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09-23-2022 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Actually it’s not a democratic policy, it’s Republican that don’t want federal policies and laws … focusing on the smallest government possible and wanting everything be manage at state level .

That is why your comment was so inappropriate .
Blaming a democrat to put in a place a system that republicans wishes and think it’s the best system and then implying it’s democrat fault when republican screw the system over .

I tell u a secret , less regulation will always create more fraudulent actions then a regulated system .
Now who’s the bad evil guy wanting ever less regulations ? Democrats ?

Like I said for Republican And the right , democrats or left are always blame for their faulty right wing views .

And your comment was implying that .
And that wasn't my attention but I do see we're you and Cuepee are coming from and why you may think that
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09-24-2022 , 09:10 AM

Everything you just heard is white supremacist garbage that’s quite easy
to dispel, which makes the fact that DeSantis is spouting it all the more sinister.
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09-24-2022 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Fraud in one of the reddest states in the could the Democrats do this!! The moron talking points have gone even more crazy than Trump's Ukraine shakedown was standard because Biden once made a public statement about Ukraine that literally nobody talked about until Trump's solicitation.
Fraud being caught in one of the reddest States is obviously something that stings, even if just a little to Trump supporters and those who think "dem's are the governing risk' generally.

Shows like Breaking Point understand that sting. They will call out that sting and say shame to the republicans but, BUT, and this is a big but, they almost always will try to throw a little shade at the Dems no matter how far they have to stretch it as they do not want to turn off GOP viewers and that group, who may in fact be against GOP fraud (like lozen) still want to have some type of feel good take away that "dems are bad too', 'Dems have some culpability too'. It also gives them a non-InfoWars type source they can point too.

You can see how desperate lozen is to deny what I am pointing out to him. Nothing is more important to him than not having that bubble busted that Breaking Point, sees a bunch of people they believe they can easily manipulate in this way, and he is the dupe. If he accepts what I say, he then has to always question and re-examine what Braking Point says, and that is a bridge too far for him. They give him the type of 'both sides' that flies in Alberta generally, where if you are someone who would complain about generally right issues, you need to always counter with a 'whatabout' indicting the left as well, or you will be seen as a commie. Something I was called in Alberta often, in jest, but not really.
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09-24-2022 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Turns out the person that heads up distributing the welfare funds plead guilty yesterday .

Brett Favre may find himself getting charged as it's rumored he made a deal
uh oh, Bill Clinton better get a lawyer too, in case Brett turns on him!
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09-24-2022 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Actually it’s not a democratic policy, it’s Republican that don’t want federal policies and laws … focusing on the smallest government possible and wanting everything be manage at state level .

That is why your comment was so inappropriate .
Blaming a democrat to put in a place a system that republicans wishes and think it’s the best system and then implying it’s democrat fault when republican screw the system over .

I tell u a secret , less regulation will always create more fraudulent actions then a regulated system .
Now who’s the bad evil guy wanting ever less regulations ? Democrats ?

Like I said for Republican And the right , democrats or left are always blame for their faulty right wing views .

And your comment was implying that .
While that is true and accurate to say that is not my argument.

My argument is more simple.

lozen is saying

- Clinton changed a law in a way that made it easier for a State to LEGALLY divert welfare funds from recipients' and that is bad.

- There were still laws in place and Brett Favre and the Governors schemed on ways to get around and break those laws which in no way were legal now or would have been legal before Clinton made the changes. What they did would be illegal under both.

- Even though Favre and the Governor were intent on breaking the law, they would have respected the Clinton law and not broke that one. It was only the post Clinton one they were willing to break.

That logic just makes no sense and he has not attempted to explain it in a comprehensible way.

I am sure there is all sorts of legal abuse of Mississippi welfare law, post the changes, and if so a finger could legit be pointed at Clinton for enabling that. That is not what happened here but Breaking Points needs to shade Dem's and can pretend it did, knowing their followers want to believe something like that.
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09-24-2022 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
And Trolly supports Republicans like this taking local power in school boards and libraries and only allowing this view, in what he says is simply their 'free speech right'.

He thinks it is wrong for us to call this out as wrong.
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09-24-2022 , 01:02 PM
In Ronnie's defense he only has a degree in history from Yale.
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09-24-2022 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
In Ronnie's defense he only has a degree in history from Yale.

