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Gun control Gun control

05-26-2022 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
They're constrained by fear of legal liability and orders given to them on that basis.
Highly dubious.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm not saying the police shouldn't have gone in quicker but this aint Dirty Harry, they aint well trained and they might just have easily raised the death toll considerably.
Then they should have deployed the ones who are well-trained (e.g., SWAT).
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 03:20 PM
Sry if this is the wrong thread, but wtf were the police doing? Why are they armed to the teeth if they don't occasionally go after a legit bad guy? Isn't this the exact scenario they always talk about? Where are the heroes? JFC I am so disgusted by everything.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 03:31 PM
Now its coming out that some police did go in but to go get their own kids out ? WTF
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 03:40 PM
not reading the entire thread. just here to say that i love to watch 2A people argue against regulations by quoting something that literally says 'regulated' in it.

regulations should not even be a question. the only question should be the progression of those regulations to keep up with modern times... not selling semi-auto gas cycled rifles with removable magazines > 10 rounds to 18 year olds for one.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Then they should have deployed the ones who are well-trained (e.g., SWAT).
Which takes time.

Anyway i'm not clear exactly what happened with the police or even if this insanity is accurate

Others, however, were shocked that Ramos was able to carry out an attack with an AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle.

It is legal to buy a gun at 18 in Texas, and according to US media, the attacker bought his soon after his birthday.
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05-26-2022 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Well that's a relief.
It should be!
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05-26-2022 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Which takes time.

Anyway i'm not clear exactly what happened with the police or even if this insanity is accurate
How much time? The chances of police being tied up with some other work is far greater than SWAT.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
not reading the entire thread. just here to say that i love to watch 2A people argue against regulations by quoting something that literally says 'regulated' in it.

regulations should not even be a question. the only question should be the progression of those regulations to keep up with modern times... not selling semi-auto gas cycled rifles with removable magazines > 10 rounds to 18 year olds for one.
Well said.
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05-26-2022 , 03:56 PM
I dunno but how long does it take to murder kids in classrooms with an AR-15?
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05-26-2022 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I dunno
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05-26-2022 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Now its coming out that some police did go in but to go get their own kids out ? WTF
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05-26-2022 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Indeed but what we do know is that no police response will produce a good result once a murderous 18 year old is heavily armed in a school full of kids.

The only good result is it not having happened.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Fair point.

As pointed out, the 2A was written in very different times when weaponry was very different. The amendment, in and of itself, isn't what is preventing federal legislation to make every state similar to the regulations in NYC. It is, however, going to ensure, for better or worse, that guns in some form are here to stay.
Fair enough. Unfortunately, it seems like the existence of the amendment, and what a lot of people think it stands for, is a huge barrier to said legislation. Not from a legal standpoint, but from a political one. But just the same, constitutional change isn't a realistic path. And if there was enough political will to change the constitution on this issue (which is an EXTREMELY high bar, especially in today's political climate), then stricter federal legislation would already exist.

Originally Posted by lagtight
In my opinion, the freedom of states to set their own regulations and laws is one of the great strengths of the USA. (Not talking specifically about gun regulations; just in general.)
I know that said freedom is a big deal to a lot of Americans, and that's a much bigger discussion. I see pros and cons. But absent federal legislation, it certainly leads to to greatly varying laws across the country, and gun control is one area that sees a great deal of this. Unfortunately, it tends to blunt the usefulness of stricter laws in some states, as those with the will and means to buy whatever guns they want will have no trouble going to a different state to do so.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
For several decades, those movies have been aimed at least as much at international audiences as domestic audiences.
while growing up in Canadian I could live vicariously through many of those movies jingoistic messaging, it was undoubtably directed right at Americans as immortalized by this brilliant piece of satire.

