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Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars...

02-14-2009 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by tyler9768
Yes, I click on one heads up, sitting out after they had won waiting for the next one. I believe others had posted about some teams that won multiple times.
I think 24 HU tables is an awesome idea. Hats off to the guys who thought it first
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-14-2009 , 11:43 PM
If Stars does not take the wins back from these guys, I'm cashing my account out and telling them why and only playing Tilt/Cake for a while. I specifically logged onto stars to play some tonite because of this promo and I guess sory of expected they would have policed against this sort of thing.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
If Stars does not take the wins back from these guys, I'm cashing my account out and telling them why and only playing Tilt/Cake for a while. I specifically logged onto stars to play some tonite because of this promo and I guess sory of expected they would have policed against this sort of thing.
They did police against it, they shut down hu tables.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 12:28 AM
I don't see how people can think Stars could do anything more once the promotion is announced and includes the HU tables than say "oops this can't be allowed to continue so here's the patchwork fix".

taking away the bonuses already earned would be lolbad. In fact not only shouldn't they do it- I'd be surprised to find out they COULD per their regulatory body.

there was exploitation that in at least some instances was greenlighted. mistakes were made and remedied. move on.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Knucklehead.
They made the problem so I can't see why they couldn't have policed it properly and put up a warning banner.
warning BANNERS!!!! LOL
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 12:38 AM
If Stars does not take the wins back from these guys, I'm cashing my account out and telling them why and only playing Tilt/Cake for a while. I specifically logged onto stars to play some tonite because of this promo and I guess sory of expected they would have policed against this sort of thing.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 12:48 AM
anyone know around what time it will happen?
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 03:43 AM
I'm definitely glad that stars took some form of action, but simply excluding HU tables rather than shutting them down might have been a better move. But the official response seemed to suggest that this was hard to implement... My hats off to them for taking action but very unfortunate to HU regs who got screwed by this.

I don't think it's right to take money away from those who already won because Stars did a bad job sending out a clear message on their position up till now. Stars should bite the bill on this and consider adding a bit of money to the 25 billionth hand, adding extra milestones, or running some sort of compensatory promo for all the hard feelings this mess caused.

Originally Posted by dtan05
so what's to stop ppl from doing this at 6m?
Nothing, but it's much harder to pull off there. A clear message needs to be sent about this kind of behaivor and it should be punished in the future. Personally I'd prefer if they never ran another milestone event and just went for double VPP week or the like instead.

Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
Did anyone actually win and collect this way before the HU ban?
Yes, that's part of why so many people were pissed.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 04:04 AM
There is some abuse going on at the 15/30 5CD tables. Same 6 guys sitting out at 10 tables. A few sitting in right before the milestone approaches.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 05:42 AM
even if they shut HU tables, teams can still get 6 ppl to sit at 6 max tables to implement this banning HU tables ain't working at all. such a pointless suspension.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by billybeartku
even if they shut HU tables, teams can still get 6 ppl to sit at 6 max tables to implement this banning HU tables ain't working at all. such a pointless suspension.
As some people said, it is going on at 6-max too, but I'll be shocked if its anywhere near as bad. It requires more people, and more effort, plus they get less hands in per hour. I'm sure if you report the 6-max people they can deal with them on an individual basis. If you are calling the heads up ban pointless, you must not be aware of how widespread the abuse was.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 06:25 AM
yea i guess ban all the 6 max table also? i'm actually one of those that support such strategy. I think whoever came up w/ this idea was a genius.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 07:08 AM
Um, the same idea was used on both Paradise Poker and Ultimate Bet back in the day. It's been around for a long time. That's not to say that different people didn't come up with it by themselves. You know why? Because it's nowhere near genius, it's something that any halfbraindead fool can figure out. And if you doubt that, try rereading your own posts after getting an education.

Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by billybeartku
yea i guess ban all the 6 max table also? i'm actually one of those that support such strategy. I think whoever came up w/ this idea was a genius.
Unless things have changed drastically, it's not happening at all 6-max tables, or even most, whereas at HU it was.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 09:07 AM
Im glad they stopped this, it was total abuse and everyone who angle shooted shud be DOOMSWITCHED
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 12:24 PM
Just play the game and stop your crying.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:00 PM
I withdrew and won't play there for a while, unless they take the wins back from these guys.

An obvious fix would have been requiring a flop to be seen or a minimum pot amount or something, kind of like (duh) B&M casinos have a minimum potsize requirement for bad beat jackpots and have had this for years.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
I withdrew and won't play there for a while, unless they take the wins back from these guys.

