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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

11-29-2023 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
It does seem like he has his own opinion on it and he won't change. Not a very smart way to look at the world.

When gay marriage was legalized most people shrugged and went on with their lives. But a large group of people had their brains completely broken and now they hate all of this and want LGBT+ people to suffer.
Some people just want to hate. You should continue trying to shame anyone who disagrees with you on the Internet as you do a great job of it.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
It does seem like he has his own opinion on it and he won't change. Not a very smart way to look at the world.

When gay marriage was legalized most people shrugged and went on with their lives. But a large group of people had their brains completely broken and now they hate all of this and want LGBT+ people to suffer.
yes. In conservative echo chambers this issue is discussed a lot more than on the left both as a tactic to create a wedge issues against “liberalism” and as a fear. It’s a viral conservative issue. If you are transgender you’re constantly subjected to astro-turfed “lgb without the T “ movements. These movements grew AFTER social conservatives lost the issue in same sex relations and same sex marriage.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
You sound like a fox news comment section. Some basic human decency isn't too much to ask. I've never heard a trans person like to be talking about like they are mutilating themselves. It's rude and there isn't any purpose to it. They have real doctors who support their treatment.

Try and be like a real doctor, not whatever the hell you are
Do we lets kids smoke?
Do we let kids drink?
Do we let kids have sex?
Do we allow kids to get tattoos?
Do we allow kids to serve in the military?
Do we allow kids to vote?

Why Not?

Suicide rates in some studies are the highest in kids that have transitioned
Why have countries that are more progressive than the USA halted these procedures for children until more studying can be done ?
More people do not support gender affirming surgery in minors than two years ago
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 05:42 PM
LOL, now I’m a Fox News watching right winger. LOL.
People, I’m voted for Bernie Sanders. In fact, I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life.

Innotninkybsuppoet gay marriage, I was best man at a gay friend’s wedding.

You cannot stand Fox News. You people are completely incapable of thinking for yourselves so you resort to name-calling and personal attacks directed toward those who do think independently.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Meisner
LOL, now I’m a Fox News watching right winger. LOL.
People, I’m voted for Bernie Sanders. In fact, I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life
I never said you were a republican or a fox news watcher. I said you were a nerd.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Meisner
LOL, now I’m a Fox News watching right winger. LOL.
People, I’m voted for Bernie Sanders. In fact, I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life.

Innotninkybsuppoet gay marriage, I was best man at a gay friend’s wedding.

You cannot stand Fox News. You people are completely incapable of thinking for yourselves so you resort to name-calling and personal attacks directed toward those who do think independently.
Its an leftist political page and unless you agree with them your a trans hater, gay hater, fox watcher, Nazi Racist

They all believe in democracy as long as the Democrats win

I feel bad for them when Trumps elected and they are collected in trains and imprisoned after Trump voids the constitution
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Some people just want to hate.
That's a little strong - it could be that Meisner is just confused, and his belief that all transgender people are mentally ill may be stemming from ignorance. Or maybe he does hate, but doesn't really want to, he just can't get past his bigotry against what he sees as deviancy, or something. I'm not sure; hard to know what's in someone else's heart when all we know is what they've written.

This idea of "social contagion" seems simply bizarre to me. What, kids are seeing how "accepting" everyone is of trans kids, and figure it would be really cool to subject themselves to similar abuse? LOL, what a ridiculous idea. Sounds a lot like when being gay was called a "lifestyle choice". LOL.

I think the only reason this social contagion idea has had any consideration at all (aside from the right wing derposphere promoting it for their own political ends) is because people see what they perceive to be a growing number of transgender kids, and think we need to find an explanation for it, even though the simple and logical one would seem to be that as our society (slowly) becomes more accepting, more people are going to come out. But to consider it seriously for a moment (which isn't easy), I'd think it's very early days to be able to come to a conclusion that social contagion is an issue here. Pretty easy to confuse correlation and causation, IMO. If we do find pockets of kids who are saying they're trans, is it social contagion, or is it that similar kids form peer groups? IE they end up as friends because they are trans, not that they end up as trans because they are friends. Regardless, it's pretty silly to make statements like "There is ample evidence that transitioning is a social contagion" as if it is some kind of established fact. When I Google "transgender social contagion", most of what I get are reports debunking the one or two "studies" saying that's the case. And the reason I put quotation marks around studies is that they typically are nothing more than some of the examples Meisner has brought forward, where they are just looking at the statistics around transgender populations and drawing rather dubious conclusions from them. Social contagion is far from some kind of established "cause" of kids coming out as transgender. I suppose those are studies of sorts, but pretty lacking IYAM.

