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Antifa Antifa

05-07-2020 , 12:32 PM

People across the county are celebrating and supporting healthcare workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

But a ceremony and parade being held in Delaware County, Pa., was marred when a gun-waving SUV driver crashed a parade of first responders who were paying tribute to the staff at Mercy Fitzgerald Medical Center Tuesday night, according to 6ABC in Philadelphia.
This **** is getting really out of hand.
05-07-2020 , 12:50 PM
In Kelhaus's world, not putting "black shooter" in the headline qualifies as a cover up.
05-07-2020 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I know that Mr. Wookie knows the history, but some lurkers may not.

Just funny to think that if Antifa had been around before the 1960's, they would have been Republicans.
No they still would have been communists imo. Antifa is dominated by anarcho communist ideology although it's not entirely uniform. They are violently and aggressively in favor or eradicating inequality (inequity really). They aren't like a book club that on occasion has to protest a library or something, their entire shtick is activism and protest. Their tactics are in plain view... covering their faces, violence, intimidation, threats, and destruction. Quite forceful and rabid overall

once upon a time in communist utopia where the equity project was full steam ahead, people were starving. Sometimes starving women would go out in to the field after the food had been harvested n shipped to collect scraps for their starving children. That of course was creating inequality and undermining the project so those starving women were sent to the gulags

we know that as the ideology spreads the "oppressors" get round up first. As you remove one row of "oppressors" you magically always find another, then another. Inequality (equity) just keeps popping up everywhere. Long story short after multiple experiments in the 20th century you had no success and multiple genocides with a body count that made the holocaust look small in comparison

ITT we have multiple clowns rabidly defending antifa. We have those same people posting favorable symbolism and imagery with the hammer and sickle banner. Those posters are running in here desperately trying to pretend that a movement of violent and rabid communist anarchist activism isn't happening on an almost weekly basis. Somehow in their head you can't discuss it as its own topic or problem, you have to ignore it or its not real because people on motorcycles just protested somewhere, some loon committed the el paso shooting, people aren't obeying the quarantine, and people are still enslaving orcas

Long story longer and bringing it back to your comment more specifically, antifa would and isn't republican, democrat, liberal, or conservative.
05-07-2020 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
No they still would have been communists imo. Antifa is dominated by anarcho communist ideology although it's not entirely uniform. They are violently and aggressively in favor or eradicating inequality (inequity really). They aren't like a book club that on occasion has to protest a library or something, their entire shtick is activism and protest. Their tactics are in plain view... covering their faces, violence, intimidation, threats, and destruction. Quite forceful and rabid overall

once upon a time in communist utopia where the equity project was full steam ahead, people were starving. Sometimes starving women would go out in to the field after the food had been harvested n shipped to collect scraps for their starving children. That of course was creating inequality and undermining the project so those starving women were sent to the gulags

we know that as the ideology spreads the "oppressors" get round up first. As you remove one row of "oppressors" you magically always find another, then another. Inequality (equity) just keeps popping up everywhere. Long story short after multiple experiments in the 20th century you had no success and multiple genocides with a body count that made the holocaust look small in comparison

ITT we have multiple clowns rabidly defending antifa. We have those same people posting favorable symbolism and imagery with the hammer and sickle banner. Those posters are running in here desperately trying to pretend that a movement of violent and rabid communist anarchist activism isn't happening on an almost weekly basis. Somehow in their head you can't discuss it as its own topic or problem, you have to ignore it or its not real because people on motorcycles with automatic weapons just protested somewhere, some loon committed the el paso shooting, people aren't obeying the quarantine, and people are still enslaving orcas

Long story longer and bringing it back to your comment more specifically, antifa would and isn't republican, democrat, liberal, or conservative.
Cliffs: extremism is bad on both sides. Don't think you'll find many who disagree. Don't see much of you denouncing right wing extremism, though.

