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05-23-2024 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
There's an objective difference between white supremacy, which aims to inflict misery on a very large number of people, and Marxism which (though it may well be misguided) aims to improve people's lives. You're making the ultimate false equivalence.
You are making the ultimate "i can sell you the tower bridge" equivalence if you even imply that marxism is anything but evil even in actual intent.

White supremacists claim non whites would gain by living elsewhere as well, does that matter in the slightest?

It's incredible that you think you can treat an ideology differently depending on what they pretend to be pursuing, and not exclusively by looking at what they actually do.

It's like saying "look , NK is democratic" because it's called " Democratic People's Republic of Korea".

If anything, an ideology that is trasparent in it's intent is LESS DANGEROUS because people can more easily correctly identify it as nefarious. This is part of what makes marxism worse than every other ideology , the pretense it's "for the good of the masses".
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05-23-2024 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Under different moderation rules.

You have the choice of observing whatever rules are in place or ignoring them and getting banned. Deal with it.

If you call someone's views poisonous, shitty, disgusting and embarrassing then imo you've broken the current rules. You think using a thesaurus to use 100 pejoratives to describe someone's views when one mild one would do wouldn't break the rules? Mods have to draw a line somewhere.
Hm i got banned without information about the fact that what i did was wrong. Ofc now i know rules changed.

But i will wait to see if anyone using "very bad words" to describe other posters opinion will be banned for a day or not.

I am not sure why a mild one would do to describe the extent of what i think of marxist views. A mild word is what i would use if say someone claims rates should be cut a little sooner than i agree with or similar differences in opinion
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05-23-2024 , 07:12 AM
Mild in terms of insulting someone.

You seem to be coming round to the idea of dispensing with moderation altogether?
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05-23-2024 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Mild in terms of insulting someone.

You seem to be coming round to the idea of dispensing with moderation altogether?
i am not talking bout insulting somone, rather about commenting opinions. I agree in general with rules against personal insults.

I don't think 0 mods can work in general, as a minimum you need ppl to remove content illegal in the jurisdiction the forum is in, and blatant commercial spam
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05-23-2024 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Dude, this happened yesterday. And if you're somehow unaware of how Victor posts, I'm not sure why you even involved yourself in this conversation. If you are aware of how Victor posts and want to say that other people are just as bad, that's one thing, but to suggest you need someone to show you posts of his that are over the line, well, LOL.
Im aware of how Victor posts.
Im aware that he posted pictures of dead infants in an effort to cover this "war"
Im also aware that people posted pictures of dead Israelis, which was fine by all.

One side posting pictures is fine APPARENTLY while the others sides posting is not. There is a difference obviously, but only because.... one side has done more excessive bombings of civilians than the other. (!!)

Of course we are biased here a bit. With a palestinian mod, it would be total different story.
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05-23-2024 , 07:27 AM
You can't possibly think that Marx wrote with evil intentions, right? Or that most people who support Marxism do so for evil purposes?

I feel pretty much the same as you that Marxism or any form of communism could never have good results, and I have almost as extreme capitalist views as yours, but I don't think that in any way translates to thinking its intentions are evil.

I hate all religions, and believe that some of them are repulsively dangerous, but I don't think that any significant number of people practice religion because they have evil intentions.
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05-23-2024 , 07:28 AM
The thing is when u told him to stop posting these pictures he did stop.

You could have banned him for other stuff but not this. (Which was a given explanation for the ban)

Last edited by washoe; 05-23-2024 at 07:36 AM.
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05-23-2024 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Im aware of how Victor posts.
Im aware that he posted pictures of dead infants in an effort to cover this "war"
Im also aware that people posted pictures of dead Israelis, which was fine by all.

One side posting pictures is fine APPARENTLY while the others sides posting is not. There is a difference obviously, but only because.... one side has done more excessive bombings of civilians than the other. (!!)

Of course we are biased here a bit. With a palestinian mod, it would be total different story.
Which posters put up pictures of dead Israelis after being told not to do so? And continued the name calling they were specifically told not to do?


If the mods here were Palestinian, no one who was not a male practicing Muslim would be allowed to post, and if anyone questioned the orthodox opinions they would be executed.
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05-23-2024 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
You can't possibly think that Marx wrote with evil intentions, right? Or that most people who support Marxism do so for evil purposes?

