Originally Posted by microbet
They're all conmen. Bibi is gonna be out of office and maybe in prison, but it's not going to have anything to do with Gaza.
Yeah, but there are levels. Israel society functions fairly well under their conmen. So does our society, even under Trump.
Palestinian society has done horribly, and the worse they do the more the rest of the world insists on rewarding the conmen with billions and helping them consolidate power. In the interview, the Hamas defector mentioned this is the 5th war Israel has with Hamas. And every previous time the rest of the world has forced Israel into a ceasefire that benefited Hamas and did nothing for the Palestinian people. And if it wasn't for Israel sacrificing its reputation, and hundreds of its own young men to buck world opinion and take the fight directly to Hamas in Gaza, this war would have been no different.
Maybe his intuitions are wrong, but the guy I was listening to seemed genuinely interested in freeing his people from the death spiral they are in, and in his mind supporting Israel is the best hope for this. Maybe they will never get the 1948 borders, or even the 1967, but if the Palestinian people can find a way to stop fighting and make peace with Israel, even if it is completely on Israeli's terms, they can have peace and prosperity and a future 100x brighter than anything the Arafats and Sinwar's of the world are offering.
Last edited by Dunyain; 05-03-2024 at 12:38 AM.