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The Best Man For President The Best Man For President

12-26-2021 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
LOL Stalky attack thing. That's your speciality isn't it? Considering you follow me around like a little puppy dog whenever I make a post anywhere.
Your first post in this thread was just to no content whine about me, so you know - heh. A lot of your posts are like that in threads that I am in that you join later. Seems you still have not actually read the contents of this thread before posting. Consider doing that in future, though to be fair the derails were an improvement over the creepy yuck factor found earlier in this thread, so there is that.

All the best.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Grammar Nazis are nearly as pathetic as trolls. It's a sign of a low IQ I believe.
So I guess, given that I am both, I basically have the nut low here, right?

I've got 2 pair for high as well, but that's prob not great in a multi-way pot. Might be good enough to quarter someone.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
No no, hard on's galore it is. You get it, for you its grammer and spelling.

oo have anover' on me.

<apologies ot the mods but this does seem to be an xmas special low content thread>
Didn't even know you had a sense of humour, chez. You should bring it in more often.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Your first post in this thread was just to no content whine about me, so you know - heh. A lot of your posts are like that in threads that I am in that you join later. Seems you still have not actually read the contents of this thread before posting. Consider doing that in future, though to be fair the derails were an improvement over the creepy yuck factor found earlier in this thread, so there is that.

All the best.
Isn't it time you went and found another victim to troll? You have been trolling washoe non-stop for the last few days. There must be someone else you can go and irritate with your favourite "derp" insult.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:39 PM
Try at some point to get over me and move on with your life. Or do not. Can't say I care that much. I could ask what you think of the OP's positions on the topic of this thread, but clearly you have not read any of it. Next time you rush into a thread to personally attack me do yourself a favor and see what the thread is actually about first. Since you are concerned with washoe, you can support him by taking his pedo quiz he just posted to show your support. He did not actually post his answers (likely a good choice), but my answers to his pretty weird list would be 1) Right legally (though wrong/yucky) 2) Very Wrong 3) Very Wrong (he continued after knowing, still wrong before that) 4) Hella wrong. Feel free to post your answers, or post more about me if that is what you need.

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 12-26-2021 at 05:50 PM.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:39 PM
D2, mate, haa
since you brought up pretty woman,

I'd like to hear your opinion on a few movies: (from the others too)

Pretty Women
Julia Roberts, as a 21y prostitute
Richard gere, as a 50y old something multi millionaire
Right or wrong?

American Beauty
Kevin Spacey, in a midlife crises falls in love with his daughters teenage friend, right or wrong?

Ethan McGregor accidentlys hooks up with a schoolgirl about 15 years old (looks way older) right or wrong?

Jeremy irons falls in love with a 12y old girl
Right or wrong?

And mate? If you ever fell in love with an underage girl,
Could we attack you for the rest of your life and make it miserable? Right or wrong?

whatever happens, verbal abuse is not ok, not good for anything, you are only harming yourself by doing it and create a hostile environment for the other person, thus you are creating hatred for both (bad energy, better to say nothing if you can't say anything positive, is not only a saying it's a technique that had purpose, so ignore (act professionally)

Last edited by washoe; 12-26-2021 at 05:52 PM.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Didn't even know you had a sense of humour, chez. You should bring it in more often.
I've had you rolling in the aisles before now despite you rarely even spotting the jokes let alone getting them

Generally I can't take repsonsiblity for your lack of knowledge but it is often preferable to your knowledge.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
D2, mate, haa
since you brought up pretty woman,

I'd like to hear your opinion on a few movies: (from the others too)

Pretty Women
Julia Roberts, as a 21y prostitute
Richard gere, as a 50y old something multi millionaire
Right or wrong?

American Beauty
Kevin Spacey, in a midlife crises falls in love with his daughters teenage friend, right or wrong?

Ethan McGregor accidentlys hooks up with a schoolgirl about 15 years old (looks way older) right or wrong?

Jeremy irons falls in love with a 12y old girl
Right or wrong?

And mate? If you ever fell in love with an underage girl,
Could we attack you for the rest of your life and make it miserable? Right or wrong?

whatever happens, verbal abuse is not ok, not good for anything, you are only harming yourself by doing it and create a hostile environment for the other person, thus you are creating hatred for both (bad energy
Better to say nothing if you can't say anything positive) so ignore it (act profesionally)
Oh boy.