I feel pretty much the same as you that Marxism or any form of communism could never have good results, and I have almost as extreme capitalist views as yours, but I don't think that in any way translates to thinking its intentions are evil.

I hate all religions, and believe that some of them are repulsively dangerous, but I don't think that any significant number of people practice religion because they have evil intentions.
yes? which is why he was actually considered what we know would call a terrorist by more than one country?

Marx wrote for a newspaper which was closed by Prussian gvmnt because it was too radical. Then moved to France where he got expelled to Belgium. Then got expelled from Belgium.

Ended up in London where he is also buried.

This was Marx in 1848

The purposeless massacres perpetrated since the June and October events, the tedious offering of sacrifices since February and March, the very cannibalism of the counterrevolution will convince the nations that there is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror

I mean ofc he was evil, he was an apologist for violent revolution what else does a person need to write to be considered evil?
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05-23-2024 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
The thing is when u told him to stop posting these pictures he did stop.
He stopped when who asked him to do so? I believe several moderators told him several times not to do this or other particular things, which he then continued to do.
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05-23-2024 , 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
He stopped when who asked him to do so? I believe several moderators told him several times not to do this or other particular things, which he then continued to do.
Not sure he stopped 100% but when told that dead baby pictures weren't ok anymore he posted them far less (and put in spoilers when he did).
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05-23-2024 , 07:39 AM
My problem is more about the fact that we have no reason to believe the pictures he posted were actually of babies killed by Israeli actions
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05-23-2024 , 07:45 AM
Luciom, here you are considering particular means as evil, when I was talking about the end goals. You normally talk about Marxism as a system, not as the means of ending the old system.

If your definition of Marxist only includes those who believe in violent means, then I'm sure there are very few serious Marxists among many communists/socialists who hope to accomplish their goals without violence.

How would you feel about someone who supported the violent and bloody end of the north Korean regime, in order to replace it with a libertarian capitalist system? Do you think that it could be worth it to spill some blood now in order to give all future Koreans a better life? Or would you consider anyone who supports that to be evil?
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05-23-2024 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Not sure he stopped 100% but when told that dead baby pictures weren't ok anymore he posted them far less (and put in spoilers when he did).
Maybe so - I stopped reading the thread for awhile after all meaningful discussion became impossible (mostly due to Victor).

He certainly didn't stop calling people supporters of baby murders and supporters of genocide after being told not to do so. Some of his buddies still haven't stopped that.
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05-23-2024 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Luciom, here you are considering particular means as evil, when I was talking about the end goals. You normally talk about Marxism as a system, not as the means of ending the old system.

If your definition of Marxist only includes those who believe in violent means, then I'm sure there are very few serious Marxists among many communists/socialists who hope to accomplish their goals without violence.

How would you feel about someone who supported the violent and bloody end of the north Korean regime, in order to replace it with a libertarian capitalist system? Do you think that it could be worth it to spill some blood now in order to give all future Koreans a better life? Or would you consider anyone who supports that to be evil?
The end goal is beautiful even under nazism if you believe their premises. A "better humanity" and so on.

You need to believe Marxist premises to believe that a world without private property is a better world that achieves better results for humanity.

In the case of Nazism the premise that all other ethnicities are far worse than Aryans (objectively false). In the case of Marxism the idea that human beings aren't inherently competitive and biologically built to create hierarchies socially with a lot of inequality (objectively false).

I don't think Marxist that believe to achieve their goals without violence exist, if you accept that state violence is still violence. Anarchists like that exist (their models can't work, but they believe they can)
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05-23-2024 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
My problem is more about the fact that we have no reason to believe the pictures he posted were actually of babies killed by Israeli actions
It's always been impossible to know if a photo was staged. Now it's even impossible to know if something is even an actual photo, as opposed to an AI creation. If you insist on that standard, no photos or videos could ever be posted. While that would be fine with me, it doesn't seem to be what you want.
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05-23-2024 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
If the mods here were Palestinian, no one who was not a male practicing Muslim would be allowed to post, and if anyone questioned the orthodox opinions they would be executed.
Good lord, that's some bigoted ****.
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05-23-2024 , 07:56 AM
Practically only 1 user ever brings up the subject of Marxism and they're the same account who repeatedly posts white supremacist opinions. White supremacy is violence and should be banished. Any sort of racial ideology like that is nonsense built on fear or ignorance.

