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Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread)

10-09-2022 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You really place a lot of value on you specifically as a person when that is not the thing that matters. You are part of the derpoverse that allowed the Trump campaign to run one of the worst campaigns ever to appeal to all their derps, years after that routine stopped working on a national stage. I do not care what specific role you play in it - you are just another whiny voice, nothing more, and all of those helped create the unique opportunity of 2020.

I have no idea what UP means other than a Pixar movie title, but yeah there were tons of derps that were saying Trump was going to win here in 2020 and I encouraged them at that time to keep going with their "important" issues like Hunter and Hillary's emails 4 years later. I literally laugh that that may be a thing again in 2024 for the same derps. Perhaps Hillary's emails will make a comeback!

I don't think you are the person to talk about wagering about "if you can find a post, " since one of your main things is lying about what others post all the time. You never find a post to back those claims.

My suggestion is you keep being you, but that will always be the case because you are pretty hard wired by now. Make sure your voice and your LOLconcerns are heard by those running for office that you support so I can then bet against them if that opportunity presents itself in 2024 like it did in 2020. If your thing is you never vote nor support anyone - no problem! Keep being that emo "sees the world for what it really is" rebel with a loud, derpy voice that demands to be heard and the right people will hopefully latch on and try to appeal to that. Did you notice the pun I made with the word "right" there? You probably did after you read that.

All the best.
Point of Information:

"UP" stands for "Unstuck Politics". It's the discussion board where the lefties who apparently were disenfranchised from 2+2 years ago set up shop.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 03:47 AM
I don't think Hunter Biden moves the needle for anybody. The Fox bubble people obsessed with it are automatic R voters, dems don't care, and anyone lost enough to qualify as a swing vote has probably 20 issues and events far more visible to them. If we've learning anything it's that proximity to criminal or corrupt behavior just isn't a electability deal-breaker these days (and Republicans largely have themselves to blame for that).

Seriously, a crack-smoking probable tax cheat who violated a gun law and did some questionable business overseas seems almost normal. If he were a right winger they'd probably have him running for a House seat.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Minirra
I don't think Hunter Biden moves the needle for anybody. The Fox bubble people obsessed with it are automatic R voters, dems don't care, and anyone lost enough to qualify as a swing vote has probably 20 issues and events far more visible to them. If we've learning anything it's that proximity to criminal or corrupt behavior just isn't a electability deal-breaker these days (and Republicans largely have themselves to blame for that).
Well said.

If the GOP employs a Clintonesque "It's the economy, stupid" strategy they should easily take the House and Senate this November. The more time and effort the GOP spends on focusing on stuff that almost literally nobody cares about, the better the chances of the Dems at least holding the Senate.

As an aside, I agree with Victor that both parties are reprehensible.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You really place a lot of value on you specifically as a person when that is not the thing that matters. You are part of the derpoverse that allowed the Trump campaign to run one of the worst campaigns ever to appeal to all their derps, years after that routine stopped working on a national stage. I do not care what specific role you play in it - you are just another whiny voice, nothing more, and all of those helped create the unique opportunity of 2020.

All the best.
you seem to care quite a bit. considering the pompous words you spew. and considering the shoehorn you use to attribute nonsensical aspirations to me.

I have no idea what UP means other than a Pixar movie title,
well now you are lying. bc the last time me and you talked about UP, I ended up with death threats and threats at my job. something that you said definitely wouldnt happen and if it did then I deserved it.

but you def dont care about me lol.

I don't think you are the person to talk about wagering about "if you can find a post, " since one of your main things is lying about what others post all the time. You never find a post to back those claims.
ok so you were talking **** and making up fantasies. thanks for the confirmation.

My suggestion is you keep being you, but that will always be the case because you are pretty hard wired by now.
you seem to really really really not care about me.

Make sure your voice and your LOLconcerns are heard by those running for office
well the next time this factors into my posting will be the first.

that you support so I can then bet against them if that opportunity presents itself in 2024 like it did in 2020.
you already turned down an easy bet. bc you were lying.

If your thing is you never vote nor support anyone - no problem! Keep being that emo "sees the world for what it really is" rebel with a loud, derpy voice that demands to be heard
keep making things up. your accusations are only limited by your imagination.

and the right people will hopefully latch on and try to appeal to that. Did you notice the pun I made with the word "right" there? You probably did after you read that.
if you mean the right by Trumpers, well they are a lost cause. if you mean the right by the Democrats, well "scratch a liberal". or should I say, "scratch a Monteroy".

I do understand that if you wanted to actually talk about issues and the state of the world and politics that you would realize quick fast and in a hurry how out of your league your are. so you gotta lie about my opinions and turn everything into an ad hominem attack with your cute little words like Derpy and Riggie.

