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Covid-19 Discussion Covid-19 Discussion

06-04-2020 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Stop. Who was the segment of the population they tested the prior week? Was there a big data dump of people that weren't sick who agreed to testing the prior week? And, people more susceptible this week? It's a raw stat and useless for policy decisions. Hospital beds and ventilators are the two factors that should be guiding policy decisions.
Lol wat?
06-04-2020 , 09:48 AM
Hospital beds and ventilators are two stats that matter.

Other stats are manipulated.

If communities don't have problems with treatment, open up. Certainly, high risk people should be extra cautious and processes need to be in place to keep this out of Senior Living facilities.
06-04-2020 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Hospital beds and ventilators are available for any who needs it. As long as people are able to be treated for disease there is no need to lock down the country for it.

If you want to move the ball to vaccine good luck on convincing the American people to stay at home through December. Then, if the virus mutated and the vaccine is ineffective, good luck getting them to stay at home indefinitely.
Yup, after learning how exponential infection works back in March, your right wingers have already forgotten it.

Meanwhile, the notion that the US can just open back up and things will return to normal is a pipe dream. Where I live our city was one of the least affected on the planet and bars and restaurants that have opened back up over the past 10 days or so are seeing at best 20-25% of the sales that they were doing pre-covid. My place still isn't allowed to open and even when we do it will probably be something like 4pm-10pm with a skeleton staff, and I'm not expecting much business.

Bottom line the hospitality industry is going to get absolutely slaughtered in the upcoming months. Expect as many as 60% of establishments to fail, and very few will be replaced by anything else. Things are going to suck and suck hard until there's a vaccine and anyone who says different is either stupid or lying.
06-04-2020 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Yup, after learning how exponential infection works back in March, your right wingers have already forgotten it.

Meanwhile, the notion that the US can just open back up and things will return to normal is a pipe dream. Where I live our city was one of the least affected on the planet and bars and restaurants that have opened back up over the past 10 days or so are seeing at best 20-25% of the sales that they were doing pre-covid. My place still isn't allowed to open and even when we do it will probably be something like 4pm-10pm with a skeleton staff, and I'm not expecting much business.

Bottom line the hospitality industry is going to get absolutely slaughtered in the upcoming months. Expect as many as 60% of establishments to fail, and very few will be replaced by anything else. Things are going to suck and suck hard until there's a vaccine and anyone who says different is either stupid or lying.
Yup. As stated several times, low income workers are the hardest hit by these shut downs, increasing social unrest. States that have opened a month ago are starting to see increases in hospitatlity. It will take time, and many businesses will be lost. The longer we continue these shut downs, and half measures to reopen, the longer it will take. And, some big chains will fail over this, and I think 60% of establishments is on the high end, but the mom and pop single locations will be the most hard hit. It is really sad what our President and governors did to us, unnecessarily prolonging these shutdowns.

And, of course the media. Why wouldn't they want this to continue? Their ratings had massive improvement because everyone was at home, no sports being played to watch. Now, there will be a lag in new content as Hollywood shut down filiming. The longer it goes on, the better it is for the media's bottom line.
06-04-2020 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Hospital beds and ventilators are two stats that matter.

Other stats are manipulated.

If communities don't have problems with treatment, open up. Certainly, high risk people should be extra cautious and processes need to be in place to keep this out of Senior Living facilities.
Ah, I see, the two stats you find favourable are the two that aren't manipulated. All the others are manipulated. Standard right wing stuff.
06-04-2020 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Ah, I see, the two stats you find favourable are the two that aren't manipulated. All the others are manipulated. Standard right wing stuff.
Yeah. I'm not sure why all the stats can't be manipulated.
06-04-2020 , 10:57 AM
Are there ample hospital beds and ventilators? Seems the answer nationwide is yes.

What else matters?
06-04-2020 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Yeah. I'm not sure why all the stats can't be manipulated.
At least that would be a consistent perspective. Cherry-picking stats which support your case and declaring all others to be "bad stats" strikes me as mind-bogglingly disingenuous.

Last edited by d2_e4; 06-04-2020 at 11:22 AM.
06-04-2020 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Are there ample hospital beds and ventilators? Seems the answer nationwide is yes.

What else matters?
Why does it seem so? Because of some stats you saw? Why are these stats "good stats" and all the stats that don't support your case "bad stats"? Why do I even have to ask this?

Let's say for argument's sake that your stats are good and all the other stats are bad. What's to say there will still be enough beds and ventilators once lockdown eases if exponential growth resumes?
06-04-2020 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Why does it seem so? Because of some stats you saw? Why are these stats "good stats" and all the stats that don't support your case "bad stats"? Why do I even have to ask this?

Let's say for argument's sake that your stats are good and all the other stats are bad. What's to say there will still be enough beds and ventilators once lockdown eases if exponential growth resumes?
They opened up parts of the country. Exponential growth did not resume.

If you chicken littles are correct, we can play whack a mole.
06-04-2020 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
They opened up parts of the country. Exponential growth did not resume.

If you chicken littles are correct, we can play whack a mole.
No, it's cool, I'm comfortable taking your carefully thought through extrapolations. Who needs professionals when we've got you?

You still haven't explained how you choose which stats are "good" and "bad" though, a little more transparency there might give me that extra confidence boost in your expert judgement.
06-04-2020 , 11:35 AM
All stats are manipulated. It is very sad that people are manipulating the stats for political purposes.

The whole point of lockdowns was to protect the hospital system. The hospital system is fine by all accounts.
06-04-2020 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
All stats are manipulated. It is very sad that people are manipulating the stats for political purposes.

The whole point of lockdowns was to protect the hospital system. The hospital system is fine by all accounts.
If all stats are manipulated, how can we trust that the hospital system is fine? What if those stats are also manipulated, but by opposing interests to the ones who manipulate the other stats?