While I'm here, I might as well drop my own anecdotes, as I think they're as valuable as some of the other op-ed pieces or studies dropped here so far. We live in the Vancouver area, which I think would be considered on the more progressive end of the scale of communities in North America. Our daughter graduated from high school 6 years ago, and our son 3 years ago. Many of our daughter's friends are part of the LGBTQ community. One of our daughter's friends came out as transgender in high school, and has transitioned. As far as I know, he was very well supported and things have gone very well for him. The number of other kids that have come out as transgender since then, in this community that would be very supportive if they did? Zero. One of our son's friends has come out as transgender, I believe with a similar experience WRT a supportive community. Number of other friends/acquaintances that have come out since? Zero.

Social contagion isn't something we saw within our kids' school of 1900 students. My wife and I both work in our school system, in a school district of 80,000+ kids, and it's not something we're seeing at that level either. None of this is scientific, of course, but it leaves me in a spot where I'd need to see some pretty compelling studies to convince me social contagion was a big thing.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce

Just from what you posted, he was practicing medicine. Meitner call in it himself a doctor on line is no more illegal than your spaceman username being a stolen valor case now that the space force is part of the armed services.

Stop being stupid.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:07 PM
My understanding about social contagion (cf anorexia and bulimia trends in past decades) is that it's something that affects females and not males.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Do we lets kids smoke?
Do we let kids drink?
Do we let kids have sex?
Do we allow kids to get tattoos?
Do we allow kids to serve in the military?
Do we allow kids to vote?

Why Not?

Suicide rates in some studies are the highest in kids that have transitioned
Why have countries that are more progressive than the USA halted these procedures for children until more studying can be done ?
More people do not support gender affirming surgery in minors than two years ago
We do analysis on all of those issues based upon the risks presented. I don't think you need me to explain why those rules are all in place.

your link does not back your claim.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Just from what you posted, he was practicing medicine. Meitner call in it himself a doctor on line is no more illegal than your spaceman username being a stolen valor case now that the space force is part of the armed services.

Stop being stupid.
Yeah, whether we believe Meisner is a doctor or not, him saying he is one on a forum isn't a crime and this is just a silly derail.

As is the discussion of whether he's a doctor or not, IMO. Who cares? It's not like it would give him any special insight in to the topics he's discussing anyway. It just leaves us talking about him rather than his odd assertions.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Meisner
LOL, now I’m a Fox News watching right winger. LOL.
People, I’m voted for Bernie Sanders. In fact, I’ve never voted for a Republican in my life.

Innotninkybsuppoet gay marriage, I was best man at a gay friend’s wedding.

You cannot stand Fox News. You people are completely incapable of thinking for yourselves so you resort to name-calling and personal attacks directed toward those who do think independently.
I am just saying you sound like a run of the mill bigot. Which is why we all know you're not a doctor. Just someone pretending to be one online so you can sound cooler lying about why you hate trans kids.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Yeah, whether we believe Meisner is a doctor or not, him saying he is one on a forum isn't a crime and this is just a silly derail.

As is the discussion of whether he's a doctor or not, IMO. Who cares? It's not like it would give him any special insight in to the topics he's discussing anyway. It just leaves us talking about him rather than his odd assertions.
Why do you say I’m either confused or full of hate? Why do you not even consider the possibility that I have beliefs which are firmly rooted in science, something I’ve dedicated my life to? Why is that not a possibility? Why is it not possible that I’ve observed what I see around me, read articles, studies, opinions on all sides of the topic, thought through what I believe and come to the conclusion that there are only two sexes of humans just as there are only two sexes of all plants and animals? This has always been the case and still is. Moreover, it is impossible for a member of one sex to “transition” to the other. Try as you might, your daughter’s friend who was born a girl and now thinks she’s a boy will never father a child. Simply won’t happen. And the reason for this is that humans are binary.

