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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

03-14-2024 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
It's also plausible that the kid was going to be late with some homework. Or maybe was bothered by the coming extinction of life on earth caused by a meteor strike.

"Plausible" is doing some heavy lifting in both our scenarios.
Might have to consult some Durkheim on that one
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 02:34 PM
Didace you appear an acute thinker usually, even if you disagree with my tone (and my claims) often enough, why is it so hard for you to admit that the claim "convincing people they are victims of an occurring genocide (that isn't happening at all in any way or form) can cause severe mental distress and everything that is linked to severe mental distress" is obviously true?

Because you know it is.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 02:35 PM
uke getting on his high horse there is a worse look than had he just ignored you.

All sorts of declarations were made ITT without any corroborating evidence to back it up. This is normal for forum warrior culture, obviously, but it was coupled with some really over-the-top insinuations that anyone who didn't agree with the false narrative was the absolute worst kind of shitbag.

Trans people aren't special. I was bullied in grade school for being freakishly tall and not having as much leg hair as all the cool kids that played in private soccer leagues. Their ringleader was the actual freak of nature and looked like Teen Wolf, but he was cool and I was not. That's just how it works sometimes.

My daughter is also in the 99th percentile for height and went through the same bullying for it.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Didace you appear an acute thinker usually, even if you disagree with my tone (and my claims) often enough, why is it so hard for you to admit that the claim "convincing people they are victims of an occurring genocide (that isn't happening at all in any way or form) can cause severe mental distress and everything that is linked to severe mental distress" is obviously true?

Because you know it is.
I'm saying you have no ****ing clue what happened here and your speculation is made up out of whole cloth.

I hope that helps.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I'm saying you have no ****ing clue what happened here and your speculation is made up out of whole cloth.

I hope that helps.
If a trans identified individual kills themselves I think it's more reasonable to suggest that issues related to identity came into play than other causes like missing homework.

Yeah for sure it's all speculation but some guesses are more reasonable than others.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 03-14-2024 at 02:56 PM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If a trans identified individual kills themselves I think it's more reasonable to suggest that issues related to identity came into play than other causes like missing homework.

Yeah for sure it's all speculation but some guesses are more reasonable than others.
No they suffer from a mental health issue as do all individuals that take their life
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
No they suffer from a mental health issue as do all individuals that take their life
Not true. People kill themselves for a variety of reasons-- many of them culturally mediated like shame.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
No they suffer from a mental health issue as do all individuals that take their life
No, mental illness isn't the only reason for suicide, although for teens and young adults it's by far the single most probable co-factor at least in the data I have seen
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I'm saying you have no ****ing clue what happened here and your speculation is made up out of whole cloth.

I hope that helps.
Why aren't you saying the same to the people who immediately jumped at the idea bullying was the cause though, I wonder
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If a trans identified individual kills themselves I think it's more reasonable to suggest that issues related to identity came into play than other causes like missing homework.

Yeah for sure it's all speculation but some guesses are more reasonable than others.
The issues that may have caused the uncertainty and anxiety that resulted in identity issues (such as both parents absenting themselves at a very early stage, leaving everything to the grandmother) are worth considering, but it is a bad idea to attribute any suicide to a single particular cause, absent judicial proof, especially where the young are concerned because of their known liability to suggestion and social contagion.

It's of interest that, before the legal and medical finding of suicide, media sources pre-emptively attempted to claim Benedict's death as a murder, even inventing 'serious head injuries' which were not in evidence, and also claiming that Oklahoma's law against school students using the opposite sex's bathrooms had anything to do with it, which for obvious reasons it didn't.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
A non-binary teen was bullied and then committed suicide and you want an apology for some imagined win on the internet? Buddy this is a tragedy. Show some basic humanity.
So first Nex was beaten to death, then when it's ruled a suicide it's due to bullying? Seems to me you're engaging in narrative rather than attempting true insights.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Why aren't you saying the same to the people who immediately jumped at the idea bullying was the cause though, I wonder
I don't feel the need to respond to every post or opine on all topics. You should try it.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
So first Nex was beaten to death, then when it's ruled a suicide it's due to bullying? Seems to me you're engaging in narrative rather than attempting true insights.
There is a federal investigation into the incident that is ongoing.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
And yet you were ready to speculate the suicide was caused by previous sustained bullism, i wonder why
I didn't speculate about the cause of their death. Only you did that. With wild fantasies about it being the secret fault of the left. Just because you did something horrendous in the face of a tragic death doesn't mean you get to pretend some whataboutism game that I did it too.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
So first Nex was beaten to death, then when it's ruled a suicide it's due to bullying? Seems to me you're engaging in narrative rather than attempting true insights.
Why are you responding to me? I made no claim ITT about the cause of their death, before or after the autopsy.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
If a trans identified individual kills themselves I think it's more reasonable to suggest that issues related to identity came into play than other causes like missing homework.

Yeah for sure it's all speculation but some guesses are more reasonable than others.
Or that the choice to adopt a trans identity and the self-harm issues are symptoms of another underlying issue....
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Jackontheturn
Or that the choice to adopt a trans identity and the self-harm issues are symptoms of another underlying issue....
It’s impossible to “adopt a trans identity” you either are trans or not.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
It’s impossible to “adopt a trans identity” you either are trans or not.
Do you have a take on people who detransition? Were they never actually trans even when they identified as such?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Do you have a take on people who detransition? Were they never actually trans even when they identified as such?
97-99% of trans individuals who transition don’t detransition. The other 3% mostly detransition at “gun point” - either for financial reasons or massive abuse from their own family.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
97-99% of trans individuals who transition don’t detransition. The other 3% mostly detransition at “gun point” - either for financial reasons or massive abuse from their own family.
So your position is that the people who detransition are still actually trans?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So your position is that the people who detransition are still actually trans?
almost all the time, yes.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm sorry, I'm not in the game of using the tragic suicide of a non-binary student as a way to score points on the internet. Speculate away if you must, but I'm not joining you.
first off, how noble of you. seriously, you're an amazing person.

second, does the fact that he/she was non-binary somehow make it a worse tragedy?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
almost all the time, yes.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
97-99% of trans individuals who transition don’t detransition. The other 3% mostly detransition at “gun point” - either for financial reasons or massive abuse from their own family.
Lol this 3% is about people who still keep relationships with fender clinics.

It's a super low-ball estimate, resistors are actually exceptionally more common than that.

But you guys have an incredibly strong reason to lie about this I understand.

Because every non trans who gets sterilized or mutilated is something society could reasonably use to shut down all the "trans youth care" operations
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-14-2024 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
It’s impossible to “adopt a trans identity” you either are trans or not.
This is not true just on general principles. Regardless of your opinion of the transgender issue, it is possible to be something and choose not to identify yourself as that thing in society. And equally, you can not be something and choose to identify as that thing socially.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
