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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

01-28-2024 , 05:53 PM
Should the converse also be true? Should the unvaccinated be like "**** those who get myocarditis I don't care anymore?"
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
This was the reason why so many nursing homes had a rampant spread and death rate. Younger people who worked there and didn't care if they got infected. This would be true of any work environment where young and old people worked together (like those midwest factories where so many people died).

I do think that with schools they could have let kids get covid (like they do colds and the Flu) and just make sure that all teachers over 50 (maybe even over 40) were at home. But part of the problem was that it took a while to know that under 40 people had virtually no deaths.

My preference would have been to do what they did in South Korea which was test early and often and shut down buildings where there were more than 3 cases for 2 weeks. I would also have given older people an option to work from home. But in truth in the OUS we did not have sufficient tests to do this.
You cannot close off the rest of the 98% of the population because of the 2% work in nursing homes. It wasn't economically feasible back then, and its even more obvious today with how bad the current state of our government finances are in the west.

You lock down the olds and nursing homes, put in strict covid restrictions for those working there, print money and ship it to them to alleviate their burden. Let it rip through for everyone else.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Should the converse also be true? Should the unvaccinated be like "**** those who get myocarditis I don't care anymore?"

Its not true of course (myocarditis is not causing deaths in any significant numbers as a result of being vaccinated) but then I really don't care what dumb people are thinking as long as I can read them. That is if I am playing poker with them. If they aren't poker players then by all means!!! They are entitled to their own opinions and they get to live with themselves for the rest of their lives.

*It is important to note that even for young men there are more lives saved by being vaccinated than lives lost from myocarditis incidents so the real answer is please keep your opinion to yourself if that is what you think.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick

Its not true of course (myocarditis is not causing deaths in any significant numbers as a result of being vaccinated) but then I really don't care what dumb people are thinking as long as I can read them. That is if I am playing poker with them. If they aren't poker players then by all means!!! They are entitled to their own opinions and they get to live with themselves for the rest of their lives.

*It is important to note that even for young men there are more lives saved by being vaccinated than lives lost from myocarditis incidents so the real answer is please keep your opinion to yourself if that is what you think.
young male adults risked more by taking a car to get to where they got vaccinated that they did from the vaccine *and from covid*.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
This was the reason why so many nursing homes had a rampant spread and death rate. Younger people who worked there and didn't care if they got infected. This would be true of any work environment where young and old people worked together (like those midwest factories where so many people died).
Have you been in a nursing home lately? The youngs could take every precaution known to man but once COVID gets in that nursing home it's over for the olds. A lot of them would be better off being 6 feet under than the "living" they are doing.

Nursing homes are unbelievably depressing places. And the great ex-governor of NY sent people with COVID back into these "homes."
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 06:44 PM
after seeing how it was handled in china

i was in an absolute state of shock how we handled our testing and vaccine centers - it felt like if you weren't sick before going to those places, you certainly would be once it was all said and done
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
It was completely overblown and the fish fell for it.

Infection rates alone are not important. Only death rates amongst the old. We could have easily locked down the olds and mass burn through the rest of the population. Infection rates for everyone under 55 are completely irrelevant.

But we had cowards in charge and a bunch of lemmings as citizens.
Nope because when u end up in intensive care , they save your life not just for covid but other incidents , sickness , etc .

And again there was 400% increase rates in death , not just infections ……
When u got all your intensive care crumbling over covid cases , u get more problems because u can’t take care of emergency cases that aren’t from COVID-19 .

You and all the others are just always just seeing about covid without ever taking into consideration :
Ho fack , what happens if someone gets sick but can’t receive healthcare because the hospital are already over 300% occupations by « covid, vaccine, lockdown deniers … »
It ain’t just about covid !
It’s about hospitals having the capacities to respond to everyone .
And probably many that end up in intensive care from covid would of died if they wouldn’t receives intensives cares .

So u say it’s overblown ?
Well I trust more military and national defense specialist then your opinion, sorry to say .

And u say it’s overblown ?
That was only 3 months -> u think it wouldn’t of been worst if it lasted 6months or 1 years ?
Yeah right ……
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick

Its not true of course (myocarditis is not causing deaths in any significant numbers as a result of being vaccinated) but then I really don't care what dumb people are thinking as long as I can read them. That is if I am playing poker with them. If they aren't poker players then by all means!!! They are entitled to their own opinions and they get to live with themselves for the rest of their lives.

*It is important to note that even for young men there are more lives saved by being vaccinated than lives lost from myocarditis incidents so the real answer is please keep your opinion to yourself if that is what you think.
Given that it's the immune response causing the inflammation, those that are getting myocarditis via vaccination would also get it via infection. It's much more common and severe from infection as well.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Have you been in a nursing home lately? The youngs could take every precaution known to man but once COVID gets in that nursing home it's over for the olds. A lot of them would be better off being 6 feet under than the "living" they are doing.

Nursing homes are unbelievably depressing places. And the great ex-governor of NY sent people with COVID back into these "homes."
that has always been the case to some extent, COVID "management" just made it worse, but it's a conversation most people don't want to have.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
You cannot close off the rest of the 98% of the population because of the 2% work in nursing homes. It wasn't economically feasible back then, and its even more obvious today with how bad the current state of our government finances are in the west.

