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Gun control Gun control

05-28-2022 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You know that s-hole countries Trump likes to talk about.

The places you can go to an all inclusive resort, but if you walk to the edge of the property, you see heavily armed guards protecting all within.

The GOP has one singular answer and it is Fortress USA. Harden the schools into Super Max like Prisons. Get rid of doors and windows. Create a kill zone bottleneck for entry by any killer, and then the cop or security still gets killed, push to have him also armoured up with body armour and his own AR, and then right behind him is a phalanx of teachers with guns.

Each escalation must be met with an equal and greater escalation.

The same path we have seen local police stations take as they took on military hardware is now where they want schools to go.

I am just waiting for the SC to rule it is unconstitutional to not allow kids to bring guns to protect themselves, when they are the ones at risk.
Yes. I used the word fascist in my last post. Thanks for that timely addendum. I know some flag waver will get raw......
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Meh, the police are in control once they have established a perimeter.
You're just not going to be allowed in no matter what.

The fact that we have people who think it's a good idea to run in armed is just a symptom of how our fascist country rots the brains of it's citizens.

See, unlike QP, at least you stick to your guns (lol).

I realize you don't have kids, but maybe you have a cat or something you love, so say there was a shooter in a PetSmart killing cats and your cat was there relaxing in an aromatic bath until gunfire broke out.

The cops are there and refuse to do anything. Now I know you don't agree with charging in with a gun, but do you think you should be allowed to go in unarmed in an attempt to save Princess, your precious cat?
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05-28-2022 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Feel free to summarize yourself, while taking into consideration that people don't have the time and inclination to read 2000 words for a simple summary. Do that, and I'll show you how you're not being consistent.
You are wrong.

If you want to censor my post for length that is all you get, otherwise I will explain WHY you are wrong in whatever length is required.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
you favor them....but not enough to vote for people who support them...correct?

anything but a "demoncrat" right? any cost.
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05-28-2022 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are wrong.

If you want to censor my post for length that is all you get, otherwise I will explain WHY you are wrong in whatever length is required.
Dude, you literally said that if the police refuse to go in due to personal danger then a legally armed citizen should be allowed in. Have you changed your mind already?
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05-28-2022 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by nucularburro
And I'm not disagreeing, I have no idea. I'm saying that they shouldn't have to make the decision. In a healthy society mass shooting of small children aren't something that needs to be anticipated.
Well said.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Meh, the police are in control once they have established a perimeter.
You're just not going to be allowed in no matter what.

The fact that we have people who think it's a good idea to run in armed is just a symptom of how our fascist country rots the brains of it's citizens.

While it seems like the local dummies messed up this was a situation that wasn't ending well no matter what the police did. Being constructive and figuring out what broke down vis a vis the command and control is productive.
opining that 'good guys with guns' would have done anything other than make a terrible situation even worse is just wishful thinking.
serious question.

Lets say next week this type of scenario repeats itself (sad but not that remote a possibility).

You have an active shooter inside, and a bunch of police establishing a perimeter and refusing to go in.

Parents are arriving in large numbers, they are now sensitive to inaction by the cops and even if the cops are planning the parents fear of nothing happening is what drives them.

They either rush the police or rush the school knowing the police cannot stop them all.

Do you think that is just weird fan fic type stuff or increasingly likely?
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05-28-2022 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
They don’t know what a foetus or an abortion is either, but they still want to ban those.
That's probably true.

Ignorance has never stopped people having opinions. If anything, it fortifies them.
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05-28-2022 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
"Should parents be allowed to save their children from an armed attacker?" is such a wild question. Like, yes? If the cops are going to sit around and do jack **** about the shooter the least they could do is let someone else have a go.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Some are, and some aren't. But nuance ain't your thing, so I'll leave you be with your simple-minded remarks.
Nearly 20 police officers stood in a hallway while children were murdered, and they waited for back up.

