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Police brutality and police reform (US) Police brutality and police reform (US)

08-06-2020 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
It's not necessarily a crime to pass a hooky bill, though in Floyd's case, given his history, it probably was a crime and he probably knew it was hooky. But, because of the historic 'us and them' element, it's claimed, with some plausibility, that the police officers would have acted with more restraint and respect, and would have been less likely to kill him -- flat-out kill him, leaving nothing to chance, in full public view -- if he hadn't been black.
I respectfully disagree. They treated Tony Timpa in the same manner and then made jokes over his death and Timpa was white. One of the cops tried to administer CPR to GF and stated Chauvin shouldn't be doing this, which belies the racism claim. Footage was earlier posted in this forum of black cops brutalizing black suspects.
Re actual shootings, they treated Daniel Shaver even more harshly than Rayshard Brooks as Shaver didn't fire a taser, he reached behind his back which was reason enough for the police to shoot him and Shaver was White. Dylan Noble who was also white was shot for approaching the police, same as Michael Brown who was black. Both Timpa and Floyd's death were due to excessive police force and I hope Chauvin is convicted. I think those involved in Timpa's death should have been charged too. But I don't think Floyd's murder was due to race and everything to do with bad police behaviour.

Yet the likes of wookie simply hand waves conflicting data away with the blue excuse whilenot addressing how many POC have made police chief to begin with despite all this systemic racism, which nonetheless has mostly minority cops with the LAPD for example. These people are only interested in narratives which they get from watching the likes of the Daily Show instead of critically examining the data objectively.American MSM are purely race baiting, with their "White cop on black suspect" headlines re Chauvin, straight away going for the juicy racial clickbait angle. It's a crock imv and very irresponsible and immoral behaviour on their part.

Re dodgy bills, it was handled wrongly from the start. The clerk didn't realise until after the transaction that the bill may have been fake and states GF refused to give him back the purchased cigs and change and seemed under the influence. That's why the cops were called. Clerk should have checked bill straight away that's SOP when I used to work front office in Hospitality. I occasionally received dodgy bills myself, I never checked them later. So again was handled wrong from the start.

Last edited by corpus vile; 08-06-2020 at 05:01 AM.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Racially charged cuz of race baiters, so expect contempt to ensue.
remember when you argued for weeks that Arbury killers werent racist?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Doubling down on your stupid take, I see. I've been calling for throwing the book at these cops from the beginning.

I have said over and over I am against cops killing people. Are you paying attention at all?

Actually, I myself and virtually all conservatives I read and associate with literally DISPROVE your rule.
Yes, I know you are against police abuse of power.

But in general conservatives are too quick to believe the police narratives and let them off at the first excuse.

I mean, read this thread and you'll see people saying that since Floyd was high the charge won't stick. That's illogical and a rational person wouldn't think that way, but any excuse will do when it's an authority figure.

You don't think conservatives are more likely to blindly follow authority figures than progressives ?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:58 AM

This is Portland riots night 70 and still going strong. Look. All the protesters are white (and often privileged and wealth). Many of the police officers are black, brown and often women and coming from very humble beginnings.

The optics of this movement in Portland are horrible. Which is probably one of the main reasons the liberal MSM has decided to more or less pretend it isn't happening at all.

Could you imagine if we were on Day 70 of an uprising in the South that was mostly privileged whites attacking black and Hispanic police officers night after night after night. The media would be in an absolute frenzy. The entire wokesphere would be in perpetual outrage.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100

This is Portland riots night 70 and still going strong. Look. All the protesters are white (and often privileged and wealth). Many of the police officers are black, brown and often women and coming from very humble beginnings.

The optics of this movement in Portland are horrible. Which is probably one of the main reasons the liberal MSM has decided to more or less pretend it isn't happening at all.

Could you imagine if we were on Day 70 of an uprising in the South that was mostly privileged whites attacking black and Hispanic police officers night after night after night. The media would be in an absolute frenzy. The entire wokesphere would be in perpetual outrage.
If only these privileged white kids could be more like the poor uneducated white kids and not get upset that a black guy was murdered on a live stream.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Yes, I know you are against police abuse of power.

