Nice resume of libertarian economics , you are a good apostle !
Sad all the data’s doesn’t agree with you ...
If taxes wouldn’t help the poor the proofs in the United States would be in the best place ever but unfortunately, the popes in the US are in the worst position in the G7 ...
“Over the past 50 years, the highest-earning 20% of U.S. households have steadily brought in a larger share of the country’s total income. In 2018, households in the top fifth of earners (with incomes of $130,001 or more that year) brought in 52% of all U.S. income, more than the lower four-fifths combined, according to Census Bureau data.”
“ Income inequality in the U.S. is the highest of all the G7 nations, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.”
“ The wealth gap between America’s richest and poorer families more than doubled from 1989 to 2016, according to a recent analysis by the Center.”
“ Middle-class incomes have grown at a slower rate than upper-tier incomes over the past five decades, the same analysis found. From 1970 to 2018, the median middle-class income increased from $58,100 to $86,600, a gain of 49%. By comparison, the median income for upper-tier households grew 64% over that time, from $126,100 to $207,400.”
Seems beside the non existence of the diminishing returns , you totally disregard the fact that the capitalism you speak of isn’t fair and doesn’t work the way you say it will because pure capitalism default is too concentrated more and more wealth in less and less of earners having it !
Which mean as time goes by , wealth gap increase and the economy is profiting less and less to the majority .....