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05-27-2022 , 09:41 AM
Hey maybe teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to buy assault rifles.
Gun control Quote
05-27-2022 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
For republicans , child are only worth protecting with the full force of the states solely when they are in the wombs of a woman .

Once they born , who the fack cares ….
Lest we forget...

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05-27-2022 , 09:51 AM
Although I can’t think of any reason why a teenager would need an assault rifle, I’m sure that there is one.
Shooting a classroom full of kids maybe? I dunno.
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05-27-2022 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Oh, you did not get the memo as that is the old talking point.

The new talking point, as demonstrated by Ted Cruz, the person who receives the most "donations" from the NRA, is that "we have to harden the schools."

He is calling for a single point of entry and exit as he says that will force the gunman to go to the door where the armed security will kill him. And he said it just like that. It is ordained and simple. The armed guard or cop will then kill him. Mass shooting averted.

Interesting that he does not seem to notice that the reports here are that this gunman was confronted by 2 or 3 cops before getting in but they were so outgunned that they retreated rather than confront and likely lose their life to an armored, armed with weapons of war, individual.

So imagine Ted's future, where the brave guard at the sole point of entry stands his ground and instead is the one killed, and not the 'bad guy' as Republican talking points suggest is always the outcome. Now that bad guy with the gun enters the sole point of entry and exit and no kids can get out without going past him. Now as other cops arrive they must bottle neck to get in, giving the gunman a confined area to try and shoot them as they enter.

Lets not even talk about a fire, and what that might mean if it somehow broke out in a way that prevented kids from getting to the sole point of entry.

The GOP answer is hardening the school into supermax like prisons such that there are no points of entry or exit (including windows) within reach and then forcing everyone in and out through one entry/exit. Truly genious.
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05-27-2022 , 10:07 AM
The reason why young adults cannot rent a car until age 25 is not due to young girls. It is due to young men and the danger they pose to the public. But not really the public as they can drive. It is the danger they pose to the profits of Insurers.

So sadly, until someone can tie these type of crimes to corporate profits, nothing will be done.
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05-27-2022 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
U are a minority !
So why don’t u call those pro guns on your side baby killers too ?
I'm unaware of any "pro-gun" folks who believe that a gun owner ought to have a right to kill babies. Do you? I've spoken to many Demoncrats who believe that a woman ought to have a right to kill her unborn baby.

U support a party that kill babies too !
Huh? Is that another Demoncrat talking point?

So stop with your bible moral thing , trying to Impose It on all woman …
"Bible moral thing" LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!
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05-27-2022 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Hey maybe teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to buy assault rifles.
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05-27-2022 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

Lets not even talk about a fire, and what that might mean if it somehow broke out in a way that prevented kids from getting to the sole point of entry.
One point of entry does not mean one point of exit. All schools have fire exits that can be opened from the inside of the building and not from the outside.
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05-27-2022 , 12:24 PM
Society protects what it values. Most every courthouse, corporate executive offices, or buildings that houses politicians has people with guns at the entry way.
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05-27-2022 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Einstein2
Police officers are trained to rush in to a school shooting immediately for this reason.
No they're not. Navy Seals are "trained" to do that sort of stuff; cops are 'told' to. World's of difference.
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05-27-2022 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by John21
No they're not. Navy Seals are "trained" to do that sort of stuff; cops are 'told' to. World's of difference.
Important distinction.
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05-27-2022 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by John21
No they're not. Navy Seals are "trained" to do that sort of stuff; cops are 'told' to. World's of difference.
maybe 40% of the city's budget shouldnt be going to cops if they cant even be trained to handle a school shooting with a single gunman
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05-27-2022 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
For republicans , child are only worth protecting with the full force of the states solely when they are in the wombs of a woman .

Once they born , who the fack cares ….
Pre-babies must be protected at all costs. Actual babies can F off and die. “Mah guns are more important than mah child”.