Last edited by Meisner; 11-29-2023 at 06:32 PM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
I am just saying you sound like a run of the mill bigot. Which is why we all know you're not a doctor. Just someone pretending to be one online so you can sound cooler lying about why you hate trans kids.
Can you please direct me to the post I made where I stated I hate trans kids or where I advocated harming them in any way? Don’t waste your time. You won’t find such a post. But you will find posts where I advocate showing them love and helping them cope with their delusions.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Meisner
Why do you say I’m either confused or full of hate? Why do you not even consider the possibility that I have beliefs which are firmly rooted in science, something I’ve dedicated my life to? Why is that not a possibility?
I was commenting based on your belief that all transgender people are mentally ill, which is not based in any science that I know of. If I misunderstood you, and that's not your belief, then you have my apologies.

Originally Posted by Meisner
Why is it not possible that I’ve observed what I see around me, read articles, studies, opinions in all sides of the topic, thought through what I believe and come to the conclusion that there are only two sexes of humans just as there are only two sexes of all plants and animals? This has always been the case and still is. Moreover, it is impossible for a member of one sex to “transition” to the other. Try as you might, your daughter’s friend who was born a girl and now thinks she’s a boy will never father a child. Simply won’t happen. And the reason for this is that humans are binary.
That sounds like a very different conversation.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:32 PM

Are you a doctor or an actor? I ask because, a year ago, you said:

Originally Posted by Meisner
As a professional actor who has trained in method, I can tell you, she is not.
And then you told someone that your screen name was a reference to your acting coach:

Originally Posted by Meisner
More like an homage to my teacher, Sanford Meisner.
And then you said:

Originally Posted by Meisner
He died in 1997, yes. I never studied with him, but at his studio, Neighborhood Playhouse. True Meisner teachers, however, give all the credit to Sanford. To this day the curriculum is pretty much the way it was when he taught. I also studied at Stella Adler's studio. I like to maintain my anonymity, so I won't dox myself, but you have most certainly seen things I've been in. I'm not some huge star, never will be. But I have been recognized. Oddly, more for theater work I've done than film.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I was commenting based on your belief that all transgender people are mentally ill, which is not based in any science that I know of. If I misunderstood you, and that's not your belief, then you have my apologies.
Every single patient I have who is “transitioning” has the diagnosis F45.22, body dysmorphic disorder which is, as a point of fact, a mental health diagnosis, not a medical diagnosis.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:35 PM
All these dudes just lose their **** when they are asked to treat people with some individual respect rather than put them in stereotypical boxes.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo

Are you a doctor or an actor? I ask because, a year ago, you said:

And then you told someone that your screen name was a reference to your acting coach:

And then you said:
He played a doctor in a pilot once, but it wasn’t picked up.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo

Are you a doctor or an actor? I ask because, a year ago, you said:

And then you told someone that your screen name was a reference to your acting coach:
Do some research and you will find many physicians who continue to practice and earn money acting. Ken Jeong continued to practice medicine until he became famous. George Miller, Graham Chapman.
I also said acting is not my primary source of income.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
He played a doctor in a pilot once, but it wasn’t picked up.
Wait, he's a pilot too?

I found a picture of him!

The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I never said you were a republican or a fox news watcher. I said you were a nerd.
As a nerd, I find this offensive.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Meisner
Do some research and you will find many physicians who continue to practice and earn money acting. Ken Jeong continued to practice medicine until he became famous. George Miller, Graham Chapman.
I also said acting is not my primary source of income.
I did some research as you suggested and didn't find much. Either you are Ken Jeong, you are not a doctor, you are exaggerating your prominence as an actor, or most of your acting was in the non-English speaking world.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 07:03 PM
Damn, he totally had me fooled into thinking he was a doctor with his arrogance. Must have been his acting skills coming into play.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
11-29-2023 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Damn, he totally had me fooled into thinking he was a doctor with his arrogance. Must have been his acting skills coming into play.
Eh, with all the DYOR jackasses running around these days, I probably would come off as condescending in certain situations if I were a doctor.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
