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Conservatives: What are your principles? Conservatives: What are your principles?

09-25-2020 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
The best first step in reducing abortions is for people to understand that abortion is murdering a human being.
People tried your way. It didn't reduce abortions. You know what happens when you increase access to contraception? Abortions go down!

Your insistence on dying on this hill is a result of your own vanity. If it was really about abortions, you would favor the path that causes fewer abortions.

But it's not. It's about virtue signaling and imposing your morality on others.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
What do you mean by "big government"? The number of laws? What percent of GDP goes to the government? How much the government spends? How intrusive the government is in people's lives?

In my experience talk about big government is more a political slogan than a concrete idea. For instance, it is conservatives who typically want to increase the size the federal government's biggest branch, while liberals want to decrease military spending. And while liberals favor some intrusive laws, eg fuel consumption regulations, so do conservatives, eg abortion regulations.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by rjr777
Let free market determine the price of things..
And then a virus pops up that would possibly wreck their world and the freemarketgang can't jump thru their aholes fast enough to get in on some of that sweet socialism
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 02:33 PM
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I have only one friend (that I'm aware of) who was involved with an abortion.

Originally Posted by lagtight

I don't know what you mean by "what's the verdict on my friend?"
So, thumbs down it is Do you want to push the button or have someone else do it for ya
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
A cell is not a baby.
Not my words but yours .....
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 03:11 PM
[QUOTE=rjr777;56561526]Idk I guess your sentiment is somewhat ok... but why does it even have to be a trade off of public vs private?

Because it’s you ( public) or corporations ( private ) that ends up paying .

Take for example subsidies.. I find it extra wasteful to have socialist programs to keep the price of food down using my taxes.

If you don’t mind to pay personally more at the cash register, than yeah ok .
But more poorer people than you would suffer from it .

Why can’t we just not subsidize food? Let free market determine the price of things..

After covid and the breakin of supply chain , imo it’s always good for security reasons and not being at the mercy of foreign ( sometimes hostile) interest that a country keep a minimum of food independence, wouldn’t you agree ?

I suppose I agree that just because the public or private sector is bad at one level it doesn’t mean all levels.

Also why not focus on taxing the big businesses rather than tax the 99%?

I got no problem with that

Ps: I know it’s not a great sentiments to always spend money but at the end of day , money is meant to be spend right ?
And spending for food and all necessity for good reasons shouldn’t be much of a concern imo .
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Ya That guy's one of my childhood best friends older brother he just ends up at my friend's house on weekends a fair bit(plus I've known him for like ~45yrs at this point)
Years ago I knew a State Trooper who was a born again type.

He was at once the nicest and scariest guy I knew.
I trusted the drunks way more. lol
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
This is BS.

Jello isn't structurally sound enough to produce enough friction.

Don't ask me how I know......
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Your post suggested otherwise.
It's hard to say what Jesus actually taught. We basically follow Paul's sect and not Peter's even though Peter was his head disciple.

But it seems like one of his main points whas that God exists outside of religion and blindly following rules isn't going to do much for your soul.

Of course everyone since has formed a religion and tried to get everyone to follow them. It's the way of religions.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
A cell is not a baby.
And yet you support murdering a person who would kill a human zygote (the single-cell fertilized ovum after conception).

Originally Posted by lagtight
Pretty sure that if abortion was illegal the number of abortions would drop considerably. Especially if the penalty for performing an abortion was the death penalty, or even just a 20-year prison sentence.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
This is BS.

Jello isn't structurally sound enough to produce enough friction.

Don't ask me how I know......
At first this was a, "wait, what?" but then after thinking about it for a second, it got a solid nose-laugh out of me.

How many bowls of jello have you melted? I've heard good things about Tinder, friend.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
I thought this whole anti-choice thing was solved with that question about if you’re in a burning building and there is a crying 4 yr old and a tray full of fertilized eggs which do you save if you only have time for one?? And everyone chooses the child proving that they don’t actually believe the lump of cells are “babies”...
What about a tray full of developing babies with beating hearts?

How’s that work in your trolley problem?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Years ago I knew a State Trooper who was a born again type.