But in general conservatives are too quick to believe the police narratives and let them off at the first excuse.
Citation needed

I mean, read this thread and you'll see people saying that since Floyd was high the charge won't stick. That's illogical and a rational person wouldn't think that way, but any excuse will do when it's an authority figure.
Citation needed.

You don't think conservatives are more likely to blindly follow authority figures than progressives ?
Citation needed.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey

Do you have source that shows with all else equal women and POC have been and still are discriminated against by corporate hiring practices?
Hey Mickey.

You requested 'sources' and i provided them (again below here).

Hope to see you reply as I often say it is a waste of time to dig up citations and sources for certain people as they will just ignore them and just repeat the same claims later, as if they were never posted, if they do not like what they say.

Bumping for you to reply.

Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100

This is Portland riots night 70 and still going strong. Look. All the protesters are white
Obviously false, as long as you don't cherrypick your pictures.

(and often privileged and wealth).
lol, you just made this up.
Many of the police officers are black, brown and often women
The next time you post a picture of a female officer on the riot line will be the first.

and coming from very humble beginnings.
Another something you just imagined.
The optics of this movement in Portland are horrible.
The ones you invented, sure.

Which is probably one of the main reasons the liberal MSM has decided to more or less pretend it isn't happening at all.

Could you imagine if we were on Day 70 of an uprising

in the South that was mostly privileged whites attacking black and Hispanic police officers night after night after night.
You've not shown a single instance of officers getting attacked, other than, like lasers shined at them and umbrellas waved in their general direction.

The media would be in an absolute frenzy. The entire wokesphere would be in perpetual outrage.
In your imagination.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100

This is Portland riots night 70 and still going strong. Look. All the protesters are white (and often privileged and wealth). Many of the police officers are black, brown and often women and coming from very humble beginnings.

The optics of this movement in Portland are horrible. Which is probably one of the main reasons the liberal MSM has decided to more or less pretend it isn't happening at all.

Could you imagine if we were on Day 70 of an uprising in the South that was mostly privileged whites attacking black and Hispanic police officers night after night after night. The media would be in an absolute frenzy. The entire wokesphere would be in perpetual outrage.
Is this your way of suggesting that the white people are being traitors to their race and this issue would get almost no traction if only the white people would stay in their lane?

As the latter is probably true. When It is solely indigenous or any 'other' raising abuse issues, it is far less likely to resonate with those in charge, if they do not see broad buy in across demographic lines.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100

Could you imagine if we were on Day 70 of an uprising in the South that was mostly privileged whites attacking black and Hispanic police officers night after night after night. The media would be in an absolute frenzy. The entire wokesphere would be in perpetual outrage.
Dude, the Feds etc have been fighting what amounts to a hot drug war in NorthernCA for ~40yrs and it hardly ever makes the news. Basically every cannabis 'crime' is a misdemeanor(minus kids involved) in CA now and they're still at it. When has what's going on in Oregon at all ever really been in the larger public's mind? Almost never that's when lol. Something like probably at least 80% of the country couldn't point to Portland or Eugene with no hints on a map if their life depended on it. How many people do you think wake up and say gee I wonder what's happening in Oregon today lol? 9? And the amount of people involved is like what? A medium sized music venue? The public just doesn't really care to hear about it constantly--it's really not a big enough story to sustain prolonged attention.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You debated dishonestly in the AA thread and asserted the evidence against the CP5 was "false" without even attempting to refute it so you're another one whose opinion is pretty worthless. But you're more than welcome to go home as you don't contribute anything of merit anyway.
i did use a bunch of facts about the case in the ahmaud arbery thread against you, i understand that can be hard.

and yes, i do have a thing against forced confessions from minors/near minors being used as "evidence".

you also keep bringing up tony timpa as some kind of gotcha, like we dont already agree that Police treatment of mentally ill individuals is also ****ing terrible, and worthy of them losing funding. and that the officers obviously should have been fired and prosecuted in his death. you also aren't in here betraying your Gotcha attempt by yelling that he died partly of a cocaine induced heart attack like the crew is now trying to do to George Floyd..
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Citation needed

Citation needed.

Citation needed.
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds View Post
Yes, I know you are against police abuse of power.

