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Gun control Gun control

05-30-2022 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Red Flag Alert: 1,516,863 deaths from guns on American soil since 1968? No way anyone can be that precise about it.
A red flag signifying what exactly? Poor phrasing, perhaps, but that's about it. Unless you think that an average of under 27,000/year is way off, but that sounds pretty reasonable to me. Obviously someone's just added up the yearly totals from a site like this:

Which shows for 2020:

All firearm deaths
Number of deaths: 45,222
I mean, sure, I'd go with something more like "over 1.5 million deaths" knowing that there is likely to be a little imprecision when adding up totals for 55 years, but the phrasing hardly seems "red flag" worthy.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by businessdude
I wonder how many of these people got the sarcasm? I'd take the under on 30%.

Yup .
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by LOLOL

Because of the inaction on the part of Law Enforcement that day, future active/barricaded school shooter situations now have a massively heightened risk of hysterical, armed parents saying '**** it' and just storming in and shooting it out with anyone who tries to stop them, including the cops... because your kid being locked inside a building with a shooter will absolutely inspire that sort of suicidal courage in a parent and now, you have no faith that the cops will do anything about it. Mothers and fathers alike. Until Uvalde, the illusion was once the cops were there, help had arrived.... That Peterson dilweed at Parkland could be written off as an outlier... but what we saw at Uvalde was something else entirely. Cops standing around while kids were being killed.... rescuing THEIR OWN kids... stopping parents from intervening as kids were dying... It was a school shooting "9/11" moment, as far as the thesis of 'just cooperate with the hijackers and everything will be fine'.
Hysterical is a poor word choice there.

That out of the way, if the cops refuse to go in (for our aspy crew, they inform you that they are definitely not going in), do you think an unarmed parent should be allowed to risk their life trying to retrieve their son or daughter when the police have no plans of going in, or do you think as Flush does and those parents should be pepper sprayed and pinned to the ground because everyone must appeal to authority?

Also, I'm not sure your facts are correct about the cops, especially the part about going in to retrieve their own kids and **** everyone else. I think you fell for some fake news Facebook post there.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Your assumption is incorrect.

As I said, I will make things easier for you in the future.

I normally enjoy interacting with a good troll but just saying 'no' is whiny and uninteresting.

The fact that you're almost stating an evil position is tempting but I know by now that you don't have the balls or the brains to make it worth my while to pursue it.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
A red flag signifying what exactly? Poor phrasing, perhaps, but that's about it. Unless you think that an average of under 27,000/year is way off, but that sounds pretty reasonable to me. Obviously someone's just added up the yearly totals from a site like this:

Which shows for 2020:

I mean, sure, I'd go with something more like "over 1.5 million deaths" knowing that there is likely to be a little imprecision when adding up totals for 55 years, but the phrasing hardly seems "red flag" worthy.
I'm sure there are errors in the number and it would be difficult to be completely precise.

But that said, death by firearm is a noticeable way to go. There is the initial shot(s), the outcome will rarely look like a natural death, and investigations are likely.

It is probably also one of the easier things to establish medically as a cause of death. Yes, some poor sod might have been full of cancer, but it is unlikely the tumors took his life in the exact time period between the trigger being pulled and the bullet carving up his inner organs.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 09:11 AM
Angry parents running in is a non issue. Most active shooter situations the cops rush in, in minutes and end it.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 09:26 AM
"He had his reasons. To be closer to his kids" what does this mean? Does anyone speak Spanish here? Why isn't the mother speaking english?
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 09:33 AM
So in the USA I can just go to a store and buy a gun or rifle. Within 20 minutes I own a gun at 18.

And rifles are easier to get than pistols!! Because a gun you can hide. Makes sense America! Just give every ****** kid a M15. Stable or not, ******ed, bullied doesn't matter! Here is your gun, son, have fun!! Baahahahahaha! That is so ******ed. The guy killed animals according to a witness. He says he behaved weirdly and evil. He should have never been given a gun.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Red Flag Alert: 1,516,863 deaths from guns on American soil since 1968? No way anyone can be that precise about it.
is that counting suicides, accidents and justified shootings?
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Angry parents running in is a non issue. Most active shooter situations the cops rush in, in minutes and end it.
If Kyle Rittenhouse was there he wouldn't have waited around for an hour.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
If Kyle Rittenhouse was there he wouldn't have waited around for an hour.
There's always a point where a tragedy becomes funny.

