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Conservatives: What are your principles? Conservatives: What are your principles?

09-26-2020 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
How do you feel about contraceptives ?
I don't presently have an opinion on contraceptives.


Also, do you qualify your death sentence if the life or health of the mother is at stake ?
Absolutely. And many other factors would need to be considered as well.

Or do the women exist to breed and that's that ?
I am unaware of any Christian denomination that believes that producing children is the only role of a woman.

In fact, nuns take a vow of celibacy, just like priests. (I'm not Catholic, but using them as an example.)

They used to tell us using birth control would send you to hell just like killing someone. At some point you realize the punishment is inelastic and stop paying attention to it.
Who is the "they" who told you that?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-26-2020 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Like any crime in which death is one the possible punishments, each case would have to be evaluated on its own merits.

Owing to the utterly corrupt judicial system we have in the US, I favor a moratorium on capital punishment.

The short answer is: Each case is unique, but death should be one of the options, in my opinion.

Interesting that the death penalty for unborn human beings doesn't seem to bother many people around here.

Lately, at least, the Lefties have elevated some career criminals to virtual Sainthood.
It’s because you consider a cell that has no brain, no sex, cant breath , etc etc ... a human shrug .....

And I don’t think anyone here would accept a woman aborted like at 7-8 months btw .....
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-26-2020 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Unless one has access to a database that contains everything that Jesus ever said, the bolded may or may not be true.

Having said that, we can perhaps make reasonable inferences about what Jesus likely thought about those topics based on related things that He did talk about.

I will pursue that line of thought in a future post.
It’s funny with all the power god has , Jesus couldn’t be clear about a pretty simple context like abortion .

For the almighty creator of the universe, it’s kinda of a weak proposition you tell us .

Maybe he didn’t say it because he was simply not against abortion .....
like said earlier , you always cites verses to speak the truth but now you tell us we need to interpret and derives the thought of god huh ....

At that point you can actually interpret any idea you would like from the bible that isn’t written in it ...
And the proof is, there is a lot of different factions about Christianity.
So someone must be wrong right ?
How can you all be right with different ideas with the same god ?

That ain’t very trustworthy to think men can read gods mind .
Like Nostradamus that could read the futur with interpretation ?

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-26-2020 at 09:31 PM.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-26-2020 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Not heinous at all.
The Bible says in Exodus if a woman is injured and loses her fetus then her husband is entitled to financial compensation, such as a loss of property, but if the full grown adult woman dies the penalty is a life for a life.

Therefore, it is more heinous to kill a full grown adult. This is from your own religious text. Are you saying you know better than your own God?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-26-2020 , 09:49 PM
Because the Bible says if a person kills a fetus they should “fined”. #themoreyouknow
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-26-2020 , 09:57 PM
It’d be very weird to kill full grown adults over owed fines, yah?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 12:24 AM
Hey guys I found some CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES today

Spoiler, literally the only conservative principle is trolling
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Hey guys I found some CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES today

Spoiler, literally the only conservative principle is trolling
I threw up in my mouth a bit. Good job, conservatives, you legit hurt my feelings with this. So much winning.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Unless one has access to a database that contains everything that Jesus ever said, the bolded may or may not be true.

Having said that, we can perhaps make reasonable inferences about what Jesus likely thought about those topics based on related things that He did talk about.

I will pursue that line of thought in a future post.
Quite frankly, I don't give a **** what you have to say about Jesus. You're an unprincipled charlatan w.r.t. Christianity. That you think the death penalty is an acceptable punishment is all anyone needs to know that you don't take Jesus seriously or literally.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Morality isn't based on who is or who is not in favor of something. Same thing with respect to a law being just or unjust.
Why do you think morality is based on the word it is? Accident?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 04:34 AM
When the "drinking blood for eternal life" crew, you know, the vampire type believers, are pinned down on any subject they run for the hills, and away from rationality. They have to. They are all in on pure occult magic. Don't debate with it. Until they can extricate themselves, reality is adjourned in their thinking. But the OP question is a great one, imo.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 08:29 AM
For the same reason everyone should be vegan they should be against abortion.

This isn’t a God or religion argument... science supports what I’m saying...

Things with a central nervous system feel pain. This should be the indicator whether you should be allowed to kill something.

For example plants don’t have a central nervous system and neither does semen...

If it feels pain you can’t kill it.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight

Who is the "they" who told you that?
In my case the nuns.

But that's the basic moral consequence of Christianity asaik.

The unborn human beings you think are so important are born into original sin and will be doomed to an eternity of hell. Unless they get saved (various ways all claiming to be the only way) and stay in God's grace (some think once you're in you're in for good, other's disagree).

