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2022 Midterms Discussion Thread 2022 Midterms Discussion Thread

11-05-2022 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
As much as I agree with you that in the Trump era he is looking for a way to discredit elections and possibly as he says himself steal an election . He has done that by endorsing candidates that will say the election was stolen.

So here is my question. If this is such a threat than why would they donate to these individuals to make sure they get elected in primaries? If any of these folks do get elected are they not themselves responsible for what occurs? I get they think they cant lose but

My next question as it looks as if Trump will run in 2024

Yet your best candidates on the verge of the country losing its democracy is

Joe Biden (he could win)
Kamela Harris (not a chance)
Pete (nope not with blacks and latinos)
Gavin (maybe )

Should not the party, Oprah , Lebron , Taylor Swift convince Michelle for the sake of the country?
I am arguably the most critical of the Dem's plan to support the worst GOP candidates. They thought Trump was the easiest for Hillary to beat and how did that work out. It just shows Dem's care more about winning than any harm that may befall the country in a loss. I think the top Dems, in a loss, would take little responsibility and just think it is the voters fault for not rejecting the deplorables. So I am not sure why you are asking me that question.

I think it would be great if Michelle or Oprah would rise to the occasion to run against Trump, should he run. I do think Gavin would have be a real threat to him as would have Coumo if he did not blow up his career. They are the types of Dems that get wide cross voter support and can draw Independents.

I think there is a good chance Trump will be in Court rooms facing serious jail time all thru the Primaries and GE and that could keep him from running. It would put him to a real test as winning could be his best defense against all the criminal actions, save the State action in Georgia. So for that reason he might feel he has to run. BUt he would have to consider he would be more likely to lose to the Dem if in Court all thru the GE so that might push him to instead support DeSantis, who would have a higher chance of winning, in return for assurance on a pardon for all the Federal charges. That would be the smart money play for Trump.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 11:23 AM
Re the above, i would say then again the Dem's are not known to be smart so Trump may skate thru the GE without even being charged if he declares which would be an absolutely travesty of justice. There is no way the DOJ should put a norm above Justice in this case. The norm was never meant to protect a candidate from such serious obvious crimes. It was always meant for the more grey area stuff, to ensure an investigation was not started, derailed the candidate, and then it turned out the person should never have been charged and it was a mistake. That casues damage and a loss to the innocent person, and thus the norm.

In a case like this, or lets say a person shooting and killing another person and caught on camera, no one should be able to just declare they are running for POTUS and put off the charges and then if they win pardon themselves.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
They could pass laws to outlaw or restrict funding for Ukraine. They did similar things towards the end of the Vietnam war for South Vietnamese support and also for the Contras in Nicaragua (I know, lol.....). Would have to be able to override a veto though.
Ok. I thought as much. Without a veto proof majority, they can only bluster and hold votes that would go no where. And i guess they could threaten all future funds for any thing else that runs gov't, if they want to play that game. Not sure that would be received well by US citizens though. The Dems would likely call that bluff. Shut down gov't and cause real harm to American's over Ukraine.

Originally Posted by shortstacker
Both parties love perpetual war. 0% chance that the GOP ends support for Ukraine. However, the "threat" of denying support for Ukraine can be an effective bargaining chip.
Few politicians really love perpetual war. There are some hawks like John Bolton, Cheney and Hilary Clinton who do, and believe in an Imperialistic America ruling other nations thru threat of force and deployment of force and crushing foreign policy. Most of the others who vote for perpetual war could care less but they love them some Military Complex cash.

That latter group can be bought and I would almost certainly say ARE being bought now by dark money coming out Putin friendly interests. They would be fine seeing Ukraine burned to the ground, if they could be enriched.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I think democracy has been over for some time. No matter which party "wins", the debt will increase, spending will continue to go "up, up and away in a beautiful balloon", and perpetual war will continue to be just that.

Democracy is not over as you can still Choose between A and B, but it is hijacked as Corporate and Special interests are able to ensure A and B only really serve their interests.

Elections now in the US come down to:

- the GOP pushing massive and aggressive tax cuts, and gutting of social programs that serve the middle class and shifting the nation right.
- Dems complaining about how deplorable that is and to elect them to reverse it and make it more fair
- dems then elected and never reversing it and just holding the line, such that the line the GOP established becomes the new norm frustrating voters who feel betrayed and don't then turn out
- the GOP then gets elected and again shifts the line far right again gutting the MC.

YOu can cut and paste and repeat that over and over as the best case for MC voters. A forever shift of everything going to Corporate and Special interests only, at best, paused by Dems.

Originally Posted by lozen
Imagine if it all comes down to Georgia and there is a runoff we may see the most money spent by two parties.

Probably not going to happen but yikes
US Corporate and Dark Money spending are absolutely ridiculous.

