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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

01-21-2022 , 10:41 PM
I don't know the guy, Jim, then disregard the video with him. Don't you think Biden messed up?

I'm all for protecting old people, and i would never hate on fauci for being 81, I just think he is a lying puppet.

And how the f do you protect old people if they can't get to their health care appoinments? It just doesn't make any sense.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-21-2022 , 11:12 PM
Here's a good rule of thumb:

If a republican is saying it, it's a lie and they are playing on the ignorance of their base to generate qnger/hate.

The nice thing about ignorance is that it can be fixed through education. Unless you're just plain old stupid. Which is what you are.

That is all.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-21-2022 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by BuckyK
Here's a good rule of thumb:

If a republican is saying it, it's a lie and they are playing on the ignorance of their base to generate qnger/hate.

The nice thing about ignorance is that it can be fixed through education. Unless you're just plain old stupid. Which is what you are.

That is all.
I was a ignorant liberal just as you. If you can't look through all this bs I can't help you. But we will see it played out. Rule of thumb, if someone is playing too nice they are actually an *******. Which is what they are. More and more scandals will follow, which you will sit with your ass on your brain through, the stupid is on you. This is politics and you are g f, again.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
You're not really saying you agree to this totalitarian bs ala Stalin and the Nazis, are you? Do you have any idea how much damage this has done to people's mental health and finances? The kids? There is no justification for that, they did way more harm than good. What are you, American? Because you sound more like a concentration camp prison guard. This was all good for absolutely nothing, more people died during all this bs crap rules and 3 vaccines than under trump with nothing, do you get this? Do you know of anyone that died, not because of the virus, But because of mental health of lack of treatment? I do! Depression is far worse than this virus that most people survive to 99% do you get what more harm than good means? Do you understand corporate greed?
If you understand probabilities like a poker player you would better understand the risks in relativity to the damage it's doing.

Idk what you want to achieve here, But leave people their freedom! That's priority. We could all die tomorrow but in freedom.
This might be one of the clueless post I have ever read ….
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
This might be one of the clueless post I have ever read ….
Pls be more specific. You argue like a 12 y old, if you could tell me what part is clueless we could actually argue.

There are young people comitting suicides now and for What?? For What?? Mental health, and businesses being destroyed beyond repair. Futures destroyed. Old people dying bc they cant see their doctors for conditions that need attention, dying because of isolation and lonliness, school kids at home with families going nuts. For What?

My friend lost his father bc they had to neglect his doctors treatments for cancer, for what? Please tell me. Maybe you're clueless?

This is a disease which 99% have no problem fighting off is it really worth all This??

Last edited by washoe; 01-22-2022 at 12:28 AM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
This might be one of the clueless post I have ever read ….
This is actually a post that I tiltfully replied to Montys trolling. That must mean you can't attack my other prior 10 posts. Is that correct. Those would actually reveal the hypocrisy we are talking about. But you had to chose this one, of course. Now tell me...pls
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:32 AM
You put nazi ffs .

Jews were far more destroyed and denied of any human conditions in camps and still they were able to over come it .

Comparing any covid restriction with nazism is simply stupidity at its highest level

Yes a father friends of yours dies because the hospitals were too occupied by non vaccinated patients taking medical ressources from others ….
It isn’t just about 99% survive covid … it’s about the implication of without medical help and restrictions, those numbers would of been higher .

But hey if 850k died of Covid is Nothing in the US for you because it’s less than 1% , good for you …..
Don’t complain about just 1 person like your father freind , it means nothing if 850k death means nothing …..
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 01:04 AM
You have no numbers yet to compare those to the damage being done.

You see? That's how judgmental you are, unethical and degrading towards non vaxxed people. There are people who have been infected already, people who can't get vaxxed out of medical conditions. thousands of other reasons. They are all being degraded.
My friends father was double vaxxed, max there was at the time. They did everything they told them to. Like him there were and are millions of other patients. Dying of untreated conditions. Children and athletes put on antidepressants because they can't compete or go to school anymore. Businesses financially ruined bc they couldn't operate anymore. Futures lost for generations. The list is endless, I just don't think this is in any healthy perspective anymore. What it is, is fight for power, money, politics and greed.

I also think all this is doing more harm to my folks than if they just cought the virus. You can't even calculate all the consequences, nobody does yet it is able to.

I apologise if you felt hurt by the nazi comparison, it's been used plentiful. There is nothing else in the history that invaded people's freedom and choices, besides those totalitarian regimes. Its only comparible to the nazies or Stalin, North Korea or any other system that depowered people's freedom. What else can you compare that to? We have never seen this kind of power over people's lifes. We are losing people here, healthy people, healthy futures. And we are degrading people, let them suffer even die out of principles (we think are right) and corporate greed. Separating our nations, in vaccinated and unvaccinated, good and bad, abused by politics. Is this still rational or not put in a healthy perspective?

