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Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Is the New York Times biased against transgender people?
View Poll Results: Is the New York Times biased against trans people in its coverage?
6 35.29%
4 23.53%
I don't know/Not sure
3 17.65%
I don't care
4 23.53%

04-06-2023 , 12:29 PM
...and of course the same people who were gleefully cheering on the transgender moral panic now have the chutzpah to try to distance themselves from the obvious consequences of their terrible ideas.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
...and of course the same people who were gleefully cheering on the transgender moral panic now have the chutzpah to try to distance themselves from the obvious consequences of their terrible ideas.
The terrible consequences of having sports for females???
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yes, I understand the context, thanks. What I don't understand is why anyone thinks this is necessary. Are they super concerned with the blight that is 7 year old transgender girls bumping all the "real girls" off the soccer team? Are supporters of the party that allegedly believes in small government now thinking that what is actually needed is more government overreach because local school boards, and the schools themselves, simply can't figure this out on their own? That government knows how to educate better than professional educators?
Have you been lost in the woods the last couple years? Are you confused how political messaging works? Biological males competing in female sports has been a pretty big culture war talking point the last couple years, so it is perfectly understandable that a Republican political body would pass such legislation to play to their base. And this is more or less independent of whether there is actual a numerical problem of biological males displacing girls on girl sports teams in the area in question.

The same way various blue states/cities that haven't prosecuted a low level marijuana offense in years make a big deal about passing legislation to codify non-prosecution.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
This can't be true...and if it is I would pull my child from all school sponsored sports.

The idea that some parent or teacher could require an adult to "inspect" my child's genitalia is horrific.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
The idea that some parent or teacher could require an adult to "inspect" my child's genitalia is horrific.
It's truly shocking the degree to which conservatives are willing to abandon just any basic principles in their hatred of trans people.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
This can't be true...and if it is I would pull my child from all school sponsored sports.

The idea that some parent or teacher could require an adult to "inspect" my child's genitalia is horrific.
If you had to guess, do you think the Kansas legislature is indeed passing legislation with the intention of mandatory genitalia check for children, or this is just disingenuous clickbait and NoLiewithBTC is in fact lying?
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
It's truly shocking the degree to which conservatives are willing to abandon just any basic principles in their hatred of trans people.
Why is this shocking? They're not even a little bit shy about how much they hate trans people.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why is this shocking? They're not even a little bit shy about how much they hate trans people.
Hate is such a strong word
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Why is this shocking? They're not even a little bit shy about how much they hate trans people.
While intellectually I'm well aware that conservatives have abandoned more or less every conservative principle in the culture wars, it nevertheless remains somehow a bit foreign. Maybe it's because I only lived in the US for 3 years and just have no lived experience with people who think or act like this, but I somehow always find my surprised by the new lows.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
While intellectually I'm well aware that conservatives have abandoned more or less every conservative principle in the culture wars, it nevertheless remains somehow a bit foreign. Maybe it's because I only lived in the US for 3 years and just have no lived experience with people who think or act like this, but I somehow always find my surprised by the new lows.
Welcome to the greatest country in the world! What brings you here? Glad to have you!
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
While intellectually I'm well aware that conservatives have abandoned more or less every conservative principle in the culture wars, it nevertheless remains somehow a bit foreign. Maybe it's because I only lived in the US for 3 years and just have no lived experience with people who think or act like this, but I somehow always find my surprised by the new lows.
I've had the chance to meet a bunch of Canadians recently and still am unable to detect any discernable difference between them and estadounidenses.

And surely you have some conservatives in Alberta?
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
It's truly shocking the degree to which conservatives are willing to abandon just any basic principles in their hatred of trans people.
Just as shocking as it is for democrats to no longer want to protect women's rights. You do realize the parent can provide a birth certificate to prove their child's gender if it questioned

Funny how no women transgendering to male are dominating sports in that class

Here is a thought if you are a transgender male and want to compete in woman's sports maybe you can not compete at a high level as you have a scientific advantage over women

Personally I think this law should only apply to high school sports and above
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 03:30 PM
Birth certificates really show "gender", something that was invented in 1959?
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 03:33 PM
And how could a birth certificate even show "gender" when there is no agreement on what "gender" is or how many there are?
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
And how could a birth certificate even show "gender" when there is no agreement on what "gender" is or how many there are?
There is a spot on the paper for gender. The person that works at the hospital will fill out the paper. The people that made the line items on the paper agreed to have two options.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Welcome to the greatest country in the world! What brings you here? Glad to have you!
Lived, past tense. I quickly left. Came for a job, got a better job back home.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I've had the chance to meet a bunch of Canadians recently and still am unable to detect any discernable difference between them and estadounidenses.

And surely you have some conservatives in Alberta?
I'd say that similarity is mostly true, but the culture-war elements are turned way down in Canada. Like our albertan transphobes are positively cute by comparison.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-06-2023 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Funny how no women transgendering to male are dominating sports in that class
Ya buddy, "transgendering" isn't a word. I think you are looking for "transitioning". Not that this observation of yours is funny let alone informative.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
Have you been lost in the woods the last couple years? Are you confused how political messaging works?
Nowhere in that post did express confusion as to what the Republican politicians are doing. My questions were about supporters of the party, following up on my question to anyone here that supports the bill, which was met by crickets.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'd say that similarity is mostly true, but the culture-war elements are turned way down in Canada. Like our albertan transphobes are positively cute by comparison.
Alberta Transphobes
As there are only two Albertans here you are either calling myself or Shifty I do believe a Transphobe.