And FYP.
05-07-2020 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The root of fascism is the same as in muscle fascia or the word fascinating--with the meaning of binding or bundling. And communism of course is related to words like common and community. So the words have pretty similar connotations of "togetherness".
Yes, they are both collectivist authoritarian ideologies, who, in practice for the common dude, amount to one and the same:

Do as you're told. Don't criticize the ones telling you to do as you're told. Or else!
05-07-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Cliffs: extremism is bad on both sides. Don't think you'll find many who disagree. Don't see much of you denouncing right wing extremism, though.

And FYP.
You have spammed this thread at an ungodly rate and not once did i see you denouncing the enslavement of orcas

Until you do that, you can stick everything else up your blowhole. Ignoring this slavery is more sad than a collapsed dorsal fin
05-07-2020 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Well, at least you know you've joined a team that's in it for the racism.
I think ALL large groups have sinister, unsavory elements within them.

I left the GOP partially because of those sinister elements.

MOST officeholders in BOTH parties aren't to be trusted to tell the truth about much of anything. (In my opinion)
05-07-2020 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I think ALL large groups have sinister, unsavory elements within them.

I left the GOP partially because of those sinister elements.

MOST officeholders in BOTH parties aren't to be trusted to tell the truth about much of anything.
Ah yes, now we're back with the ever popular "Everything on both sides is totally equivalent always, so it's no problem that I always argue in favor of the racist side on the internet."
05-07-2020 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Ah yes, now we're back with the ever popular "Everything on both sides is totally equivalent always, so it's no problem that I always argue in favor of the racist side on the internet."
Typical misrepresentation.

I am a conservative, but not a Republican.

Just like many in this forum are leftist/liberal and they HATE the Democrat party.

Edit: it was because of people like you that the old forum was a toxic waste dump. (with apologies to toxic waste)
05-07-2020 , 02:06 PM
I think I'll lurk over at unstuck. I'm sure it's quite highbrow compared to this place
05-07-2020 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I think I'll lurk over at unstuck. I'm sure it's quite highbrow compared to this place
Actually, my brief excursion at unstuck wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
05-07-2020 , 03:19 PM
I have work to do, so I will not be posting in this forum again until Saturday at the earliest.

Sorry for the inconvenience..

Hope y'all stay well!
05-07-2020 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Ah yes, now we're back with the ever popular "Everything on both sides is totally equivalent always, so it's no problem that I always argue in favor of the racist side on the internet."
False equivalence plus sneering at your debate opponent for being so naive to think their side isn't just as bad - when your side is clearly doing something horrible - is the Crane Technique of internet debate. If do right, none can defeat.
05-07-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
In Kelhaus's world, not putting "black shooter" in the headline qualifies as a cover up.
Actually that is local news. Local news does report crimes that don't support ideological narratives. I never claimed they don't. National liberal MSM does not.

If the lady was white I guarantee her face would be front and center on CNN and NYT, and they assuredly would have made the story a referendum on Trump in some way. As is, I don't see the story (much less a picture) at all on the front page of either, although maybe if you dig deep enough you will find something (and maybe not).

Thank you for showing yet another example that supports my argument.
05-07-2020 , 08:41 PM
I am actually a little curious how Wookie came across that story, as he certainly isn't a regular reader of Tulsa World and the liberal MSM doesn't seem too interested. I had already seen it on DailyMail. But Wookie doesn't strike me as much of a DailyMail reader either.

Care to share?
05-07-2020 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

This **** is getting really out of hand.
What do you think actually happened. Do you think the man was a Trump supporter?

How shocked will you be if the truth doesn't match what you think happened?
05-07-2020 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
I am actually a little curious how Wookie came across that story, as he certainly isn't a regular reader of Tulsa World and the liberal MSM doesn't seem too interested. I had already seen it on DailyMail. But Wookie doesn't strike me as much of a DailyMail reader either.

Care to share?
05-07-2020 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Actually that is local news. Local news does report crimes that don't support ideological narratives. I never claimed they don't. National liberal MSM does not.

If the lady was white I guarantee her face would be front and center on CNN and NYT, and they assuredly would have made the story a referendum on Trump in some way. As is, I don't see the story (much less a picture) at all on the front page of either, although maybe if you dig deep enough you will find something (and maybe not).

