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US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers

04-16-2011 , 03:40 AM
someone make a bot and flood the crap out of their site
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 03:40 AM
Well, it looks like I'll be seeing a lot more of my friends at the local Poker Rooms here in SW Florida. Derby Lane in St. Pete and One Eyed Jacks in Sarasota are both a quick commute from Bradenton. Both rooms have great tournaments at reasonable buy-in levels. See you there!
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 04:09 AM
I've suggested this thread be made a sticky.

Good luck to all you US players.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by cheapdirt
you want to Ddos their facebook site? wow someone knows nothing about computers lol.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 06:01 AM
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by Smaug12
Just an FYI - politicians discount emails/letters with the same block text. I strongly suggest just putting your own unique message - at least at the top.
Here's my letter personalization effort, inserted at top of PPA (state version) block letter:

As a married father of two, gainfully employed for the last six years in medical device manufacturing, holder of Bachelor's and Masters' degrees, churchgoer, and all around 33 year old who is trying to live a gainful, productive American life, I am saddened and outraged at the impact of Friday's heavy-handed crackdown on online poker, with its necessarily concomitant effect of abridgement of the civil liberty of so many who enjoy this hobby responsibly. As our nation's CEO, I feel that POTUS is the one who determines to whether or not de facto enforcement of a marginal (and unelected) law such as UIGEA trumps the notions of personal freedom of liberty which have made the American Dream such a powerful and generational covenant.

I ALSO WANT TO MAKE MY CONCERNS KNOWN TO THE ARKANSAS DELEGATION! I am an Arkansan by choice, not birth, relocating from California in 2004. While a relatively conservative and rural state, I take pride in how my neighbors treasure their civil liberties, and relative unobtrusion of the State. I even support dry counties, an example of the 10th amendment in action to keep our local communities clean and safe!


-While I'm unsure of how many online players are writing their reps. in Arkansas, I never had before, but now you can add one to your list. I'm off to join the PPA!

US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 09:02 AM
Waste of time and effort. Plus the PPA is a pathetic non-profit croc of **** that milks money from poker players for their own salaries.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by cefis21
P PPA is a pathetic croc of ****
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 10:49 AM
I was just in Washington and in my congressman's office on Thursday, by complete coincidence. Had it been yesterday, I would have made a big stink in person. I do encourage folks to do this - while the specifics of the letters won't really be read, your congressman's staff does keep track of how many letters/calls/emails they get pro and con on specific issues.

If 20 million US online poker players all wrote their congressmen - you can bet that the politicians would get a message on the subject and things might happen. While a single letter is a waste of time, collective effort is not.

The reason PPA never made much of a difference was because online poker players were never perceived as particularly active politically as a group. We were much too busy sitting around late at night in our boxers playing poker and not paying so much attention to politics. Now, those of us in the US at least, have some time on our hands ... so let's make good use of it.

Here's what I added to the form letter:

The recent crackdown on legitimate poker sites is a ridiculous waste of time and resources. NONE OF THESE SITES HAVE STOLEN ANYONE'S MONEY. The same cannot be said for a number of investment banks on Wall Street, yet not one of those bankers has been indicted ... Poker is not unlawful gaming under the applicable statutes - I am an attorney with a large law firm, a (considerable) taxpayer and a voter that has never missed an election. I have 3 kids, am over 50 and was proud of this country when Mr. Obama was elected. I am not so proud anymore, and I will remember which party and administration is pursuing this when next I vote in 2012. This misguided waste of law enforcement resources has to stop.

Thanks for posting the links - Cheers


Last edited by SammySlim; 04-16-2011 at 11:05 AM.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 10:55 AM
Sent all 3. Off to the local poker charity games to try and start my live roll. Haven't played live poker in years. This is so ****ed
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 11:23 AM
Please post on The presidents Facebook page and express our discontent with the actions taken this week.!/barackobama
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 11:31 AM
Post on the Biden's FB page as well!/joebiden
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 11:44 AM
Bump...Sent X 3
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 11:44 AM

Perhaps posting here as well would help get the message out
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 11:48 AM
Interesting they removed my posts on the whitehouse and obama pages but not on Bidens FB page
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 11:54 AM
create a facebook group with these links; best way to spread the word among poker players who dont go on the forums
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 12:00 PM
nice links very easy, done.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 12:04 PM
Thanks for the links, really cool that they can be personalized and also printed off to send in physical mail, hopefully anyone adjusting them and then sending them off doesnt give two steps back with their own additional comments.

this post should be a sticky on top. for all the nay-sayers in this thread, this is at least a start for those of us not physically doing anything about it, and instead of just saying the sky is falling or this wont do jack, even as insignificant as some may think it is at least doing something, thanks for the start on here WEC
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 12:07 PM
done.............this is sooooooo screwed I live in Vegas but I was just starting my transition from live too online poker exclusively...the fbi and doj have just made alot of people unemployed..............
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 12:10 PM
Yes tanks for the links I Have posted them On a facebook group to reach those who are not on the forums.
Please join the group and help spread the word.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 12:28 PM
Here's what really works. Get you buddies in your home game, etc and go in mass to every town meeting for every politician during the next election cycle. Get signs, be loud, be as obnoxious as you can to get all the local press that you can. Let them know that we have strength in numbers and we really care.
Especially target the right wing republicans on the keep government out of out personal lives angle that they so highly tout and point out their hypocrisy.

The thing they fear most is an angry constituent.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 12:37 PM

Please sticky this!

I think the letters are more likely to help than to hurt, and it takes 10 seconds/letter.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by cefis21
Waste of time and effort.
Exactly what people who also dont vote say. And why they get stuck with people representing them who dont share their views. It sure is easy to take the lazy way out. The way to get things done in US is by being active in your voice.

See Teaparty
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:33 PM
Thanks WEC!
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
04-16-2011 , 05:33 PM
I do think that voices your displeasure about not being able to play online is a good thing and should be done.

Having said that I think people need to keep in perspective that the DOJ charges are not about owning an online pokersite that runs in the US. These charges are about Bank Fraud, bribing bank owners/managers and funding (through a second party) numerous shell/dummy corporations that are intentionally trying to sidestep US law.
US Players -Click a Couple Buttons - Takes 60 Seconds - Instant Letter off to Obama, Lawmakers Quote
