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Incel Violence, Terrorist threat and Societal challenges when young men can't get any... Incel Violence, Terrorist threat and Societal challenges when young men can't get any...

03-18-2022 , 03:02 PM
Let’s let Facebook manage our mental health problems, that’ll end well for sure.
03-18-2022 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
Even if these guys were getting laid they would still find another avenue to be *******s. They are not they way they are because they don't get attention from women, they have fundamental sociopathic issues and women are a convenient scapegoat for their antisocial behavior. I don't think catering to the idea of lack of sex being the cause is helpful. It only helps legitimize a red herring. That's not to say this problem should be ignored but it seems like more of a psychologically than sociologically rooted problem.

The sociological aspect here is women having more agency. Incels are guys who would have successfully gotten laid in the past through coercion or a woman's lack of access to better options (or likely both). That they are *******s who objectify women is not something new, they're just less likely to be successful today.
Right, the big problem in today's world is that they have easy and convenient ways to contact each other and collaborate their hatred.

In the past they wouldn't have been known as incels because they wouldnt congregate in big ******* groups. They would be called misogynistic losers and hopefully be taken under the wing of someone who respected women enough to show them they were on the wrong path. Now they have the circulation bubble telling them how right they are to hate women because all women only want Chads and they are screwed from ever being with a woman.

They are perpetuating their own negative bullshit instead of trying to be better.
03-18-2022 , 03:39 PM
I think what OP is saying is that the government should pay for a hooker once a month for men who had no sex for more then 2 years as a part of their medical plan, or organise a countrywide free dating experience for same men...joking aside, i do think that a lot of good men suffer from unvoluntary celibacy and this is quite sad..
03-18-2022 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
in Canada, which culminated in the Human Rights commissions hauling people before them for speech offenses (mainly comedians), that were happening on University campuses.
Has this happened to anyone other than Mike Ward? Because I'm having trouble finding examples of it happening to other comedians
03-18-2022 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Right, the big problem in today's world is that they have easy and convenient ways to contact each other and collaborate their hatred.

In the past they wouldn't have been known as incels because they wouldnt congregate in big ******* groups. They would be called misogynistic losers and hopefully be taken under the wing of someone who respected women enough to show them they were on the wrong path. Now they have the circulation bubble telling them how right they are to hate women because all women only want Chads and they are screwed from ever being with a woman.

They are perpetuating their own negative bullshit instead of trying to be better.
Unfortunately more and more woman do want only Chads, especially in lower class environments.
03-18-2022 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by bc11816
Unfortunately more and more woman do want only Chads, especially in lower class environments.
I'm sure there is plenty of evidence to back this up
03-18-2022 , 03:59 PM
Its purely a guesstimate based on Instagram culture , i'd be surprised if it wasn't so.
03-18-2022 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by bc11816
Unfortunately more and more woman do want only Chads, especially in lower class environments.
Interestingly, the plural of woman is “women.”
03-18-2022 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by bc11816
Its purely a guesstimate based on Instagram culture , i'd be surprised if it wasn't so.
You're starting from two points of selection bias. You're assuming that women who actively engage with Instagram are representative of women generally and you're assuming that what you perceive as female Instagram culture is truly representative of women who use Instagram.
03-18-2022 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
I'm sure there is plenty of evidence to back this up
There is. Lots of core data from the App dating sites showing how the Apps have polarized near 100% of women chasing the same top 30% of male profiles while ignoring the rest.

Women have found that in that top 30% there are a good number of guys who will sleep with a different girl every night if she makes it easy enough for him so they don't have to wait long to get a good looking guy with game instead of going out with an average dude.

They say women's biggest complaints to them about the Apps is they are just for hook ups. Men's biggest complaint is they get no replies.

Pretty easy to understand that it went that way actually.
03-18-2022 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

... if we agree that the Internet and more specifically Social Media algorithms are the constant in all of these radicalizations and its growth (not the only factor but the constant)...

Then what can society do to address it? Or are we doomed to just accept this as part of the new normal?
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And stepping back from this all, for those who agree a lot of this is driven by Social Media algorithms that are so good around uniting people around grievances, it seems very evident to me that social media could have, in fact, had the opposite role. Those algorithms could have targeted peoples best intentions and and also sent resources and better information to the disaffected. It could have been one of the best social health tools invented if only good intentions and things sold as well as bad do. If in fact humans were elevated and motivated to action by the positives then Social Media would be all over that and amplifying that. Sadly for us, the AI algorithms truly see mankind for what it largely is which is insecure, vulnerable and prone to calls to action based on our pessimisms and not our optimisms.
This bit can and is beginning to be adressed by regulation.

That's not relevent to people who can't gets sex. this is: Chezlaw's 17th law: There will be sex robots! The interesting bit will then be what happens when people want to start having them as partners with some status in society and when we do we start needing to give them rights.
03-18-2022 , 05:59 PM
Quick Google

Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

03-18-2022 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
This bit can and is beginning to be adressed by regulation.

