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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

10-29-2020 , 12:20 PM
d2.... you realize you will ultimately Pay The Price for pushing the anti agenda.

Gawd is real as lagtight says. Has thunder and lightening bolts and everything......

Last edited by King Spew; 10-29-2020 at 12:20 PM. Reason: forgot smilie
10-29-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
d2.... you realize you will ultimately Pay The Price for pushing the anti agenda.

Gawd is real as lagtight says. Has thunder and lightening bolts and everything......
Meh, even if he is about somewhere, I highly doubt our paths will cross. I already have my seat reserved downstairs by the fire.
10-29-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
By the way, I'm fully aware that all the religion derails are at least 50% my fault, but I'm cool letting lagtight take all the blame. How very Christian of me!
There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit.

(On a plaque on President Ronald Reagan's desk)
10-29-2020 , 12:46 PM
Trump took that to heart.
10-29-2020 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
There’s a religion forum, too. Just FYI.
But mixed with politics could be a dangerous mix.
10-30-2020 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by goofball
lol ok one of the top threads is about the hunter biden non-story, and the site owner started an UNSKEWED thread
Yeah unless the hunter Biden thread becomes a full on HIV containment thread it doesn’t really make sense as a stand alone thread.
10-30-2020 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I mean, we have a science sub forum that could use more traffic.
I have been meaning to float some eugenics theories I have developed.
10-30-2020 , 05:42 PM
Weird thing happening. I can browse the forums mostly normally, access PMs, click the first page of threads, etc. But I can't click any other page of threads without the following error

468 Illegal IP Range: Requests from this IP are being blocked for this resource. The IP that these requests are sourcing from has been included in a reputation based deny list.

DOSarrest Internet Security is a cloud based fully managed DDoS protection service. This request has been blocked by DOSarrest due to the above violation. If you believe you are getting blocked in error please contact the administrator of to resolve this issue.
Could someone send me a PM (as I can't see anything but the first page of this thread) if they have an idea of what is going on? From a mod perspective I'm assuming I wasn't IP blocked or something? This is the only website having this issue, and as I say only parts of this website.
10-30-2020 , 08:17 PM
Sounds like it is part of the DDOS protection front end designed to protect from malicious attacks designed to take down the server.
10-31-2020 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I don't feel I need to delete the video you inserted into a thread or three.

No one...I mean very very very very few.... people are going to listen to that schith.
Well it is the biggest podcast in the world right now.
If I had known all this about kanye being on that potcast I probably wouldnt have posted the video.

@marksman I dont like kanye or trump.
11-01-2020 , 03:07 PM
I'm thinking about a good time to close this entire forum for some belated Spring Cleaning. How does the next 60 hours sound?
11-01-2020 , 03:37 PM
60 days or election finalized, whichever comes first
11-01-2020 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I'm thinking about a good time to close this entire forum for some belated Spring Cleaning. How does the next 60 hours sound?
We have brexit and covid. If trump wins you may as well wait for the 4th horseman and save the effort
11-01-2020 , 04:12 PM
Wait, wait WAIT!!!

You guys think there is an ulterior motive attached to this cleansing ??
11-01-2020 , 04:14 PM
yes, Humour
11-01-2020 , 04:29 PM
You Limey Bastard. Humor doesn't have "U" in it.

11-01-2020 , 10:43 PM
I'm sure bundy thinks he is being smart with his rampant sophistry in the Trump thread, but if he is not getting more points for those outright lies than I got for calling a Trump supporter a deplorable idiot, then there is something broken with the moderation in this forum.
11-02-2020 , 01:04 PM
Thank you for your personal opinion.

bundy has ONE expired infraction (from 2017)

Your record is not so spotless. I suggest you think twice about personal insults being on the same level with anything else OTHER people post. Clean your nose first imo.
11-02-2020 , 01:13 PM
My personal opinion is that propaganda and outright lies are a lot worse than personal insults, and it's not even close.
11-02-2020 , 02:11 PM
but you do possibly massively overrate your comprehension and judgment skills
11-02-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
but you do possibly massively overrate your comprehension and judgment skills
What does that have to do with this discussion, even if true? Are you saying that it's not propaganda and lies?
11-02-2020 , 02:18 PM
No I didn't say that.

The mods have to be more reasonable than you do. Well they dont have to be, but I think it's good if they are.
11-02-2020 , 02:18 PM
Who is this new green guy?

Someone may be letting that Hall Monitor sash go to his head.

Does this get deleted as well?
11-02-2020 , 02:20 PM
Do you think personal insults are more infraction-worthy than propaganda?
11-02-2020 , 02:31 PM
Depends. Generally much easier to judge and hence more likely to get infracted

Can I ask a question - does your view on how propaganda should be handled apply to both sides or more so if it's propaganda for the bad side?