Normally that exact time and place is so tiny and fleeting that it's hard to identify, but I so declare that this very post has changed the way we will look at mass shootings involving children.

The answer to the question "too soon" is now, "not anymore".
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:48 PM
Mom or dad charging in to resuce their kid about to be potentially murdered, you're dealing with an high spirited and totally motivated adversary there.
If they have any sort of firearms handling skill, I'd overbet the **** out of "dad saving his kid" versus any random cop, or group of cops.
That guy will stop at nothing and risk everything. Most school shooters are loser kids who don't offer much (if any) effective resistance once confronted.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Hysterical is a poor word choice there.

That out of the way, if the cops refuse to go in (for our aspy crew, they inform you that they are definitely not going in), do you think an unarmed parent should be allowed to risk their life trying to retrieve their son or daughter when the police have no plans of going in, or do you think as Flush does and those parents should be pepper sprayed and pinned to the ground because everyone must appeal to authority?

Also, I'm not sure your facts are correct about the cops, especially the part about going in to retrieve their own kids and **** everyone else. I think you fell for some fake news Facebook post there.
Hysterical is precisely what you would be dealing with in that situation.

I think it's one of those situations where there's no pathway to create an option for parents to overrule the cops but from now on, you must accept that it will probably happen and when you consider the stakes and the lengths parents will go to save their kids from being murdered, its a shitshow waiting to happen.

Re: cops rescuing their own kids, it was a pretty mainstream claim, but it has been denied. Unknown if its true or not.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb
is that counting suicides, accidents and justified shootings?
I don't know. I'm not the one who made that stat up.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
There's always a point where a tragedy becomes funny.

Normally that exact time and place is so tiny and fleeting that it's hard to identify, but I so declare that this very post has changed the way we will look at mass shootings involving children.

The answer to the question "too soon" is now, "not anymore".
How soon after Lincoln's assassination did some stand-up playing Ford's Theatre get a big laugh with, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 03:45 PM
It's interesting that the gun advocates here are saying that the parents should let the police handle things and on the other hand have always been saying that everyone should have the right to have weapons. And the biggest second amendment supporters are also the biggest 'support the Blue' supporters. But the reason they keep persisting that we need the second amendment is to have the ability to resist a tyrannical government. But what is the use of the second amendment if you're not allowed to carry a weapon on you to protect your children? But who's the first line of a tyrannical government? The Police.

And has anyone addressed the elephant in the room? The kids were all Hispanic and the Police are all white officers as far as I could see. Maybe the cops on the scene really didn't care?
Why don't the Police departments ever represent the communities they're policing?
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I normally enjoy interacting with a good troll but just saying 'no' is whiny and uninteresting.

The fact that you're almost stating an evil position is tempting but I know by now that you don't have the balls or the brains to make it worth my while to pursue it.
Lakes is still waiting for Trump to be declared president.
You can't have a serious interaction with people like him.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I normally enjoy interacting with a good troll but just saying 'no' is whiny and uninteresting.

The fact that you're almost stating an evil position is tempting but I know by now that you don't have the balls or the brains to make it worth my while to pursue it.
What evil position am I stating?

Anyone notice people throw the word evil around all the time these days for anything they disagree with?

Originally Posted by washoe
So in the USA I can just go to a store and buy a gun or rifle. Within 20 minutes I own a gun at 18.
Depends on the state. In NY, it will take you about 6 months.

Originally Posted by LOLOL
Hysterical is precisely what you would be dealing with in that situation.
The word has a sordid past. The word hysteria comes from the Greek word hystera, which literally means uterus. The common historic use of a female being overemotional, overdramatic, and overreacting to a situation. In psychology, a mental condition that only affected females, hence why females still don't like to be told they're acting hysterical since it's usually misapplied in situations to be used as an insult. It has been removed from the DSM for like 40 years, but its sexist use for thousands of years means this connotation will be around for quite a while.

Originally Posted by LOLOL
I think it's one of those situations where there's no pathway to create an option for parents to overrule the cops but from now on, you must accept that it will probably happen and when you consider the stakes and the lengths parents will go to save their kids from being murdered, its a shitshow waiting to happen.

Re: cops rescuing their own kids, it was a pretty mainstream claim, but it has been denied. Unknown if its true or not.
What is the harm in an unarmed parent going in to try and retrieve their kid? I mean in situations where the police refuse to go in.

