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Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread

05-21-2024 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Victor was an awful poster who made every thread worse. I was waiting for one bad enough post to just ban him, but I never felt any one was over the line enough.
yeah nothing says operating in good faith like i hate this guy and have wanted to ban him for a long time but couldn't find a reason, so i just did it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ please clap
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05-21-2024 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
CN, I get the impression that you are really taking this mod position to heart, which is a good thing! I also get the impression that you are putting the success of this forum on your shoulders, as if it is your sole responsibility that this place works out. I think you will find that it is an impossible task to do on your own, and will only lead to aggravation. I think the other mods' attitudes of "say whatever you want about the moderation around here, because I don't care at all what you people think" is much healthier than trying to explain yourself constantly or trying to shut down criticism in this thread, which ironically would just create more dissent.

I think you are doing a great job so far. With that said, it is very easy to fall into the same trap as Browser, where there was a constant effort to try to stifle discussion about things that made him feel defensive. You'll notice that Ganstaman, Spew, and Rococo don't do that, and actually get far less posts criticizing their moderation as a result.
For me, it isn't that serious. I am just helping where I can and if it gets to be untenable then I'll respectfully bow out

Edit- Also, they did sort of advise me to do just that, but I find it hard to not be talkative and overly sincere these days.
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05-21-2024 , 11:17 PM
Why can't we all just make it nice together? It could be a fun little community.
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05-21-2024 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Why can't we all just make it nice together? It could be a fun little community.
we are nice. things are fine. men dont act the same way as women. we arent here to have fun, we are here to debate and try and make things better.
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05-21-2024 , 11:23 PM
I'm a mod now so I have to keep my zippy quips to myself. Just know its a zinger. ^
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05-21-2024 , 11:24 PM
There are certain topics that are highly emotionally charged. I think these threads should be mostly left alone unless people are just over the top with violations. That being said, perhaps I don't fully understand the role of a moderator. Is there a liability component at work here? What is the reasoning for what I see as over moderation sometimes? I've never understood why two people having a heated argument is a bad thing. We are all adults. If someone calls me a name it doesn't bother me at all. If I see two posters going at it I find it fun to watch sometimes. If I don't like it I skip it. It's not fun to walk on eggshells in real life or in an anonymous forum. If you think someone is a jerk why can't you call them a jerk?

I'm just asking and trying to understand things. You guy's have your rules and I fully intend on abiding by them.
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05-21-2024 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
we are nice. things are fine. men dont act the same way as women. we arent here to have fun, we are here to debate and try and make things better.
It's true. Women are about coming together and getting along with each other. Men are more about one upping each other.
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05-21-2024 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
we are nice. things are fine. men dont act the same way as women. we arent here to have fun, we are here to debate and try and make things better.
I'm just here for the zippy quips.
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05-21-2024 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
There are certain topics that are highly emotionally charged. I think these threads should be mostly left alone unless people are just over the top with violations. That being said, perhaps I don't fully understand the role of a moderator. Is there a liability component at work here? What is the reasoning for what I see as over moderation sometimes? I've never understood why two people having a heated argument is a bad thing. We are all adults. If someone calls me a name it doesn't bother me at all. If I see two posters going at it I find it fun to watch sometimes. If I don't like it I skip it. It's not fun to walk on eggshells in real life or in an anonymous forum. If you think someone is a jerk why can't you call them a jerk?

I'm just asking and trying to understand things. You guy's have your rules and I fully intend on abiding by them.
Bruh, I don't know what to say. I'm not even half way through Approaches to Discourse...
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05-21-2024 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Bruh, I don't know what to say. I'm not even half way through Approaches to Discourse...
What's "Approaches to Discourse"?
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05-22-2024 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
What did I get wrong?
Nothing, which is why I LOLed. You nailed the interpreting-ganstaman's-post-in-the-worst-way-while-being-able-to-fall-back-on-dictionary-games thing perfectly. We all know, yourself included, that "looking for any excuse" is generally understood to imply something different than what ganstaman meant. I'd be surprised if Victor ever went one active week in this forum without posting something that a mod looking for "any" excuse to ban him, could have done so. So quite clearly he wasn't looking for any excuse, and your "Those aren't the sort of mods that you should be thankful for and deferring to." was just a silly cheap shot.
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05-22-2024 , 01:47 AM
Luckbox is right and you guys are being obtuse