That's not relevent to people who can't gets sex. this is: Chezlaw's 17th law: There will be sex robots! The interesting bit will then be what happens when people want to start having them as partners with some status in society and when we do we start needing to give them rights.
Have you seen that movie with Ryan Gosling, Lars and the Real Girl?

He is an awkward guy dealing with some trauma who takes a doll as his girlfriend and his friends and family are told by his therapist they must support it.

My fear with sex dolls or robots is I know how disgustingly negligent men can be when it comes to cleaning and I think some horrific diseases will spawn from those things.
03-18-2022 , 06:15 PM
Never saw it. I'm sure they will be able to clean themselves. Men will have them doing the housework and I'm not sure they will be shared that much.

I'll stick to my two issues.
03-18-2022 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Have you seen that movie with Ryan Gosling, Lars and the Real Girl?

He is an awkward guy dealing with some trauma who takes a doll as his girlfriend and his friends and family are told by his therapist they must support it.

My fear with sex dolls or robots is I know how disgustingly negligent men can be when it comes to cleaning and I think some horrific diseases will spawn from those things.
Let us know how it works out for you. Actually, do not...

All the best.
03-18-2022 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Quick Google

Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

All we have to do is lower the demand for women. All men receive hormone therapy to lower sex drive enough to reach equilibrium. As a side benefit, we might be able to achieve world peace.
03-18-2022 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
All we have to do is lower the demand for women. All men receive hormone therapy to lower sex drive enough to reach equilibrium. As a side benefit, we might be able to achieve world peace.
modern solutions.
03-18-2022 , 08:18 PM
Dudes just need to try going gay more, problem solved.
03-19-2022 , 01:56 AM
The tinder numbers look hopeless for guys on first glance but bear with me for a moment. A 1% match rate or whatever is not as hopeless as it first appears. If you swipe 1000 times with a 1% match rate your ev of matches is 10. If one in 10 result in getting laid, you still got laid. You can easily do 1000 swipes in a week. Treat the woman well and you can have a steady fwb. After a month of swiping 1000 people a week you will have more dates than you can handle. If you run out of people in your city look at other cities close by.

Also attractiveness isn't set in stone, it can be worked on. 40% of the population is obese. Just by not being obese you move into the top 60%. Now don't be overweight and you are in the top 30%. Go to the gym a bit, suddenly you are in the top 10%. Get some professional pictures taken, suddenly you are in the top 5%. And even if you aren't, it just means you have to swipe a bit more.

I think playing poker helped me intuitively understand this. Even rare events happen several times over a large sample. So your odds of getting laid on a single swipe are low but your odds of getting laid multiple times on 10,000 swipes is nearly 100%.
03-19-2022 , 02:06 AM
If you're not attractive by current social norms then using a method for attracting a partner that relies on how you look is probably not the best approach.
03-19-2022 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
If you're not attractive by current social norms then using a method for attracting a partner that relies on how you look is probably not the best approach.
wtf does this even mean...he said go to the gym and swipe more, look better then the next man and produce volume
03-19-2022 , 09:07 AM
All of what I have said in the thread applies to men who are frustrated, view dating as hopeless ect. Not full blown incels. Don't know too much about them or how to help. I think there are some cult deprogramming methods that could work?
03-19-2022 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by Metod Tinuviel
The tinder numbers look hopeless for guys on first glance but bear with me for a moment. A 1% match rate or whatever is not as hopeless as it first appears. If you swipe 1000 times with a 1% match rate your ev of matches is 10. If one in 10 result in getting laid, you still got laid. You can easily do 1000 swipes in a week. Treat the woman well and you can have a steady fwb. After a month of swiping 1000 people a week you will have more dates than you can handle. If you run out of people in your city look at other cities close by.
The point is that 1% is the median? You can get some idea of the skew of the distribution by looking at the other graphs...

Also attractiveness isn't set in stone, it can be worked on. 40% of the population is obese. Just by not being obese you move into the top 60%. Now don't be overweight and you are in the top 30%. Go to the gym a bit, suddenly you are in the top 10%. Get some professional pictures taken, suddenly you are in the top 5%. And even if you aren't, it just means you have to swipe a bit more.
How about people who have genuine deformities and disfigurements that can't be "worked on"? (and I'm not taking about Incel nonsense like "recessed jaw lines", being less than 6' tall, etc).

Another interesting thing is that there are actually 3 such communities, each of which react to the same predicament differently:

"Incels" -- Anger
"Forever Alone" -- Sadness
"MGTOW" -- Resentment(?)

03-19-2022 , 09:28 AM
One thing I find really strange about the "Incel" community is their logic on sexual attraction: they don't seem able to switch their point of view and see how awful/hopeless it would be to be in a relationship with somebody you don't find attractive.

I guess this could be down to a large proportion actually being somewhere in the autistic spectrum?

03-19-2022 , 11:23 AM
The Incel threat is overblown. How many "regular" snap and go on killing sprees?

By overblowing this threat they are actually increasing the probability of them to snap. These people are already isolated and complexly disenfranchised by society and the more they are viewed as a threat for being a loner the worse their isolation will be. They will be bullied more and they will be even more angry.

If you want to reduce the risk of an incident then stop bullying them and say something when you witness bullying.
