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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

08-27-2020 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Funny you bring that up, because right now the same thing is going on.
Seems like your previous experience could be a teachable moment for you here.
08-27-2020 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Who would have thought resisting arrest with weapons involved could have a bad outcome?

I wonder how many cases it will take for the message to sink in.
Originally Posted by joe6pack
So. I just got infracted for trolling for this post. How in the flying **** is that trolling? Seriously?
I'm going to guess it was the heavily sarcastic victim blaming combined with the fact that you lobbed that post into a volatile thread and ran away.

I think that would constitute trolling going by many interpretations of the word.
08-27-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
I'm going to guess it was the heavily sarcastic victim blaming combined with the fact that you lobbed that post into a volatile thread and ran away.

I think that would constitute trolling going by many interpretations of the word.
The intent of my post wasn't to victim blame. It was mean't as a plea for people to apply some common sense in these situations. Resisting arrest is dumb. Super dumb when a cop has a gun pointing at you. That is proved time and time again. Pointing that fact out is not victim blaming.

I don't want people to get shot for resisting arrest, believe it or not. It is a totally avoidable situation. Don't resist arrest and your chances of being shot go down dramatically. It seems to be a message that falls on deaf ears though, seeing how often it happens. Hence my post.
08-27-2020 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I'm not defending the cops actions here, however, if you have fatal levels of fentanyl in you, and you are in the process of OD'ing, it's not about what the cops did, but what they didn't do.

It's much more likely 2nd degree manslaughter.
Good idea to make it very clear you are not defending anyone that may have been perceived to wrong the mob. I got a 30 point infraction for saying the mob should have made sure that young kid went straight to the police who were 100 yards away in the direction the kid was running instead of attacking him. Unfortunately, the mod thought I was justifying the kid's actions by saying what I thought was the more +EV play of leading the kid to the police.
08-27-2020 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Just like last time I immediately stopped sharing non-public facts ITT. I have not shared one non-public fact since I was told not to do it.
You were asked to stop lying about Breona Taylor being involved with drugs. You are continuing to lie about Breona Taylor being involved with drugs, and additionally you're lying about the reason for your last infraction. Seems like a great strategy!

Again, it seems like you should have learned an important lesson from the last time you got exiled for doing the same thing over and over after the mods asked you to stop.
08-27-2020 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
I'm going to guess it was the heavily sarcastic victim blaming combined with the fact that you lobbed that post into a volatile thread and ran away.

I think that would constitute trolling going by many interpretations of the word.
Who would have thought resisting arrest with weapons involved could have a bad outcome?

I wonder how many cases it will take for the message to sink in.
Victim of what exactly? The investigation of the incident hasn't been completed yet. How do you actually know it won't be ruled a justified shooting. You are the one jumping to conclusions and its disgusting. Trolling now is stating that resisting arrest leads to bad outcomes very often? It's called the truth.

Oh and if the cops are charged with a crime(s) then there is actually a presumption of innocence. The cops don't have prove they're innocent. We're a very long way from calling Blake a victim of a crime. Or are you stating that anyone shot by cops is a victim/ If so that's outrageous.

What is going on here is that pushing against the left wing narrative has a good chance of getting you infracted. I'm not surprised. See ya all.

Last edited by adios; 08-27-2020 at 03:41 PM.
08-27-2020 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Oh and if the cops are charged with a crime(s) then there is actually a presumption of innocence.
This ain't a court of law, bub.
08-27-2020 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Re moderator bias
There is a moderator bias in the sense that they allow false accusations of racism to slide but delete heated responses. They also misrepresent people's positions and allow bad faith posting and gaslighting by other posters.

Moderators shouldn't be allowing false accusations as they tend to derail threads and such serious accusations should be backed up by evidence or else shouldn't be permitted.
False accusations? Do tell? Who is being falsely accused (obv not you because that would not be false)

You and others should be more thankful that moderators are not more aggressive banning racists.
08-27-2020 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I think you are referring to me saying "make america great again" at the end of my posts to make it appear as a signature after I did it a few times in the trump thread. I stopped doing it immediately when I got the warning, but was banned anyways because a day or two later I said the quote in the middle of my posts in response to something dealing with the slogan.