"Born in Jacksonville, DeSantis spent most of his childhood in Dunedin, Florida. He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School. "

he worked as a lawyer for the navy seals.

In 2007, DeSantis reported to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group in Coronado, California, where he was assigned to SEAL Team One and deployed to Iraq[22] with the troop surge as the Legal Advisor to the SEAL Commander, Special Operations Task Force-West in Fallujah.[19][20][21]

DeSantis returned to the U.S. in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Southeast Legal Service. The U.S. Department of Justice appointed him to serve as a Special Assistant U.S. attorney[22] at the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Florida. DeSantis was assigned as a trial defense counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. He concurrently accepted a reserve commission as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the US Navy Reserve.[23]

During his military career, DeSantis has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Iraq Campaign Medal.[19][20][21] As of 2022, he was still serving in the U.S. Navy Reserve
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09-24-2022 , 03:25 PM
what i read in mainstream news is that he is the guy dems fear more than trump.

we get headlines such as
"same as trump, but with brains"
"trump on speed"
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09-24-2022 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by washoe

"Born in Jacksonville, DeSantis spent most of his childhood in Dunedin, Florida. He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School. "

he worked as a lawyer for the navy seals.
His only training in history happens to be an actual degree in the subject from one of the best universities in the world. ie he's lying because he knows his would be supporters are morons.
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09-24-2022 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
His only training in history happens to be an actual degree in the subject from one of the best universities in the world. ie he's lying because he knows his would be supporters are morons.
impossible to lie, he is a lawyer.
how can he lie here??

maybe his supporters are morons, even that I doubt to degree, but his rivals aren't and would bring that up, wouldn't they?

he worked in the legal team of the US navy, aparantly as a he was leading that department from what I can understand. also how do you explain all these military awards?

read the wiki please that I quoted. that's what I read.

he can't make that up or Harvard would mention something. or anyone. journalists, dems...

how can you be so wrong here? you went to Harvard didn't you?

Last edited by washoe; 09-24-2022 at 03:40 PM.
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09-24-2022 , 03:38 PM
Jesus dude....he's lying about slavery and the American Revolution. Not about going to Yale.
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09-24-2022 , 03:41 PM
Harvard law school...

you made it sound like he is only a history guy, he's not.

I might have misread the context of your statement. if you're aware of what I said, never mind.
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09-24-2022 , 03:51 PM
Yes you misread it. Only in that context means something like he just has a degree in history ie he obviously knows better. Not that he doesn't ave anything besides a history degree.
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09-24-2022 , 03:54 PM
got it, my bad then, sorry.
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09-24-2022 , 04:18 PM
fml, I misread everything.
So you were being ironic.

So the American revolution didn't spread mass awareness to slavery being wrong?

I get what he might meant by saying this. when I read stuff like this.
not defending how he said it or that he even said it. but there might be a grain of truth to this. of course some people might have thought slavery was wrong, but they didn't act on it and the revolution had a big impact on ending it though.

"The American Revolution had profound effects on the institution of slavery. Several thousand slaves won their freedom by serving on both sides of the War of Independence. As a result of the Revolution, a surprising number of slaves were manumitted, while thousands of others freed themselves by running away. › ...
Slavery, the American Revolution, and the Constitution - Digital History"

this guy is no idiot. he might use words so every idiot understands what he says, so it's easily digestable.

imo there is nothing wrong to what he said and the dems are spinning their usual nonsense around his words. since he leaves little room for attacks on his other stuff. but I don't know nothing about him other than his wiki, which is quite impressive.

I wouldn't vote for him though, he seems to be pretty radical.

