Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I suspect Trump would win on any type of knowledge/cognitive ability test.
IMO the press is really protecting Biden and his cognitive decline is probably even worse than any of us realize.
That isn’t to say he wouldn’t be a better president than Trump. He probably would for reasons that have nothing to do with cognitive function.
Ummm. Don't mistake Trumpsters cheering on his incoherence as him "winning" in any regard.
Laura Ingraham: (15:20)
Who do you think is pulling Biden’s strings. Is it former Obama people?
Donald Trump: (15:24)
People that you’ve never heard of. People that are in the dark shadows. People that are-
Laura Ingraham: (15:29)
What does that mean? That sounds like conspiracy theory. Dark shadows, what is that?
Donald Trump: (15:32)
People that you haven’t heard of. There are people that are on the streets. There are people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend and in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms with gear and this and that. They’re on a plane.
Laura Ingraham: (15:53)
Where is-
Donald Trump: (15:54)
I’ll tell you sometime, but it’s under investigation right now. But they came from a certain city, and this person was coming to the Republican National Convention. And there were like seven people on the plane like this person. And then a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage. They were coming [crosstalk 00:16:12]-
Laura Ingraham: (16:11)
Planning for Washington.
Donald Trump: (16:12)
Yeah, this is all happening.
Laura Ingraham: (16:15)
But the money is coming from somewhere. How can it be tracked?
Donald Trump: (16:17)
Money is coming from some very stupid rich people, that have no idea that if their thing ever succeeded, which it won’t, they will be thrown to the wolves like you’ve never seen before.