I am truly sorry that the Bidens doing shady **** in Ukraine has caused you to get so unhinged that you are ranting about how much money you won 2 years ago and flailing about with accusations that people like me somehow support Trump.

one minute you dont care about politics and the next you are ranting about how Hillary emails and somehow thinking that leftish **** posters on 2p2 can shape national elections. in one sentence you dont care about me but the bulk of the thousands of words before and after will be about me specifically.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
Point of Information:

"UP" stands for "Unstuck Politics". It's the discussion board where the lefties who apparently were disenfranchised from 2+2 years ago set up shop.
he knows that. we had a long back and forth about where it was explained in depth to him.

also, lol at calling them lefties. "scratch a UPer..."
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy

My suggestion is you keep being you, but that will always be the case because you are pretty hard wired by now. Make sure your voice and your LOLconcerns are heard by those running for office that you support so I can then bet against them if that opportunity presents itself in 2024 like it did in 2020. If your thing is you never vote nor support anyone - no problem! Keep being that emo "sees the world for what it really is" rebel with a loud, derpy voice that demands to be heard and the right people will hopefully latch on and try to appeal to that. Did you notice the pun I made with the word "right" there? You probably did after you read that.

All the best.
I just have one question to ask you - are you looking forward to the mid-terms as much as me?
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
he knows that. we had a long back and forth about where it was explained in depth to him.

also, lol at calling them lefties. "scratch a UPer..."
Monte knows about Unstuck Politics. He apparently didn't recognize the abbreviation "UP" being a reference to Unstuck Politics.

Didn't the disenfranchised crowd consider themselves lefties?
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 05:39 AM
Honestly, I did not remember the name of that site and have not visited it in memory. Maybe I did around early Covid (mid 2020) to see how that niche of people would behave about it? I found most of them to be too whiny for my tastes, even if I agreed with many of their political beliefs. Still, they did what I always suggest people do when they whine about this place - they created their own space to do as they like, so good on them for doing that. I assume they never monetized it, because how could they, but I doubt that matters much in the end as a forum is a cheap thing to maintain.

Originally Posted by bundy5
I just have one question to ask you - are you looking forward to the mid-terms as much as me?
I am not interested in politics anywhere close to most of the people here who are either alt right derps (or pretend to themselves they are not) or people who like to argue with alt right derps. No idea who you are to know which of those two categories you likely are, but guessing one category fits pretty well, just due to how this forum operates with the remaining small niche of old white dudes.

It will be interesting to see if the Republicans can steal defeat from the jaws of victory (as any incumbent should be destroyed in midterms) due to some of the extremely bad, derpy candidates they put forward in some Senate races, like the football guy and the TV personality guy, but other then that I can't say this particular cycle is of that much interest to me.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
As an aside, I agree with Victor that both parties are reprehensible.
I might agree with that statement in its strictest sense but that's about it. As things are today I'd just as soon compare a headache to brain cancer.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-10-2022 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Minirra
I might agree with that statement in its strictest sense but that's about it. As things are today I'd just as soon compare a headache to brain cancer.
parties are much closer than you realize

Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-11-2022 , 10:36 AM
@David Sklansky, help me understand the below exchange then if that last post by you is correct?

You seem to be CLEARLY (to me) replying to Slighted that Democrats WOULD CARE if Hunter was charged if it increased the chance of Trump being President. You then reply your post has no connotations to any such charges and conviction of Hunter having implications on the election????

To me it seems clear the entire framing you created was to suggest Dems WOULD CARE about Hunter stuff if it ended up helping Trump win an ELECTION??

And again my point of rebuttal to all that is that you cannot frame a rhetorical question that way. I mean, you can, but it is not a smart way to do it. It would be similar to asking would he Dems care if Jeff bezos is arrested and convicted and you saying 'if they thought it would help Trump get re-elected they would'.

There is no reason Dems would believe that would help Trump's re-election so it is not really a consideration in this calculus.

Originally Posted by Slighted
every democrat thinks that if hunter broke the law he should be charged and tried.....
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Not if it would increase the chances that Trump becomes president again....s.

Originally Posted by Cuepee

But i don't think a single Democrat voter thinks Hunter getting charged and convicted would move the needle to get Trump elected.

So only if you impose a condition 'they must think it would increase the chances of Trump getting elected' is that true. In reality I don't 1% of the Dem voters are worried about currently and would care even if Hunter was convicted.
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
My post did not give an opinion about whether Hunter's arrest would change the election or whether people thought it would. It had nothing to do with that.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-19-2022 , 05:15 PM
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-19-2022 , 05:34 PM
Libs can just skip to the 45m where Cody goes buh buh Trump. Cody is such a lib smh. But even a lib can find 45 mins of corruption around these people.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-19-2022 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
@David Sklansky, help me understand the below exchange then if that last post by you is correct?

You seem to be CLEARLY (to me) replying to Slighted that Democrats WOULD CARE if Hunter was charged if it increased the chance of Trump being President. You then reply your post has no connotations to any such charges and conviction of Hunter having implications on the election????

To me it seems clear the entire framing you created was to suggest Dems WOULD CARE about Hunter stuff if it ended up helping Trump win an ELECTION??

And again my point of rebuttal to all that is that you cannot frame a rhetorical question that way. I mean, you can, but it is not a smart way to do it. It would be similar to asking would he Dems care if Jeff bezos is arrested and convicted and you saying 'if they thought it would help Trump get re-elected they would'.

