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British Politics British Politics

Today , 01:05 PM
it already did happen
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:07 PM
when is the trial?

is it before or after the war crimes tribunal of Tony Bliar, which im sure will also happen any day now?
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Today , 01:08 PM
UK suspends around 30 arms export licences to Israel for use in Gaza over International Humanitarian Law concerns
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Today , 01:13 PM
labour pandering to their anti (((zionist))) base is old news, im more interested in the upcoming war crimes trial

who will be the chief prosecutor. can i suggest jeremy corbyn?
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:14 PM
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
it already did happen
The government suspending some arms contracts happened, but British ministers ending up 'in the dock' won't happen.
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
The government suspending some arms contracts happened, but British ministers ending up 'in the dock' won't happen.
Probably not because they take great care to comply with the law when they are at personal risk e.g like suspending arms sales

Boids may argue that it's all jusyt pandering to the base but nothing like personal risk to focus their minds into actually doing soemthing. It's amzing what they can do when it's their own skin
British Politics Quote
Today , 01:38 PM
this odd fantasy of centrist labour politicians going on trial for war crimes has been doing the rounds for decades and needs to stop
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Today , 01:44 PM
It was fantasy with blair. A much hoped for fantasy but never likely

the international legal rulings make it different this time. Most likely why they are trying to behave.
British Politics Quote
Today , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Probably not because they take great care to comply with the law when they are at personal risk e.g like suspending arms sales

Boids may argue that it's all jusyt pandering to the base but nothing like personal risk to focus their minds into actually doing soemthing. It's amzing what they can do when it's their own skin
I don't think it's unusual for ministers to take legal advice to protect HMG's position. The Cabinet rule of collective responsibility means that individual ministers would only incur personal liability in exceptional circumstances, which are unlikely to obtain here. And HMG can resile from the Rome Statute at any time if they decide that a parti-pris Hague prosecutor is playing silly-buggers. Or they could perhaps initiate a counter-action against the prosecutor as a war criminal for assisting certain avowedly genocidal terrorist organisations. It's not in the ICC's interests to go there, really.
British Politics Quote
Today , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
If there was a need of money akin to WW2 there would be widespread rationing in the economy of "luxuries" (ie everything not indispensable to survive) for many years even after the war itself to avoid absurd inflation.

There would absolutely not be enough money in the real sense around to pay for a WW2 event and keep living standards as they are, not by a large margin, in the UK or Italy or France and so on.

Not sure what you mean about money for the stock market or the pound.

If you dislike thinking money think real stuff. There aren't millions of capable unemployed people to activate to make more stuff.

Everytime you want more of something you have to give up something else (and wait for the people and capital employed in something to be switched to the stuff you want more of, if they can, which isnt always obvious), as a society, unless you have slack (unused employment/real capital).
You don't appear to have heard of the money the UK is sending for wars, or QE, or in fact the Bank of England.

Last edited by jalfrezi; Today at 02:16 PM.
British Politics Quote
Today , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
I don't think it's unusual for ministers to take legal advice to protect HMG's position. The Cabinet rule of collective responsibility means that individual ministers would only incur personal liability in exceptional circumstances, which are unlikely to obtain here. And HMG can resile from the Rome Statute at any time if they decide that a parti-pris Hague prosecutor is playing silly-buggers. Or they could perhaps initiate a counter-action against the prosecutor as a war criminal for assisting certain avowedly genocidal terrorist organisations. It's not in the ICC's interests to go there, really.
The threat to them is mostly much further down the line.

Highly unlikely they get prosecuted while still in power

Also it could well be they probably wouldn't be prosecuted. That's still leaves enough risk to scare the shite of them.
British Politics Quote
Today , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
labour pandering to their anti (((zionist))) base is old news, im more interested in the upcoming war crimes trial

who will be the chief prosecutor. can i suggest jeremy corbyn?
How much more money do you think the UK should commit to supporting your favourite genocidal terrorist rogue state?
British Politics Quote
Today , 02:16 PM
as much as is necessary to prevent iran and its puppets from achieving their second holocaust of the jews
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Today , 02:18 PM
Everyone knows the best way to achieve peace with your neighbours is by terrorising and methodically exterminating their friends child by child, baby by baby.
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Today , 02:23 PM
israelis dont seem to be willing to go into the ovens, so i think peace will require iran & co to give up their dreams
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Today , 02:26 PM
So that justifies genociding the Palestinians? Righty ho. Always good to hear.
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Today , 02:28 PM
can confirm NO GENOCIDE!

i would suggest taking this to the israel thread but your mod keeps binning my well thought out posts, so for more quality engagement on the matter i'll see you in the SE politics thread
British Politics Quote
Today , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The threat to them is mostly much further down the line.

Highly unlikely they get prosecuted while still in power

Also it could well be they probably wouldn't be prosecuted. That's still leaves enough risk to scare the shite of them.
I doubt that. It's partly political positioning and partly just protecting the government's legal standing in the usual way, as when the Wilson government cancelled the Chieftain tank sale to Israel after the Six-Day War. The UK is currently keeping Karadzic in Parkhurst at our own expense on the ICC's behalf. The ICC depends on the co-operation of sovereign governments and can't behave like a US university faculty, going round accusing everyone in sight of wrongthink and Nazidom and getting the pitchforks and torches out.
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