal/slang anglicization of an Italian word, and there may well be other sources that back you up. I only mentioned it because you might confuse people with "capice", as it definitely appears to be an uncommon spelling, and if the reader hadn't seen it before, the pronunciation might not be apparent to them.

But now that we have bingo back, this thread should be much more fun than dictionary debates, so I'll leave it at that.
09-09-2021 , 03:15 AM
I'm not really back as much as I was...sorry guys. I'm flat out busy right now. Will only be posting data that comes out and responding to criticisms of the know, non-toddler responses. I just don't have time to respond to the boring, predictable, repetitive posts. Sorry not sorry.
09-09-2021 , 06:54 AM
I guess the Pope will not be arrested this week then. Thanks for the update!

All the best.
09-09-2021 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by bingobazza
This is going to court.
How does the "going to court" part work? Who is going to court?
09-09-2021 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I have no idea what is; I'll stick with sites like Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, or Collins.

I honestly don't care much, as it's really sort of an informal/slang anglicization of an Italian word, and there may well be other sources that back you up. I only mentioned it because you might confuse people with "capice", as it definitely appears to be an uncommon spelling, and if the reader hadn't seen it before, the pronunciation might not be apparent to them.

But now that we have bingo back, this thread should be much more fun than dictionary debates, so I'll leave it at that.
it just seems to be an alternative more casual form. Perhaps even adopted from erroneous casual use as many words evolve from.

Alternative forms
* capice * * capiche * capeesh * capisch * capishe * coppish
09-09-2021 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
What's the text of the George P comment that properly founded a 3 year investigation that found nothing but made continuous outrageous claims the whole time?

I see someone has picked up the latter of the two wild elections conspiracies so I will give it a rest and wait on that text.
Here you go.

Again there is no reality at any point in time, Trump or no Trump, where such a claim coming in from foreign intelligence to US intelligence would not demand an Investigation be opened to look into it.


Papadopoulos brag to Australian diplomat was key factor in FBI's Russia probe
An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported.

...Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told the diplomat, Alexander Downer, during a meeting in London in May 2016 that Russia had thousands of emails that would embarrass Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the report said. Downer, a former foreign minister, is Australia's top diplomat in Britain....
09-09-2021 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Even better, this is the author's self description:

Joe Hoft is the twin brother of TGP's founder, Jim Hoft, and a contributing editor at TGP. Joe's reporting is often months ahead of the Mainstream media as was observed in his reporting on the Mueller sham investigation, the origins of the China coronavirus, and 2020 Election fraud. Joe was a corporate executive in Hong Kong for a decade and has years of experience in finance, IT, operations and auditing around the world. The knowledge gained in his career provide him with a unique perspective of current events in the US and globally. He has ten degrees or designations and is the author of three books. Joe is currently co-host of the morning radio show in St. Louis at 93.3 "Tomorrow's News Today". His new book: 'In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics' is out now - please take a look and buy a copy.
09-09-2021 , 08:58 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
What if Putin didn't really care which figurehead voters decide on? Trump didn't even owe his ascension to the existing patronage networks and he still continued with the foreign policies preferred by the Washington consensus.

Putin isn't dumb like us, thinking that who is president of America matters all that much. There is no real correlation between the majority's policy preferences and what actually happens. This is the richest country in the world. We see less rich countries with universal healthcare. The majority is in favor of it. Politicians tell us no like we are a dog caught humping a hot bowl of mash potatoes.

Among the assertions never proven or sufficiently was the Russian preference for Trump to win. It's a reasonable assumption, but even if there even was a preference, the strength of the preference has been way overestimated.
Honestly you need to just stop. If you are so ignorant on this topic that you do not know any of the facts then stop speaking as if you do.


- Putin did care
-Putin thought Trump mattered as a benefit to Russia
- It is not an assertion. It is a restating of Putin's own words so nothing has to be proven it just needs to be quoted or the video provided.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump's policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin.