But in general conservatives are too quick to believe the police narratives and let them off at the first excuse.
Citation needed

Strong majorities of Republicans believe that police only use deadly force when necessary (80%), are impartial (78%) and courteous (74%), and are held accountable for their actions (76%). This stands in contrast to Democrats, among whom a majority believe police are too quick to use lethal force (63%), fail to be impartial (60%), and aren’t held accountable (59%). Race can’t explain this pattern: It persists among white Republicans and white Democrats as well.

I mean, read this thread and you'll see people saying that since Floyd was high the charge won't stick. That's illogical and a rational person wouldn't think that way, but any excuse will do when it's an authority figure.
Citation needed.

That would be the thread you're trying to read.

You don't think conservatives are more likely to blindly follow authority figures than progressives ?
Citation needed.

Jost’s research also suggests that a preference for authoritarian leadership styles is associated with Republicans—and with support for Trump in particular. Since at least the 1960s, research has shown that voters who prefer authoritarian styles are more likely to favor Republican presidential candidates, and 2016 was no different. But Jost and his colleagues wondered how that preference might describe voters who favored Trump over other Republican primary candidates.

They found that Trump supporters scored higher than other Republican supporters on two particular facets of authoritarianism: authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance (that is, a preference for group-based social hierarchies). These voters were more likely to support statements asserting that the country needs more law and order and that some groups are naturally inferior to others (Womick, J., et al., Social Psychology and Perso
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Social media callouts, property damage, same thing!
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The letter is "threatening" them with a boycott and putting them on blast on Twitter. You guys are transparently dishonest as always.
While I will agree with you all that property damage in some cases (broken windows, graffiti, etc) isn't as bad as bad reviews and booking reservations then not showing, but property damage that BLM/rioters have done over the last month or so can also be worse (burning buildings, etc).
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by rileymadison2345
You sidestepped the question nicely there... Lets try to reframe so we can get a more direct answer..
A business is presented with 2 options for hiring
1) choose the most qualified candidates regardless of race
2)ensure that POC are represented proportionately regardless of qualification

Is the business racist if they chose 1 and the majority of the employees are the same race?
Actually the 3rd option (the one that is overwhelmingly selected, is hire the white person regardless if they are the most qualified.

This isn’t hard. You act like these businesses are doing the work to only hire the best candidates for retail level jobs. Which because they seriously under hire people of color, implies people of color are less qualified for these jobs which is nonsense.

So yeah if a quota to hire people of color is needed to offset hundreds of years of hiring whites regardless of qualifications that is okay. Especially since they are only asking for an actual representation of the population. Of course if you think people of color are not as qualified to do entry level retail work you might disagree.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You don't agree that choking someone to death is the opposite of showing concern for their medical state ?

I guess this is why why progressives and conservatives will never find common ground. Most progressives don't think being high and irrational is grounds for a summary execution.

Conservatives really don't mind.
If being high and irrational warranted a death sentence, millions of Trump supporters would be in grave peril.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Where are you getting that opinion from ?

Murder 2 does not include premeditation. It merely includes 'intent' which can still easily be established given the 10 minutes he choked him out and the fact that he continued to kneel on his neck for minutes after Floyd was unresponsive (already dead).
I think anyone who was not mentally incapacitated would know the probability of permanent harm or death from kneeling on someone’s neck is huge, even from a relatively short period of time. Increasing that time five fold while people nearby tell you you are killing him and he keeps saying he can’t breath....

Not sure what other intent could be ascribed to Chauvin’s actions other than murder, but I am interested to see those who saw a different video think his intent was kneeling on his neck for almost nine minutes.

Seems if there is only a single reasonable path to intent that it would make it fairly easy to prove in a court. But again I am open to hear what other possible intent Chauvin had. Perhaps break it down by minute. What was his intent at minute 1? Minute 2? Minute 5? Minute 8? What was his intent at minute eight (several minutes after he already murdered the victim) was he just resting?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by lvr
the video proved that there was nothing racist about the cops involved in the case

the cops gave george floyd plenty of opportunities to comply

how hard it is for cops to deal with someone drugged off his face with mental problems not wanting to comply

yet here we are still bashing the police lol
“If you don’t comply we will murder you black dude!”