There is no reason Dems would believe that would help Trump's re-election so it is not really a consideration in this calculus.
I often use a news event to make a general point. In this case it was that Democrats mainly care about what will get them elected just like Republicans. They would oppose immigration if they thought it hurt their chances. I think that you didn't realize that I was using the Hunter story as an example of that general point because you, unlike many, liberals, consider that point so ridiculously obvious that you couldn't imagine that I would bother to point it out.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-20-2022 , 09:14 AM
Ok. So it seems your thousand foot point is 'Politicians care about issues that can get them elected and don't care about ones that harm their election chances'.

I won't debate that as it is obvious. Just not much of a point to interject imo.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-20-2022 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ok. So it seems your thousand foot point is 'Politicians care about issues that can get them elected and don't care about ones that harm their election chances'.

I won't debate that as it is obvious. Just not much of a point to interject imo.
No, my actual point was not that they would just stop caring about an issue that won't help their election but that they would actually pretend to switch sides (if they can get away it without being obvious). That might not have been obvious in my original post but my comment about immigration above made it clearer
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-20-2022 , 01:30 PM
Why not just make your points obvious?
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
10-20-2022 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Doorbread
Why not just make your points obvious?
Various reasons. In any case I will this time. I think that if national Democrat lawmakers thought it would help them get elected if they called for Hunter's prosecution, that's what they would do. I also think that the main difference between almost all Republican and Democratic national lawmakers and pundits is simply a disagreement on the best guillotine prevention tactics.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
11-04-2022 , 05:26 PM
They still let sklansky post here?
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
11-04-2022 , 06:05 PM
As long as he and others like him keep Hunter as an important issue then I am fine with it, whether it has his "OK, Boomer" weird slant or not.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
11-05-2022 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Various reasons. In any case I will this time. I think that if national Democrat lawmakers thought it would help them get elected if they called for Hunter's prosecution, that's what they would do. I also think that the main difference between almost all Republican and Democratic national lawmakers and pundits is simply a disagreement on the best guillotine prevention tactics.
I think there is a large degree of truth in this but also think the GOp is far more gone, in that regard. As i read it you are talking about shallow or non existent morals, that might lead a party (politician) to take the opposite position and even one many would consider deplorable.

I think the GOP has an extra pressure currently that the Dems do not have that makes them more compromised and dangerous. And that is that the GOP cannot win elections anymore (likelihood is plummeting) without fully embracing these aspects they KNOW are deplorable. When you know you cannot win, then doing something deplorable to win, becomes more acceptable.

I do not think the Dem are necessarily more moral, but because they can still win, they do not have to go anywhere near as deplorable as the GOP. Thus the Dem's can keep a better reputation generally and not lose a ton of Donor support, or suffer other consequences the way the GOP does. Again the GOP has decided better to win power first and then deal with all the fallout of how they won, after, then to lose and be irrelevant. Thus why Marjorie Taylor Greene is letting the Corporations know they are on notice that should the GOP gain power again, they are at threat for withholding donations to the them.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
11-05-2022 , 04:31 PM
Both parties are power hungry frauds. Republicans are just batshit crazy taliban religious nutjob white nationalist loons, but Democrats aren't good.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
12-06-2022 , 01:01 AM
Over the weekend, conservatives, led by Elon Musk, tried to whip up
right-wing fury and manufacture a political scandal after Musk had promised
to share evidence of Twitter wickedly wielding its influence over U.S. elections.

It’s noteworthy that, years into this right-wing conspiracy about
the president’s son, Republicans have presented no proof of its veracity.
On the other hand, news reports and government probes have found that foreign adversaries
have helped spread claims about the Biden family in a seeming effort to sow division in U.S. politics,
similar to Russia’s strategy in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 11:23 AM
The whitehouse has a dilema on releasing records. Should be straight forward as Joe Biden had no knowledge of his sons business activities or did he ?
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
12-16-2022 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
The whitehouse has a dilema on releasing records. Should be straight forward as Joe Biden had no knowledge of his sons business activities or did he ?
"Dilema"... "Should be straight forward"

Source the right wing talking point source that has loaded your lip with those narratives as those OPINIONS you are saying are not rooted in any fact.

I mean it is fine for you to 'guess' it may be a dilemma and fine for you to guess 'from what you know it should be straight forward', but no one has to agree with you on either point.

This reeks of all the 'Twitter should release all the Biden/Hunter data exchange' Part 2.

Pre Elon buying Twitter, and then after Elon does buy and it releases with a Bill Barr type narrative suggesting 'lots of wrong here Biden needs to be concerned about', and then Matt Taibbi and those given the data say 'sorry nothing here re Joe Biden but Elon should release the Trump, White House exchanges too as it looks like the REAL government, at the time, the Trump WH, was active in trying to direct the speech of the platform'.

Any lozen, i look forward to hearing where you got that narrative from?
Hunter Biden and his laptop (excised from Trump-thread) Quote
