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WinCake Poker Withdrawals WinCake Poker Withdrawals

08-02-2015 , 08:41 PM
well wincake being done is in fact true but a lot what he wrotes makes no sense e.g. that cake keeps the rake. I mean how could they if intertops and juicy are segregated so they would have to send the rake amount to the network first which I don't believe is the case anymore. (I mean rake is coming from deposits and the money is keept by juicy/intertops so cake has no access to it unless they send the money to them)

Betaland, Come on etc. got destroyed because they were sharing liquidity with dead broke cake. So chimp dumping etc and cake doesn't settle with other skins anymore (they have no money).

The costs of running software aren't as huge as people think. Besides pokerscout shows games from wincake perspective and that completely different from Intertops so their numbers aren't as bad as the network that they basically are no longer part of.
I mean at this point they just use cake software and thats it.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-05-2015 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by KptBomba
well wincake being done is in fact true but a lot what he wrotes makes no sense e.g. that cake keeps the rake. I mean how could they if intertops and juicy are segregated so they would have to send the rake amount to the network first which I don't believe is the case anymore. (I mean rake is coming from deposits and the money is keept by juicy/intertops so cake has no access to it unless they send the money to them)

Betaland, Come on etc. got destroyed because they were sharing liquidity with dead broke cake. So chimp dumping etc and cake doesn't settle with other skins anymore (they have no money).

The costs of running software aren't as huge as people think. Besides pokerscout shows games from wincake perspective and that completely different from Intertops so their numbers aren't as bad as the network that they basically are no longer part of.
I mean at this point they just use cake software and thats it.

You are very much mistaken my friend , I know before there Irish company went into liquidation there running cost alone was 150k month . As for the other poster he is quite right and back in the day I bought a ton off cake dollars at 20c and now have total off 175k . But I knew to much back then and now I no even more and I hate to say it but we are in big trouble . Me buying was just a gamble like anything else in life . I also bought lock dollars ( 200k ) but we all no what happened to that ! This is going the same way I would now sell any amount off cake dollars now for 10c. The fact is we going to get the same as lock players it's only a matter of time. I for one hope not but the proof is in the pudding for the last year ! GG cake..

WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-11-2015 , 04:37 PM
I got around 2k on cake poker. Try to withdraw around 2 years ago (and still pending). I consider that money as loss, don't think will ever see a cent of those but just in case:

1. When was the last time anyone receive any funds?
2. Can anyone explain me what's WinCake/Lock?
3. Is Cake still working?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-11-2015 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by ThatsMySpot
I got around 2k on cake poker. Try to withdraw around 2 years ago (and still pending). I consider that money as loss, don't think will ever see a cent of those but just in case:

1. When was the last time anyone receive any funds?
2. Can anyone explain me what's WinCake/Lock?
3. Is Cake still working?
1. I got like 500 twice in december 2014.
2. Long story, use google.
3. Yes.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by ThatsMySpot
I got around 2k on cake poker. Try to withdraw around 2 years ago (and still pending). I consider that money as loss, don't think will ever see a cent of those but just in case:

1. When was the last time anyone receive any funds?
2. Can anyone explain me what's WinCake/Lock?
3. Is Cake still working?

Was waiting 2 years also for 2K$ withdrawal. I got 250$ somewhere in June 2015, and the rest they dropped back on my account. It's not even pending anymore. So, I can hope that after 2 years i would get another meaningless piece of my money.

Or maybe I would earn an achievement: "The last man in the world to who, Cake had paid out something".
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-12-2015 , 03:18 AM
Are people with funds on Pokermambo in a even worse situation seeing as they are not running anymore and I cant even log in?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-12-2015 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by jackpot_1mil

Nope juicy stakes is owned by intertops. After the network goes tits up all the poker sites left on the revolution network can refuse to pay out it's customers as I am sure now all the sites are now owed money from the network.

This is why now the traffic is dead! it's up to the poker sites left to pay out the players when the network finally goes under my guess is intertops and juicy will not pay out anyone either.

I mean why would they when they are owed BIG money already.

You are a massive tool.

Do you know how long intertops has been around? They have a solid reputation for a reason.

They will always pay their customers. Always.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-13-2015 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Byrung
You are a massive tool.

Do you know how long intertops has been around? They have a solid reputation for a reason.

They will always pay their customers. Always.

You are the tool, you think if the network folds that Intertops and juicy stakes will pay out there players ? Let's say they owed 300k cake folds and such a small site like juicy stakes will pay it out . The only way they will pay out is if they are not owed anything by the network but that's a slim chance they are not owed . Last time I knew for fact they was owed over 600k .

WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-13-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by jackpot_1mil
You are the tool, you think if the network folds that Intertops and juicy stakes will pay out there players ? Let's say they owed 300k cake folds and such a small site like juicy stakes will pay it out.
So far you have only bragged with some dubious insider knowledge that rather tarnishes any attempt to improve the overall situation. But it's good to know that you don't realize that poker is only a very tiny fraction of the Intertops business traffic.

Also how come that they have always paid out their customers despite the huge cash flow problems on the network once Lock had departed? They paid within the same usual time frames but they are now supposed to suddenly fold and disappear?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-13-2015 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by jackpot_1mil
Last time I knew for fact they was owed over 600k .

Like you know the fact that Intertops pay 100% of the supposed monthly rake in advance and then wait to get the 90% too much paid back?

I bet $5,000 that Intertops pay only the 10% network commission.

You mentioned that Intertops received Juicy Stakes for the money owed from the network, so how it comes that the network owe $600,000 again to Intertops?