Limp duck cowards, every last one of them. The only action they took was against non limp duck parents who wanted to save their kids.

If the cops can’t do anything then, they are absolutely worthless. They literally serve no purpose.

Good to know you would hide in the hallway with the limp duck cops.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Dude, you literally said that if the police refuse to go in due to personal danger then a legally armed citizen should be allowed in. Have you changed your mind already?
You want me to explain how you are wrong instead of just telling you, you are? Or do you prefer to restrict my reply?
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05-28-2022 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Let's not pretend you would have displayed any more courage than they did.
Lol. I know how I behave in crisis. I can assure you I wouldn’t be standing there while tiny children are murdered. Just because you know you can’t muster a spine doesn’t mean everyone is the same. You have a future in law enforcement it seems.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
So, you agree with me that the person Marksman was describing doesn't exist? If such a person does exist, please let me know so I can repudiate that guy publicly. Thanks.
Every conservative who supports no changes to gun laws and wants abortion outlawed are that person. There are literally tens of millions of them. Sounds like you are one as you hem and haw about potential solutions to actual baby murder.
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05-28-2022 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Nearly 20 police officers stood in a hallway while children were murdered, and they waited for back up.

Limp duck cowards, every last one of them. The only action they took was against non limp duck parents who wanted to save their kids.

If the cops can’t do anything then, they are absolutely worthless. They literally serve no purpose.

Good to know you would hide in the hallway with the limp duck cops.
As you procede with reading this thread, you'll notice that I supported the idea of armed citizens taking action here in light of the apparent inaction of the police.

In other words: I think you and I agree here!
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05-28-2022 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Every conservative who supports no changes to gun laws and wants abortion outlawed are that person.
No they're not.

There are literally tens of millions of them. Sounds like you are one as you hem and haw about potential solutions to actual baby murder.
No I'm not.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You want me to explain how you are wrong instead of just telling you, you are? Or do you prefer to restrict my reply?
Huh? I literally just asked you a yes or no question: did you change your mind? I don't need to know why - just yes or no.

You have clearly demonstrated that you think there are situations where citizens should take up arms while not on their own property.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
No they wouldn't. Even someone who believes in no gun restrictions doesn't believe that a person has a right to shoot and kill babies.

I would encourage you to stop with the Demoncrat talking points.
They put their right to own guns unfettered above the safety of children. They are choosing dead babies,

Your little dance here is tired.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
See, unlike QP, at least you stick to your guns (lol).

I realize you don't have kids, but maybe you have a cat or something you love, so say there was a shooter in a PetSmart killing cats and your cat was there relaxing in an aromatic bath until gunfire broke out.

The cops are there and refuse to do anything. Now I know you don't agree with charging in with a gun, but do you think you should be allowed to go in unarmed in an attempt to save Princess, your precious cat?

Should citizens be allowed to second guess police who have established control in a dangerous situation ?

I don't expect much from the locals but whatever training and ability to coordinate they have is way more than mine. I'd say I shouldn't be allowed to interfere. At some point if they're particularly terrible I may chose to interfere but I don't think it should be 'allowed'. No.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
serious question.

Lets say next week this type of scenario repeats itself (sad but not that remote a possibility).

You have an active shooter inside, and a bunch of police establishing a perimeter and refusing to go in.

Parents are arriving in large numbers, they are now sensitive to inaction by the cops and even if the cops are planning the parents fear of nothing happening is what drives them.

They either rush the police or rush the school knowing the police cannot stop them all.

Do you think that is just weird fan fic type stuff or increasingly likely?
More likely now than yesterday but not very likely.

In a real crisis situation people are going to do what these parents did. Go nuts while following directions.

As you pointed out earlier, police and fire fighters are trained to go toward the danger. People are, by instinct, inclined to flee the danger. I know children are involved and that's a bit of a wild card, but if the police are there I really do believe the vast majority of parents will follow directions.

