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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

11-02-2020 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Depends. Generally much easier to judge and hence more likely to get infracted

Can I ask a question - does your view on how propaganda should be handled apply to both sides or more so if it's propaganda for the bad side?
"Propaganda" can be a fairly fluid term used to disparage opposing viewpoints, but If we stick with a narrow definition of propaganda as having the defining feature of being deliberately false or misleading, then absolutely. I have a very low tolerance for dishonesty (intellectual or otherwise) from any side.

Last edited by d2_e4; 11-02-2020 at 03:02 PM.
11-02-2020 , 02:52 PM
By that definition, "Republicans are racist sexist homophobes" qualifies as propaganda, but I think you'll find that statement or something similar multiple times in every thread on the forum.

Safe to say that "propaganda" is defined in the eye of the beholder and one group loses that fight more often than not around here.

It's a private forum so whatever, but no need to pretend otherwise.
11-02-2020 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
By that definition, "Republicans are racist sexist homophobes" qualifies as propaganda, but I think you'll find that statement or something similar multiple times in every thread on the forum.

Safe to say that "propaganda" is defined in the eye of the beholder and one group loses that fight more often than not around here.

It's a private forum so whatever, but no need to pretend otherwise.
I've made that statement myself quite a few times, as you are probably aware. Not sure what is deliberately false or misleading about it. The fact that you wilfully choose to ignore all evidence proffered in support of the proposition doesn't make it less true.
11-02-2020 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
"Propaganda" can be a fairly fluid term used to disparage opposing viewpoints, but If we stick with a narrow definition of propaganda as having the defining feature of being deliberately false or misleading, then absolutely. I have a very tolerance for dishonesty (intellectual or otherwise) from any side.
I agree with that but then you'e going to run into the silly secret heart brigade who insist that all that can be considered is whether it's misleading. So waht we want is mods who make judgements about intentions and meaning. Afaics that is what they do and it's not as easy as dealing with personal attacks.

So we should expect to see personal attacks addressed far more often while also understanding that propagada is worse.
11-02-2020 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I agree with that but then you'e going to run into the silly secret heart brigade who insist that all that can be considered is whether it's misleading. So waht we want is mods who make judgements about intentions and meaning. Afaics that is what they do and it's not as easy as dealing with personal attacks.

So we should expect to see personal attacks addressed far more often while also understanding that propagada is worse.
I'm not sure what's going on here, but I find myself in danger of agreeing with you. Damn chez, you must've changed!
11-02-2020 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
By that definition, "Republicans are racist sexist homophobes" qualifies as propaganda, but I think you'll find that statement or something similar multiple times in every thread on the forum.

Safe to say that "propaganda" is defined in the eye of the beholder and one group loses that fight more often than not around here.

It's a private forum so whatever, but no need to pretend otherwise.
D2 may be different but it's a consistant issue that those who demand these sort of rules aren't so keen when they're applied to their side.

Also as D2's response shows, it commonly ends up in a bun fight about whether it's true or not. Any attempt to defend the accused is usually met with howls of distess from the usual suspects. Much water is carried, hills are died on etc etc - the usual silly nonsense
11-02-2020 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I'm not sure what's going on here, but I find myself in danger of agreeing with you. Damn chez, you must've changed!
It's called progress mate.

You're a cut above the usual kiddies.
11-02-2020 , 03:10 PM
Speaking of making **** up, RIP nohands. Couldn't come up with the evidence for socialists marrying giraffes. #Notears.
11-02-2020 , 03:24 PM
11-02-2020 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Also as D2's response shows, it commonly ends up in a bun fight about whether it's true or not. Any attempt to defend the accused is usually met with howls of distress from the usual suspects. Much water is carried, hills are died on etc etc - the usual silly nonsense
On some level, that's part of the entertainment value of arguing politics in the first place, but the amusement wears off quickly in 1v100 situations. I think many frequent posters here are often being overly dramatic and seeing ghosts where none exist, but the hivemind eggs them on and dissenters are quickly chased away.

It's not my job to stop people from believing in monsters under the bed. If ol' D2 wants to lock himself in a hateful closet of his own creation, that's his choice and ultimately doesn't affect me. There already aren't enough hours in the day.
11-02-2020 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
On some level, that's part of the entertainment value of arguing politics in the first place, but the amusement wears off quickly in 1v100 situations. I think many frequent posters here are often being overly dramatic and seeing ghosts where none exist, but the hivemind eggs them on and dissenters are quickly chased away.