Anyways, peace.

Last edited by washoe; 01-22-2022 at 01:25 AM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 01:56 AM
wahoe, what would have happened to you if you were around in the time of Hitler or Stalin and called them out like you're doing now? The answer to that question should show you how ridiculous your statement was. That and the fact that those 2 were responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people. The comparison is wrong and insulting.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 02:08 AM
It used to be somewhat interesting to reply to washoe, he could be reasoned with now and then. But I can see now that on this topic, it's pretty hopeless. Just more of the same, linking video after video, and now we're on to VAERS which somehow washoe just discovered now - he needs to step up his antivax game, as that one was beaten to death several months ago. And on to the Nazi comparisons as well. Sigh.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 02:09 AM
Ok i get it. I apologize to anyone sincerely who was hurt by this stupid comparison, especially I apologise to d2 and David. That was real stupid of me, to use the closest thing that came to my mind and I shouldn't have typed it out. I regret it now.

I'm sitting here caged like an animal, can't go anywhere. Can't go to restaurant, shopping, fly, drive a bus, train, or car. like me there must be countless of people. My families businesses cant operate as they should and everything is not so fine. I think this is a horrible invasion of people's freedom with no comparison. Its panic making with unforeseeable results.

I shut up now hating on the covid madhouse silently, bobo.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by ILikeBeer
wahoe, what would have happened to you if you were around in the time of Hitler or Stalin and called them out like you're doing now? The answer to that question should show you how ridiculous your statement was. That and the fact that those 2 were responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people. The comparison is wrong and insulting.
I didn't think you would nail me on this so hard. I'm in a country where docs of the Nazis run all day and night on tv, Germany (they run for educational.purposes and to remind and warn of those times) many of you wont know this, but I think Bobo does. People keep comparing it to those times here because we have not seen anything like it, for as long as anyone can think. We were always free to make our own choices, except in those times. Hope that explains it. I hate nothing more than nazies, believe me.

Last edited by washoe; 01-22-2022 at 02:28 AM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Ok i get it. I apologize to anyone sincerely who was hurt by this stupid comparison, especially I apologise to d2 and David. That was real stupid of me, to use the closest thing that came to my mind and I shouldn't have typed it out. I regret it now.
I have no idea what you did, because I generally don't read any of your posts that contain at least one embedded youtube, so I end up reading maybe 5% of your total posts. But if you were comparing me to Klansky, you do definitely owe me an apology.

Also, stop listening to Gym Jordan, that guy is denser than a sack of spanners.

Last edited by d2_e4; 01-22-2022 at 04:13 AM.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
You're not really saying you agree to this totalitarian bs ala Stalin and the Nazis, are you? Do you have any idea how much damage this has done to people's mental health and finances? The kids? There is no justification for that, they did way more harm than good. What are you, American? Because you sound more like a concentration camp prison guard. This was all good for absolutely nothing, more people died during all this bs crap rules and 3 vaccines than under trump with nothing, do you get this? Do you know of anyone that died, not because of the virus, But because of mental health of lack of treatment? I do! Depression is far worse than this virus that most people survive to 99% do you get what more harm than good means? Do you understand corporate greed?
If you understand probabilities like a poker player you would better understand the risks in relativity to the damage it's doing.

Idk what you want to achieve here, But leave people their freedom! That's priority. We could all die tomorrow but in freedom.
On a scale of 1-100 where 1 is you are being a calm, rational person, and 100 is you are being an overly emotional drama bomb - where did you think your post scored when you had it in your head, and what score do you think others would give you? Remember - Nazi references always get bonus points for these things on the internet. My advice is calm down and passively consume more YouTube to get messaging you want to hear.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I'm sitting here caged like an animal, can't go anywhere. Can't go to restaurant, shopping, fly, drive a bus, train, or car. like me there must be countless of people. My families businesses cant operate as they should and everything is not so fine. I think this is a horrible invasion of people's freedom with no comparison. Its panic making with unforeseeable results.

I shut up now hating on the covid madhouse silently, bobo.
Originally Posted by washoe
People keep comparing it to those times here because we have not seen anything like it, for as long as anyone can think. We were always free to make our own choices, except in those times. Hope that explains it. I hate nothing more than nazies, believe me.
This part of it, I get, and I expect a lot of other people do as well. Different jurisdictions have responded very differently, which makes sense in some cases, but I'm sure it just adds to many people's frustrations. As do the ever-changing rules - sometimes this happens as more is learned about the virus, other times this happens because more is learned/realized about the effects that measures have on everyone's economic and mental health prospects, and unfortunately sometimes it's because political leaders decide to do what they think will be politically expedient.