An excuse, any excuse, one more excuse, one excuse away
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05-22-2024 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Nothing, which is why I LOLed. You nailed the interpreting-ganstaman's-post-in-the-worst-way-while-being-able-to-fall-back-on-dictionary-games thing perfectly. We all know, yourself included, that "looking for any excuse" is generally understood to imply something different than what ganstaman meant. I'd be surprised if Victor ever went one active week in this forum without posting something that a mod looking for "any" excuse to ban him, could have done so. So quite clearly he wasn't looking for any excuse, and your "Those aren't the sort of mods that you should be thankful for and deferring to." was just a silly cheap shot.
He has never gone a day without deliberately breaking the rules, any of which should have been enough to ban him given his history. Why is there a need to wait for the single over the top post? IMO one 10/10 out of line post isn't nearly as bad as many 7/10 bad posts every single day.
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05-22-2024 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Why can't we all just make it nice together? It could be a fun little community.
Hard to be nice to people who advocate for genocide or talk enthusiastically about butchering thousands of dissidents. Come on.
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05-22-2024 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Hard to be nice to people who advocate for genocide or talk enthusiastically about butchering thousands of dissidents. Come on.
I don't know what the dissident thing is in reference to, but your post right here is exactly the kind of thing that Victor was banned for. I have never seen another poster "advocate for genocide", and I'm 99% sure you haven't either. Some people here advocate practices that you (mistakenly, IMO) call genocide. This is exactly the same thing as stating that someone who supports the right to choose (abortion) advocates for murder.

The only reason for making a post like the one you just made is to be deliberately inflammatory. If you don't understand that and can't stop doing it, you should be banned as well.
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05-22-2024 , 04:04 AM
Well it’s just a fact, I’m sorry, and you should read it as such instead of imagining incitement.

It’s not easy to be friendly with everyone who posts in that thread. Not saying we shouldn’t try, but it’s clearly very hard sometimes.
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05-22-2024 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Well it’s just a fact, I’m sorry, and you should read it as such instead of imagining incitement.

It’s not easy to be friendly with everyone who posts in that thread. Not saying we shouldn’t try, but it’s clearly very hard sometimes.
So you think you're going to change the minds of someone who you believe supports genocide? Or somehow your posts here are going to save a life?

No, and no? Then you're just posting to try to provoke anger.

And I guess it's just a fact that you support people who actually do support genocide put, it clearly in writing, advocate for it at every chance, and have been attempting to do it for over 60 years. They finally get it turned back towards them, and you finally decide to cry about genocide.
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05-22-2024 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
yeah nothing says operating in good faith like i hate this guy and have wanted to ban him for a long time but couldn't find a reason, so i just did it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ please clap
Except I didn't ban him, so...
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05-22-2024 , 07:27 AM
Great job here, folks!!

You took out the quarterback!
The quarterback is gone!!

And that on demand of "David duke" lmao
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05-22-2024 , 09:16 AM
I missed all the drama.

Were Lucium and Victor banned for any specific reason, or lifetime achievement awards? I admit I will miss Lucium. Some of his views were extreme, but I appreciate that he sees the big picture correctly: markets and liberalism are good, and central planning and illiberal govt is bad.

Are the respective bans temporary or permanent?
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05-22-2024 , 09:28 AM
Banning Lucium and Victor was clearly the goal after the one sided and racist rules by the mods were put into place.

Great now the forum sucks, and will consist of proving people like chillrob wrong using basic quotes from the internet.


Chomsky said it best. You have the freedom to talk about whatever you want as long as it fits inside this box of acceptability.
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05-22-2024 , 09:32 AM
Racist rules? That's funny, I didn't see race mentioned in any rules. What race are Luciom and Victor?
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05-22-2024 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Racist rules? That's funny, I didn't see race mentioned in any rules. What race are Luciom and Victor?
Victor is being banned cause he is an outspoken supporter of the indigenous middle eastern people being genocided by fair skinned European Jews.

Imo of course. I see a different set of rules being applied to the pro indigenous side than to the pro colonizer side

Last edited by PointlessWords; 05-22-2024 at 09:46 AM.
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05-22-2024 , 09:41 AM
It looks like Luciom's last post was in the global warming thread unless it was deleted.
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05-22-2024 , 09:48 AM
Lmao you right wing snowflakes really got Victor banned because your fragile pathetic minds couldn't handle someone calling you out?

'Wahhh mom this guy is calling me mean words just because I said I love genocide, please ban him'

Never underestimate the sheer patheticness of right wingers. Anyway have fun with your little pro genocide eco chamber, just know that everyone else thinks you are losers in here. Bye.
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