He was at once the nicest and scariest guy I knew.
I trusted the drunks way more. lol
Pick up a lot of little tidbits like..One of the reasons my guys are usually so good at knowing the drivers who have been drinking is because even the faintest smell triggers their own saliva bcus they're jonesin for a drink so much themselves
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
What do you mean by "big government"? The number of laws? What percent of GDP goes to the government? How much the government spends? How intrusive the government is in people's lives?

In my experience talk about big government is more a political slogan than a concrete idea. For instance, it is conservatives who typically want to increase the size the federal government's biggest branch, while liberals want to decrease military spending. And while liberals favor some intrusive laws, eg fuel consumption regulations, so do conservatives, eg abortion regulations.
Things like the department of agriculture spending 20B on meat and dairy subsidies needs to be cut out.

Abortion being funded by states cut out unless it’s an emergency.

Also politicians on both sides being in bed w large corporations in a corporatacracy. Lobbyists and special interests etc

Lack of true free markets

Enforcing monopoly laws and anti trust instead of allowing chroni capitalism to run rampant...

Having politicians serve the people instead of vice versa..

Military spending is also very wasteful and is part of the problem. It’s why I don’t vote. You can tell when Obama ran on an anti war campaign and then sent more troops I knew the globalists were in control and stopped falling for two party false paradigm.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
So, thumbs down it is Do you want to push the button or have someone else do it for ya
What are you talking about?
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
It's hard to say what Jesus actually taught.
No, it isn't.

We basically follow Paul's sect and not Peter's even though Peter was his head disciple.
Huh? Neither Peter nor Paul wrote any of the four Gospel accounts. Paul and Peter preached exactly the same message in their Epistles.


But it seems like one of his main points whas that God exists outside of religion and blindly following rules isn't going to do much for your soul.
Yes, Jesus taught that one can't save one's soul by way of good works.


Of course everyone since has formed a religion and tried to get everyone to follow them. It's the way of religions.
+1 on there being lots of religions out there.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Not my words but yours .....
Actually, you are correct.

"The fusion of the sperm (with 23 chromosomes) and the oocyte (with 23 chromosomes) at fertilization results in a live human being, a single-cell human zygote, with 46 chromosomes characteristic of an individual member of the human species."

Quote from I don't know who is being quoted here; it is from an excerpt from a journal article.

I can chase down the exact source if anybody is interested.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:37 PM
Jesus never intended to start a religion. His early followers were just a new sect of Judaism that other Jews called the cult of Jesus. They thought Jesus was the Jewish messiah, but when the other prophecies weren’t fulfilled it became a lot harder to convince other Jews to join, so they started converting gentiles. They still string together the Old Testament and the New but that’s why the two testaments conflict so much.

Anyway, lol lagtight. Bless his heart. #themoreyouknow
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:40 PM
It’s weird how supposed Christians know so little about their religion’s actual history...
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
What are you talking about?
If you've always believed abortion is murder--doesn't that make your friend a murderer? Most Rs are still pro-death penalty afaik--trump as well.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:45 PM
The Bible states clearly that life begins at a person’s first breath.

Furthermore, in Exodus it says that if a woman is injured and loses her fetus her husband is entitled to financial compensation, nothing more. If the woman dies the penalty is a life for a life.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:49 PM
Anyway, just some fun facts for the bigots out there
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
No, it isn't.

Huh? Neither Peter nor Paul wrote any of the four Gospel accounts. Paul and Peter preached exactly the same message in their Epistles.

Yes, Jesus taught that one can't save one's soul by way of good works.

+1 on there being lots of religions out there.

No. But we follow Paul's sect as he went out to the gentiles and converted them. That morphed into Christianity becoming the state religion.
So....same old, same old really.

Peter went back and lived like a communist with his Jewish friends.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
09-25-2020 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
At first this was a, "wait, what?" but then after thinking about it for a second, it got a solid nose-laugh out of me.

How many bowls of jello have you melted? I've heard good things about Tinder, friend.

Let's just say, go with the lime.
Conservatives: What are your principles? Quote
