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ex-President Trump ex-President Trump

11-07-2019 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by AnotherMakiavelli
I think we all know the real story here is Ben Ghazi's role in delivering pizzas to Uranium One
ex-President Trump Quote
11-07-2019 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
I think we all know the real story here is Ben Ghazi's role in delivering Comet pizzas to Uranium One
To make it more understandable. Hotdogs are still missing imo.

Last edited by AnotherMakiavelli; 11-07-2019 at 08:55 PM.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-07-2019 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
So straight up fraud?
Sure, but defrauding old people through appealing to their avarice or fear is SOP for like 70% of movement conservatism.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-07-2019 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
chair of the AZ gop asking the hard hitting questions on twitter.

do we need a state electoral college process because actual people have far too much say in rejecting conservatism..

reminds me of a quote i saw somewhere that was like, "if conservatives start to realize they can't win democratically, they won't abandon conservatism, they will begin to reject democracy."
Any future the current incarnation of the GOP has in this country relies almost wholly on voter suppression and riggage. Their base continues to shrink so they continue to try anything they can to rig things so their minority position can have majority power.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-07-2019 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Yeah, because the media, general public and other politicians hated obama and love trump, right?

Don't get me wrong, this part of your post is really stupid, but the rest of your post is even worse.
Three scandals of Obama that were MUCH bigger issues than Trump running a fraudulent contest through his campaign, without ANY hyperbole or exaggeration:

1) Wearing a tan suit
2) Putting his feet up on the Oval Office desk
3) Saluting while holding a cup of coffee.

But you keep being you. Trolling as a Trump supporter is a step below trolling as a pedophile supporter.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-07-2019 , 11:28 PM
Grey Pupon!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-07-2019 , 11:55 PM
I knew I missed one but I thought of Grey Poupon but then thought I must be remembering a joke because it is too absurd. But you are right the backlash for that was also worse than Trump’s Fried Eggs and Fraud breakfast content.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 12:10 AM
Don't forgot umbrella gate.

But Obama wasn't a perfect president, although he was perfectly presidential.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
Three scandals of Obama that were MUCH bigger issues than Trump running a fraudulent contest through his campaign, without ANY hyperbole or exaggeration:

1) Wearing a tan suit
2) Putting his feet up on the Oval Office desk
3) Saluting while holding a cup of coffee.

But you keep being you. Trolling as a Trump supporter is a step below trolling as a pedophile supporter.
I can’t say if those Obama events were made a bigger deal of than trumps lunches, because I never heard about any of them until someone posted them itt a couple days ago... I have a feeling I’m not alone I’m not remembering any of theee. They have that liberal media “see what the president did that caused outrage in the repub party” feel to them.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I can’t say if those Obama events were made a bigger deal of than trumps lunches, because I never heard about any of them until someone posted them itt a couple days ago... I have a feeling I’m not alone I’m not remembering any of theee. They have that liberal media “see what the president did that caused outrage in the repub party” feel to them.
They were covered extensively on Fox News.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
They were covered extensively on Fox News.
so extensively that the daily show reruns montages of the fox news coverage of them on the anniversaries as the "biggest scandals in presidential history" segment.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I can’t say if those Obama events were made a bigger deal of than trumps lunches, because I never heard about any of them until someone posted them itt a couple days ago... I have a feeling I’m not alone I’m not remembering any of theee. They have that liberal media “see what the president did that caused outrage in the repub party” feel to them.
In the matter of a few days you can be like oh you picked Trump defrauding campaign contributors, aren't there like 15 other things you can pick and then a couple of days later be like, I don't even keep up with Trump's campaign fraud what else could there be?
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
I can’t say if those Obama events were made a bigger deal of than trumps lunches, because I never heard about any of them until someone posted them itt a couple days ago... I have a feeling I’m not alone I’m not remembering any of theee. They have that liberal media “see what the president did that caused outrage in the repub party” feel to them.
You ****ing lie. They were all over fox, and we know where you get your marching orders from.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by redbuck
that reminds me of a quote:
"We can't beat him, so we've got to impeach him."
the only honest Democrat in the House

Impeachment is following the constitution, striving to bias elections for minority rule is not.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:09 AM
Quick update from the non-senile presidency.