The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:45 PM
washoe, if you never listen to anything else I say, take this one piece of advice from me - never say what you just said in prison.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:51 PM
That's not an answer, so you are insisting none of the above could happen to you? I'm asking because you know it happens everyday in hollywood, in the real world, everywhere, but you're sure it could not happen to you?
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Try at some point to get over me and move on with your life. Or do not. Can't say I care that much. I could ask what you think of the OP's positions on the topic of this thread, but clearly you have not read any of it. Next time you rush into a thread to personally attack me do yourself a favor and see what the thread is actually about first. Since you are concerned with washoe, you can support him by taking his pedo quiz he just posted to show your support. My answers to his list would be 1) Right (though yucky) 2) Very Wrong 3) Very Wrong (he continued after knowing, still wrong before that) 4) Hella wrong.

All the best.
As long as you promise not to follow me around with your pathetic childish trolling I would be quite happy to move on. Fat chance I know but we live in hope.

Putting you on ignore as I did for a long time doesn't even seem to stop you. Have you ever thought about seeing a shrink for your pathological need to constantly belittle and aggravate people?

Just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. Not that I give a **** really if you do or don't.

Last edited by bobbyJ; 12-26-2021 at 06:00 PM.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
That's not an answer, so you are insisting none of the above could happen to you? I'm asking because you know it happens everyday in hollywood, in the real world, everywhere, but you're sure it could not happen to you?
I banged a 17 year old when I was 19, but she was mega hot, so sure, it can happen. The age of consent in that state was 18, and I was hella worried about getting busted. I think they have "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions to the statutory age now, where if it's within a couple of years, you're OK.

Conversely, when I was about 23-24, I was at a party and went upstairs to use the bathroom. I accidentally walked in on a girl who was about to use it, and I knew for a fact she was 16 (this is back in the UK, where the age of consent is actually 16). I said "sorry" and tried to leave, and she said, "no, no" and pulled her panties down and said "what do you think of my panties?". I won't lie, I thought about it, but I caught myself and said "I think you should put them back on", and walked away.

Also, you missed Leon/The Professional from your little pedo wishlist. Natalie Portman was pretty hot when she was 11, amirite?
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
As long as you promise not to follow me around with your pathetic childish trolling I would be quite happy to move on. Fat chance I know but we live in hope.

Putting you on ignore as I did for a long time doesn't even seem to stop you. Have you ever thought about seeing a shrink for your pathological need to constantly belittle and aggravate people?

Just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. Not that I give a **** really if you do or don't.

Guess that answers the question of whether you will get over me or not. Hey, at least I am an adult! In contrast you should take the Washoe quiz - you know - the guy you are supposedly here to help and defend... Good luck with his quiz, and you can also answer the bonus D2 question (though his motivations for asking it are quite different) while at it!
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I banged a 17 year old when I was 19, but she was mega hot, so sure, it can happen. The age of consent in that state was 18, and I was hella worried about getting busted. I think they have "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions to the statutory age now, where if it's within a couple of years, you're OK.

Conversely, when I was about 23-24, I was at a party and went upstairs to use the bathroom. I accidentally walked in on a girl who was about to use it, and I knew for a fact she was 16 (this is back in the UK, where the age of consent is actually 16). I said "sorry" and tried to leave, and she said, "no, no" and pulled her panties down and said "what do you think of my panties?". I won't lie, I thought about it, but I caught myself and said "I think you should put them back on", and walked away.

Also, you missed Leon/The Professional from your little pedo wishlist. Natalie Portman was pretty hot when she was 11, amirite?
No one invites me to the good parties.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Guess that answers the question of whether you will get over me or not. Hey, at least I am an adult! In contrast you should take the Washoe quiz - you know - the guy you are supposedly here to help and defend... Good luck with his quiz, and you can also answer the bonus D2 question (though his motivations for asking it are quite different) while at it!
Really? Could have fooled me.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:20 PM
According to the general theme of this thread - that may explain why you follow me around so much...

All the best.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Really? Could have fooled me.
You seem like a stalker, bj
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:38 PM
I've never had a stalker bj. Oh, to be famous!

Monte - is it good?
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
I'm not a spokesperson, I just had enough of the constant attacks and hatred. He is still a human being. Enough is enough. What did he really do that was so bad to deserve this? 2+2 and we are only here and able to talk because of him if I'm not terribly mistaken. So if anything he deserves a fair case. That already happened imo. Nothing came out of it, no fine no trial, no legal action was ever taken. There is even a law that permits marriage at 16, wirh the consent of the parents i think. Everything was legal. Nobody got hurt. They even remained friends, yet you gossiping housewives have to stick your noses in other peoples business, and act all superior. The gossiping and misinformation never stopped. He did not bully anyone into suicide, correct is, he got extorted and tried to defend the person he loved. That's rarely ever mentioned, instead hatred and attacks.

