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Gun control Gun control

06-25-2024 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by NLOmahaHL
Eisenhower's GOP sure has changed.

Where were the girls in this photo? Preparing supper? Sewing? Washing the linens?
Learning how to make squirrel dumplings for their big game hunter.
Gun control Quote
06-25-2024 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by NLOmahaHL
Eisenhower's GOP sure has changed.

Where were the girls in this photo? Preparing supper? Sewing? Washing the linens?
useful skills
Gun control Quote
06-25-2024 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by NLOmahaHL
Eisenhower's GOP sure has changed.

Where were the girls in this photo? Preparing supper? Sewing? Washing the linens?
home economics class

home ec

is that what home ec meant?
Gun control Quote
07-24-2024 , 09:08 PM
I've gone shooting maybe 4 times in the last 2 years and when I usually frequent my local sporting goods store, its generally lightly populated with the usual 20-40yr old Hispanic, Vietnamese and 20-30s white kids but the place was packed this week with your new and returning crew of middle-aged 40-60s white collar waiting in line for their FCS. Maybe it was just this trip but I haven't seen this place like this since 2020-2021 and 2016. I'm going to venture a guess that this place is going to get a rash of people again from here until after the election.
Gun control Quote
08-23-2024 , 12:45 AM
fyi, the maga't gun nut whinners really suck at keeping up with things they pretend to be so mad about.

The injunction on the CA 1 in 30 law was restored pending the Ninth Circuit which is basically unprecedented and signals a sure loss in the appellate courts.
Gun control Quote
08-23-2024 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I've gone shooting maybe 4 times in the last 2 years and when I usually frequent my local sporting goods store, its generally lightly populated with the usual 20-40yr old Hispanic, Vietnamese and 20-30s white kids but the place was packed this week with your new and returning crew of middle-aged 40-60s white collar waiting in line for their FCS. Maybe it was just this trip but I haven't seen this place like this since 2020-2021 and 2016. I'm going to venture a guess that this place is going to get a rash of people again from here until after the election.
Gun and ammo manufacturers love the fear of a liberal president because they know the Second Amendment is in no jeopardy, but they can get the NRA to really pump up the sales. They're all voting for Kamala.
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08-23-2024 , 04:15 PM
Wb dude, long time no see.
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08-28-2024 , 08:39 AM
These old satirical videos by The Onion are still funny:

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09-04-2024 , 02:24 PM
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09-04-2024 , 02:32 PM
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09-04-2024 , 02:40 PM
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09-04-2024 , 03:32 PM
No politicising so close to the election
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09-04-2024 , 05:17 PM
Apparently there was a phone call this morning warning that there would be a shooting at that specific school.
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09-04-2024 , 05:48 PM
Now is not the right time for that discussion. Allow the families to grieve

just like all the other families did.
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 10:21 AM
You guys obviously are forgetting about good guys with guns. This never would have happened if all the faculty and all the students had been carrying sidearms.
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09-05-2024 , 02:42 PM
Question: Among all these school shooters, how many of them at the time are doing serious physical / mental training? Whether it’s a sport, martial arts, or weightlifting. I think it’s safe to assume it’s zero.

If people are serious about solving the school shootings problem, then the following rule needs to be considered: if you are being bullied and feel powerless + vengeful as a result, then you are not allowed to simply ruminate in it. Reading The Great Gatsby or learning algebra is no longer meaningful for this young male. Mandatory physical + mental training for 1-2 hours per day during school hours. Use the Special Ed teachers / sports coaches for this, as they are not accomplishing much currently.

This solution requires no pleading over gun control.
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Question: Among all these school shooters, how many of them at the time are doing serious physical / mental training? Whether it’s a sport, martial arts, or weightlifting. I think it’s safe to assume it’s zero.

If people are serious about solving the school shootings problem, then the following rule needs to be considered: if you are being bullied and feel powerless + vengeful as a result, then you are not allowed to simply ruminate in it. Reading The Great Gatsby or learning algebra is no longer meaningful for this young male. Mandatory physical + mental training for 1-2 hours per day during school hours. Use the Special Ed teachers / sports coaches for this, as they are not accomplishing much currently.

This solution requires no pleading over gun control.
We should get you to write the text book for these training courses, that will solve the problem - everyone taking them will just shoot themselves.

Last edited by d2_e4; 09-05-2024 at 02:51 PM.
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Question: Among all these school shooters, how many of them at the time are doing serious physical / mental training? Whether it’s a sport, martial arts, or weightlifting. I think it’s safe to assume it’s zero.

If people are serious about solving the school shootings problem, then the following rule needs to be considered: if you are being bullied and feel powerless + vengeful as a result, then you are not allowed to simply ruminate in it. Reading The Great Gatsby or learning algebra is no longer meaningful for this young male. Mandatory physical + mental training for 1-2 hours per day during school hours. Use the Special Ed teachers / sports coaches for this, as they are not accomplishing much currently.

This solution requires no pleading over gun control.
This is going to be tough to implement. If the kid doesn't want to run, or do pullups, or learn judo, or lift weights, what exactly are you going to do?
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 02:47 PM
great gatsby is required reading in most schools

algebra is a required subject in all schools

guess you can lay that theory to rest
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
great gatsby is required reading in most schools

algebra is a required subject in all schools

guess you can lay that theory to rest
I think he's saying it's not enough. I guess they need individuation or whatever that word he loves is.
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is going to be tough to implement. If the kid doesn't want to run, or do pullups, or learn judo, or lift weights, what exactly are you going to do?
Negotiate, bargain, retrace until you find some point of connection / buy in. Then inch forward.
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09-05-2024 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
whatever that word he loves is.

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09-05-2024 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll

Yes! Let there be an advocate for the self with a seat at the table in the mind of everyone! That’s the mission.
Gun control Quote
09-05-2024 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Question: Among all these school shooters, how many of them at the time are doing serious physical / mental training? Whether it’s a sport, martial arts, or weightlifting. I think it’s safe to assume it’s zero.

If people are serious about solving the school shootings problem, then the following rule needs to be considered: if you are being bullied and feel powerless + vengeful as a result, then you are not allowed to simply ruminate in it. Reading The Great Gatsby or learning algebra is no longer meaningful for this young male. Mandatory physical + mental training for 1-2 hours per day during school hours. Use the Special Ed teachers / sports coaches for this, as they are not accomplishing much currently.

This solution requires no pleading over gun control.
or maybe don't make it so damn easy for them to get a high powered weapon
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09-05-2024 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
or maybe don't make it so damn easy for them to get a high powered weapon
Everyone agrees a minor shouldn’t have easy access to high powered weapons. Yet..
Gun control Quote
