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Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

09-07-2020 , 08:23 AM
I served some years. I have never expected or demanded anything for doing that other than the wage I was given. It was a personal choice and whatever politically opinion people hold towards that was and is their right to have. I don't need anyone to speak for me and I can stand behind my own choices.

Calling dead soldiers "suckers" and "losers" on the other hand, is not something I can ever get behind. In fact mocking dead soldiers on the other hand, ones with no big sin to their name, is one of the most distasteful and cowardly acts I can think of. If people are strongly opposed to war or armed forces, go after the people who makes the political decisions that make armies possible or send soldiers to war. And if you want to go after soldiers, at least have the decency to go after the living. The dead can't speak up.

If a head of state thinks war is never right, that soldiers should not exist, that an army is an evil thing and that no-one should accept a draft, then he or she should say just that. It doesn't take a genius to understand that this isn't what happened in Trump's case and that there was no such idealistic motivation for belittling dead soldiers (and it would be a bizarre outcome of such a motivation anyway).

Not being in favor of a draft is a perfectly understandable political opinion. A draft has ethical problems, even most people in favor of a draft understands that. If people are looking to admire someone for standing up to a draft, look to conscientious objectors. They stand for their choice and puts it to words even if it comes with a hefty price.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 09-07-2020 at 08:37 AM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by elo2700
Then again, I'm not a sucker
I would beg to differ. Your posts read like a naive and petty kid putting others down to make yourself feel superior. No wonder you agree with trump. The real loser and sucker is someone with your opinion, not dead soldiers.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 10:40 AM
I wonder where donnie puts evangelicals/christians on the loser--sucker continuum??
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
I wonder where donnie puts evangelicals/christians on the loser--sucker continuum??
He probably views them as bigger suckers and losers since they are losing something much, much more important than their lives - their money.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 11:51 AM
I haven't done any deep study on this, but I'm assuming most soldiers who fought in Vietnam were fighting in the belief that they were helping to stop the spread of communism. In other words, they must have felt it their patriotic duty. And as far as the negative view of the Vietnam war we have today goes, according to one article I came across, 91% of Vietnam veterans say they are glad they served.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 12:01 PM
What is it about boat owners that strongly intersects with supporting trump?

People who make bad investments?
People who spend more than they can to appear like they are well off?
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by that_pope
What is it about boat owners that strongly intersects with supporting trump?

People who make bad investments?
People who spend more than they can to appear like they are well off?
I think pope it has something to do with class and status. A boat like the ones in these so called boat parades costs a lot of money not only to purchase, but also to maintain. Fuel alone costs a small fortune. So for these people, it represents success. And what seems to often happen is that, many people who see themselves successful tend to look down on others. They become alienated from the "common folk" and are no longer capable of sympathizing or understanding those less fortunate. They start to look at themselves as somehow superior. So it seems to me, one the side effects of capitalism is the formation of a sort of American aristocracy.
So they see it in their self interest to support Trump and they naturally gravitate towards someone like him.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 01:01 PM
Having a friend with a boat or a pool is way better than owning one yourself. Most people who own boats are probably gen x or boomer and have this stupid entitlement that cause they worked X amount of years they matter more. Nobody gives a **** you had a career cause getting a job was easy as **** back then.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 01:31 PM
I am a little confused about why Trump can't seem to avoid making disparaging comments about soldiers. A lot of aging hedge fund types absolutely love the military. (For example, Wounded Warriors is an enormously popular charity for people like Scaramucci.) Trump isn't a hedge fun guy, but he obviously moved in similar circles for decades. Ex ante, I would have pegged him as someone who fetishized soldiers. Trump certainly loves the image of a tough guy.

Maybe the explanation is that he is unable to tolerate criticism from ex-soldiers like McCain, Sullenberger, Mattis, etc., so he attacks them in whatever way he can. And that bleeds over into more general comments about dead soldiers.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am a little confused about why Trump can't seem to avoid making disparaging comments about soldiers. A lot of aging hedge fund types absolutely love the military. (For example, Wounded Warriors is an enormously popular charity for people like Scaramucci.) Trump isn't a hedge fun guy, but he obviously moved in similar circles for decades. Ex ante, I would have pegged him as someone who fetishized soldiers. Trump certainly loves the image of a tough guy.