I am not scared of the Trans community as that is what phobic means at all and many times I may accidentally get a word wrong were I should have used transitioning and try to learn from it. I have no interest in reading your glad bible of preferred terminology.

Myself personally I believe there are two genders male and female but do acknowledge that some males and females are born in the wrong bodies. Sadly I defer to the science and biology. As for the other 59 genders or how many there are I call BS but hey if I run into the star of Last of Us ill refer to that person as they/them . Kudos to anyone that believes they are one of the many genders out there if it makes you happy all the power

I will refer to someone as Dylan Mulvaney as a women and if that makes her happy all the power to her. If she chooses another traditional female name I will use it. If she chooses to have surgery at the age of 18 all the power to her and in a Universal Healthcare system that I support it should be paid for. I do not drink Bud Light but if she was the spokesperson for Costco Pinot Grigio I would drink it. I also support the right of a bar to stop selling Bud Light as well

I voted NDP 7 years ago in Alberta because they were going to support LGBQT2S rights in schools . Sadly they never fully delivered .I was pleased that many schools kept those policies after a conservative government came into power

I do not believe anyone under the age of 18 should be allowed to get gender surgery till they are an adult. I am on the fence on drugs as I have seen examples of were this was the right choice and as well some that were not and I do understand that this choice may need to be made below the age of 18

I do not grasp the concept why grown men want to dress as drag queens just so they can read books to children. That is a parents choice though and it should not happen without the parents permission or consent

I do not believe transgender women should be able to compete in any competitive form any female sports were a record could be established or a scholarship is on the line and even at the junior and high school level were you may displace a ciswomen's spot on that team were not everyone makes the team. At the grade school level who cares

Also I think its wise to look at countries like England, Norway and Sweden that are very progressive that put a halt on procedures till more research is done and ask why they did this. One reason is they have had many individuals that have regretted the decision . I think there are more individuals than we know as at some point there is " No Turning back" were you just not willing to admit your mistake

That does not make me transphobic there many strong spokespersons in the gay and lesbian community that think this discussion should be had and we should not rush into it with kids
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Myself personally I believe there are two genders male and female but do acknowledge that some males and females are born in the wrong bodies. Sadly I defer to the science and biology.
Seems doubtful. If you believe in the concept of gender and believe that people can be born in the wrong bodies, then you have some confused notions about what science shows.

if she was the spokesperson for Costco Pinot Grigio I would drink it.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
As there are only two Albertans here you are either calling myself or Shifty I do believe a Transphobe.
I'm not sure why you interpreted my post as being about specific posters on this forum. I'd personally rank you as someone who tries to be broadly supportive but nevertheless holds a number of problematic views (and really seems to struggle with the language, see your recent "transgendering"). But I wasn't talking about you when I responded to Luckbox.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Seems doubtful. If you believe in the concept of gender and believe that people can be born in the wrong bodies, then you have some confused notions about what science shows.

No your either a male or female born in the wrong body So you be born a biological male in a females body or vice versa. Your still either a male or female
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
No your either a male or female born in the wrong body So you be born a biological male in a females body or vice versa. Your still either a male or female
That's sex not gender.
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
04-07-2023 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
As there are only two Albertans here you are either calling myself or Shifty I do believe a Transphobe.

I am not scared of the Trans community as that is what phobic means at all and many times I may accidentally get a word wrong were I should have used transitioning and try to learn from it. I have no interest in reading your glad bible of preferred terminology.

Myself personally I believe there are two genders male and female but do acknowledge that some males and females are born in the wrong bodies. Sadly I defer to the science and biology. As for the other 59 genders or how many there are I call BS but hey if I run into the star of Last of Us ill refer to that person as they/them . Kudos to anyone that believes they are one of the many genders out there if it makes you happy all the power

I will refer to someone as Dylan Mulvaney as a women and if that makes her happy all the power to her. If she chooses another traditional female name I will use it. If she chooses to have surgery at the age of 18 all the power to her and in a Universal Healthcare system that I support it should be paid for. I do not drink Bud Light but if she was the spokesperson for Costco Pinot Grigio I would drink it. I also support the right of a bar to stop selling Bud Light as well

I voted NDP 7 years ago in Alberta because they were going to support LGBQT2S rights in schools . Sadly they never fully delivered .I was pleased that many schools kept those policies after a conservative government came into power

I do not believe anyone under the age of 18 should be allowed to get gender surgery till they are an adult. I am on the fence on drugs as I have seen examples of were this was the right choice and as well some that were not and I do understand that this choice may need to be made below the age of 18

I do not grasp the concept why grown men want to dress as drag queens just so they can read books to children. That is a parents choice though and it should not happen without the parents permission or consent

I do not believe transgender women should be able to compete in any competitive form any female sports were a record could be established or a scholarship is on the line and even at the junior and high school level were you may displace a ciswomen's spot on that team were not everyone makes the team. At the grade school level who cares

Also I think its wise to look at countries like England, Norway and Sweden that are very progressive that put a halt on procedures till more research is done and ask why they did this. One reason is they have had many individuals that have regretted the decision . I think there are more individuals than we know as at some point there is " No Turning back" were you just not willing to admit your mistake

That does not make me transphobic there many strong spokespersons in the gay and lesbian community that think this discussion should be had and we should not rush into it with kids
Why should a transition surgery be paid for by the government? If a woman identifies as a person that has huge tits, should the government pay for the boob job? I identify as a multi-billionaire. Should the government fill my bank account?
Is the New York Times biased against transgender people? Quote
