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Gun control Gun control

06-10-2022 , 03:50 PM
“It’s impossible to ban guns” says the only developed nation in the world that doesn’t ban guns.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
The left needs to thread several needles.
They first need to improve their brand- bad- on gun regulations. They need to understand that the issue really does cut across political lines (there are A LOT of Democrat gun owners, including some who owns the guns Democrats want to ban, which is precisely why the issue has been political AIDS since Clinton) and that someone like Nancy Pelosi or Rachel Maddow isn't going to be the right spokesman. Either is whatever hunter with a beard in a flannel they drum up to shill. They need actual credibility.
I assure you that Democrats understand whether they represent pro-gun areas or not.

There is a reason why Bernie was never a zealot on gun control, and I don't think it was because he personally owned a lot of guns.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:11 PM
I mean, that take from LOLO was a crock of nonsense. The public overwhelmingly supports tighter gun control. It’s the gun enthusiasts who need to improve their brand because right now that’s in the dumpster. The median voter is in favor of completely banning AR-15s.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I mean, that take from LOLO was a crock of nonsense. The public overwhelmingly supports tighter gun control. It’s the gun enthusiasts who need to improve their brand because right now that’s in the dumpster. The median voter is in favor of completely banning AR-15s.
... and yet, watch what doesn't happen.

You have polling, studies and theories.
They have outcomes.

They win, you lose.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I assure you that Democrats understand whether they represent pro-gun areas or not.

There is a reason why Bernie was never a zealot on gun control, and I don't think it was because he personally owned a lot of guns.
See? You don't understand the issue.
Its not just being in a 'pro gun area'.
Its you have people who support every single thing you stand for, but that, and that alone is enough to alienate those same people, even if the 'area' is otherwise staunchly 'anti gun' and all polling says so.

There are exceptions to this, you know what you can get through in deep blue urban areas, etc, but outside that, there's a reason why the issue has been a total loser for D since Clinton and absolutely none of the proposals ever get through.

An idiot shoots up a school, maybe you get 'ghost guns'.
Something REALLY bad happens, maybe you get a 'gun show ban'.
TEH PUBLIC OVERWHELMINGLY SUPPORTS A BAN ON AR15's so congrats! We're raising the age to purchase one from 18 to 21...
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“It’s impossible to ban guns” says the only developed nation in the world that doesn’t ban guns.
That developed nation has 300,000,000 of them.
The other developed nations never had many to begin with.
Scale matters, unless you don't understand what scale means.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
... and yet, watch what doesn't happen.

You have polling, studies and theories.
They have outcomes.

They win, you lose.
Yeah, no ****, our country has massive structural problems and the people in power don’t reflect the actual democratic will of the people. Which is great for you guys, I guess. More guns and more school shootings, yay!
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Yeah, no ****, our country has massive structural problems and the people in power don’t reflect the actual democratic will of the people. Which is great for you guys, I guess.
The 'structural problem' is they know everything about the issue down to the atomic-weight whereas you know literally nothing about it outside of shallow platitudes and really bad talking points.

Its not a fair fight. They've vastly more effective because they're not attacking the issue from the vantage of deluded idealism.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
... and yet, watch what doesn't happen.

You have polling, studies and theories.
They have outcomes.

They win, you lose.
Sure but that is just a function of the gun manufacturers being willing to share a good chunk of the profits with the politicians to always vote against.

As long as the Politicians are given a rake on the profits they will gladly turn a blind eye and vote anything down.

Politicians are amongst the worst humans on the planet and that is why they vast majority of people do not think they care about anything but self interest. If you offered them a rake for slow poisons in school milk, they would take it and allow for maximum sales.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
The 'structural problem' is they know everything about the issue down to the atomic-weight whereas you know literally nothing about it outside of shallow platitudes and really bad talking points.

Its not a fair fight. They've vastly more effective because they're not attacking the issue from the vantage of deluded idealism.
lol, you don’t know the first thing about what I know about guns. Try again, buddy.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
lol, you don’t know the first thing about what I know about guns. Try again, buddy.
Yes I do.
It's basically nothing.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
But again, as noted... they don't have A SINGLE ONE among them who knows enough about the issue to arrive at that point.
Nah. They're pretty much on page with banning guns that take high capacity magazines. What remains suffices for personal protection, imo.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Sure but that is just a function of the gun manufacturers being willing to share a good chunk of the profits with the politicians to always vote against.