If you believe any basic Christian doctrine you think God forces us to play a very high stakes game and doesn't even give us a clear set of rules to follow.

I suspect God is better than the box humans keep putting him in.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by rjr777
For the same reason everyone should be vegan they should be against abortion.

This isn’t a God or religion argument... science supports what I’m saying...

Things with a central nervous system feel pain. This should be the indicator whether you should be allowed to kill something.

For example plants don’t have a central nervous system and neither does semen...

If it feels pain you can’t kill it.

Every living thing feels pain. Since pain is a part of life, avoiding it 100% probably isn't a scientific principal. In fact, I suspect science would factor feeling pain into an evolutionary advantage.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Every living thing feels pain. Since pain is a part of life, avoiding it 100% probably isn't a scientific principal. In fact, I suspect science would factor feeling pain into an evolutionary advantage.

Certain things have pain receptors and central nervous system which are required to feel pain. Science backs this up 100%.

So there’s a scientific reason to be vegan and pro life.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 08:57 AM
When you add a persons ability to reason with the fact we can differentiate things that feel pain it’s a good time to go vegan pro life.

Good time to be on the right side of history when this all plays out.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by rjr777
For the same reason everyone should be vegan they should be against abortion.

This isn’t a God or religion argument... science supports what I’m saying...

Things with a central nervous system feel pain. This should be the indicator whether you should be allowed to kill something.

For example plants don’t have a central nervous system and neither does semen...

If it feels pain you can’t kill it.
Prohibiting abortion rights results in *more* net pain.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Prohibiting abortion rights results in *more* net pain.
Well people are free to take responsibility for their actions at any point.. it’s ironic we hold poker players to a higher standard.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 09:03 AM
In this argument about abortion..

Liberals come off as immoral and conservatives come off as hypocrites....

It’s time to go vegan pro life. There’s no more excuses and mental gymnastics.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 09:05 AM
Watch how triggered people get when I question their world view and call everyone out...

Just bc I’m saying don’t kill sentient beings of any type... watch the rage!
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Quite frankly, I don't give a **** what you have to say about Jesus. You're an unprincipled charlatan w.r.t. Christianity. That you think the death penalty is an acceptable punishment is all anyone needs to know that you don't take Jesus seriously or literally.
Why would you take lagtight's very common among American Christians support for the death penalty as a sign that he is faking his Christianity?

And there is no consensus among Christian denominations that the death penalty is wrong, with eg the second-largest US denomination, the Southern Baptists, in favor of capital punishment.

As for whether it shows that someone doesn't take Jesus seriously, Jesus is not clearly portrayed as opposing the death penalty in the Bible. And the Bible as a whole is clearly fine with it in at least some circumstances.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Like any crime in which death is one the possible punishments, each case would have to be evaluated on its own merits.

Owing to the utterly corrupt judicial system we have in the US, I favor a moratorium on capital punishment.

The short answer is: Each case is unique, but death should be one of the options, in my opinion.

Interesting that the death penalty for unborn human beings doesn't seem to bother many people around here.

Lately, at least, the Lefties have elevated some career criminals to virtual Sainthood.
It is a hallmark of modern legal systems that the law circumscribes judicial discretion in sentencing. Assuming you agree with this, what are the sentencing guidelines you would favor in your preferred American legal system for a woman who has an abortion? Say a 30-year professional unmarried professional woman is convicted of having an abortion. What do you believe the sentencing range should be? Evidently you believe it should include capital punishment, so what considerations should go into that sentence rather than lesser ones?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Why would you take lagtight's very common among American Christians support for the death penalty as a sign that he is faking his Christianity?

And there is no consensus among Christian denominations that the death penalty is wrong, with eg the second-largest US denomination, the Southern Baptists, in favor of capital punishment.

As for whether it shows that someone doesn't take Jesus seriously, Jesus is not clearly portrayed as opposing the death penalty in the Bible. And the Bible as a whole is clearly fine with it in at least some circumstances.
I think the Southern Baptists completely missed the boat on huge swaths of the teachings of Jesus, yes. That whole denomination is only a thing because of support for slavery. And no, I'm not surprised that large chunks of Christians don't take it all that seriously, but they also aren't in here trying to act like some sort of theological scholar.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
It’d be very weird to kill full grown adults over owed fines, yah?
FFS, don’t give him any ideas, he could definitely be down with that.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-27-2020 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by rjr777

Certain things have pain receptors and central nervous system which are required to feel pain. Science backs this up 100%.

So there’s a scientific reason to be vegan and pro life.
Way to intentionally miss the point.

Typical religious fanatic.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