The whole thing is beyond gross.
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05-27-2022 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight

"Bible moral thing" LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!
Even Laggy laughs at the thought of The Bible containing a workable moral code.
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05-27-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Can someone explain to me why it took the police department 80 minutes to enter the school and kill the shooter? And at the same time they were blocking parents from going inside.
Because the police are limp dick cowards.
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05-27-2022 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Pre-babies must be protected at all costs. Actual babies can F off and die. “Mah guns are more important than mah child”.

The whole thing is beyond gross.
It would indeed be "beyond gross" if such a person actually existed who believed such a thing.

But, thank you for sharing a good example of a typically stupid Demoncrat Talking Point.
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05-27-2022 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Even Laggy laughs at the thought of The Bible containing a workable moral code.
More bad-faith posting by my good friend RFlushDiamonds.

I think most anyone who isn't mentally-impaired understood that I was laughing at the phrase itself.

Next time I'll type slower just for you.

addendum: Please a smiley next time, then I'll know if you're joking.
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05-27-2022 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Because the police are limp dick cowards.
Some are, and some aren't. But nuance ain't your thing, so I'll leave you be with your simple-minded remarks.
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05-27-2022 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
It would indeed be "beyond gross" if such a person actually existed who believed such a thing.

But, thank you for sharing a good example of a typically stupid Demoncrat Talking Point.

We're supposed to separate the individuals from their politics but at some point you have to just believe people who are telling you every chance they get that they're 'beyond gross'.

Do I feel sorry for the Dad who lost his child but was all in on the Kyle Rittenhouse stuff ? Yes. I feel sorry for him because of his loss AND because he's a chump.

KR was justified to defend himself legally but the fact that he put himself in harms way carrying a long rifle is beyond gross. The fact that people made a hero out of him is beyond gross. The fact that many of these same people think women shouldn't have the right to modern medical care is beyond gross.

You like to pretend you're on a higher moral plane then the rest of us but you really don't have much at showdown most times.
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05-27-2022 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Because the police are limp dick cowards.
Let's not pretend you would have displayed any more courage than they did.
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05-27-2022 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
We're supposed to separate the individuals from their politics but at some point you have to just believe people who are telling you every chance they get that they're 'beyond gross'.

Do I feel sorry for the Dad who lost his child but was all in on the Kyle Rittenhouse stuff ? Yes. I feel sorry for him because of his loss AND because he's a chump.

KR was justified to defend himself legally but the fact that he put himself in harms way carrying a long rifle is beyond gross. The fact that people made a hero out of him is beyond gross. The fact that many of these same people think women shouldn't have the right to modern medical care is beyond gross.

You like to pretend you're on a higher moral plane then the rest of us but you really don't have much at showdown most times.

Some kids do own guns and did kill babies and many thinks it was ok for defense purpose .
Poor lagtight …
Abortion kills baby let’s ban it .
Guns kill babies , I don’t understand so let’s not ban it.

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 05-27-2022 at 02:14 PM.
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05-27-2022 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Let's not pretend you would have displayed any more courage than they did.
Police are as good as their training. This isn’t NYC or the feds (who actually took the shooter down). It’s the police force of some rural town of 16k people. Keystone cops…
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05-27-2022 , 02:24 PM
5 minutes ago conservatives were accusing teachers of being deranged sex perverts who want to groom children. Now they want them armed while teaching
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05-27-2022 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Used2Play
Police are as good as their training. This isn’t NYC or the feds (who actually took the shooter down). It’s the police force of some rural town of 16k people. Keystone cops…
Wasn't it the SWAT that refused to enter. What are they good for if they won't help in this situation? Firefighters rush into buildings on fire if ppl are inside. That's a hero. SWAT are good at killing ppl in their homes with no knock warrants but up against an actual threat killing kids...wait for a key to the classroom
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05-27-2022 , 02:36 PM
Sorry if I come across as flippant about this stuff, the truth is that it hurts me so much that it would drive me mad if I didn’t, killing children should not be allowed.
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