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British Politics British Politics

12-13-2019 , 05:31 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Scexit doesn't have the same ring as Brexit.
It's going to be called the Get Us Tae **** campaign
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by abysmal01
Meanwhile the conservatives have to apologise for the extensive, well documented islamophobia in their party and there's not a peep out of you. It comes out BJ literally wrote a book in which Jews control the media and it barely moves the needle. Maybe because it's just a given that right wing toffs are racist so no one cares or maybe it's a positive among their base.
But how many people are attributing Islamaphobia in the Conservative party as a conspiracy theory?
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Islam is a rival ideology to British conservatism. Should he also apologise for "Socialismaphobia"?
There are muslims who support all parties and there is no Islamic parties. Just because they vote 85% labour doesn't make them a homogenous group.

Muslims adhere to a religious faith due to their beliefs are likely to support one political party more than others.

Saying its a rival ideology is what the EDL and the like parrot.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
Scottish independence almost a certainty now.
No it’s not
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 07:50 AM
Just seen the result for my local constituency. Used to be a labour stronghold until recently. This time Labour came third with 14.1% of the vote, down 11.9%. Incredible.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
Was this Corbyn guy liked by anyone?
AOC and Bernie Sanders.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 08:01 AM
and ...

British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ

Islam is a rival ideology to British conservatism. Should he also apologise for "Socialismaphobia"?

I guess we'll go with the base seeing it as a positive then.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 08:40 AM
Just want to wish every single one of you ghouls who've spent four years telling me I'm acting in bad faith, part of a (((conspiracy))), it's all a (((foreign))) operation, it's all smears and there isn't a single example of anti-Semitism in Labour:

Chag Chanukah Sameach
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 08:47 AM
Wow, and NI has more nationalist MPs than unionist MPs for the first time in history. Bye bye NI and Scotland?

Is Sinn Fein's policy of abstentionism actually effective at furthering any of their political goals? I understand they don't want to swear an oath to the queen or whatever but the end result is that NI will continue to be represented in parliament almost entirely by unionist MPs. So...congrats on giving power to the people who oppose everything you stand for??
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
Wow, and NI has more nationalist MPs than unionist MPs for the first time in history. Bye bye NI and Scotland?

Is Sinn Fein's policy of abstentionism actually effective at furthering any of their political goals? I understand they don't want to swear an oath to the queen or whatever but the end result is that NI will continue to be represented in parliament almost entirely by unionist MPs. As they say, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
I'm no expert, but I suspect for them swearing loyalty to the British monarch is something that comes with a long history of bad blood. I doubt it is about political efficiency.

It can of course also be politically comfortable. If they took the seats, their politics might become a bit more undressed. When ideals meet democracy, compromise often results. Compromise can often be exploited by contenders to make you look weak.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 09:09 AM
Nice to wake up to see Chuka in the dole queue, anyone running a book on which party he'll show up for when we next have a by-election?
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Just want to wish every single one of you ghouls who've spent four years telling me I'm acting in bad faith, part of a (((conspiracy))), it's all a (((foreign))) operation, it's all smears and there isn't a single example of anti-Semitism in Labour:

Chag Chanukah Sameach
Well if a Jewish publication doesn't like you, that is certainly compelling proof that you ghostwrote Mein Kampf.

Anyway, all hail Jezzer.

Kept the lift wing marginalized until 2024 guaranteed and probably until 2029.

His work is done and I'll buy him a pint any time.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Just want to wish every single one of you ghouls who've spent four years telling me I'm acting in bad faith, part of a (((conspiracy))), it's all a (((foreign))) operation, it's all smears and there isn't a single example of anti-Semitism in Labour:

Chag Chanukah Sameach
I hope Johnson sells out the NHS so that your crisp eating, fat ass can understand what its like to go bankrupt because you cant afford insulin.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 10:37 AM
This is quite depressing. If Bernie is the nominee, we're going to ****ing lose. Propaganda is just too strong and people are too overworked and stressed out to see through it. WE'RE ****ED!!
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 11:14 AM
I think I'm seeing this the wrong way. Labour was divided because of brexit. The base wanted to leave and elected officials wanted to remain.