As long as the Politicians are given a rake on the profits they will gladly turn a blind eye and vote anything down.

Politicians are amongst the worst humans on the planet and that is why they vast majority of people do not think they care about anything but self interest. If you offered them a rake for slow poisons in school milk, they would take it and allow for maximum sales.
"Gun manufacturers" are another example of the left needing a boogie man.
Same with the "NRA" (although there was a time when they had a lot more pull, it has diminished a lot in recent years)

It loses them elections because fence sitters who otherwise might vote for them don't trust what they say on the issue, because they're so instanatly recognizable as lacking credibility. The political implications of the issue have been dissected quite a bit since the 94 AWB and its immediate impacts (off to Google you go...). THAT is about the only thing they do understand.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
See? You don't understand the issue.
Its not just being in a 'pro gun area'.
Its you have people who support every single thing you stand for, but that, and that alone is enough to alienate those same people, even if the 'area' is otherwise staunchly 'anti gun' and all polling says so.
Calm down. I merely was observing that Democrats are not oblivious to gun politics, nor are they oblivious to the concept of single issue voting.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 04:48 PM
“Dems don’t understand guns” is just a dumb**** NRA talking point that gets trotted out whenever there’s a mass shooting. If you asked an anti-abortion guy to explain how a vagina works, they’d have no clue but that doesn’t stop them.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“Dems don’t understand guns” is just a dumb**** NRA talking point that gets trotted out whenever there’s a mass shooting. If you asked an anti-abortion guy to explain how a vagina works, they’d have no clue but that doesn’t stop them.
No, its the objective truth.
They're hillariously uninformed. Their leadership can't to three sentences without sticking their foot in their mouth on something or other.
The NRA absolutely MOCKS this, but it's not a 'talking point', its an objectively true observation.

If you weren't a troll account, I'd offer a large, escrowed wager that we could sit in a Zoom meeting and you couldn't answer fairly basic questions on the topic without the aid of Google.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by John21
Nah. They're pretty much on page with banning guns that take high capacity magazines. What remains suffices for personal protection, imo.
Yeah, but that's politically untenable since its most handguns.
Rifles, they might get but an outright ban would be WAY too problematic since it would rouse the sort of heavily armed, militant rabble significantly scarier than the kid who tried to kill the SCOTUS justice last week because of abortion... so moving them to the NFA with a grace period is their best shot at minimizing the Y factor that people on internet threads can deny and say won't happen, but policy makers and think tanks are all too aware of (the Sherrill book I referenced earlier gets into this a bit)

Of course, this is absolutely the first step.
When a school shooting is comitted with 'whatever's left', then those go on the NFA too.. .and eventually everything does.

Mark these words as you read them in this thread; the future of all guns in America is a radical expansion of the NFA.
Its the only logical path.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
“Dems don’t understand guns” is just a dumb**** NRA talking point that gets trotted out whenever there’s a mass shooting. If you asked an anti-abortion guy to explain how a vagina works, they’d have no clue but that doesn’t stop them.
We can't ban abortions.

Every woman has a vagina. That's almost all of them for Christ's sake !!!
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL

Mark these words as you read them in this thread; the future of all guns in America is a radical expansion of the NFA.
Its the only logical path.
How are you squaring that with this response to the point that banning AR15s is popular with voters ?

... and yet, watch what doesn't happen.

You have polling, studies and theories.
They have outcomes.

They win, you lose.
Is your fear of an imminent ban on all guns likely to come to pass or not, based on your reading of the political tea leaves ?
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 05:46 PM
if so lol indeed
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
We can't ban abortions.

Every woman has a vagina.
And here we see yet another P&S transphobe speaking their hateful nonsense...
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
How are you squaring that with this response to the point that banning AR15s is popular with voters ?

It won't happen because of the repercussions, both political and otherwise.
If you think otherwise, lets discuss timelines and escrow. I'm up for a large wager here.

Is your fear of an imminent ban on all guns likely to come to pass or not, based on your reading of the political tea leaves ?
I have no fear of an imminent ban on ANY guns, to be clear.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
Yeah, but that's politically untenable since its most handguns.
I don't know about untenable. We could exchange them for revolvers.
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by John21
I don't know about untenable. We could exchange them for revolvers.
Why not just exchange them for big cans of mace?
Gun control Quote
06-10-2022 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
Why not just exchange them for big cans of mace?
I'll go out on a limb and say they knew big cans of mace were an option and chose otherwise.
Gun control Quote