Funny you bring that up, because right now the same thing is going on. I was told to stop sharing non-public info so I did. Now, non-mods are accusing me of saying non-public info after I shard a link that corroborated what I am now saying.
I think you would be very mistaken to compare what the mods are trying to do with that mod.

You my not agree with them but they are trying hard to find a reasonable balance and you can work with it.
08-27-2020 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by adios, quitting the forum in protest?
What is going on here is that pushing against the left wing narrative has a good chance of getting you infracted. I'm not surprised. See ya all.
Originally Posted by adios, 1 hour later
I'll back later with a link to the autopsy report and a few others.
08-27-2020 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Victim of what exactly? The investigation of the incident hasn't been completed yet. How do you actually know it won't be ruled a justified shooting. You are the one jumping to conclusions and its disgusting. Trolling now is stating that resisting arrest leads to bad outcomes very often? It's called the truth.

Oh and if the cops are charged with a crime(s) then there is actually a presumption of innocence. The cops don't have prove they're innocent. We're a very long way from calling Blake a victim of a crime. Or are you stating that anyone shot by cops is a victim/ If so that's outrageous.

What is going on here is that pushing against the left wing narrative has a good chance of getting you infracted. I'm not surprised. See ya all.
Yep. Seems that way sadly. And no it's not a surprise.
08-28-2020 , 09:09 AM
I cleaned up some threads and moved some of those posts to the containment thread.

So if somebody finds their carefully crafted insult missing, it now only exists as a cherished memory.
08-28-2020 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
The intent of my post wasn't to victim blame. It was mean't as a plea for people to apply some common sense in these situations. Resisting arrest is dumb. Super dumb when a cop has a gun pointing at you. That is proved time and time again. Pointing that fact out is not victim blaming.

I don't want people to get shot for resisting arrest, believe it or not. It is a totally avoidable situation. Don't resist arrest and your chances of being shot go down dramatically. It seems to be a message that falls on deaf ears though, seeing how often it happens. Hence my post.
That is great advise and I mean that sincerely.

And if you are one of the lucky ones where you and your friends and family members may be able to go their entire lives without an aggressive police contact or perhaps one, in the group of you, hopefully you and they (as I would) follow it.

That advice becomes limiting and less useful, in communities where cops regularly seek out those contacts and then do things, by there very nature that lead to escalation.

Humans being humans, when feeling targeted and oppressed, and picked on, will, see a small percent rebel or defy against unfairness. You HOPE they wouldn't but we KNOW a certain percent will.

And as such in cases like these were cops are the aggressors and escalation agents and when that percent (small) rebels, to say 'well they could have just complied and this would not have played out like this' may be true but it does not reflect reality.

Some will not react ideally. So the question is then 'do they deserve to die', 'do the cops get a pass', 'do we push a narrative of blame towards them ("if only they did X instead"), or do we put the blame where it belongs on the wrongful actions of the police?

History has also taught us that acquiescing to authority 'always' even when wrong and abusive simple to survive the encounter just leads to more and more abusive behaviour. Emboldenment. So you can see an inevitability to this 'rebellion against police abuse' as the abuse will just escalate until there is a reaction that says 'enough'. That says 'you are crossing lines where I know I may die, but I must resist this abuse'.
08-28-2020 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
The intent of my post wasn't to victim blame. It was mean't as a plea for people to apply some common sense in these situations. Resisting arrest is dumb. Super dumb when a cop has a gun pointing at you. That is proved time and time again. Pointing that fact out is not victim blaming.