I feel like I've been really, really lucky to live in a country and province that has struck a pretty good balance. Not perfect, of course, and there have been different announcements or decisions that have left me shaking my head - but not many, thankfully. We've had far less restrictions than most areas in the western world, and fortunately with decent results.

While I think the Omicron variant may be a positive development in the trajectory of this pandemic (since it seems to be a fast spreading variant with much less detrimental effects), in the short term it's unfortunately led to some less than optimal decision making. And it's understandable to some degree - it came as a surprise, spready extremely quickly, and thus many decision makers felt forced to act before they had good information to act on.

Here's a couple of things I'd suggest you consider:

1) I have zero medical qualifications, but based on observation and what I think is common sense, I believe this wave will be over soon, and that this could be the last really life-disrupting wave. Of course I'd never bet money on this because almost all of us have had our assumptions fall apart numerous times through this pandemic, but nevertheless, I'm feeling optimistic that the end is nigh. Not that Covid will suddenly disappear, but that it will be more manageable and/or we learn better how to respond to it, in terms of taking measures that better balance risk against restrictions.

2) No matter how poorly any given jurisdiction has handled their response to Covid, I believe the vast majority have been doing what they think is right, and they are not gleefully taking away people's freedoms just because they can. When I say this, I do so mainly to address some of the conspiracy theorists I'm sure you must have come across in your dives into this that theorize about a "Great Reset", or how "they are just doing this to get everyone to comply", and thus they believe that there will be no end to the lockdowns, there will be another wave, and another, and another, just so the government can keep us under their control. That's a bunch of nonsense IMO.

That's all I've got. Stay safe, be well, and know that this too, shall pass.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 11:09 AM
I saw a funny meme a few days ago, but can't fine the original. Here's the gist:

May: The vaccine is 95% effective
July: The vaccine is 70% effective
Aug: The vaccine offers some protection but is needed to reduce the spread
Sept: The vaccine doesn't reduce the spread, but reduces severity of illness
Nov: The vaccine doesn't reduce the severity of illness, but it reduces hospitalization
Dec: The vaccine doesn't reduce hospitalization, but it reduces death
Jan: The vaccine doesn't reduce death, but it will help you get into heaven

Note: Before everyone gets their undies in a bunch, the last two appear to be demographic dependent. (i.e. if your 70 they are completely untrue, if you are young/health...)
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 11:20 AM
Don't worry - nobody is forcing you to get a shot from a scary needle. Still, a good suggestion for any who choose the unvaxxed approach is get all your affairs in order to help the ones left behind in case of croaking. Just makes things easier, and similarly from a societal cost perspective it would be much cheaper if unvaxxed just rode it out at home when they get really sick, because otherwise they are using a huge amount of medical resources (as can already be seen with their disproportionate usage to date). Yeah, cleaning up some rotting stuff after in the house if croaking takes place is nasty work, but it is way cheaper for society than weeks on a ventilator, and the bonus with the at home plan is that the unvaxxed hero can still do some proper internet searching for memes of support like you found.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by vikthunder
I saw a funny meme a few days ago, but can't fine the original. Here's the gist:

May: The vaccine is 95% effective
July: The vaccine is 70% effective
Aug: The vaccine offers some protection but is needed to reduce the spread
Sept: The vaccine doesn't reduce the spread, but reduces severity of illness
Nov: The vaccine doesn't reduce the severity of illness, but it reduces hospitalization
Dec: The vaccine doesn't reduce hospitalization, but it reduces death
Jan: The vaccine doesn't reduce death, but it will help you get into heaven

Note: Before everyone gets their undies in a bunch, the last two appear to be demographic dependent. (i.e. if your 70 they are completely untrue, if you are young/health...)
Other than Jan everything stated there is true. Viruses mutate I am surprised it doesn't point out cloth masks are useless now.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:27 PM
It's your usual half-truths used to do wrongful and harmful messaging. Some take it to heart and genuinely accept it, others spread it for political purposes.

For the individual, vaccines greatly reduce risk of serious disease or death. But the omicron variant is very contagious, so at a population level the rapid spread will mean that hospitalizations can still increase or remain steady until spread starts dropping off.

A mutating virus has of course always been a major concern since the early days of the pandemic and still is.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
It's your usual half-truths used to do wrongful and harmful messaging. Some take it to heart and genuinely accept it, others spread it for political purposes.