I guess they did give him a chance. RIP George Floyd. He wouldn’t get in the back of a police car.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
If you heard how cops talk in their off time here--I guarantee you you'd come away with a different viewpoint It's not a narrative it's just reality.
Don’t point out CV’s ignorance of America. “IT’S NOT FAIRRRRR” no matter how extreme it is.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
While I will agree with you all that property damage in some cases (broken windows, graffiti, etc) isn't as bad as bad reviews and booking reservations then not showing, but property damage that BLM/rioters have done over the last month or so can also be worse (burning buildings, etc).
What about the damage done by right wing provocateurs who committed all kinds of seriously damaging acts under the cover of peaceful protesting?
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
remember when you argued for weeks that Arbury killers werent racist?
No I didn't.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:54 PM
Can we cut out the extraneous personal attacks ITT please, thanks.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i did use a bunch of facts about the case in the ahmaud arbery thread against you, i understand that can be hard.
No you didn't you made a bunch of faalse claims about me, spot the diff? You then refused to provide the verbatim quotes to support your false claims.

and yes, i do have a thing against forced confessions from minors/near minors being used as "evidence".
Another false claim by you they weren't forced confessions, nor did any of the 5 confess to rape they blamed each other instead. Nor did annoy court establish the confessions as forced. Nor where the mainly minority member jury overtly impressed with the confessions anyway, they were swayed by the forensic evidence. You aren't aware of the facts of this case

you also keep bringing up tony timpa as some kind of gotcha, like we don't already agree that Police treatment of mentally ill individuals is also ****ing terrible, and worthy of them losing funding. and that the officers obviously should have been fired and prosecuted in his death. you also aren't in here betraying your Gotcha attempt by yelling that he died partly of a cocaine induced heart attack like the crew is now trying to do to George Floyd..
Nope, not a gotcha, Timpa was treated just the same as Floyd, worse in fact as the cops didn't mock George Floyd after his death, like they did Timpa. That belies the racism narrative. I already said itt I consider Floyd's death murder, and am not interested what others said about cocaine.

Nothing you've said in your last post is true.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:08 PM
I, for one, would quite like a CP5 thread. There are a bunch of posts at the end of this thread (starting around #507, but a few before) which could be merged into it as well:
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
No you didn't you made a bunch of faalse claims about me, spot the diff? You then refused to provide the verbatim quotes to support your false claims.

Another false claim by you they weren't forced confessions, nor did any of the 5 confess to rape they blamed each other instead. Nor did annoy court establish the confessions as forced. Nor where the mainly minority member jury overtly impressed with the confessions anyway, they were swayed by the forensic evidence. You aren't aware of the facts of this case

Nope, not a gotcha, Timpa was treated just the same as Floyd, worse in fact as the cops didn't mock George Floyd after his death, like they did Timpa. That belies the racism narrative. I already said itt I consider Floyd's death murder, and am not interested what others said about cocaine.

Nothing you've said in your last post is true.
i dont think you understand at all what the "racism narrative" is.. you seem to think that a death is only racist if someone is killed SPECIFICALLY because they are black. everyone has been explaining this to you ad nauseam since your first post in this forum. no one is arguing that chauvin intentionally killed floyd because he was black, or that the georgia rednecks decided to kill ahmaud arbery because he was black.

the argument is that police in particular are simply indifferent to the killing of african americans. it's written off as business as usual, suspect made furtive movements, suspect was a "druggie", 12 yr old suspect made the trained and armed officers "fear for my life", suspect had unrelated previous interaction with law enforcement so he must have had it coming. and then the officers receive a paid two week vacation prize and go back to work perpetuating the cycle.

or that some rednecks in georgia saw an african american guy and stereotyped him as a thief and tried to run him down with their car and illegally detain him with no evidence.

you keep insisting on arguing against a point that no one is making, declaring victory, and then telling everyone else that their statements are lies ..

it makes you look ridiculous

eta- and sure if it makes you feel like you won, i dont think police gaf about any civilian lives tbh. they have developed a mentality that its "us vs them", they are literally the largest Gang in the united states, and they act like it.

Last edited by Slighted; 08-06-2020 at 03:21 PM.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:23 PM
You seem to think anything white on black is automatic racism and again I'm not interested in your false narrative or false claims about the CP5 confessions or false claims in general.
Police brutality and police reform (US) Quote