This is more analogous Biden being the nominee and standing in opposition to the base on the most important issue: healthcare.

After some reading it appears there might have been something to this whole "anti-Semitism" thing despite my instincts to dismiss it because of Omar being smeared - wrongly - on that same issue.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 11:16 AM
Crisp eater, sorry for calling you fat. I don't hope you die from lack of insulin.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 11:56 AM
LOL thanks
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:04 PM
Some thoughts prior to a full analysis of voting patterns -

1) overall Conservative vote is not significantly higher, 2% more than 2017.
2) Labour is down 8%, split between various parties. Farage/johnson alliance strategy appears to be pivotal in some places.
3) Appearance of new marginals in pro brexit historically Labour areas ie former mining/deindustrialised towns which swung to tory.
4) A key variation between 2017 and 2019 is Labour's brexit position where respecting the result, albeit in a soft brexit fashion, became a 2nd ref without a clear leave choice. On the Conservative side a clear (though fake) 'get brexit done'.
5) in the context of first past the post and marginal gains, the faultline does appear to be brexit where the decisives factors were labour policy shift, brexit party influence and well directed Conservative campaign.
6) Farage is finished - his party got 2% of the vote while the government pursues a withdrawal agreement he is apparently completely opposed to.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:04 PM
Labour was doing much better before Corbyn announced his neo-socialist platforms.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by vafongool
This is quite depressing. If Bernie is the nominee, we're going to ****ing lose. Propaganda is just too strong and people are too overworked and stressed out to see through it. WE'RE ****ED!!
Meh. I'm not a fan of him, but purely psephologically, if the result was about Corbyn being too-left-wing then the Lib Dems as a more centrist Remain party would have cleaned up all the members of "the 48%" that didn't want to vote for him but they did badly too.

It was about Brexit Bretrayal first and foremost which was the pet project of other members of his party not him - such as Tom Watson who left politics after spending one day actually campaigning in his constituency and seeing the reaction he got. The other Corbyn stuff about being friendly with whoever the UK's enemy of the day is, whether Milosevic, the IRA, Hamas etc. is a problem because it pulls in the same direction.

The quote from Orwell about the English being a dysfunctional extended family with black sheep, richer and poorer relations etc. but that closes ranks against outside threats is perceptive to this day.

I don't know enough about Sanders but Corbyn's international positions would be something like having Chomsky as a candidate.

The domestic left stuff like nationalising the railways and going back to free universities is relatively popular with a lot of people.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:38 PM
Analogising Corbyn with Sanders and Warren is cheap and wrong. Neither stanned *Gadaffi*.

Corbyn is akin to a stupid Jill Stein or someone from Code Pink. He's an absolute lunatic. If he applied today to run as a Labour councillor he would get rejected for extremeness and most likely expelled from Labour. Sanders and Warren would be mainstream centrists in most developed democracies.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:45 PM
It’s funny how the lesson everyone is taking away from this election is exactly what meshes with their priors. Very cool that this is happening on a poker forum.

Bernie will be fine we don’t have a brexit to **** things up and the uniquely unpopular figure in American politics is trump. Hell obviously take his lumps if he gets to the general but I think he’ll be okay.

Honestly the solution is pretty simple, if everyone under 35 kills one person over 70 we’ll have this situation sorted out pretty quickly.

Last edited by Joe Pulaski; 12-13-2019 at 12:51 PM.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:53 PM
It wasn't so much Brexit or even the increasingly daft policies ('All right, final offer -- 200 cigs and a crate of Stella,' as someone put it). It was Corbyn.

The reason people most often gave for this on the doorstep, according to Labour candidates, was national security concerns (Corbyn chumming with the IRA and Hamas and trying to stan for Putin over the Salisbury poisonings), but the anti-Semitism scandal also came up a lot. In one constituency all 11,000 people canvassed by the Labour candidate and his team, most former Labour voters, said they couldn't stand Corbyn.
British Politics Quote
12-13-2019 , 12:58 PM
Sanders stanned for Castro and recently Maduro (Chavez really. But he refuses to call Maduro a dictator.)

Warren’s foreign policy positions are basically lip service but do nothing else.
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