"Yes, I did. Yes, I did. ..."
09-09-2021 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
[...]"Tomorrow's News Today"[...]
This title irks me.
09-09-2021 , 01:17 PM
If I played the lotto, it sounds like a good place to get the numbers.....
09-09-2021 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Unemployment was low and, after a bizarre lag, wages had started to increase in response. That's how I am judging the economy. If you look at the exit polls you can clearly see that Biden got a lot of votes based on the expectation his regime would handle covid better.
The economy was okay. If Trump was a typical POTUS that started office with 55% approval and muddled around between +3 and -3 net approval for 4 years he would have probably been something like a 2:1 favorite. But he literally never had a + average at any point in his approval polling.

He also barely won the first time with low vote total in key states (PA, WI, MI). Like Tammy Baldwin got more votes in WI in the 2018 midterm than Trump got to win it in 2016. I don't think that has ever happened in US history before in a state the president carried and was a major warning sign for Trump's chances. That you are sure Trump would have won if not for Covid just shows how shallow your thinking is. Nobody who knows even the basics about US elections could make that declaration.

Trump was exonerated by the Mueller report. The strategy of confronting Trump with a bunch of damn lies was forced by Trumps populist rhetoric for which the Democrats had no substantive reply. Then Trump's tax cuts and neocon foreign policy passed with little judgement.
Trump was not exonerated as Mueller clearly said. If they were confident Trump committed no crimes, they would have said so. They were unable to make that declaration after investigating.

You're of course also leaving out the fact that Trump got impeached for threatening to withhold taxpayer money congress released to a foreign nation until they made an announcement of a sham investigation into a political opponent resulting in the first ever vote to convict a President by a Senator from his own party.
09-09-2021 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
That you are sure Trump would have won if not for Covid just shows how shallow your thinking is. Nobody who knows even the basics about US elections could make that declaration.
When Nate Silver's site was predicting Trump wouldn't win the repub primary I was in here detailing their specific errors. Just ask let'sgambool. My thinking isn't shallow. It might not be correct, but it's not shallow and it's more likely to be correct than yours. Covid dominated the election and Trump obviously mishandled it to the point where, for a moment, politics changed from trying to inflict psychic pain on your cultural enemy to considerations of life and death. **** go real and Trump still didn't lose by much. Biden was barely visible in the run up. They would have never been able to hide him like that in a more typical cycle. What was the chance of Biden bleeding from his eyes again in public with more appearances and what's the chance of people being forgiving the 2nd time?

Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Trump was not exonerated as Mueller clearly said. If they were confident Trump committed no crimes, they would have said so. They were unable to make that declaration after investigating.
In this scenario you can't prove a negative. The strongest exoneration possible was that there was no evidence of collusion. Trump was exonerated as strongly as anyone can be. If they investigated you for the same crimes or activities they would then say the same exact thing. But then they have no reason to use their investigation of you as multi-year smear machine because you're not threatening the war machine with you populist rhetoric.
09-09-2021 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
When Nate Silver's site was predicting Trump wouldn't win the repub primary I was in here detailing their specific errors. Just ask let'sgambool. My thinking isn't shallow. It might not be correct, but it's not shallow and it's more likely to be correct than yours. Covid dominated the election and Trump obviously mishandled it to the point where, for a moment, politics changed from trying to inflict psychic pain on your cultural enemy to considerations of life and death. **** go real and Trump still didn't lose by much. Biden was barely visible in the run up. They would have never been able to hide him like that in a more typical cycle. What was the chance of Biden bleeding from his eyes again in public with more appearances and what's the chance of people being forgiving the 2nd time?
I mean, this is incredibly shallow. You didn't address any of the key weaknesses Trump had pre-covid that I pointed out. Like you said the economy is good so an incumbent is hard to beat. But it's also really hard to get re-elected when you have such low approval for 4 straight years like Trump. It's also not easy to win re-election when you didn't have an overwhelming victory like Obama 08. Most presidents who won the elction but lost the popular vote did not win reelection. Couple that to the fact that Trump got less votes than Obama 2012 in the key Midwestern states and it's almost impossible for Trump to glide to re-election like Obama.

It's actually not even certain Trump doesn't lose by even more without Covid. He got a ton more votes and a higher % than he did in 2016. But that just shows how precarious his situation was; even though he increased his vote total by 20% he still couldn't win. Obama in 2012 lost about 6% of his support and still won easily.