It's not my job to stop people from believing in monsters under the bed. If ol' D2 wants to lock himself in a hateful closet of his own creation, that's his choice and ultimately doesn't affect me. There already aren't enough hours in the day.
Lol @right wingers talking about "monsters under the bed" and "hateful closets". Fear and bigotry is a cornerstone of modern conservatism. Always projection.
11-02-2020 , 03:41 PM
Inso still overwhelmed by the leftist hive mind after the site drove off 98% of non far-right regs.
11-02-2020 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Lol @right wingers talking about "monsters under the bed" and "hateful closets". Fear and bigotry is a cornerstone of modern conservatism. Always projection.
It must be so dark in there. Particularly with the haze created by those cancer sticks. Come on out into the light, and quit before the Rona catches up with those unhealthy lungs of yours.

I promise the deplorables aren't nearly as scared and bigoted as you've led yourself to believe.
11-02-2020 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
It must be so dark in there. Particularly with the haze created by those cancer sticks. Come on out into the light, and quit before the Rona catches up with those unhealthy lungs of yours.

I promise the deplorables aren't nearly as scared and bigoted as you've led yourself to believe.
Your heartfelt and genuine concern for my wellbeing is overwhelming, but thankfully there are no deplorables around here (or if there are, they are ashamed enough of it to hide it well), so there is really no need for me to hide.
11-02-2020 , 04:01 PM
Well good for you in whatever corner of the country you're holed up in, but still definitely stop smoking. Set a good example for the children.
11-02-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Well good for you in whatever corner of the country you're holed up in, but still definitely stop smoking. Set a good example for the children.
And you set a good example and vote blue there, little buddy!
11-02-2020 , 04:19 PM
FU guys. this thread should be about dumping on mods. Let's not get off topic.......

11-02-2020 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Who is this new green guy?

Someone may be letting that Hall Monitor sash go to his head.

Does this get deleted as well?
Spew has been a mod here literally since this rebranded forum started. In fact he might have been the first mod.

Way to pay attention.
11-05-2020 , 10:33 AM
I have locked a thread suggesting or hinting at election fraud. Obviously an important issue, but an issue that should be debated only when solid evidence is on the table. There is a lot of bad information out there on this.

If you as a poster has an issue regarding this you want to bring to the table, research it properly and do your due diligence first. Don't automatically trust a pundit, tweet or video. Genuinely try to prove yourself wrong, and if you fail then proceed.

I am not a fan of "cite or ban" since it puts me in the uncomfortable position of having to be an arbiter of truth, but I will use it if I have to on this if people insist on posting the same stuff after lock / removal.
11-05-2020 , 11:24 AM
Just wanted to thank you guys. Not over yet, but by my eye moderation has been excellent so far this election.
11-05-2020 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I have locked a thread suggesting or hinting at election fraud. Obviously an important issue, but an issue that should be debated only when solid evidence is on the table. There is a lot of bad information out there on this.

If you as a poster has an issue regarding this you want to bring to the table, research it properly and do your due diligence first. Don't automatically trust a pundit, tweet or video. Genuinely try to prove yourself wrong, and if you fail then proceed.

I am not a fan of "cite or ban" since it puts me in the uncomfortable position of having to be an arbiter of truth, but I will use it if I have to on this if people insist on posting the same stuff after lock / removal.
I am told conservatives are people of strong principle, so I am sure we'll find that all these posters concerned about election integrity have been a voice against voter disenfranchisement, USPS shenanigans etc. etc. over the last few months.
11-05-2020 , 11:46 AM
What was the evidence of election fraud that guy posted that was deleted? I was the one who asked him to substantiate his claims. And why was his post complaining about the deletion also deleted?
11-05-2020 , 12:05 PM
Can I request deletion of d2's post about the deletion of post about a post being deleted being deleted

and please delete this post as well.
11-05-2020 , 12:17 PM
I just got in and would LOVE to answer. (OK, maybe unsatisfying to some) .

#1 A poster is ALWAYS at risk of a ban if he/she registers using a VPN.

#2 New posters in P&S are auto-nuked this week.

#3 Maybe, just maybe.... the "proof of fraud" was not up to specs.
11-05-2020 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I just got in and would LOVE to answer. (OK, maybe unsatisfying to some) .

#1 A poster is ALWAYS at risk of a ban if he/she registers using a VPN.

#2 New posters in P&S are auto-nuked this week.

#3 Maybe, just maybe.... the "proof of fraud" was not up to specs.
#1 - He has other posts since yesterday that were untouched; one would assume that this would not be a reason to have one specific post deleted.

#2 - As #1

#3 - Of course, I suspect this is indeed the case. But if mods are making this call and deleting posts, instead of allowing other posters to debunk them, then it will just entrench the poster in his view that there is a conspiracy afoot and all the "leftists" are in on it, which I don't think is an ideal outcome (especially when his complaint in this thread about it also gets deleted and he gets temp-banned after making it).