I don't want people to get shot for resisting arrest, believe it or not. It is a totally avoidable situation. Don't resist arrest and your chances of being shot go down dramatically. It seems to be a message that falls on deaf ears though, seeing how often it happens. Hence my post.
Have you posted anything about it being wrong for police to shoot people for resisting arrest?
08-28-2020 , 12:03 PM
I guess I also missed joe's plea for the police to use common sense in these situations where deadly force is illegal. It's super great that he doesn't want people to get shot for resisting, especially since it's a totally avoidable situation. I'm sure I also just happened to miss his post about it being totally avoidable by police not ****ing murdering people. I would really have an axe to grind in order to think he was victim blaming by not mentioning those but instead dwelling on the victims actions.
08-28-2020 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
I'm going to guess it was the heavily sarcastic victim blaming combined with the fact that you lobbed that post into a volatile thread and ran away.

I think that would constitute trolling going by many interpretations of the word.

I like you as a poster and don't even think you are the worst mod. But calling anyone else for trolling and sarcasm in a thread where Marksman is allowed to run wild (as he has been doing the last few days) is being very inconsistent IMO.

Case in point the post made 2 posts above this one. That post is ok and the Joe6Pack post deleted for sarcasm and trolling isn't? Not consistent at all.
08-28-2020 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100

I like you as a poster and don't even think you are the worst mod. But calling anyone else for trolling and sarcasm in a thread where Marksman is allowed to run wild (as he has been doing the last few days) is being very inconsistent IMO.

Case in point the post made 2 posts above this one. That post is ok and the Joe6Pack post deleted for sarcasm and trolling isn't? Not consistent at all.
High praise!

Originally Posted by joe6pack
Who would have thought resisting arrest with weapons involved could have a bad outcome?
Sarcasm. Implying people got what was coming to them.

Originally Posted by joe6pack
I wonder how many cases it will take for the message to sink in.
Implying people are stupid and deserved what they got.

Sorry I don't read this as a 'plea to apply common sense,' but a rather distasteful post, overall. In the context of the thread that day, said thread being fairly chaotic at the time, it was pretty flamebaity.

You are probably right about Marksman sarcastically trolling the righties being roughly comparable, but at the end of the day I can't delete every post that pisses off the righties just as I can't delete every post that pisses off the lefties. We just try to delete/move the worst of it, hope we are right, and move on. At least Marksman's appeared to have cut down on the outright name calling recently. So, baby steps.
08-28-2020 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE
Sarcasm. Implying people got what was coming to them.

Implying people are stupid and deserved what they got.

Sorry I don't read this as a 'plea to apply common sense,' but a rather distasteful post, overall. In the context of the thread that day, said thread being fairly chaotic at the time, it was pretty flamebaity.
How in God's name is my post implying people got what was coming to them? You are deliberately trying to insert an implication that is not there in order to justify your ridiculous trolling accusation. As for people being stupid for resisting arrest. I wasn't implying it. I was saying it directly, because it happens to be true. However that doesn't mean they deserve to be shot. I didn't say that, nor did I imply that.

Please stop lying about my intentions.
08-28-2020 , 09:17 PM
I have cleaned up the thread and move a bunch of posts to the containment thread, this thread is for commentary on moderation.
08-28-2020 , 09:29 PM
Uh, the post of mine which you moved was a commentary on the moderation.
08-28-2020 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Uh, the post of mine which you moved was a commentary on the moderation.
08-28-2020 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
08-31-2020 , 04:19 AM
There has been posts lately of the type that certain people involved in recent unrest in the US deserved to be hurt or killed. Insofar as there is any point to talking about "sides" in this regard, these statements have not been limited to one side of the classic political axis.

Such posts will not be accepted and this is not up for debate.

Frankly, if anyone's political inclination has led them to a point where they think fellow citizens should be hurt / killed in vigilante actions, as targets of political violence or a result of unfortunate confrontations, then the person thinking that should take a deep breath, take a step back and do some serious introspection. Because whatever ideological path that person is on has taken them to a bad place.
08-31-2020 , 04:24 AM
09-01-2020 , 03:34 AM
Inb4 sublime protests being accused of being a racist.
