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The costs of trans visibility The costs of trans visibility

03-15-2024 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Because they were so overwhelmed, they seemed to stop the evaluation at that point and missed other issues that warranted referrals.
This narrative is extremely misleading. The Cass report and other whistle-blowers make clear that staff were put under pressure to adopt a gender affirming model due to ideological capture.

The volume of referrals might have exacerbated the problem of ideological capture, but it was not the cause of poor practice or the reason it was shut down.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
hrm. so you are either trans or not in a binary sense?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
It’s impossible to “adopt a trans identity” you either are trans or not.
Is one gender a core aspect of the self for each person? Because presumably that’s what you mean, right? That the transitioned to gender is a core aspect of self for the trans person.

If so, do you agree it would follow that we should expect ~ 50% of the population to be trans?

Do you believe 50% of the population is trans?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
Is one gender a core aspect of the self for each person? Because presumably that’s what you mean, right? That the transitioned to gender is a core aspect of self for the trans person.

If so, do you agree it would follow that we should expect ~ 50% of the population to be trans?

Do you believe 50% of the population is trans?
You lost me on the 50% thing. Could you elaborate on that?

A transgender person by definition is someone whose biological sex (ie male or female with rare exceptions) is different than the gender(man or woman) that they perceive themselves to be. This does not occur anywhere near 50% of the time. And it doesn't involve a "transitioned to" gender. There is the gender they already identify as their self that doesn't match their biological sex.

So I don't follow where your 50% is coming from.

Last edited by browser2920; 03-15-2024 at 05:17 AM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
This narrative is extremely misleading. The Cass report and other whistle-blowers make clear that staff were put under pressure to adopt a gender affirming model due to ideological capture.

The volume of referrals might have exacerbated the problem of ideological capture, but it was not the cause of poor practice or the reason it was shut down.
They were specifically instructed to disregard the possibility of wrong self identification
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 07:20 AM
I think the pertinent question is how often someone shows up at a gender clinic and gets a diagnosis of "we're not sure you're really transgender."

For example, if a patient presents as transgender, having had no gender identity issues until a few months ago when their parents got divorced and they moved to a new town and started spending most of their time online. It would seem that the sensible thing to do would be to help the patient process the trauma going on in their life and put gender issues on the back burner. But does this ever happen in real life?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 07:50 AM
Let's this how this goes

Over a dozen female athletes are suing the National Collegiate Athletics Association for letting transgender athletes compete against them and use female locker rooms in college sports.

At the center of the class-action lawsuit is Lia Thomas, the trans athlete who dominated the 2022 NCAA Swimming Championships while a student at the University of Pennsylvania. The suit states that both the NCAA and Georgia Tech, which hosted the event, knowingly violated Title IX, the federal statute that guarantees equal opportunity for men and women in college education and sports.

The lawsuit, the first federal action of its kind, seeks to change the rules, rendering any biological males ineligible to compete against female athletes. It demands the NCAA revoke all awards given to trans athletes in women’s competitions and “reassign” them to their female contenders. It also asks for “damages for pain and suffering, mental and emotional distress, suffering and anxiety, expense costs and other damages due to defendants’ wrongful conduct.”
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 08:55 AM
It will be interesting to see how this plays out and how the NCAA botches the litigation or if the case will failing on some technica/procedural grounds. It reminds me of the class action lawsuit about CBT that was brought a few years back in which most college football players and athletes refused to participate in the settlement.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
It will be interesting to see how this plays out and how the NCAA botches the litigation or if the case will failing on some technica/procedural grounds. It reminds me of the class action lawsuit about CBT that was brought a few years back in which most college football players and athletes refused to participate in the settlement.
If i read it correctly here the class is fairly small, just the women who competed vs Lia Thomas in finals (or maybe in any event?).

Anyway they alread have a bunch onboard.

No idea how this stands legally, no idea of title IX can be applied nor if the 14a can be applied.

But it will be interesting to follow
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Iirc this question has been asked to gangsta at various points and I don't think he's ever answered it... Maybe I'm wrong there.
While it could, its hard to make any concessions in these discussion on the point because its just you guys trying to imply that being Trans is a front for other mental issues.

Give an inch and it will be made a ruler, so they say

One could argue that constantly implying on the internet that others have mental issues while displaying susceptibility to lies, misinformation, and conspiracies is a front for mental issues.

Its an endless carousel
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
You lost me on the 50% thing. Could you elaborate on that?

A transgender person by definition is someone whose biological sex (ie male or female with rare exceptions) is different than the gender(man or woman) that they perceive themselves to be. This does not occur anywhere near 50% of the time. And it doesn't involve a "transitioned to" gender. There is the gender they already identify as their self that doesn't match their biological sex.

So I don't follow where your 50% is coming from.
A recent study in Canada sowed 20% of youth identify as LGBQT2S+

Another study found 50% of youth experiencing mental health issues
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Why are you responding to me? I made no claim ITT about the cause of their death, before or after the autopsy.
I know, I was commenting on the narrative itt in general, but should have made that clearer, my apologies. You don't know that Nex's suicide was due to bullying due to their identifying as non binary. (I'm not saying you're wrong either, just that we don't know anything yet.) Your assertion is akin to trolly's false assertion that Nex was beaten to death due to being non binary.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
While it could, its hard to make any concessions in these discussion on the point because its just you guys trying to imply that being Trans is a front for other mental issues.

Give an inch and it will be made a ruler, so they say

One could argue that constantly implying on the internet that others have mental issues while displaying susceptibility to lies, misinformation, and conspiracies is a front for mental issues.