I have currently $300 on Juicy and have not 1% fear that I will not receive this money, even if the network will go busto.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-14-2015 , 02:43 PM
still have 1.4k pending since 2013, havent get any piece of it. anybody knows if cake still operates with neteller? somebody get paid there? thanks
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-16-2015 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by monoco1965
still have 1.4k pending since 2013, havent get any piece of it. anybody knows if cake still operates with neteller? somebody get paid there? thanks
Read this thread for the last 200-300 posts and you'll find out that the answers to your two questions are both "no".
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-17-2015 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Barcelona World
Like you know the fact that Intertops pay 100% of the supposed monthly rake in advance and then wait to get the 90% too much paid back?

I bet $5,000 that Intertops pay only the 10% network commission.

You mentioned that Intertops received Juicy Stakes for the money owed from the network, so how it comes that the network owe $600,000 again to Intertops?

I have currently $300 on Juicy and have not 1% fear that I will not receive this money, even if the network will go busto.
Hello ,
I will take the $5,000 bet at 1000-1 the network receives 100% off the rake , Intertops does not get chance to just send the 10% back .
The network is the the that received 100% off the rake every month. When Intertops took over juicy they was owed over 1 million dollars by the network. And I say say month after month only can get bigger as they are segregated now so they can not possibly lose to any other site on network .

WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:08 AM
If you are right, this would mean that the Juicy Stakes Rep lied

Originally Posted by Juicy Stakes Rep
At the moment, all of the money which we are currently raking is actually going back into the player funds pool to help with withdrawals.
and this would that they paid out millions of previous owner player balances, rakeback, bonuses, rake race and other promotions from their pocket

Originally Posted by Juicy Stakes Rep
With regards to the above quote and your final paragraph in the post; I don't want to milk the "white knight" metaphor, we are after all a business, and here to make a profit - but we have paid out millions to players so far, with the aim of paying out everyone.
Is this realistic?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:47 AM
It is kind of comical to watch this debate between a troll without any insight into how things at online poker run and a wannabe insider that supposedly has a considerable amount of funds locked on the network. Please carry on in this thread instead of using PM's, as the entertainment value is certain to grow further.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-22-2015 , 06:45 AM
Grunch. If you lot aren't getting anywhere with direct/personal complaints / battles / whatever, have you tried making a more general licence complaint to the Gambling Commission?

Not sure they'll do much about your personal fights but if enough of you instead complain that the site isn't being run properly (i.e. operated in accordance with the terms of its licence - threatening the licensing objectives) then that might attract some interest or turn the heat up. If withdrawals aren't being paid then surely something's fundamentally wrong (and presumably customer money isn't being kept separate from general operating funds, or something like that).

The address is There's more information on the GC website on how to complain, etc.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-23-2015 , 04:58 PM
ABANDONMENT OF ACCOUNT BALANCE: WIN CAKE If You do not access Your WIN CAKE account by "logging in" to Your account using Your E-mail and password for a period of three hundred and sixty five (365) days, Your account will be closed and the entire Account Balance and all promotional items including all of Your Share WIN CAKE referral bonuses will be deemed abandoned and forfeited; provided however, that this requirement for login and entry is not and does not constitute any condition whatsoever for You to play any game, deposit funds or participate in any activity at WIN CAKE other than logging in.

what a gang of bastard, we want address of these guys, lets go guys, lets put it all on internet
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-24-2015 , 02:45 PM
Anyone still buying cake $ ?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-24-2015 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by betdraw
Anyone still buying cake $ ?
Why would anyone be so stupid?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-27-2015 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
Why would anyone be so stupid?
Because some UK players got all of their balances out?
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-28-2015 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Because some UK players got all of their balances out?
Yeah, "some" and only after waiting for a long time. But hey, go for it Mister bumhunter.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
08-28-2015 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by 39suited
Yeah, "some" and only after waiting for a long time. But hey, go for it Mister bumhunter.
Heh I wish I was in the UK. Still 51k on Cake.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
09-04-2015 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by lvanhoe
Heh I wish I was in the UK. Still 51k on Cake.


I am in the UK with 175k stuck . Honestly makes no difference ! When they have no money do not matter where in the world you are !

For all you players on here I PM about a year ago asking to buy funds at 30c THANK YOU so much for turning me down because you have saved me a lot off money ;-) you included Ivanhoe :-) least you would been 15k better off .

Ps I would not buy now at 10c ! This is 100% going same way as lock it's quite simple it's just a matter of time .

Good luck

WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
09-04-2015 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by superjm
ABANDONMENT OF ACCOUNT BALANCE: WIN CAKE If You do not access Your WIN CAKE account by "logging in" to Your account using Your E-mail and password for a period of three hundred and sixty five (365) days, Your account will be closed and the entire Account Balance and all promotional items including all of Your Share WIN CAKE referral bonuses will be deemed abandoned and forfeited; provided however, that this requirement for login and entry is not and does not constitute any condition whatsoever for You to play any game, deposit funds or participate in any activity at WIN CAKE other than logging in.

what a gang of bastard, we want address of these guys, lets go guys, lets put it all on internet

hahahaha awesome

Adding "what a gang of bastard" to my repertoire of insults
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
09-04-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by superjm
what a gang of bastard, we want address of these guys, lets go guys, lets put it all on internet
See https://secure.gamblingcommission.go...ccountNo=39608

Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Mike - that link doesn't work for me.

Click Use the operator search to find licensees

Enter WinCake

Click Search

Finds Euroclub Poker Ltd


Finds Principal address:

Flat 3, St. Francis Buliding
Ball Street
St. Julians

Last edited by Mike Haven; 09-09-2015 at 03:58 PM.
WinCake Poker Withdrawals Quote
