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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

Today , 12:50 AM
Suppose the west chose not to arm Ukraine as you seemingly desire. Now all of Ukraine is taken over by Russia, and they (and the rest of the world) know that there is zero consequences to militaristic aggression in the isolationist dystopia you advocate for. Which country do you think they take over next? And which one after that? And at what point do you dig your head out of the sand and recognize that there is a moral imperative to support the defense of nations like Ukraine even were it not for the obvious benefits it has to the west to prevent such aggression.

Ultimately, Canada despite low deficit to GDP numbers, and despite low NATO contributions, still is only spending (yes, including procurement) a tiny fraction of its annual military budget on Ukraine. If you only care about cost, the bang for the buck at decimating Russian offensive capacities for a generation is remarkable.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by franklymydearirais
Haven't you people learned anything from history?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by franklymydearirais
It's simply not accurate to describe Canadian military aid to Ukraine as just a bunch of equipment we were going to mothball anyway. A lot of it has been spent on the procurement of brand new military equipment. For example, of the 40,000 rounds of 155mm ammunition for the M777 Howitzer half came from existing stock, and half we purchased from the US. A National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System at a cost of 406 million was purchased from the US. 200 Armored Vehicles were purchased through procurement at a cost of 92 million. 39 armoured combat vehicles were procured. And of the equipment which we did have, most of it is presumably getting replaced anyway, so the taxpayer is on the hook again.

Haven't you people learned anything from history? Look at what happened when Obama et. al decided to intervene in Syria. There is always some bad person in the world doing some bad thing. What you people are advocating for is perpetual war for perpetual peace. Foreign intervention, even "just" in the form of military aid, has unintended consequences. Efforts to destabilize the Assad regime simply lead to millions of Syrians being displaced and a civil war that saw hundreds of thousands of casualties. And this is just the latest interventionist disaster. Sending military equipment to Ukraine is causing the needless death and suffering of the Ukrainian people, in order to bleed the Russians. That is the real intent behind the military aid, not to enable the Ukranians to win, but to ensure that the Russians endure a devastating war of attrition a la the Afghan trap of the 1980s (ironically a trap the United States would walk into themselves two decades later). Absent the aid, Zelensky would have been forced to settle the war long ago, or have been defeated already. Either way the war would be over and the people of the region could go about resuming their lives.

It's none of our business what goes on in the middle east, or Kyiv, and the Canadian taxpayer shouldn't be forced to subsidize idiotic geopolitical power struggles. The Trudeau Liberals have bankrupted Canada, and it is going to be up to the next government to start picking up the pieces of returning our nation to a state of fiscal stability and prosperity. This means dramatic reduces to all areas of government spending. Reducing the size and scope of the state, and looking into other means of balancing the budget and financing tax cuts, like the privatization of crown corporations, the sale of crown land and government buildings (once the bureaucrats within them are fired), salary reductions for the public service, putting an end to junkets, and otherwise looking for creative ways to reduce government expenditures.
remember when US didnt intervene in europe from 1939-42 ans how costly it was ?
at the beginning it was one country and then 2 ,etc..
to believe putin is benevolent is incredibly naive.

U seem to think letting invading countries by dictator is a good thing.
u must be very young if u think a big russia is a good thing for the world.

As for trudeau bankrupting canada lol...
Canada still has one of the best debt ratio compare to its economy in the developed world.
Stop drinking the koolaid...

U know europe are good allies to us, i dont understand why u think having allies is a bad thing ????

but fwiw u are right in one thing.
Obama was terrible in the conflict with syria.

the red line fiasco created lots of problem and he didjnt had the balls to finish the jobs.
Putin saw that and took that occasion to invade Crimea not long after....knowing obama was weak.

that is what dictator do, they see weakness and they go forward.

what u think happened in ukrayne aftwerwards in 2022 ?
putin thought NATO was weak , thx to trump... and Putin invaded in 2022 thinking Trump had made a good job destabilizing NATO.
Ho boy what a surprise Putin got tho....

But as you letting those people (XI in China) , Putin, etc. is a very bad idea....
fwiw look at what China is doing presently in the south China sea while the US is too Busy with Russia and other issues at home....
they bullying the entire region , not respecting international laws and trying to gain domination on all the maritimes commerce access and militarizing many little island for that issue.

You probably have no idea how profitable for Canada the world is when the west, lead by the US, control the world economy and to what extent...

Last edited by Montrealcorp; Today at 03:06 AM.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
Today , 05:10 AM
The US did intervene in 1939 , 1940, 1941 (sending MASSIVE aid to UK, France, and Russia) even before joining WW2 as a participant in full (which only happened because of Pearl Harbor).
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
