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07-08-2020 , 01:42 PM
From the website LIVE SCIENCE:

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.
07-08-2020 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
From the website LIVE SCIENCE:

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.
Congratulations on discovering what people here have been telling you for the last 6 months. Just wait till you independently re-discover how exponential growth works, boy are you in for a treat!
07-08-2020 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
From the website LIVE SCIENCE:

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.

Getting infected at a later point in time is likely going to have more treatments available and potentially a vaccine to prevent cases as well.

I get that you are clinging to your narrative as much as possible, even as we are seeing and will see hospitals run into troubles, cases explode, deaths increase etc in the USA #1 as other countries have taken proper steps to avoid this. Good chance "just staff up" will not be the magical answer either.

You seem comfortable with your beliefs, whereas others who share them here seem afraid to commit to them directly. You may as well cut to the chase - if the USA #1 gets to a million+ dead, and does so with a death rate per capita say 8-10 times higher than Canada - is that a problem at all, or is it just the USA #1 getting to a place early that everyone else will be at in your opinion, so it is just the USA #1 showing its good ol' Merican initiative. Thanks!

All the best.
07-08-2020 , 01:51 PM
This is what I've said flatten the curve always has been!

And hospitals in Florida aren't overwhelmed. They have plenty of bed space and ventilators. They are in the process of requesting extra staffing. No one will be turned away or denied access to a ventilator.
07-08-2020 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
From the website LIVE SCIENCE:

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.
You do understand that there are other important factors, correct?
07-08-2020 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
This is what I've said flatten the curve always has been!

And hospitals in Florida aren't overwhelmed. They have plenty of bed space and ventilators. They are in the process of requesting extra staffing. No one will be turned away or denied access to a ventilator.
Do you understand that "opening it back up" and "flattening the curve" are inversely correlated, i.e. the more you "open up" the steeper the curve becomes?
07-08-2020 , 01:56 PM
Getting back to the foundation of this thread, Georgia is killing it!

Cases only up 250% since this thread started, and we all know from Smudger the virus does not spread, so no worries about cases, hospitalizations and deaths increasing on the back of this insane uptick.
07-08-2020 , 01:57 PM
07-08-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
The **** does Obama have to do with Smudger declaring TOTAL VICTORY, or Bush parading in front of a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner 15 years too soon?
There both whopper of lies. What does Bush have to do with Trump?

Trump lies the most of any president. Bush Sucked but I bet many Democrats take Bush over Trump.

Modern republicans just want to throw all these statements in the same basket and say "See, you can't trust any of them!".
I think that is why Trump won. Folks just said cant trust any of em lets see what the reality star can do.

Lets say Biden wins and they grab the house and the senate. The right thing to do is ram Universal Health Care through but they won't
07-08-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
This is what I've said flatten the curve always has been!

And hospitals in Florida aren't overwhelmed. They have plenty of bed space and ventilators. They are in the process of requesting extra staffing. No one will be turned away or denied access to a ventilator.
They are overwhelmed, and they're getting worse. You lying about it again doesn't make it so.
07-08-2020 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
There both whopper of lies. What does Bush have to do with Trump?
The analogy was between Bush and Smudger, both declaring TOTAL VICTORY very prematurely. Shoehorning "but Obama lied once about doctors" into that makes you seem a bit obsessed.
07-08-2020 , 02:20 PM
07-08-2020 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
From the website LIVE SCIENCE:

A flatter curve, on the other hand, assumes the same number of people ultimately get infected, but over a longer period of time. A slower infection rate means a less stressed health care system, fewer hospital visits on any given day and fewer sick people being turned away.
Flatten the curve was just a way to try to communicate to lay people what was going on. For a place like NYC, where you had rampant community spread before any preventative measures were taken, you would have a massive increase in cases even after you shutdown because people caught it earlier. Flatten the curve was meant to explain that the lock down wouldn't magically end the out break. Things would get really bad after the lock down, but people shouldn't say "screw it" and go back to normal. The lock down was still helping despite cases and deaths going up everyday after NYC was shutdown.

After the flattening phase, the goal is to get the underlying number of cases very low BEFORE you open up again and to use social distancing/masks and contact isolation to keep the spread to a minimum AFTER you reopen. That's the hammering of the curve pattern you see in the EU. The US failed at this. Partly because people like you thought flattening the curve was the only relevant concept and refused to learn any more about it.

Last edited by ecriture d'adulte; 07-08-2020 at 02:25 PM.
07-08-2020 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Flatten the curve was just a way to try to communicate to lay people what was going on. For a place like NYC, where you had rampant community spread before any preventative measures were taken, you would have a massive increase in cases even after you shutdown because people caught it earlier. Flatten the curve was meant to explain that the lock down wouldn't magically end the out break. Things would get really bad after the lock down, but people shouldn't say "screw it" and go back to normal. The lock down was still helping despite cases and deaths going up everyday after NYC was shutdown.

