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2022 Midterms Discussion Thread 2022 Midterms Discussion Thread

10-04-2022 , 04:02 PM
Let’s see.
He lied about graduating valedictorian. Lied about graduating college.
Lied about being an FBI agent and cop
Lied about graduating in the top 1%
Lied about his business and the number of employees he had.
He lied about the multiple kids he fathered out of wedlock.
But this time he’s telling the truth…even though there’s a check he wrote
to the mistress for the abortion along with a handwritten sympathy card

Last edited by steamraise; 10-04-2022 at 04:07 PM.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2022 , 03:55 PM
Herschel Walker should never have been selected he is a terrible candidate.

Though I just got back from Vegas and the one lady sitting beside me was voting for him because of Trump. I never thought that folks actually believe the election was stolen but that lady was convinced. She knew of 3 dead people that voted. I asked her how they got to the polling stations?

I was amazed at all the TV adds and Radio ads . The dems was 100 % on abortion and the GOP was on Bidens reckless spending
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2022 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Herschel Walker should never have been selected he is a terrible candidate.

Though I just got back from Vegas and the one lady sitting beside me was voting for him because of Trump. I never thought that folks actually believe the election was stolen but that lady was convinced. She knew of 3 dead people that voted. I asked her how they got to the polling stations?

I was amazed at all the TV adds and Radio ads . The dems was 100 % on abortion and the GOP was on Bidens reckless spending
In my opinion, any campaign that basically becomes Abortion versus The Economy is huge +EV for the GOP.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-05-2022 , 05:19 PM
billboard seen just outside of Tifton, GA (south GA not far from the FLA border) driving on I-75 South returning after the hurricane: IF YOU VOTE DEMOCRAT YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN

2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-07-2022 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar

“any Christian who engages in the political process … you’re always going to be confronted with
someone that is either less than ideal, or something that flat-out contradicts what you believe in.”

"I don’t care if Herschel Walker paid to abort endangered baby eagles. I want control of the Senate.”

Doug Mastriano, who called abortion “the No. 1 issue”
during the primary, labeled it a “distraction” after the court’s ruling.

GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters initially called for a nation-wide
abortion ban and even voiced support for a federal personhood law,
only to scrub his website of anti-abortion language after winning the nomination.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-07-2022 , 09:38 AM
I decided to stick around the dealership while getting my oil changed on Monday and had my first exposure to traditional television in quite a few years, which meant commercials. Quite literally every single one was a political ad.

The ones directed at Republicans were more salacious than I think was necessary. Meanwhile, ol' Mandela Barnes spent the entirety of his Senate ad budget trying to convince the electorate that he knows what a gallon of milk costs, and that his dad worked third shift. That's his whole pitch.

America is a silly place.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-07-2022 , 08:06 PM
If GOP candidates can make their races a referendum on "Biden's Economy", then they should easily take control of the House and Senate.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-12-2022 , 08:28 AM
Trump holds DERANGED Rally in Nevada before TINY Crowd

sheriff of Douglas County, Daniel Coverley,
"Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust
with the Douglas County Sheriff's office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help."
Coverley is still sheriff there.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-17-2022 , 10:35 AM
Was watching the Sunday morning shows and the Utah race is interesting

Mcmullen has said if he wins as an independent, he will not caucus with any party . As well he leads in the polls

He stated that even if it 50-49 for the GOP and Mitch will be the senate leader he will not caucus with the Dems
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-18-2022 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
'elect more Democrats to achieve what the Democrats failed to do prior'
Biden promises to codify Roe v Wade if Democrats gain control in Congress
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-19-2022 , 09:09 AM

Georgia tries to Trump-proof Election Day with new alert system

will allow poll managers in every precinct to text a special five-digit
number to report any threats or concerning activities at their polling locations.

The information will then be sent to ... — a command center where
law enforcement and other officials gather — that will be set up on Election Day.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-19-2022 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Yeah I remember another democrat president making that promise and than not doing it.

Hopefully this one does but I'm sure the excuse this time will be we don't have 60 seats
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-19-2022 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Isn't that a good thing ?
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-19-2022 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Ya Biden should shut up about this type of claim.

I had this argument with Original Position and others here who pushed an idea that Dem Leadership in elections have no obligation to know how their membership will vote on Election Plank issues the party puts forth. My position being it is wrong for the Leadership to say 'Elect us and will do A, B, C' and then when elected they find out the dem congress people say 'ya we never supported A, B and C and will never pass that. We will only pass X,Y, Z'.

And while i am not saying Biden and Leadership should be demanding automaton like fealty, what they need to do, just as Nancy Pelosi is known to do in the House, and McConnell in the Senate, you get your party whips out to talk to the membership so you know where your count stands and if you can honour that commitment if you make it.