Last edited by L0LWAT; 05-23-2024 at 07:56 AM. Reason: words
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05-23-2024 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by L0LWAT
Practically 1 user ever brings up the subject of Marxism and they're the same account who repeatedly posts white supremacist opinions. White supremacy is violence and should be banished. Any sort of racial ideology like that is nonsense built on fear or ignorance.
I don't post white supremacy opinions, I use them as examples of terrible opinions which are sanctioned while ever far worse opinions aren't.

And here I want to know why people can post opinions worse than white supremacy and I get banned if I describe those opinions with heavy derogatory words
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05-23-2024 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
You need to believe Marxist premises to believe that a world without private property is a better world that achieves better results for humanity.


In the case of Nazism the premise that all other ethnicities are far worse than Aryans (objectively false). In the case of Marxism the idea that human beings aren't inherently competitive and biologically built to create hierarchies socially with a lot of inequality (objectively false).
Yes, I agree these premises are both false. But the first premise is obviously biased for particular people, while the second is not.

To support Nazism you must believe in the eradication of inferior people.
To support the second premise you only need to be a foolish idealist.

I would still like an answer to what you would think about the violent liberation of north Korea.
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05-23-2024 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I don't post white supremacy opinions, I use them as examples of terrible opinions which are sanctioned while ever far worse opinions aren't.

And here I want to know why people can post opinions worse than white supremacy and I get banned if I describe those opinions with heavy derogatory words
Come on, you are no dummy, you most certainly know the reason why - it's that no one else here believes that Marxism is worse than white supremacy. I've never even heard anyone other than you express that opinion.

And I also haven't noticed anyone in this forum advocating Marxism, so I think your ranting about its evils is nearly always unproductive and misguided. Start a thread about the evils of Marxism if you like, instead of talking so much about it in threads to which it is (believed by everyone else to be) irrelevant.
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05-23-2024 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
i am not talking bout insulting somone, rather about commenting opinions. I agree in general with rules against personal insults.

I don't think 0 mods can work in general, as a minimum you need ppl to remove content illegal in the jurisdiction the forum is in, and blatant commercial spam
No one’s talking about spam and donkey porn removal. Forums need someone to mop up sometimes, but deleting or editing content posts and banning people is another kettle of fish.
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05-23-2024 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Come on, you are no dummy, you most certainly know the reason why - it's that no one else here believes that Marxism is worse than white supremacy. I've never even heard anyone other than you express that opinion.

And I also haven't noticed anyone in this forum advocating Marxism, so I think your ranting about its evils is nearly always unproductive and misguided. Start a thread about the evils of Marxism if you like, instead of talking so much about it in threads to which it is (believed by everyone else to be) irrelevant.
I think a lot of people think Marxism is worse than white supremacy, including anyone who votes gop over democrats.

The guy I commented to in the climate thread used Marxist 101 framing of the issue
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05-23-2024 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Yes, I agree these premises are both false. But the first premise is obviously biased for particular people, while the second is not.

To support Nazism you must believe in the eradication of inferior people.
To support the second premise you only need to be a foolish idealist.

I would still like an answer to what you would think about the violent liberation of north Korea.
No you need to eradicate the selfish, when "reeducation" doesn't work, to have communism. Or at the very least keep beating them down every year in perpetuity.

Which is why the totality of the attempts at establishing Marxism required massive state violence not only one time for the revolution, but to keep things communist.

You know the whole idea that counter revolutionary are a constant threat and so on (and it's true, except it's most people basic biological premises, which is what Marxism denies)
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05-23-2024 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I think a lot of people think Marxism is worse than white supremacy, including anyone who votes gop over democrats.

The guy I commented to in the climate thread used Marxist 101 framing of the issue
Well, you may believe that, but I still haven't heard anyone expressing that opinion, and I would like to think that not all republican voters secretly believe it.

I don't read the climate thread, but I see you bringing up Marxism often.
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