In this scenario you can't prove a negative. The strongest exoneration possible was that there was no evidence of collusion. Trump was exonerated as strongly as anyone can be. If they investigated you for the same crimes or activities they would then say the same exact thing. But then they have no reason to use their investigation of you as multi-year smear machine because you're not threatening the war machine with you populist rhetoric.
That's directly contradicted by Mueller's testimony. He said he did not exonerate Trump, which you lied about and if he was convinced Trump did not commit a crime he would have said so. I understand you're just parroting Trump/republican lies, but they are lies.
09-09-2021 , 07:33 PM
Half of trump's rhetoric was based on rebuilding the military that obama 'decimated'/took away all of their bullets

Obama campaigned on ending wars too--I remember tons of death threats flying around.

Politics is weird--overall obama brought home far more troops/cut military spending quite a bit but it wasn't perceived as enough by many. trump brought home some/shifted around others and put military spending back on an upward track and was dubbed a god-king
09-10-2021 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
How does the "going to court" part work? Who is going to court?
In broad terms, the people who are OK with 34% of the electorate being disenfranchised through fraud will seek a judicial remedy against the people who don't think its ok in a democracy that 34% of the electorate are disenfranchised through fraud, should the latter seek to re-enfranchise those 34% of voters, which would lead to decertification of the election results.

Theres also the DOJ threat, in a letter in May, saying criminal charges could be brought against theres two possibilities of a court showdown here that I can think off.

Of course, the parties who are OK with fraudulently disenfranchising 34% of the electorate will need to disprove the published data to make their case stand...and thats quite a high bar when there are more than 300 fact witnesses from the more than 900 who were canvassed who now realise their votes weren't counted.

34% is breathtaking and banana republicesque in it's scale. No one who cares about freedom should be OK with this, regardless of the outcome.
09-10-2021 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
That's directly contradicted by Mueller's testimony. He said he did not exonerate Trump, which you lied about and if he was convinced Trump did not commit a crime he would have said so. I understand you're just parroting Trump/republican lies, but they are lies.
I know he said that. I disagree. Are we allowed to disagree on the interpretation of someone's actions? Or in your mind because someone does something they have a monopoly on describing it?

Someone said someone did something. A group of prosecutors and their support spent almost 3 years and 40 million dollars looking for evidence of said something. They found no evidence of the something. That is an exoneration. Tell me how could Trump possibly be more exonerated if he wasn't by that statement of Mueller's. Are you so entranced by authority that you can't even define a word based on it's dictionary meaning if an authority figure contradicts it? You are just a precious baby.
09-10-2021 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I mean, this is incredibly shallow. You didn't address any of the key weaknesses Trump had pre-covid that I pointed out. Like you said the economy is good so an incumbent is hard to beat. But it's also really hard to get re-elected when you have such low approval for 4 straight years like Trump. It's also not easy to win re-election when you didn't have an overwhelming victory like Obama 08. Most presidents who won the elction but lost the popular vote did not win reelection. Couple that to the fact that Trump got less votes than Obama 2012 in the key Midwestern states and it's almost impossible for Trump to glide to re-election like Obama.
You are looking at factors that have historically mattered somewhat. That's fine. But my approach isn't limited to that. The figure of Trump or covid would, in my view, make the election rather "nonlinear". Most of your arguments aren't compelling to me.

I mean I know to start off you will be consuming trends pushed by a media which was hell bent on taking down Trump. They are going to tell you 500 ways he can lose and not a single way he can way. Someone like you will just consume that day after day and never give a thought as to whether it is designed to intentionally bias you.
09-10-2021 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

You're citing a public appearance where Putin, standing right next to the newly elected POTUS, is asked if he wanted that POTUS right next to him to win as evidence that yes, he really did want Trump to win?

There are precious babies everywhere in here now I guess. I'm starting to feel weird just being here, like a guy with no kids hanging out at a playground.

Of course Putin is going to say he wanted Trump to win in that setup. There is less information in that quote than in a Barry Greenstein continuation bet.

You know the orange bad man is gone now, right? You should give yourself permission to start thinking again.
