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WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15)

10-24-2008 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by SHANAX
You can always play 20/40 Limit against the bots and clear it!
That's what I always do
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-25-2008 , 09:34 PM
Good luck clearing this!!!!
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-26-2008 , 07:22 PM
Will trade $50 wsex for pokerstars $30... and will send first for trusted 2p2ers
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-26-2008 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by J.A.K.
Will trade $50 wsex for pokerstars $30... and will send first for trusted 2p2ers
No transfers on WSEX...?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-27-2008 , 01:09 AM
Don't $50 to send. We'll try it...
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-27-2008 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by J.A.K.
Don't $50 to send. We'll try it...
Go to a high limit heads up table and fold preflop every time.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-28-2008 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by offTopic
This is like Penthouse Forum in that, I never thought I'd be posting this: I use(d) this site for recreational (as in WTF PARLAY!) sports betting and I'd never used e-check before. I created a new ING account to fund this site and Pokerstars, specifically, and initiated small e-check transfers to test whether or not it would work.

Pokerstars went through in a couple of days with no problems. Wsex didn't, but they credited my account anyway (this is $100 we're talking about here). In the meantime, I lost a couple of bets to bring the total balance down to $160 and I'd noticed that the transfer never hit my ING account. I emailed them asking if there was a problem and they said the transfer should hit next week (which was last week).

It never hit and when I logged in Friday, the account was inactive. I called support and they said the account was suspended because the bank declined the transfer. I don't want to quibble with ING over a gaming deposit for a couple of reasons, so I asked WSEX to just send me the remaining $60 and close the account. The next email I get back says,

Is there something obvious I'm missing here?
Originally Posted by offTopic
This is getting LOL and annoying at the same time. I just got another email saying essentially the same thing...I guess at this point it's a matter of principle (heh).

- I have $110 on wsex (LOL BALLERMENTS). I initiate an e-check transaction for $100.
- They immediately raise my balance to $210
- I wager and lose $50, lowering the balance to $160
- bank declines transfer, account suspended
- I call and say, "Just send me the $60 and close the account."
- They (repeatedly) say, "The money on the account is winnings from funds we never received."

Originally Posted by offTopic
Well, if I didn't want people freerolling me with spurious funding, I wouldn't put the funds into play in their account until the e-check cleared the bank.

As it is, wsex gets to keep the $60. The way it was explained to me by support is that the funds are actually segregated (which is amazing, but whatever) meaning:

You have an existing balance of, say $110.

You make a deposit via e-check of $100.

Your wsex account is credited immediately, your balance is $210.

You make a $50 wager, your balance is $160.

You bank declines the e-check.

Your wsex account is disabled until you pay the $100, as the $50 wager is considered to have come out of the deposit.

I'll be waiting for the collection notices to start showing up...

ETA: BTW, if I'm doing something wrong here by not paying this $100, please let me know. I think wsex is being quite unreasonable.
Originally Posted by offTopic
Thanks...I was not aware he was still posting here. I will give it a shot.

I wanted to throw a shout out to Justin at to thank him for getting this resolved for me. He was very diligent and kept me in the loop throughout the process. WSEX has inidcated that they will be sending me a check for $60.*

* - All this over $60. I feel like Mel Gibson in Payback without all the guns 'n stuff...
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-28-2008 , 08:47 PM
Glad to hear that your money will be coming, I was pretty sure you'd see it. I guess you contacted sportsbook review directly? Good idea, I'm sure that WSEX doesn't want their A+ rating there to be hurt. You didn't hear from WSEX GM through 2+2, huh?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-28-2008 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Benjamin
Glad to hear that your money will be coming, I was pretty sure you'd see it. I guess you contacted sportsbook review directly? Good idea, I'm sure that WSEX doesn't want their A+ rating there to be hurt. You didn't hear from WSEX GM through 2+2, huh?
No. There were a couple of WSEX representatives who had been posting here, and I PM'd each of them. Never got an acknowlegement.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-29-2008 , 09:58 AM
What's the most recent timeline for a Courier check? Non-Courier check?

Only a few days in, but it doesn't seem that this bonus is doing much for traffic. Am I just checking in at the wrong hours?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-29-2008 , 10:07 AM
My last cashout has been delayed for a couple months. It was originally supposed to be regular airmail, but after a month, they sent me a message saying a processor had closed and they had to re-send it via FedEx. That was on September 15th. I got an email today after an inquiry that says they still don't have a tracking number... so, I've been waiting for a courier check for a month and a half.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-29-2008 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by jafeather
What's the most recent timeline for a Courier check? Non-Courier check?
I just got a check today. It came Fedex, though I only requested airmail. Delivery took about six and a half weeks. The last two checks I've received have been via a delivery service despite my not paying for it. In other words, I haven't had a non-courier check since late Spring or early summer.

Since WSEX seems to be willing to bear this cost, they ought to describe it as a feature. They might offer one free couriered withdrawal of an amount of at least $______ (maybe $1,000) once a month and promise something like a three week delivery window (if this is possible). If a customer needs it faster, charge the $50. That might mollify a lot of the discontent which has been voiced in this thread.