You lock down the olds and nursing homes, put in strict covid restrictions for those working there, print money and ship it to them to alleviate their burden. Let it rip through for everyone else.
Would you stop ?
Canadian population 60 years plus is like 18% so it’s already like 1 person in 5 that can have massive problem from covid , not 1 in 50 like alluding too …..
We don’t have a 1970s demographic style for very long time now !
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
There's an extremely strong correlation between lung cancer and people who use lighters or matches. Or people who are severely underweight and mortality.

So much for correlations.
Yeah, but when you see the same thing consistently happening in multiple places such as at the county level as the author outlines in the article then questions need to be asked. It may not be definitive proof but it's a signal that points to something going on that should be investigated at the very least. Something non-covid is causing excess mortality to consistently coincide with vaccine uptake rates across multiple locations. What is that something?

Last edited by Brian James; 01-28-2024 at 09:50 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Nope because when u end up in intensive care , they save your life not just for covid but other incidents , sickness , etc .

And again there was 400% increase rates in death , not just infections ……
When u got all your intensive care crumbling over covid cases , u get more problems because u can’t take care of emergency cases that aren’t from COVID-19 .

You and all the others are just always just seeing about covid without ever taking into consideration :
Ho fack , what happens if someone gets sick but can’t receive healthcare because the hospital are already over 300% occupations by « covid, vaccine, lockdown deniers … »
It ain’t just about covid !
It’s about hospitals having the capacities to respond to everyone .
And probably many that end up in intensive care from covid would of died if they wouldn’t receives intensives cares .
The marginal return from lockdowns in terms of lives saved was not worth how much money it cost to do those lockdowns.

Everyone was emotional and irrational back then when I made these claims, but 3 years later its even more true and obvious.

So u say it’s overblown ?
Well I trust more military and national defense specialist then your opinion, sorry to say .
It's because you are a lemming and fellow along like everyone else without using critical thinking skills.

And u say it’s overblown ?
That was only 3 months -> u think it wouldn’t of been worst if it lasted 6months or 1 years ?
Yeah right ……
2 months is what it takes to achieve herd immunity almost every where there was a rip through giving the R values.

Last edited by Tien; 01-28-2024 at 10:11 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Would you stop ?
Canadian population 60 years plus is like 18% so it’s already like 1 person in 5 that can have massive problem from covid , not 1 in 50 like alluding too …..
We don’t have a 1970s demographic style for very long time now !
WTf are you talking about? Stop what?

We lock down the olds, 65+ and let it rip everyone else.

Nursing home caretakers would also be placed under strict restrictions and we would print money to alleviate their increased burdens.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:20 PM
If people could quantify the lockdown costs they would never do another lockdown ever again if another hypothetical covid came around.

Over the years, I get the same pushback: "What you are recommending is letting the olds die off."

Answer: No I am not, we lock the olds down and have tight control over who comes and takes care of them.

The mental block is right here. People invested all their mental energy into rationalizing the benefits of lockdowns that they are simply unable to say they were wrong and that better alternative courses were out there.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
The marginal return from lockdowns in terms of lives saved was not worth how much money it cost to do those lockdowns.

Everyone was emotional and irrational back then when I made these claims, but 3 years later its even more true and obvious.

It's because you are a lemming and fellow along like everyone else without using critical thinking skills.

2 months is what it takes to achieve herd immunity almost every where there was a rip through giving the R values.
Sorry if I used data instead of critical thinking without data ….

And yet after 3 months , Alberta had to return to high restrictives policies !
It passes your 2 months time frames ….what happened ?
Maybe u just plainly wrong …..
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Sorry if I used data instead of critical thinking without data ….

And yet after 3 months , Alberta had to return to high restrictives policies !
It passes your 2 months time frames ….what happened ?
Maybe u just plainly wrong …..
By end of June of 2020 most republican states had re-opened and the all the restrictions lifted by September without coming back. No collapse in sight.

The only mistake they made was not re-opening sooner 100% zero restrictions for everyone under 65, while continuing to lock down the 65+.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Everything about this virus itself was a near certainty by mid April 2020.

We knew the death rates amongst demographics, we knew it was a gigantic nothing burger for the young. We knew with certainty by mid April 2020 that lockdowns were absolutely failure of a policy to kill off covid. The only sensible thing to do at that point end of April 2020 was the mass re-openings for everyone under 65 and let it rip everywhere.
Nothing you wrote is accurate. The cumulative COVID-19 USA death toll in mid April 2020 was only 25,000, nowhere near enough to yield a complete picture of how the mortality would play out across age cohorts. The first USA lockdown was in March 2020, so to claim they were a failure just a month later (and with certainty) is absurd and completely unsubstantiated.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
WTf are you talking about? Stop what?

We lock down the olds, 65+ and let it rip everyone else.

Nursing home caretakers would also be placed under strict restrictions and we would print money to alleviate their increased burdens.
What I’m talking about ?
U think COVID only appeared in nursing home ?