For the individual, vaccines greatly reduce risk of serious disease or death. But the omicron variant is very contagious, so at a population level the rapid spread will mean that hospitalizations can still increase or remain steady until spread starts dropping off.

Other than Jan were is the half truth. Currently I am double vaccinated and have zero protection from the Omicron variant as my second dose was 6 months ago. I am now eligible for a third dose but will wait for the specific new one from Pfizer.
Do I regret getting the vaccine. No way I am protected from serious illness

Were at a point were the only stat that is useful is ICU #'s. There is no reason at all for mask mandates(unless its N95 or K97) or schools being closed
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 12:33 PM

Please stop the arbitrary Youtube spam. While government force is always something to discuss the discussion should be done using solid information. There are costs to pandemic measures and it is an important topic.

However, Youtube algorithm has taken you to an unhealthy place, you have the right to continue down that road, but this this is not the place for sharing it.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Other than Jan were is the half truth.
You don't see it because you do not want to see it, or perhaps you lack the ability to see it.

That meme is using a very standard tactic used for propaganda where the context and timing of various cherry picked sound bites are put together to create what appears to be a pattern (to serve an agenda) when one does not exist in the way presented.

May and December were very different times in terms of what variants were in play, and what impact they had, so applying an accurate at the time messaging in May June about Delta to the scenario now is not really operating in good faith. Add to it that how the meme presents the messaging (to derps like the guy who reposted it) is to make a very clear vaccines are useless form of messaging, because derps like that really want to never be vaccinated. This is contrary to the immense amount of data that exists on the effectiveness of the vaccines. Its not that different when derps posted their Twitter feeds showing edited portions of government officials saying things. It was all completely out of context due to the editing, yet the common thing said here by the various derps was "well, did that person say it or not" when it was pointed out their source was a site literally filled with highly edited anti-vaxx messaging, and it was clear the whole conversation around the sound bite was conveniently edited (ie: what question was asked to get the statement etc.)

I do not blame the people who create this form of messaging, as it is clearly effective, both to the really passive followers like the guy who posted it and the people like you who pretend your politics are not what they are when you see some messaging that you kind of like. I respect the people who create the messaging (given how effective it is) compared to the passive followers who consume it eagerly, because at least those that create the stuff put some thought into how to do that. I say all of this knowing it will not change any way you or the others who consume that stuff think about the topic.

All the best.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 01:13 PM
I would like to add to t_d's post, washoe.

1. PLEASE post peer-reviewed information.

2. If you value Malone, Paul or Jim Jordan's point of view, that's all good. However, when you believe that their opinion(s) on scientific data is demonstratively better that Dr. Fauci's scientific opinion.... PLEASE know that you are wrong. 100% Dr. Fauci knows more about C19 and its variants than those three.

To that point, PLEASE understand that your scientific expert (1) Malone is a knowledgeable person that does understand the science. However, his opinions on C19 are not shared by thousands of other PhDs in virology, immunology or epidemiology. He is practically a lone wolf in his assertions. It is nice to root for the underdog, but in this case you are backing the wrong guy. Why does what one guy say take precedence over thousands... for you? I honestly believe you feel a need to support a black sheep.... more than you feel the need to understand the science and make your own conclusions. One vs. Thousands. This situation really is One vs. Thousands. ("Oh, but the One could be correct!") (F!k No, washout)

(2) Rand Paul has no qualifications to analyze the science. He is an ophthalmologist. He is slightly more up-to-date on the science behind C19 than YOU. After he started spouted out about C19 and FireFauci, his med school classmates want his degree rescinded (because what he says about C19 is mostly incorrect). Essentially, Rand Paul is a fraud.

(3) Dr. Fauci is a research scientist and has been for decades. He has shared the science background on issues to multiple POTUS'. Yet you seem to think he is giving bad advice...... and giving bad advice for REASONS. In a nutshell, he's not. He has no hidden agenda. He "merely" states the facts as they are known in the moment. His one black eye in my opinion was not to stand up to Trump earlier. Trump knew in February 2020 that the disease was airborne. Trump knew he hadn't replenished the stockpile of N95s. March 2020, Dr. Fauci says masks aren't helpful. Connect the dots.

washoe, your posts in this thread have been anti-science. My point is... you should trust trusted scientists over politicians when it comes to C19 and not a fringe orator.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 01:15 PM
washout, I also believe you will not take to heart what we ALL have been saying to you.

We..... aren't dumb enough to believe what you say about C19 either.
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
01-22-2022 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
washout, I also believe you will not take to heart what we ALL have been saying to you.

We..... aren't dumb enough to believe what you say about C19 either.
I assume we're blaming autocorrect for this one, sir?
Covid-19 Discussion Quote