Last edited by washoe; 09-24-2022 at 04:30 PM.
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09-24-2022 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
fml, I misread everything.
So you were being ironic.
Oh...I thought this was some kind of grammar thing. But absolutely....the notion that slavery as immoral was widespread before the American revolution. Quakers in the US had been pro abolition for 100 years before the American Revolution and it had already been outlawed in the UK. Even the the founder of Georgia, in the 1730s said

If we allow slaves we act against the very principles by which we associated together, which was to relieve the distresses. Whereas, now we should occasion the misery of thousands in Africa, by setting men upon using arts to buy and bring into perpetual slavery the poor people who now live there free.
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09-24-2022 , 04:50 PM
no, I just woke up and acted like an idiot. I didn't read what anyone said and only looked at your last post. that in itself didn't make any sense, obviously after reading this page it did. also didn't I read your replies properly and just kept babbling.

you obviously know about American history more than I do.

did slavery end with the American revolution? or shortly after?
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09-24-2022 , 05:00 PM

“It was the American Revolution that caused people to question slavery. No one had questioned it before we decided as Americans that we are endowed by our creator with unalienable rights.”

-disantis quote
this is the quote you guys are offended by, right?

then this quote is either wrong, poorly worded or rationalized. he might have meant by no one, the average people, the consensus, or the people in charge as a whole. idk.

or its intended to deliver a message with few words. is it a half truth? idk what's the intention here. I find it strange that they even attack a quote like that. they should defend or attack his stunt at mathas v.
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09-24-2022 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte

the notion that slavery as immoral was widespread before the American revolution. Quakers in the US had been pro abolition for 100 years before the American Revolution and it had already been outlawed in the UK. Even the the founder of Georgia, in the 1730s said
i didnt know it was oulawed in the uk first, thanks. but slavery was existent in the US until the revolution, right? he meant the people in charge imo, but I can't look inside his brain.
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09-24-2022 , 05:15 PM

Desantis is lying bc he knows that everyone has known that slavery is evil since, well, the beginning of human society.

as for USA, slavery existed in its same form for about 80 years after the revolutionary war. until the Civil War. you can look it up.

but really, slavery still exists to this day albeit in a different form with the prison ie USA gulag system.
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09-24-2022 , 05:27 PM
thanks Victor, I get it.

yes there is a difference to thinking and acting.

I also think we have established some new forms of modern slavery by outsourcing our productions and keeping our people poor, but thats another topic.

I just read this and it seems the UK only beat the US by one year, and one state, Vermont did actually ban slavery before anyone else, so it was faster than than the UK.

"A gracious reading of Mr DeSantis's words could allow him credit on one point; the state of Vermont was the first sovereign state to ban slavery in 1777.

However, the US ban on the international slave trade did not begin until 1808. The British Empire beat the US by a year, banning the international slave trade in 1807, and both were beaten by Denmark, which banned"

A gracious reading of Mr DeSantis's words could allow him credit on one point; the state of Vermont was the first sovereign state to ban slavery in 1777.

However, the US ban on the international slave trade did not begin until 1808. The British Empire beat the US by a year, banning the international slave trade in 1807, and both were beaten by Denmark, which banned slave trafficking in 1792, though the law didn't take effect until 1803.

Mr DeSantis's claim seems to fall in line with his "civics excellence" initiative. According to a report by the Tampa Bay Times, educators in Florida were disturbed after attending conferences in which facilitators reportedly tried to downplay the US's role in the international slave trade.

According to the teachers who spoke to the Tampa Bay Times, it appeared there was an effort to argue that the US was far less involved in slavery than other countries. That is true, but only because the US had only come into existence as a nation at a time when abolition movements were already gaining steam.

The teachers also said they were shown slides claiming both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wanted to end slavery without noting that both men were slave owners themselves.

if you ask me these are just semantics to deter from the fact that they have a problem elsewhere now.

Last edited by washoe; 09-24-2022 at 05:41 PM.
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09-24-2022 , 05:49 PM
Orange man bad, desantis bad. pff

what they should focus now on is to spread the wealth, house the homeless, end the war, talk to putin, talk to the Sauds to stop bombing Yemen. instead just inter politics smear campaigns. that's not getting us anywhere imo. they need to work together instead of fighting to get somewhere now.
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09-24-2022 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Orange man bad, desantis bad. pff

what they should focus now on is to spread the wealth, house the homeless, end the war, talk to putin, talk to the Sauds to stop bombing Yemen. instead just inter politics smear campaigns. that's not getting us anywhere imo. they need to work together instead of fighting to get somewhere now.
you sound like a damn communist
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09-24-2022 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
they need to work together ...
In your estimation, when was the last time 'they worked together' ?

Originally Posted by Victor
you sound like a damn communist
At a minimum, a Socialist.
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