For your information not all 65+ lives in nursing home !
And at 60 years old , COVID was already at that age pretty dangerous and the population of 60 to 65 is already representing 6% of the population and they aren’t living in nursing home .
And many people in that age group still works !

So I have no idea why u keep repeating non sense statistic like we did all of this for only 2% of the population .
It’s far more !
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Nothing you wrote is accurate. The cumulative COVID-19 USA death toll in mid April 2020 was only 25,000, nowhere near enough to yield a complete picture of how the mortality would play out across age cohorts. The first USA lockdown was in March 2020, so to claim they were a failure just a month later (and with certainty) is absurd and completely unsubstantiated.
At the minimum u had to wait for vaccine to be distributed at a minimum….
The numbers are incredibly telling how different people end up in intensive care while being unvaccinated vs vaccinated people .

In April 2020 US didn’t even reach any peak yet in deaths or infected rates .
No idea how tien can say at that time it was already a done deal

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 01-28-2024 at 10:41 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Brian James
Yeah, but when you see the same thing consistently happening in multiple places such as at the county level as the author outlines in the article then questions need to be asked. It may not be definitive proof but it's a signal that points to something going on that should be investigated at the very least. Something non-covid is causing excess mortality to consistently coincide with vaccine uptake rates across multiple locations. What is that something?
Of course questions need to be asked but the article you quoted presented conclusions, not questions. The purpose of most observational studies is to yield clues on what to investigate next - it represents the starting point of further research, not the endpoint claimed by your quoted author. The easiest way to differentiate a medical researcher from someone spewing bullshit from their basement is how freely they state definitive conclusions based on practically zero conclusive evidence.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Nothing you wrote is accurate. The cumulative COVID-19 USA death toll in mid April 2020 was only 25,000, nowhere near enough to yield a complete picture of how the mortality would play out across age cohorts. The first USA lockdown was in March 2020, so to claim they were a failure just a month later (and with certainty) is absurd and completely unsubstantiated.

We had European data that started in mid January. And Chinese data that started in end of December.

There was 4 months of data by mid April 2020.

Now here is just USA age group data from February to March 2020:

Here is BBC article march 2020.

Last edited by Tien; 01-28-2024 at 10:58 PM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Tien

We had European data that started in mid January. And Chinese data that started in end of December.

There was 4 months of data by mid April 2020.

Lockdown in China started in end January while Europe had to start lock down like in march 2020.

And infections and death started sky rocket then and hospitals were getting overwhelm.

March 2020 Italia

“ Italian hospitals short of beds as coronavirus death toll jumps”
“ The number of deaths from coronavirus in Italy rose from 366 to 463 on Monday, according to the head of the civil protection agency. The total number of cases in Italy rose by 24% to 9,172, and of those originally infected, 724 had fully recovered. Some 733 people were in intensive care against a previous total of 650.

There are about 500 available beds for intensive care in Lombardy’s public health sphere, with another 160 in private care facilities. Despite a massive effort to locate additional space there are still not enough.”

Didn’t seem all the data were clear by April like u suggest or u speaking of April 2021 ?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

Lockdown in China started in end January while Europe had to start lock down like in march 2020.

And infections and death started sky rocket then and hospitals were getting overwhelm.

March 2020 Italia

“ Italian hospitals short of beds as coronavirus death toll jumps”
“ The number of deaths from coronavirus in Italy rose from 366 to 463 on Monday, according to the head of the civil protection agency. The total number of cases in Italy rose by 24% to 9,172, and of those originally infected, 724 had fully recovered. Some 733 people were in intensive care against a previous total of 650.

There are about 500 available beds for intensive care in Lombardy’s public health sphere, with another 160 in private care facilities. Despite a massive effort to locate additional space there are still not enough.”

Didn’t seem all the data were clear by April like u suggest or u speaking of April 2021 ?

Follow along the conversation instead of blabering all over the place.

We had 4 months of global covid data by April 2020 regarding death rates amongst age groups. Pocket zeroes said we only had 1 month by April 2020 and he is completely wrong on that point.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Tien

We had European data that started in mid January. And Chinese data that started in end of December.

There was 4 months of data by mid April 2020.

Now here is just USA age group data from February to March 2020:

Here is BBC article march 2020.

USA public health policy is not run from information from other continents. We didn't even use Europe's proven COVID-19 test. Yet you believe we're going to make public health policy decisions based on early preliminary data from them?

Not sure why you believe showing an age breakdown chart from what I already told you was an insufficient sample size so early in the USA pandemic would somehow any weight to your unsupported assertion.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-28-2024 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by pocket_zeros
Nothing you wrote is accurate. The cumulative COVID-19 USA death toll in mid April 2020 was only 25,000, nowhere near enough to yield a complete picture of how the mortality would play out across age cohorts. The first USA lockdown was in March 2020, so to claim they were a failure just a month later (and with certainty) is absurd and completely unsubstantiated.

Not only am I accurate, I know what I am talking about because I followed this very closely.

Here is Italy data March 23 2020. About 3 months of Italy data.

So if you aggregate in April 2020, we knew everything we needed to know age wise regarding covid.

Covid-19 Discussion Quote