After the flattening phase, the goal is to get the underlying number of cases very low BEFORE you open up again and to use social distancing/masks and contact isolation to keep the spread to a minimum AFTER you reopen. That's the hammering of the curve pattern you see in the EU. The US failed at this. Partly because people like you thought flattening the curve was the only relevant concept and refused to learn any more about it.
Smudger thinks your whole second paragraph is impossible, despite the fact that it's worked everywhere it's been tried, because "flatten the curve" can only mean not overwhelming the hospitals and never doing any better than that.
07-08-2020 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Did not click, but I doubt you're going to get the response you want to the question "Is Fox lying?" here.
07-08-2020 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Lets say Biden wins and they grab the house and the senate. The right thing to do is ram Universal Health Care through but they won't
The problem wit this is you have to pass something that will survive republican court challenges and a republican POTUS/House/Senate. It's much harder now than it was for FDR, back when republicans weren't trying to make things worse on purpose.
07-08-2020 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Did not click, but I doubt you're going to get the response you want to the question "Is Fox lying?" here.
I mean, it's perfectly reasonable to think that staff more than beds are the limiting factor, but to read that article and think that there is actually no problems at all, because doctors, like, are just things you can pluck out of the ground and put to work right away, is preposterous.
07-08-2020 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Getting back to the foundation of this thread, Georgia is killing it!

Cases only up 250% since this thread started, and we all know from Smudger the virus does not spread, so no worries about cases, hospitalizations and deaths increasing on the back of this insane uptick.
It depends on what your definition of "it" is...
07-08-2020 , 03:13 PM
The results of the Sweden experiment are in: killing way more people with no benefit at all

Ever since the coronavirus emerged in Europe, Sweden has captured international attention by conducting an unorthodox, open-air experiment. It has allowed the world to examine what happens in a pandemic when a government allows life to carry on largely unhindered.

This is what has happened: Not only have thousands more people died than in neighboring countries that imposed lockdowns, but Sweden’s economy has fared little better.

“They literally gained nothing,” said Jacob F. Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington. “It’s a self-inflicted wound, and they have no economic gains.”
Implicit in these [reopening] approaches is the assumption that governments must balance saving lives against the imperative to spare jobs, with the extra health risks of rolling back social distancing potentially justified by a resulting boost to prosperity. But Sweden’s grim result — more death, and nearly equal economic damage — suggests that the supposed choice between lives and paychecks is a false one: A failure to impose social distancing can cost lives and jobs at the same time.
07-08-2020 , 03:20 PM
Fox 13 is a local affiliate. It is not Fox News.
07-08-2020 , 03:20 PM
And there's the United States, saying "hold my beer": CDC will issue new guidance on school openings, Pence says, after criticism from Trump

CDC: "Schools should take precautions to keep everyone healthy and safe"
Trump: "That doesn't work for me"
Pence: "Don't worry, the CDC will change their guidelines"


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will issue new guidance on school openings, Vice President Pence said Wednesday, hours after President Trump criticized earlier recommendations as “very impractical” and vowed to meet with the agency himself.

Citing Trump’s concern that the guidance might be “too tough,” Pence said that the CDC would issue additional recommendations starting next week that would provide “more clarity” and stressed that the guidelines should not supplant the judgment of local officials.

“We don’t want the guidance from CDC to be a reason why schools don’t open,” Pence said. “I think that every American, every American knows that we can safely reopen our schools. . . . We want, as the president said this morning, to make sure that what we’re doing doesn’t stand in the way of doing that.”
Putting political goals like "reopening schools before the election" ahead of any health challenges that stand in the way, totally normal country we have here
07-08-2020 , 03:47 PM
When this thread started the US just hit 50,000 deaths. In almost three months since there have been close to 90,000 additional deaths, yet no more wisdom from the Lord of the Thread. The same wrong arguments continue to be propped up.
07-08-2020 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by redbuck
It depends on what your definition of "it" is...
In this case “it” refers to large numbers of Americans.
07-08-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Fox 13 is a local affiliate. It is not Fox News.
WTVT, virtual channel 13 (VHF digital channel 12), is a Fox owned-and-operated television station licensed to Tampa, Florida, United States and also serving the nearby city of St. Petersburg. The station is owned by the Fox Television Stations subsidiary of Fox Corporation.
Glad I don’t have to worry about that. Check out what encompasses Fox Corp after the merger/sell off with Disney. It is the national network, the affiliates they own and the cable channels. It is all under a much, much smaller roof.
07-08-2020 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Glad I don’t have to worry about that. Check out what encompasses Fox Corp after the merger/sell off with Disney. It is the national network, the affiliates they own and the cable channels. It is all under a much, much smaller roof.
In fairness to Smudger, local Fox affiliates aren't necessarily all that partisan, certainly not to the extent of Fox News on cable. The biased conservative local stations are the ones owned by Sinclair.