Its an endless carousel
Making concessions when necessary is a part of honest discourse. If you're unable to do that then we call that intellectual dishonesty.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
While it could, its hard to make any concessions in these discussion on the point because its just you guys trying to imply that being Trans is a front for other mental issues.

Give an inch and it will be made a ruler, so they say

One could argue that constantly implying on the internet that others have mental issues while displaying susceptibility to lies, misinformation, and conspiracies is a front for mental issues.

Its an endless carousel
48% of referrals to tavistock were on the spectrum , vs approx 1% in the population.

Trans people tend to have higher incidence of various mental illnesses, but not 48x ffs. More like 2 to 3 x the general population.

Something really wrong wrt mental illness was happening in tavistock
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
You don't know that Nex's suicide was due to bullying due to their identifying as non binary. (I'm not saying you're wrong either, just that we don't know anything yet.)
I didn't assert that either. I said they were bullied (based on what they supposedly said). And that they committed suicide. I didn't say something like the exclusive cause of their suicide was the bullying, and don't know how anyone could conclude such a thing (or any of the bizarre fabrications Lucion made up). We do know that society wide bullying increases the amount of suicide ideation, as one might expect, in teens.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Making concessions when necessary is a part of honest discourse. If you're unable to do that then we call that intellectual dishonesty.
Meh, intellectual dishonesty is a social construct and not real.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
You lost me on the 50% thing. Could you elaborate on that?

A transgender person by definition is someone whose biological sex (ie male or female with rare exceptions) is different than the gender(man or woman) that they perceive themselves to be. This does not occur anywhere near 50% of the time. And it doesn't involve a "transitioned to" gender. There is the gender they already identify as their self that doesn't match their biological sex.

So I don't follow where your 50% is coming from.
SB is claiming that a trans person is not simply identifying as the gender opposite their bio sex, but rather the gender is a core aspect of self. Assuming this is universal, that we each have one gender as a core aspect of self, then what I said would follow.

For instance, let’s say maleness is “who I am”. Then, I should have a 50% chance of my bio sex matching my maleness right? The 50% of the time my bio sex is mismatched means I would be trans 50% of the time based on SB’s claim. Universalizing this, the entire population at large would have the same 50% chance of being trans.

Last edited by craig1120; 03-15-2024 at 11:35 AM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Meh, intellectual dishonesty is a social construct and not real.
You should try to understand the terms that you use. Constantly you make posts like this that are just pure nonsense and I wonder why you're allowed to get away with such trolling.

If you're going to troll, at least try to be an intelligent troll instead of a dumbass troll.

TLDR: the concept of intellectual dishonest is not a social construct. Just because something is an abstract concept does not make it a social construct.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Constantly you make posts like this that are just pure nonsense.
On this point we agree -pointing out social construct is as nonsensical as assessing crisis actors.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
On this point we agree -pointing out social construct is as nonsensical as assessing crisis actors.
Once again you've made another 70 level IQ post.

What I'd like for you to do is try harder. Aren't you a lawyer?
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
You should try to understand the terms that you use. Constantly you make posts like this that are just pure nonsense and I wonder why you're allowed to get away with such trolling.

If you're going to troll, at least try to be an intelligent troll instead of a dumbass troll.

TLDR: the concept of intellectual dishonest is not a social construct. Just because something is an abstract concept does not make it a social construct.
and btw the claim never was in general that social constructs are all "non real" to begin with.

National borders are a very real social construct
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
and btw the claim never was in general that social constructs are all "non real" to begin with.

National borders are a very real social construct
Social constructs are psychological. National borders are physical places.

And it's exactly the psychological nature of social constructs that makes them artificial-- because they're psychological "filters" imposed on people by society.

National borders are things created by society too but they aren't psychological in nature.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 03-15-2024 at 11:55 AM.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by craig1120
SB is claiming that a trans person is not simply identifying as the gender opposite their bio sex, but rather the gender is a core aspect of self. Assuming this is universal, that we each have one gender as a core aspect of self, then what I said would follow.

For instance, let’s say maleness is “who I am”. Then, I should have a 50% chance of my bio sex matching my maleness right? The 50% of the time my bio sex is mismatched means I would be trans 50% of the time based on SB’s claim. Universalizing this, the entire population at large would have the same 50% chance of being trans.
Now, contrast this claim of half the population being trans with the claim I made here:

My claim is, for people who identify as trans, the social self strongly identifies with a gender identity in order to avoid giving up control to the individuating self.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
While it could, its hard to make any concessions in these discussion on the point because its just you guys trying to imply that being Trans is a front for other mental issues.

Give an inch and it will be made a ruler, so they say

One could argue that constantly implying on the internet that others have mental issues while displaying susceptibility to lies, misinformation, and conspiracies is a front for mental issues.

Its an endless carousel
"trans being a front for other mental issues" is an inaccurate reflection of the position that people are taking. The primary concern is people with underlying issues picking up on "trans" because it's so pervasive in the culture and being funneled into gender treatments when they would be better served by other interventions. Or people with only a moderate degree of gender dysphoria that could be managed in other ways being pushed into more serious interventions than are necessary.

The concern is the "affirmative" model of care going too far. For instance, we would expect some percentage of people showing up at a cancer clinic to turn out not to have cancer. In the same way, we should expect some percentage of people going to a gender clinic to turn out not to not be transgender (or gender identity not their main issue/ not require medical intervention). However, it would seem that this almost never happens, at least that's my impression, but maybe I'm wrong.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
03-15-2024 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Once again you've made another 70 level IQ post.

What I'd like for you to do is try harder. Aren't you a lawyer?
Just trying to provide balance for the 120 iq posts about Epstein's body double's ears, linguistics and poor corpse imitation.
The costs of trans visibility Quote