I could bet everything and I would most likely win: If you were David Sklansky, you would have messed up way worse. You have no idea what comes with that amount of power. People are weak, they tend to misuse it. He did not, we are still here. Move on. Have some dignity and respect. But most importantly some self love and love for the people next to you.

Yeah, they really do like to give Dave the business over this.

It's just drama at this point.

They're not wrong (it's an opinion so it can't be wrong) to say it's creepy for a 50 something guy to hook up with a 16 year old you point out, nothing illegal happened. It's all just a scandal that gets the bored poker degens thinking about someone elses' problems for a while.

Don't worry too much. Dave seems to be big enough to handle the criticism.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
I've never had a stalker bj. Oh, to be famous!

Monte - is it good?
Well, best I can say is its a bit weird, but the one thing the stalky stalky types never quite have is a self awareness of their behavior. I got a bunch of threats of violence and death threats and racist/bigot stuff via PM. One person tried to extort me, which at least was a bit different, so I found that a bit more creative at least. The nasty low end PMs I just forwarded to mods and they banned the people. Quasi stalkers like this derp are more commonplace and harmless, so whatever on them. I usually have 1-2 at any given time in the riggie thread and I have a hard time remembering which is which. They never get it even when others point out their behavior to them. They usually just laugh it off and dismiss it.

I suspect the mods here, for all their $0 pay, get their share of the same treatment. Just part of life on the interweb.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
You seem like a stalker, bj
LOL Me stalking Monteroy. That's a laugh.

Yeah, I had him on ignore for ages, should have left him there. That's what trolls do, they keep needling until you over-react. He's good at it I must admit. I should have stayed out of this thread but when I saw him trying the same troll routine on washoe I took the bait . My mistake.

I'll stay out of this thread from now on and put the troll back on ignore. Obviously you guys think it's entertaining or something. I'd rather watch paint dry myself.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
LOL Me stalking Monteroy. That's a laugh.

Yeah, I had him on ignore for ages, should have left him there. That's what trolls do, they keep needling until you over-react. He's good at it I must admit. I should have stayed out of this thread but when I saw him trying the same troll routine on washoe I took the bait . My mistake.

I'll stay out of this thread from now on and put the troll back on ignore. Obviously you guys think it's entertaining or something. I'd rather watch paint dry myself.
I never thought he brought much to the table tbh.

Some guys can deliver in this medium and he just doesn't seem to have the knack.
But every song can't be a number 1 hit. The average ones make the great ones sound even better.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Well, best I can say is its a bit weird, but the one thing the stalky stalky types never quite have is a self awareness of their behavior. I got a bunch of threats of violence and death threats and racist/bigot stuff via PM. One person tried to extort me, which at least was a bit different, so I had a bit more fun with that one at the time. The nasty ones I just forwarded the PMs to mods and they banned the people. Quasi stalkers like this derp are more commonplace and harmless, so whatever on them. I usually have 1-2 at any given time in the riggie thread and I have a hard time remembering which is which.

I suspect the mods here, for all their $0 pay, get their share of the same treatment. Just part of life on the interweb.

A pathological liar as well as a troll. What a combination.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I never thought he brought much to the table tbh.

Some guys can deliver in this medium and he just doesn't seem to have the knack.
But every song can't be a number 1 hit. The average ones make the great ones sound even better.
Do me a favor and repeat this to all the little weirdos who follow me around. Might help them move on with their lives, as when I have said something similar (ie: nothing said in the riggie thread matters (by anyone including me)) it seems to have little impact, so perhaps you can follow me around and help them out when needed. Bit of an ironic suggestion, but sometimes one has to play just one level above the opponent for the most effective results, as for now I get a lot of stalky types that scream they put me on ignore and then immediately after quote and reply to a post of mine. Interesting pattern.
The Best Man For President Quote
12-26-2021 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Do me a favor and repeat this to all the little weirdos who follow me around. Might help them move on with their lives, as when I have said something similar (ie: nothing said in the riggie thread matters (by anyone including me)) it seems to have little impact, so perhaps you can follow me around and help them out when needed. Bit of an ironic suggestion, but sometimes one has to play just one level above the opponent for the most effective results, as for now I get a lot of stalky types that scream they put me on ignore and then immediately after quote and reply to a post of mine. Interesting pattern.
Yeah, I just ignore a few.
I mean, don't even read what they write.

It's actually easier to ignore someone here than irl. So I take that as a plus. lol
The Best Man For President Quote