An obvious fix would have been requiring a flop to be seen or a minimum pot amount or something, kind of like (duh) B&M casinos have a minimum potsize requirement for bad beat jackpots and have had this for years.
You want them to take back money from people who were told what they did was okay before they did it?

So if UTG goes all in and everyone folds, no one wins???

I've never heard of a BBJ requiring a pot size.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
You want them to take back money from people who were told what they did was okay before they did it?
Where were they told beforehand that autofolding was okay in this promotion giveaway? Stars didn't say "here's how the bonus works, and by the way autofolding agreements between players at the same table are okay." Clearly at the very least this abuse constitutes both the one player to a hand rule and also collusion. Stars said this was okay towards the end of the HU abuse this time around, but a lot of those were won before this unless there's something I haven't read and I'm not about to print this and other threads out and scour them with a highliter.

Originally Posted by Jack Bando
So if UTG goes all in and everyone folds, no one wins???
If that's the rule put in place to keep this from happening and everyone knows, then yeah, sure. The next table gets a crack at the jackpot. It's not like I suggest Stars just keep it, but so long as the rules are in place and upfront, then whatever.

Originally Posted by Jack Bando
I've never heard of a BBJ requiring a pot size.
I have. And maybe more rooms should do this. It's to discourage ppl from autofolding, although seems like you have t obe a cheap nit to do so at a B&M. But I know at least one cardroom that has the rule because specifically they had players opening tables and folding around simply to try and hit the big BBJ.

Stars simply doesn't care about this problem and abuse, even though they've seen it before and probably anticipated it now, so I take that to mean they don't care too much about their players so I cashed out and will stay away for a while. They probably don't care about losing me as my MGR is not too big but whatever. If they[re going to allow this they might as well have just picked random ppl to give the money to.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:33 PM
yeah, definitely cannot take back bonuses when Stars sent emails specifically approving the strategy

still OK for Stars to reconsider the idea and go with the idea that this is collusion since it seems against the spirit of the promotion to a HUGE majority of the players at the site

I do not understand those claiming crying. I was in the midst of setting up a HU folding team when stars banned the idea. However, as a player, I understood this was a CLEAR angle shoot. It makes sense to me that players legitimately complained. It's not whining or crying. It's voicing displeasure that an obvious angle shoot was happening. All dissent is not whining/crying.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:40 PM
This question might sound newbie even though I've played on stars for 5 years now but is their any way to hide the congrats notices of the milestone announcements as they stay on the screen too long and are blocking the cards on the board with my tables resized how they are?
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
Where were they told beforehand that autofolding was okay in this promotion giveaway? Stars didn't say "here's how the bonus works, and by the way autofolding agreements between players at the same table are okay." Clearly at the very least this abuse constitutes both the one player to a hand rule and also collusion. Stars said this was okay towards the end of the HU abuse this time around, but a lot of those were won before this unless there's something I haven't read and I'm not about to print this and other threads out and scour them with a highliter.

Group A did the HU idea and won, Group B complained to Stars and was told at the time it was okay, Group C asked if they could do it and stated it was just to try and hit the Milestone and Stars said sure. We can't punish C if they hit since they were told it was okay, and Stars told Group B that Group A was okay, so they didn't break any rules at the time.

If that's the rule put in place to keep this from happening and everyone knows, then yeah, sure. The next table gets a crack at the jackpot. It's not like I suggest Stars just keep it, but so long as the rules are in place and upfront, then whatever.

So if I hit a milestone at FR and shove and everyone folds I should win nothing since no one called?

Stars simply doesn't care about this problem and abuse, even though they've seen it before and probably anticipated it now, so I take that to mean they don't care too much about their players so I cashed out and will stay away for a while. They probably don't care about losing me as my MGR is not too big but whatever. If they[re going to allow this they might as well have just picked random ppl to give the money to.

If they didn't care wouldn't they have kept the HU tables open? They realized after the deluge of emails it was a mistake and did the best fix they could ATM.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
This question might sound newbie even though I've played on stars for 5 years now but is their any way to hide the congrats notices of the milestone announcements as they stay on the screen too long and are blocking the cards on the board with my tables resized how they are?
Options>Block Announcements
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
Options>Block Announcements
I think I already had that clicked but I better double check . Thanks.
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
02-15-2009 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Knucklehead.
Arrrggh.... I don't want to move to FullTilt. I hate bad customer service.
lol, what do you call the handling of this milestone situation?
Unfortunate Milestone abuse at Pokerstars... Quote