Now if the parents gathered before the police.....I expect the moms would all rush in and the dads would follow and there would be that many more dead people in the community.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
They put their right to own guns unfettered above the safety of children. They are choosing dead babies,

Your little dance here is tired.
I'm a Baptist; we don't believe in dancing.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
See, unlike QP, at least you stick to your guns (lol).

I realize you don't have kids, but maybe you have a cat or something you love, so say there was a shooter in a PetSmart killing cats and your cat was there relaxing in an aromatic bath until gunfire broke out.

The cops are there and refuse to do anything. Now I know you don't agree with charging in with a gun, but do you think you should be allowed to go in unarmed in an attempt to save Princess, your precious cat?
Also, bad read. My kids are grown but I understand the emotions a parent of young children has.

Cats....I don't understand all that well. They're more like internet forum participants. Kind of dickish.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Huh? I literally just asked you a yes or no question: did you change your mind? I don't need to know why - just yes or no.

You have clearly demonstrated that you think there are situations where citizens should take up arms while not on their own property.
Ya i just refuse to play court room where you act like a prosecutor demanding answers, restricting them to sound bites, to fit an agenda. I think it is wrong when it happens in a court room and the person is not allowed to give a fulsome and proper answer. it is gamesmanship and not any interest in the facts or truth.

I can and will easily answer your questions and prove you are wrong but I am not playing the game of only answering within your restrictions as you keep demanding.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Should citizens be allowed to second guess police who have established control in a dangerous situation ?

I don't expect much from the locals but whatever training and ability to coordinate they have is way more than mine. I'd say I shouldn't be allowed to interfere. At some point if they're particularly terrible I may chose to interfere but I don't think it should be 'allowed'. No.
What about a building that is on fire?

Fire chief has now stopped his staff going in as he thinks the building is close to collapse.

You see your kids at an upper window and their fate is now sealed.

You, wish to take the risk to go in, knowing you may die doing so. Should you be allowed? Should they be able to hold you down and stop you?

I'll make it tougher, as now we know in hindsight the building stood much longer than thought and in fact you had plenty of time to access and get out, if you could avoid the other challenges within.
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Ya i just refuse to play court room where you act like a prosecutor demanding answers, restricting them to sound bites, to fit an agenda. I think it is wrong when it happens in a court room and the person is not allowed to give a fulsome and proper answer. it is gamesmanship and not any interest in the facts or truth.
See how you go off? Asking a yes or no question here isn't like a courtroom, and no one cares what you feel about the judicial process because it has no relevance to the topic and your opinion on it is ridiculous anyway.

Originally Posted by Cuepee

I can and will easily answer your questions and prove you are wrong but I am not playing the game of only answering within your restrictions as you keep demanding.
Keep demanding? I asked once. Perhaps many people ask the same request of you and so you think I keep demanding that you write succinctly?
Gun control Quote
05-28-2022 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
What about a building that is on fire?

Fire chief has now stopped his staff going in as he thinks the building is close to collapse.

You see your kids at an upper window and their fate is now sealed.

You, wish to take the risk to go in, knowing you may die doing so. Should you be allowed? Should they be able to hold you down and stop you?

I'll make it tougher, as now we know in hindsight the building stood much longer than thought and in fact you had plenty of time to access and get out, if you could avoid the other challenges within.
The short answer is I shouldn't be 'allowed' to go in and yes, they can prevent me by using force.

Otherwise we aren't giving control over emergency situations to people who are trained to handle them.

It sounds like I'd be a hero dad if I did that but in reality who knows what would happen if me and 100 other 'heroes' decided to go into an unstable building ? And not what would happen that one time, but what would happen the next thousand times because now the word is out. If you don't go in to save your children you're a punk. Can you imagine what a mess every emergency situation would be ?

Tragic situations are, by definition, tragedies.
It's like the decisions you hear generals make during war time.
Sometimes there are not good options but you still have to follow the best practices.
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