It makes me wonder if the Supreme Court sees how this is going and where it is projected to go in the next few years and thinks 'this is true democracy in action' or if they realize with these levels of cash both parties are reliant on that they sold out the nation to special interests? And would they care if they knew it was the latter??
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 02:23 PM
If a deal could be had Trump would not run nor involve himself in Politics in exchange for no charges is it a worthwhile deal?
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am arguably the most critical of the Dem's plan to support the worst GOP candidates. They thought Trump was the easiest for Hillary to beat and how did that work out. It just shows Dem's care more about winning than any harm that may befall the country in a loss. I think the top Dems, in a loss, would take little responsibility and just think it is the voters fault for not rejecting the deplorables. So I am not sure why you are asking me that question.

I think it would be great if Michelle or Oprah would rise to the occasion to run against Trump, should he run. I do think Gavin would have be a real threat to him as would have Coumo if he did not blow up his career. They are the types of Dems that get wide cross voter support and can draw Independents.

I think there is a good chance Trump will be in Court rooms facing serious jail time all thru the Primaries and GE and that could keep him from running. It would put him to a real test as winning could be his best defense against all the criminal actions, save the State action in Georgia. So for that reason he might feel he has to run. BUt he would have to consider he would be more likely to lose to the Dem if in Court all thru the GE so that might push him to instead support DeSantis, who would have a higher chance of winning, in return for assurance on a pardon for all the Federal charges. That would be the smart money play for Trump.
About choosing real qualified people to run a country besides just trying to recruit popular tv show or known family member with no experience at all …..

Popularity do not equate qualified to run a country
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
If a deal could be had Trump would not run nor involve himself in Politics in exchange for no charges is it a worthwhile deal?
Fwiw I always thought it would end with something like this but trump ego is too big to make it work .
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
If a deal could be had Trump would not run nor involve himself in Politics in exchange for no charges is it a worthwhile deal?

What's to stop the next fascist clown from doing the same?
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 04:28 PM
US has never been a democracy. Was an apartheid state until the 1970s. Now it's just a clown show.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by nucularburro
US has never been a democracy. Was an apartheid state until the 1970s. Now it's just a clown show.
If I lived in a country like that I would leave.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
If I lived in a country like that I would leave.
Yeah we keep hearing Dems I'm moving to Canada . Maybe we don't want you
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-05-2022 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by nucularburro
US has never been a democracy. Was an apartheid state until the 1970s. Now it's just a clown show.

lol tell me about it.

so now the people all say biden is the cause of the inflation.

so its official now I guess. watch the polls.

2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-06-2022 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
About choosing real qualified people to run a country besides just trying to recruit popular tv show or known family member with no experience at all …..

Popularity do not equate qualified to run a country
Hey use the Canda thread if you want to talk about Trudeau
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
If I lived in a country like that I would leave.
I did, a long time ago.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 09:38 AM
America’s Lean Toward Autocracy

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise

Please Bill Maher was preaching this for years and no one believed him.

The reality is the dems may lose the house and the senate in a democratic election. One of the reasons is once again never listened to the voter. Their reply was no you idiots the economy is not the issue its democracy and abortion. When you fail to listen to the voter you tend to lose.

Within two weeks Trump will announce and will win the nomination. Balls in your court Dems .
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:57 AM
sAVe DEmoCraCy

"The New American Majority — people of color, young people and unmarried women — is 150 million people strong. We’re working to make sure they register and vote."

2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 02:36 PM

Bold Predictions I have them losing 35 in the house
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 10:51 PM
Hey poker friends, vote dem straight ticket to prevent gop takeover of the government. A lot of states have same day registration. Unless of course, you live in alaska then split your ballot between murkowski and peltola. Or if you live in Lauren Boeberts district. We need that lady around.
Vote for John Fettermen, Raphael Warnock, the other mandela, Lauren Boebert, Beto Orourke, Laura Kelly, and Rochelle Garza.
Thank you for your time.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 10:53 PM
As for predictions ummm somehow it looks pretty bad for democrats. I think Fetterman can win, after all, he is quite tall and that has to count for something. So, maybe tied senate?
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Hey poker friends, vote dem straight ticket to prevent gop takeover of the government. A lot of states have same day registration. Unless of course, you live in alaska then split your ballot between murkowski and peltola. Or if you live in Lauren Boeberts district. We need that lady around.
Vote for John Fettermen, Raphael Warnock, the other mandela, Lauren Boebert, Beto Orourke, Laura Kelly, and Rochelle Garza.
Thank you for your time.
I haven't checked, but I bet spaceman is spamming several forums and/or threads with his voting recommendations.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I haven't checked, but I bet spaceman is spamming several forums and/or threads with his voting recommendations.
That is a bet you would lose. : )
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
As for predictions ummm somehow it looks pretty bad for democrats. I think Fetterman can win, after all, he is quite tall and that has to count for something. So, maybe tied senate?
I suspect the fact that Fetterman is a boob will probably offset his height advantage.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
That is a bet you would lose. : )
Explains why I am still single-tabling nanostakes after 13 years.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
11-07-2022 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
I suspect the fact that Fetterman is a boob will probably offset his height advantage.
You should become a professional analyst
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