“It’s like showing up at the nursing home at daybreak to find your elderly uncle running pantsless across the courtyard and cursing loudly about the cafeteria food, as worried attendants tried to catch him,” the author writes. “You’re stunned, amused, and embarrassed all at the same time. Only your uncle probably wouldn’t do it every single day, his words aren’t broadcast to the public, and he doesn’t have to lead the US government once he puts his pants on.”
“All I can tell you is that normal people who spend any time with Donald Trump are uncomfortable by what they witness. He stumbles, slurs, gets confused, is easily irritated, and has trouble synthesizing information, not occasionally but with regularity. Those who would claim otherwise are lying to themselves or to the country.”

Last edited by tomdemaine; 11-08-2019 at 10:23 AM.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:40 AM
Also the fact he wears adult diapers. Very good, very cool.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:46 AM
Which again is not a problem in and of itself. The old and senile deserve dignity in life. We're all getting older I'm sure I'll be in diapers soon enough but I just don't think we should have a depends president.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 10:58 AM
True, it also becomes a problem when the reason he was supposedly wearing them was because he was getting so wasted on amphetamines that he used to soil himself.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 11:00 AM
Imagine having to pay back millions of dollars because your CHARITY was a scam?! And that not even being a big deal as a president?!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 11:04 AM
charity? more like enabely. real story is tough love of supreme leader. poker boom 2 coming soon tho cuz trickle down. takes a little while plz be patient k thx
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
Imagine having to pay back millions of dollars because your CHARITY was a scam?! And that not even being a big deal as a president?!
"Whew, glad I wasn't elected".

ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
In the matter of a few days you can be like oh you picked Trump defrauding campaign contributors, aren't there like 15 other things you can pick and then a couple of days later be like, I don't even keep up with Trump's campaign fraud what else could there be?
lol @defrauding campaign contributors. Nice.

I think I keep up with presidential issues pretty well but it is nearly impossible for one person to be aware of everything liberals hate about trump.

Originally Posted by master3004
You ****ing lie. They were all over fox, and we know where you get your marching orders from.
The only time I watch fox news is for big events going on like on election day and even then I am probably less than 50% to be watching it. I occasionally watch political discussion types of youtubes and they are sometimes from fox. I watch CNN way more than fox and I don't think I've ever been to their website as I always go to CNN site for news even though I think 60+% is trash.
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
lol @defrauding campaign contributors. Nice.

I think I keep up with presidential issues pretty well but it is nearly impossible for one person to be aware of everything liberals hate about trump.
Nah, bruh, they miss a lot. The hard thing to keep up with is the list of crimes and misdeeds by trump/GOP. There are internet lists that literally keep track and it's like, **** no... tl;dr!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 03:43 PM
Mickey you can’t keep up with all the bad stuff Trump does, nobody can. It is endless and unrelenting. At least you admit your President is in a constant tornado of law breaking, corruption and illicit activity. Not to mention the more mundane mores he violates every day.

It’s amusing you try to label these as irrational things democrats are mad about instead of the real high crimes, misdemeanors and extremely bad behavior unfit for the office of President they are. Imagine what you would say if you were a Trump supporter/defender!
ex-President Trump Quote
11-08-2019 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Mickey you can’t keep up with all the bad stuff Trump does, nobody can. It is endless and unrelenting. At least you admit your President is in a constant tornado of law breaking, corruption and illicit activity. Not to mention the more mundane mores he violates every day.

It’s amusing you try to label these as irrational things democrats are mad about instead of the real high crimes, misdemeanors and extremely bad behavior unfit for the office of President they are. Imagine what you would say if you were a Trump supporter/defender!
Depending on who is defining "bad stuff" I likely agree with your first sentence. However, I wouldn't go as far to say our president is in a "constant tornado of law breaking, corruption and illicit activity".

Again, if we are defining things like not going to lunch with people as much as he should as a high crime I agree the guy is crazy. However, we haven't seen enough bad things from trump to make me think the poor, middle class, rich, business owners, homeless, any minority, any sex, white color or blue color groups will be better off under biden, warren or any of the other dem candidates.
ex-President Trump Quote