Only a few days in, but it doesn't seem that this bonus is doing much for traffic. Am I just checking in at the wrong hours?
Traffic seems not to be upwardly affected. I was hopeful that the bonus might draw in some new faces. Either way, it was still an interesting (or at least new) effort.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-30-2008 , 02:12 AM
I gave them my ID stuff 9/9. Finally got my check today. I requested regular mail, got it fedexed. I think they are trying to make it all up to us. I didn't bitch and moan about it, so maybe they are really trying. IDK if the check is good or not, we'll see. If not, why would they go to the expense of fedex? We'll see. I'll let you know.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-30-2008 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by jfk
"Only a few days in, but it doesn't seem that this bonus is doing much for traffic. Am I just checking in at the wrong hours? "

Traffic seems not to be upwardly affected. I was hopeful that the bonus might draw in some new faces. Either way, it was still an interesting (or at least new) effort.
The deposit bonus is better than nothing, but it's not a terribly attractive offer. 100% up to $1,000 sounds great, but then you consider that you only have 30 days to clear it, and that you only get an additional 10% rakeback during the bonus, well, as several people have noted it would be very tough to clear anywhere near $1,000.

I posted about the deposit over on the internet bonus board, but it probably wasn't very helpful as I felt compelled to mention the slow cashouts, the bots, and the unsecured login at People aren't going to exactly jump at the proposition when everything is considered.

I guess I'm going to have to break down and get myself set up with money on another site. Simply not enough traffic at WSEX, though games have been frequently good recently when they do go ... result of most 2+2 types giving up I suppose.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-30-2008 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Benjamin
The deposit bonus is better than nothing, but it's not a terribly attractive offer. 100% up to $1,000 sounds great, but then you consider that you only have 30 days to clear it, and that you only get an additional 10% rakeback during the bonus, well, as several people have noted it would be very tough to clear anywhere near $1,000.
Deposit what you can clear?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-30-2008 , 11:39 PM
nvm figured it out. good customer support

Last edited by cmoneymaker10; 10-31-2008 at 12:02 AM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
10-30-2008 , 11:51 PM
I withdrew from WPEX about 2 years ago through ePassporte. If I remember right it took a few days for the money to leave my account and then a few more before it got to ePassporte. And as a side note, from ePassporte to my checking account took 2 weeks. When it was all said and done, the total withdraw time clocked in at just over a month. Pretty ridiculous. However, this happened just after the UIGEA was signed into law.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
11-03-2008 , 03:54 PM
Wait so all checks are coming by courier now and they are taking 6 weeks? There is no $50 fee either? I mean WTF?
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
11-03-2008 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Wetdog
I gave them my ID stuff 9/9. Finally got my check today. I requested regular mail, got it fedexed. I think they are trying to make it all up to us. I didn't bitch and moan about it, so maybe they are really trying. IDK if the check is good or not, we'll see. If not, why would they go to the expense of fedex? We'll see. I'll let you know.
Let us know if the check is good. I would assume that it is.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
11-04-2008 , 02:51 AM
doesnt anyone here use moneybookers????????????????
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
11-04-2008 , 04:03 PM
courier checks are taking 2.5 weeks. This has been consistent over the last 3 checks I've received, each requested within a week or so of each other.

Deposit Bonus has not improved traffic. I think the problem might be that you're not allowed to cash out during the 30 days - personally, that's why I'm not using the deposit bonus. I play for a living, and going 30 days without cashing out just wouldn't feel right. I know the promotion isn't aimed at a player like me, but oh well.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --> (15 of 15) Quote
11-05-2008 , 02:48 PM
Does anybody have experience with a US-serving bank that doesn't block ETFs into WSEX and other online gambling sites like Bodog etc ...? Please PM me instead of posting it into this thread.

Ben <-- finally going to get around to opening a checking account for this purpose.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
11-05-2008 , 03:21 PM
i am get_better_fish at wpex and i am getting screwed over. i need to have the wsex gm pm me or get into contact with him. i have talked to support and have emailed 'woody' still waiting for his response.

to sum up the story i requested my last cashout aug.1 and still havnt recieved all of my funds. i cashed out 45k, 5k at a time for many days str8 paying the 50 fedex fee each time. i am still owed 8k to this date. heres the problem, recently i recieved a 3k check that wasnt signed at the bottom by the processor. i tryed to cash it at the bank but they wouldnt accept it. i talked to support and they said they knew about it and would reissue another check. time goes by and i get the replacement check and i try to cash it but it bounces and the bank charges me a small fee. i talk to support again and they said to fax them in the copy of the check and i did that and they said they would reissue. time goes by and i get another check in the package they come in. but by accident my girl didnt know my check was in the packaging and threw it away in the garbage and off it went. i called support and ask them to stop payment and reissue thinking it was no big deal. They said they would.

i called back week later to get update on the status and they are telling me basically i am **** outta luck for my 3k. they cannot stop payment on check. the check was a cashier check according to them and if lost u lose the like well the check should already been in my account twice now if not for errors by the processor or you. i had no idea a cashiers check was impossible to reissue if lost and y would they send that style of check anyways? I have waited months for my money and it still isnt all here yet and they screw up twice trying to get this one check to me and now i gotta be out 3k for it cause it was misplaced when it shoulda already been cleared into my bank account twice now. seems super bs situation

Any help out there?

Last edited by Get_better_Baris; 11-05-2008 at 03:29 PM.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
11-05-2008 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Get_better_Baris
but by accident my girl didnt know my check was in the packaging and threw it away in the garbage and off it went.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
11-05-2008 , 05:55 PM
I'm one of the last people to defend WSEX and their payout problems, it was one of the reasons I left.

However, according to your story they sent you a cashier's check, I suspect as a convenience to you to make up for the check cashing problems you've experienced. I can't imagine how your gf throws away a $3000 cashier's check, but doesn't sound like this is WSEX's fault.
WSEX Official Thread: Aug 08 --&gt; (15 of 15) Quote