You're not making any sense, my dude.
06-04-2020 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
If all stats are manipulated, how can we trust that the hospital system is fine? What if those stats are also manipulated, but by opposing interests to the ones who manipulate the other stats?

You're not making any sense, my dude.
Stop, there is no evidence, anedotal or other that the hospital system is under any stress.

You are just trying to pick an argument and are trolling now.
06-04-2020 , 11:42 AM
Brian Kemp’s intuition protects us all.
06-04-2020 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
Stop, there is no evidence, anedotal or other that the hospital system is under any stress.

You are just trying to pick an argument and are trolling now.
I'm trying to demonstrate to you the woeful deficiencies in your thinking process, but clearly that was always going to be a non-starter, so I guess you could say that yes, I am trolling.

Regardless, you'll forgive me if I defer to the judgement of the professionals over your feelz for now on which stats are good, and what the R will be given various measures to ease the lockdown.
06-04-2020 , 11:50 AM
(CNN)A southwest Georgia hospital that's reporting about a quarter of the state's coronavirus deaths says it has reached capacity in three intensive-care units.
The ICUs within Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany are filled with "critically ill Covid-19 patients," Phoebe Putney Health System said in a news release Wednesday. A fourth ICU was previously opened to care for patients not infected with the virus.
06-04-2020 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Bad stat, ldo.
06-04-2020 , 01:00 PM
What's the point? Article says it has been very easy to transfer patients to other nearby hospitals. No issue whatsoever or strain on the system.
06-04-2020 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
What's the point? Article says it has been very easy to transfer patients to other nearby hospitals. No issue whatsoever or strain on the system.
Except it's not going down anywhere else.
06-04-2020 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Smudger2408
What's the point? Article says it has been very easy to transfer patients to other nearby hospitals. No issue whatsoever or strain on the system.
What's a threshold where you would acknowledge there's a problem and we'd have to scale back?

Like, take a statistic that you trust (I guess hospital beds?) and say:
- what is that stat right now?
- at what level would that stat say "we ****ed up"?

(Pro tip: generalities like "hospitals aren't under stress" is not a stat)
06-04-2020 , 04:50 PM
Florida's reopening hits phase 2 today, the same day they're posting a record number of new cases (and not a record number of new tests). Full capacity retail and half-capacity movie theaters!
06-04-2020 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
If hospitalizations are going down then maybe you can open up, if hospitalizations are going up then don't open up. It's really that simple.
This is one criteria to use.

For states that don't care about their deaths per capita.

If you want to keep the death rate down then you have to crush the spread of the virus to a point where you can effectively do contact tracing.

And then like New Zealand, Australia, South Korea and even Germany you can begin to open up without risking a high death rate.

Originally Posted by Smudger2408
I think Georgia got it right. Sheltered in place. Hospitals did not get overrun and now they are beginning to reopen.

At no point in this post did I intend to criticize decisions made to this point. Now, it is time to go back to work.
Georgia may or may not be getting it right.

For the last 9 days Georgia has averaged doing 4,900 tests a day. 13.6% of those tests were positive.

For the previous 9 days Georgia averaged doing 21,400 tests per day. 4.5% of those tests were positive.

They are currently about 10% over their lowest actual positive # cases per day (both 7 day and 14 day rolling averages on about May 18).

Given their recent under-testing they are probably closer to 50% over their low case totals. And if this is the case then we will likely see a continued increase in daily Covid cases as they keep opening up. But the other possibility is that they are way over 50% - there is no way to know without expanded testing capacity.

What it seems that Georgia is not doing right, is deliberately trying to skew the data so people feel safe. My doctor in NY is convinced that Georgia is seriously under reporting Covid deaths. This is in line with Trump's lead (remember when he didn't want the cruise ship Covid people to be brought to the US because it would "make our numbers go up"). If that is true then we will never know the true impact of Georgia opening up. Similar to what happened in Puerto Rico when they were devastated by the hurricane (for over a year there were like 65 reported deaths and then after a study the death count was put at over 3,000).

I have no problem with people making decisions that will increase the chances that they kill themselves. What I do have a problem with is not letting people know the facts so that they can responsibly decide what they want to do. And of course so that they can act responsibly around others especially the vulnerable.

On the flip side of the coin you have NY, NJ, and CT. They are crushing the virus right now (positive cases at lows, positive case rates are plummeting, number of tests is increasing) and are in a position to possibly contact trace if they can ramp up testing a bit more. The hospitalizations like in Georgia are down. Deaths in NY are way down unlike in GA (which had lows in mid May).

Sadly, we suffered an extraordinary amount of deaths in the tri-state area already. Whereas in GA you have not (even if under-counting, GA is probably still way under NY, NJ, CT in per capita deaths). If only we had shut down a few weeks earlier. But I hope there is a lesson learned there. Better to shut down a little early than a little late. Just in case there is a second wave that like the first, threatens hospital capacity and morbidity rates.

So I wish GA luck with their re-opening though I have no faith in the leadership at the state level.
06-04-2020 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think if it's done intelligently, on a per-county basis with counties meeting certain guidelines, that's good. Rural counties in the far north or the Sierras shouldn't have to stay closed if they don't have an infection problem. LA County is a total shitshow and is nowhere near ready, though.

That said, what happens when Mono County opens back up and rich people in LA County are like "oh **** yes, I'm going back to Mammoth" which has already had COVID problems? It seems hard to both allow areas without problems to open back up, while not restricting travel from people coming from hard-hit areas, or else tourists are just gonna keep re-infecting the rural areas.
Got it....
06-04-2020 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
How do you feel about Trump demanding the RNC be held in a full-capacity sporting arena with no face coverings?
****ing GREAT