We know the Dem party does not screen candidates as to being Pro Choice or not and they have pushed in primaries Anti Abortion candidates which means until a vote is called, the Dems have no clue how many Manchin and Sinema types exist within the party who would block any attempt to reinstate any type of RvW type legislation.

Biden needs to get his parties whips out and KNOW how many seats the Dem's actually need, with the same confidence Pelosi or McConnell would have on such issues before calling a vote, because I could easily see another Georgia runoff being the determining factor for the Senate and Biden saying 'elect the Dem for new RvW legislation' and then winning only to have 6 Dems vote against it and kill it.

This 2022 MT can accurately be called a request by Biden asking 'give us a win in 2022 MT's so we can do what the 2020 Dem GE winners failed and refused to do'. I mean, think of that absurdity. 'Elect us again to do what we failed to do last time' and doing so with no clue how many seats they actually need to achieve that. SMH.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-19-2022 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Isn't that a good thing ?
Yes. But it's bad that it has to be done.

New body cam footage sheds light on DeSantis ‘election integrity’ arrests

Governor DeSantis is dispatching police all over the state to hunt people down
who were told by the state they could vote—and now are being arrested for it.

How is this not voter intimidation???? Seriously.
How likely are these 20 people who were told they could and then arrested for voting likely
to vote again? That is the very definition of intimidation for them and others like them going forward.

13 out of the 20 were black or people of color.

Last edited by steamraise; 10-19-2022 at 11:29 AM.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2022 , 12:17 PM

Youngkin’s shift to the far-right says a lot about today’s GOP

GOP candidates are eager to tell voters they have nothing to fear from a shift to the far-right.

Youngkin offers a case study in just how unreliable those assurances can be.

they act more like members in good standing within the Cult of Trump
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2022 , 12:46 PM
Hey some people have different views than your extreme left. You seem to be brainwashed by MSNBC and I'd say that to someone that just posts FOX opinion pieces only as well.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2022 , 10:41 PM
Republicans back up in the generic ballot after months of trailing. Looking closest to 2014 out of recent midterms.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 08:07 AM

The Republicans want to end democracy and blow up the economy — and they aren't hiding it
The results of next month’s voting will determine if there are any more real elections in the future.

First, Republicans have nominated 2020 election deniers to oversee
electoral processes in swing states Arizona, Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Second, let’s look at what Republicans would do if they won control of either branch of Congress.
promised that should they win, they will take the debt ceiling hostage to force
President Joe Biden to agree to massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

A vote for Republicans might just be the last one you ever cast.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Republicans back up in the generic ballot after months of trailing. Looking closest to 2014 out of recent midterms.
Yeah 9 months ago I thought GOP would cruise to victory than Roe v Wade and I thought the Dems may hold the Senate .

Now some of these races are so close and governor's races are the same .
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Hey some people have different views than your extreme left. You seem to be brainwashed by MSNBC and I'd say that to someone that just posts FOX opinion pieces only as well.
It's hilarious that you think MSNBC is "the extreme left."
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's hilarious that you think MSNBC is "the extreme left."
Yup I believe they would just be better off calling
MSNBC & CNN the Democratic Network and FOX the GOP network.

No question each one has the odd news person/show but the majority is just so biased
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 10:08 AM
it is arguably the extreme left of the MSM landscape but it is very much a centre, only slightly left platform generally.

While you can argue they are pretty actively anti-most things GOP, position and politician wise, they certainly are not a Pro voice for the far left (Progressives) when it comes to wanting and supporting a shift in power. Much like CNN but only maybe slightly less, they are happy to do their donors bidding when it comes to undermining Progressive messaging and taking their legs out come election time, to protect the status quo.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yup I believe they would just be better off calling
MSNBC & CNN the Democratic Network and FOX the GOP network.

No question each one has the odd news person/show but the majority is just so biased
I would argue CNN and MSNBC act with some bias Dem when it comes to Dem vs GOP issues they would have no issue reporting on the worst Dem abuses and watching Dem politicians burn. They are not going to actively cover for them in the way Fox does for the GOP.

I would call MSNBC and CNN more on Dem side of the Dem/GOP divide, whereas Fox is more a PR Firm for the GOP.

Fox has strategy sessions and workshops how they will socialize and counter facts that could harm the viewer perception of the GOP politicians and their positions. They are very actively acting more like a Campaign PR firm than a news agency.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2022 , 11:43 AM
I'm a lifelong republican who voted for trump the first time.
Long time fox news viewer. Largest inauguration in history lie got me to do some research.
There is no more gop, it is now the maga party.
2022 Midterms Discussion Thread Quote