Thank you for showing yet another example that supports my argument.
This is CNN's top story under their US news section right now
05-07-2020 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
What do you think actually happened. Do you think the man was a Trump supporter?

How shocked will you be if the truth doesn't match what you think happened?

Per this article
, the name of the suspect has not been released, which means that, if your theory is correct, it's a stone lock that they actually know who the suspect is, the suspect is black, and this had absolutely nothing to do with Trump support, correct?

Last edited by MrWookie; 05-07-2020 at 11:29 PM.
05-07-2020 , 11:14 PM

“Let me say what else is not fair game,” he said. “I’m the elected official. I’m the one who ran for office. I’m the one who makes the policy decisions. Members of my cabinet, Dr. Acton included, work exceedingly, exceedingly hard. But I set the policy. So when you don’t like the policy, again demonstrate against me. That is certainly fair game. But to bother the family of Dr. Acton, I don’t think that’s fair game. I don’t think that’s right. I don’t think it’s necessary to get your point across. You can get your point across very, very easily any day of the week with demonstrations of what I am doing and what policies you disagree with.”
Dewine way too sane and compassionate to be a Reblublican. They'll drum him out of the party.
05-08-2020 , 03:40 AM

You know who's staying locked down and not endangering others? Antifa.

You know who isn't? The Proud Boys.

Protests against state-imposed stay-at-home orders have exploded across the country and attracted a wide array of right-wing supporters, including the Proud Boys.

The hate group appeared at a rally in Ohio on April 14. In the days that followed, their members attended demonstrations in Michigan, Colorado, Nevada and Florida. On April 20, in the midst of growing anti-Asian bigotry and conspiratorial accusations that the novel coronavirus was manufactured in a Chinese laboratory, members of the Vice City Proud Boys demonstrated outside of Miami City Hall with a banner that read “**** the Chinese Government.”

This past Sunday, Proud Boys in Florida rallied outside the Miami Museum of Art and Design. Members in Portland also held a “flag wave” to protest Oregon’s social distancing measures.
05-08-2020 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

Per this article
, the name of the suspect has not been released, which means that, if your theory is correct, it's a stone lock that they actually know who the suspect is, the suspect is black, and this had absolutely nothing to do with Trump support, correct?
Oklahoma isn't Detroit. Clearly what happened is the Oklahoma local media released the woman's pictures right away, and the MSM never really got a chance to spin a false narrative.

So they settled for just burying the story with no mention of it on any of their front pages. Whereas if the woman was white, her picture is guaranteed on the front page and they are weaving it into a Trump referendum storyline.

Glad I could help. If you have any other media confusion, I am here.

I guess what is going to happen is my inferences are going to be right 99% of the time. But you will find the 1% they aren't, and declare victory, because truth doesn't matter to you. Only the narrative.
05-08-2020 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

You know who's staying locked down and not endangering others? Antifa.

You know who isn't? The Proud Boys.
There is no political entity more fascist on this planet than the Chinese govt. You really seem to be making an argument the Proud Boys are the antifascists and Antifa are just bullies who like to beat up on gay Asians when it is 100 to 1.

If you are a CCP apologist, or even agnostic towards them, you actually support fascism it is that simple.
05-08-2020 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Oklahoma isn't Detroit. Clearly what happened is the Oklahoma local media released the woman's pictures right away, and the MSM never really got a chance to spin a false narrative.

So they settled for just burying the story with no mention of it on any of their front pages. Whereas if the woman was white, her picture is guaranteed on the front page and they are weaving it into a Trump referendum storyline.
As I previously stated, the article was the lead story of their US section. It was quite prominent.

Glad I could help. If you have any other media confusion, I am here.

I guess what is going to happen is my inferences are going to be right 99% of the time. But you will find the 1% they aren't, and declare victory, because truth doesn't matter to you. Only the narrative.
lol, I'm sure finding out you were dead wrong just proves how right you are.