Maybe the explanation is that he is unable to tolerate criticism from ex-soldiers like McCain, Sullenberger, Mattis, etc., so he attacks them in whatever way he can. And that bleeds over into more general comments about dead soldiers.
I think it's probably an inferiority complex; he was a pussy, they weren't, and here we are. I don't think it's more complicated than that, but who knows.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 01:46 PM
No one is perfect, all of us have some degree of mental issues in one way or another. But I think Trump's issues are at the level of mental disease.
He can't help himself because his brain has no mental filter. His behavior is not what one would expect from a mentally healthy person.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 01:57 PM
So, has it been proved that he actually said it yet? Or are we still having a collective meltdown over something a "journalist" pulled out of his/her ass?

Asking for a friend.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
So, has it been proved that he actually said it yet? Or are we still having a collective meltdown over something a "journalist" pulled out of his/her ass?

Asking for a friend.
It's not like Kelly busted out his iPhone and asked Trump to repeat himself, so what would constitute proof for you?

Asking for a friend.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:02 PM
VDH has a pretty good take on the whole farce.

It’s no wonder that one of Joe Biden’s largest campaign contributors, billionaire Laurene Jobs of the Apple fortune, who owns most of The Atlantic, had the former Obama Administration megaphone Jeffrey Goldberg exhume a two-year-old and long-ago-refuted charge that President Trump did not wish to visit a U.S. military cemetery in France because he variously was afraid of the rain, that he would get his hair wet, and that he did not wish to celebrate “losers” and “suckers.” All this was from a left-wing media that not long ago damned a “militaristic” Trump for being infatuated with generals, and putting far too many in his White House, while needlessly spending billions on manpower and equipment to repair a military hollowed out by the Obama Administration.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
It's not like Kelly busted out his iPhone and asked Trump to repeat himself, so what would constitute proof for you?

Asking for a friend.
Corroboration from multliple named witnesses. So far the only named witness (Bolton) said it didn't happen.

Your friend is welcome.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Corroboration from multliple named witnesses. So far the only named witness (Bolton) said it didn't happen.

Your friend is welcome.
Still lying.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:24 PM
Fox News corroborated the truth of th report after speaking to various of their sources in the Pentagon. But I guess you can't believe anything Fox News says, so Joe has a point.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Nepeeme2008
Fox News corroborated the truth of th report after speaking to various of their sources in the Pentagon. But I guess you can't believe anything Fox News says, so Joe has a point.
Like 4-5 different news organizations have all independently confirmed it.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
So far the only named witness (Bolton) said it didn't happen.
Hey, look, joe is still lying. This must mean he has a rock-solid argument here! lolol, remember the last thing joe posted from them?

Originally Posted by joe6pack
Speaking of the Democrat convention here's a pretty good analysis of the rampant hypocrisy on display at that event.
Originally Posted by goofyballer
There is one rule that should guide all of Barack Obama’s post-presidential speeches. He should never mention respect for the Constitution and the rule of law that begins in the Oval Office. And yet Obama did just that.

So the listener then asks himself: did Obama not plan the destruction of Donald Trump’s national security advisor designate, General Michael Flynn, from the Oval Office? Did he not, while in the Oval Office, oversee illegal Department of Justice and FBI surveillance of a U.S. citizen, despite being warned by his own hirelings in the FBI that the taped Flynn calls with Russia’s U.S. ambassador were “legitimate”?
Imagine being joe and thinking this is "pretty good analysis" LOL
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:38 PM
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 02:44 PM
Trump is...saying some things

Live fact check: "the swine" did not come from China, totally normal conspiracy theory for the president to be spreading
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 03:17 PM
Still waiting for proof. Crickets so far.

Come on guys, prove me wrong. I need a challenge. This is too easy.

Last edited by joe6pack; 09-07-2020 at 03:27 PM.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Still waiting for proof. Crickets so far.
Isaiah 42:18

Hear, you deaf!
And look, you blind, that you may see.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Still waiting for proof. Crickets so far.

Come on guys, prove me wrong. I need a challenge. This is too easy.
If you mean evidence, evidence has been provided to you. You can choose not believe it, it is still a free society.

You're also free to move on. Nobody should need to wade through the nauseating sludge that is Trump's on record statements on men and women in uniform that bothers him, just to please you and be trolled as a reward.

As for this latest story, which has been independently verified by several major news outlets, I'm sorry that some soldiers had the audacity to lie dead in a graveyard where it happened to be raining, but they didn't have much choice in the matter.
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
09-07-2020 , 04:36 PM
“How do ‘sources’ work? They totally befuddle me and my comrades.” -JSP
Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor) Quote