I guess i would say, a world wide audience enjoyed but a large part of America, took the message literally to heart such as the person who probably watched the Red Dawn movie and then armored up after as his paranoia grew.
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05-26-2022 , 04:50 PM
Guns are taking the lives of our citizens, sending our innocent people to jail, who's ONLY crime is to hold the gun and pull the trigger.
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05-26-2022 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

I know that said freedom is a big deal to a lot of Americans, and that's a much bigger discussion. I see pros and cons. But absent federal legislation, it certainly leads to to greatly varying laws across the country, and gun control is one area that sees a great deal of this. Unfortunately, it tends to blunt the usefulness of stricter laws in some states, as those with the will and means to buy whatever guns they want will have no trouble going to a different state to do so.
So let me get this straight...there are cases where these people are going into other states to get guns, and there are more gun crimes at the destination than the SOURCE?

Big self own..
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by NutPeddler217
So let me get this straight...there are cases where these people are going into other states to get guns, and there are more gun crimes at the destination than the SOURCE?

Big self own..
I've made no comment on whether there is or isn't more gun crimes at the destination or the source. I'm simply saying that if one state passes strict laws against the sale of certain guns, but a neighbouring state has far more permissive laws, the fact that people can drive across the border and buy what they want blunts their own state's laws, for better or for worse.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Well this is pretty much the worst life experience I can imagine.
While this is horrible and a nightmare for sure, the girl said it was her best friend. What parent doesn’t know what his daughters best friend looks like?
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
While this is horrible and a nightmare for sure, the girl said it was her best friend. What parent doesn’t know what his daughters best friend looks like?
Depends on the ages and community, I would say.

If I grew up in the rural area our family moved to later, I would say it would have been very likely my father would not have met any my best friends until after about age 8 or more. It was not like they would be coming over or vice versa at those ages when I would have to be on a school bus immediately after.

I mean, sure there could be plenty of things that happen, that could lead to a meeting, deliberate or not, but it would not be shocking if it did not, if you are thinking that is reason to question the articles authenticity.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 06:08 PM
For republicans , child are only worth protecting with the full force of the states solely when they are in the wombs of a woman .

Once they born , who the fack cares ….
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
not reading the entire thread. just here to say that i love to watch 2A people argue against regulations by quoting something that literally says 'regulated' in it.

regulations should not even be a question. the only question should be the progression of those regulations to keep up with modern times... not selling semi-auto gas cycled rifles with removable magazines > 10 rounds to 18 year olds for one.
It's obviously an antiquated concept (we need an armed citizenry to protect our society and/or keep the slaves in line) but our SCOTUS puts more weight on what people wrote back when leeches were state of the art medical treatment then what citizens today think.

And the poor dumb gun fetishists....well, we all have our vices.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I'm not saying the police shouldn't have gone in quicker but this aint Dirty Harry, they aint well trained and they might just have easily raised the death toll considerably.
This is pretty much the sad reality.

The locals are there to write tickets and lock up the drunks. Half the time they can't even do that right. You really don't want them going in to an active shooter situation. They're trained to establish a perimeter and gather intel and then mostly to wait for the guys who are trained to do this stuff.
Gun control Quote
05-26-2022 , 08:03 PM
According to reports the cops yelled through the door for the kids to call for help. One of the kids started dialing his phone so the gunman executed him.

How **** did the shooter even get in the school? in my state every school has a bolted door and then another bolted door which required to be let in. The cops in videos of parents screaming had rifles. What is point of the rifle if you're not going in to sacrafice yourself. Firefighters do it. Emts do it. Cops won't?
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05-26-2022 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I can't imagine the anguish and grief and anger of parents, who are held outside the school by police with tasers drawn, and just outside that frame it is reported that there were about 7 fully outfitted tactical officers with assault rifles also doing crowd control, for the reported 40 minutes to near 90 minutes that the gunman was barricaded inside with locked down kids and going about his killing spree.

It seems that the police, sadly, were treating this like a situation where it is only bad guys barricaded in, so they can wait and form an ideal plan to get them out that poses little or no risk to the officers as opposed the active shooting, it was.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
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