As for the denied claim... come on, bro. Some angry dude tweeted bullshit and people ran with it. Such is politics, I suppose.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Lakes is still waiting for Trump to be declared president.
You can't have a serious interaction with people like him.
Lakes as in Land O Lakes? Lol.

You can't have a serious interaction with people like you because you stereotype people based on very limited information.

Just because I cited some gun laws that you were clueless about, you automatically think:

1) I'm a right wing gun nut
2) I voted for Trump


- I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 or 2020, and he's just running a con for 2024 to raise money and will not run. If his con leads him down a road to where he's delusional enough to think he can win presidency again in 2024, I will not vote for him because someone as toxic as he was when he wanted another term will be off the charts toxic when he knows he has no political future when his term ends.

- He lost the election and rallying up his cult of mentally ill misfits to do his dirty work was reprehensible.

- Having lawyers in the Senate, who are also going to vote on impeachment, gathering with Trump's lawyers to give legal advice during an impeachment trial is the height of political clown world.

- I'm a liberal; I'm just an old school liberal and not a woke school liberal.

Let me know if you need further clarification.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
What evil position am I stating?

The word has a sordid past. The word hysteria comes from the Greek word hystera, which literally means uterus. The common historic use of a female being overemotional, overdramatic, and overreacting to a situation. In psychology, a mental condition that only affected females, hence why females still don't like to be told they're acting hysterical since it's usually misapplied in situations to be used as an insult. It has been removed from the DSM for like 40 years, but its sexist use for thousands of years means this connotation will be around for quite a while.
Here's what it means now.
deriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion.
You're the first person I've ever met who is offended by the word 'hysterical'.

What is the harm in an unarmed parent going in to try and retrieve their kid? I mean in situations where the police refuse to go in.

As for the denied claim... come on, bro. Some angry dude tweeted bullshit and people ran with it. Such is politics, I suppose.
To be clear, I'm 100% in favor of ARMED parents going into a situation like that, if nobody else is willing to.
The denied claim may be bullshit, that we agree on.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
What evil position am I stating?

Anyone notice people throw the word evil around all the time these days for anything they disagree with?

You aren't stating any position.
You never do.

And before I disagree with you, you have to say something.
That's a pretty hard rule. Just sayin'.

All your tears would be better sold to pay for a writing coach.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Lakes is still waiting for Trump to be declared president.
You can't have a serious interaction with people like him.
He's a liberal, dontchaKnow ?
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
How soon after Lincoln's assassination did some stand-up playing Ford's Theatre get a big laugh with, "Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
Gerald said "take my wife, please".
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by LOLOL
Here's what it means now.

You're the first person I've ever met who is offended by the word 'hysterical'.
I wasn't offended nor stated it was inaccurate. I simply said it's a poor choice of word, and I explained why. If you weren't even remotely aware of its sexist history that still exists today, then you're either in your 20's or just oblivious. Like, if you're a cop on a shooting scene similar to that, you definitely don't want to say to a mother, "I know you have good cause to be hysterical, but that's not going to help your kid."

I'm sure you can think of other words or phrases that have negative connotations to them due to its historic use.

Originally Posted by LOLOL
To be clear, I'm 100% in favor of ARMED parents going into a situation like that, if nobody else is willing to.
The denied claim may be bullshit, that we agree on.
What about unarmed parents?

Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You aren't stating any position.
You never do.

And before I disagree with you, you have to say something.
That's a pretty hard rule. Just sayin'.

All your tears would be better sold to pay for a writing coach.
I never state an opinion? You must have me confused for someone else.
Gun control Quote
05-30-2022 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
I wasn't offended nor stated it was inaccurate. I simply said it's a poor choice of word, and I explained why. If you weren't even remotely aware of its sexist history that still exists today, then you're either in your 20's or just oblivious. Like, if you're a cop on a shooting scene similar to that, you definitely don't want to say to a mother, "I know you have good cause to be hysterical, but that's not going to help your kid."

I'm sure you can think of other words or phrases that have negative connotations to them due to its historic use.
To provide better context, I absolutely do not care- in the slightest- whenever people attempt to take control or otherwise dominate a conversation by interjecting their own somber demands of others to abide by language rules they set.

It makes you out to be a petty control-freak tard not worth listening to and not the well-informed referee of the conversation you think you are in your own head.
You'd fit in well in the tranny thread.

What about unarmed parents?
At that point, anyone willing to go in should be allowed to go in.
Gun control Quote
