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Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email)

09-03-2010 , 03:02 PM
i've already boycotted all the blind poker sites named in title plus, without limitation, the blindest of all, pokerstars.

Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-03-2010 , 05:49 PM
I would like to ask the OP a few of simple quesions.

1. Who cares? I mean, why does it matter to you if there are a bunch of bots grinding rakeback in the micors?

2. Who are you, the internet police? Do you really expect a bunch of people to rally behind your crusade and boycott the poker rooms that you tell them to, because you have a personal beef with their practices or policies?

3. Given a choice of a poker room with bots or no poker room at all, your choice is no poker room at all? And you think we should all line up behind your parade?

Sorry, but given those choices I will take a poker room with bots. You don't have to play there but please don't try and close down my room just because you choose not to play there. Instead, consider getting bent.

I consider us all fortunate to be even able to play online poker, given the political environment the last few years. Maybe we should count our blessings. If a few hundred bots in the micros generate enough revenue to keep the doors open, then I thank God for them.

According to that email message you posted Bodog even says they have no problem with bots if you ask them. If that is true, good for them. It's their business. You don't have to play there but maybe I want to go play against some bots. So don't tell me what to do please, and don't tell me to try and shut down a business that I might appreciate and want to patronize. I am glad you are not king of the world.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-03-2010 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
why would bots have to adjust? they're not beating the games per say. Their profits come from rakeback mostly. The games are becoming filled with them. Bot detection is horrid on FTP/Stars, etc. What do they play 1 million hands before they get detected lol.
Bot would have to make a profit. Ridiculous thought process to rake but be a losing player. Op is saying they are beating the games. How will bots react when faced by other bots was my question you didn't really answer it.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-03-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by romans1013
I would like to ask the OP a few of simple quesions.

1. Who cares? I mean, why does it matter to you if there are a bunch of bots grinding rakeback in the micors?

2. Who are you, the internet police? Do you really expect a bunch of people to rally behind your crusade and boycott the poker rooms that you tell them to, because you have a personal beef with their practices or policies?

3. Given a choice of a poker room with bots or no poker room at all, your choice is no poker room at all? And you think we should all line up behind your parade?

Sorry, but given those choices I will take a poker room with bots. You don't have to play there but please don't try and close down my room just because you choose not to play there. Instead, consider getting bent.

I consider us all fortunate to be even able to play online poker, given the political environment the last few years. Maybe we should count our blessings. If a few hundred bots in the micros generate enough revenue to keep the doors open, then I thank God for them.

According to that email message you posted Bodog even says they have no problem with bots if you ask them. If that is true, good for them. It's their business. You don't have to play there but maybe I want to go play against some bots. So don't tell me what to do please, and don't tell me to try and shut down a business that I might appreciate and want to patronize. I am glad you are not king of the world.
I have from time to time read some dumb opinions but this has to be the all time best in terms of mentally challenged thinking.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-03-2010 , 10:23 PM
unreal...probably he's a politician
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 06:41 AM
It is true that Bodog ignored the bots for a long time.

It seems they are gone now for the most part. Not sure if the bots left themselves or if Bodog finally did the right thing.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Flash Fl00d
It is true that Bodog ignored the bots for a long time.

It seems they are gone now for the most part. Not sure if the bots left themselves or if Bodog finally did the right thing.
a copy of a post from their site yesterday
Re: Bodog 24/7 Botting
Reply #3 - Yesterday at 20:37:15 bodog had never given any of us botters a problem, there are plenty of people who bot 20 hours+ per day at bodog, including me.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 11:20 AM
i do not have acess to the private forums on that site. I noticed they moved a thread someone started "dont these 2+2 nerds have anything better to do?" to a private forum.

Can anyone read that?

Also please do not name the bot maker or the botting site in this thread.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 11:32 AM
Ok so how do we detect them? In SNGs?
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by IamPro
Ok so how do we detect them? In SNGs?

honestly bro i dont think you can. The only think I could think of is that you have to study over the default coding of the sng profile and try to find out what it does.

I could post the default profile for 1 table sngs but I am not sure if i would get banned so i will pm it to you if you want.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 12:52 PM
Yea I guess PM me
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by romans1013
I would like to ask the OP a few of simple quesions.

1. Who cares?

3. Given a choice of a poker room with bots or no poker room at all, your choice is no poker room at all? And you think we will all line up behind your parade?

1) Most of us.

3)Yes, if the bots are good enough. We do have news shows in this country. Sooner or later, they will report it. The fish will leave. The games will get harder, the rest of us will leave.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by ZeckoRiver
I have from time to time read some dumb opinions but this has to be the all time best in terms of mentally challenged thinking.
roman could be a bot owner.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 01:36 PM
They aren't checking for them because they don't have to and won't right up to when the US law signed and they are rendered useless.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 02:26 PM
okay, i'll will they be useless when the US law is signed?
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Flash Fl00d
It is true that Bodog ignored the bots for a long time.

It seems they are gone now for the most part. Not sure if the bots left themselves or if Bodog finally did the right thing.
Bots left bodog because rake gone lol. Even bots know to abandon a sinking shipt.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 03:25 PM
I guess I am what you guys call a fish. I am not the greatest player. I play for fun and have to reload every month. It's entertainment for me. All good.

And I do not care about bots. Maybe it's just me but why should I care whether it is a person or some software program that I am playing clicking the betting button? I just don't get this.

So this comment:

We do have news shows in this country. Sooner or later, they will report it. The fish will leave. The games will get harder, the rest of us will leave.
I don't think so. There must be others like me. In fact if a news show said a poker room had a lot of bots maybe I would go play there. I kind of like the idea of playing them instead of losing more money to you sharks who are always getting reads on me. Maybe the bots can't read me as well.

So I guess you guys on this thread all play the micro stakes? That is why you are all upset about this? Don't like splitting your piece of the pie up with more people? That must be one small pie to start with. So I guess I can understand that. But if you guys were serious players, sharks making money, I would think you would play higher stakes anyway and not worry about bots in the micros.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 04:22 PM
so many gimmick spam accounts my head hurts
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
09-04-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by romans1013
I guess I am what you guys call a fish. I am not the greatest player. I play for fun and have to reload every month. It's entertainment for me. All good.

And I do not care about bots. Maybe it's just me but why should I care whether it is a person or some software program that I am playing clicking the betting button? I just don't get this.

So this comment:

I don't think so. There must be others like me. In fact if a news show said a poker room had a lot of bots maybe I would go play there. I kind of like the idea of playing them instead of losing more money to you sharks who are always getting reads on me. Maybe the bots can't read me as well.

So I guess you guys on this thread all play the micro stakes? That is why you are all upset about this? Don't like splitting your piece of the pie up with more people? That must be one small pie to start with. So I guess I can understand that. But if you guys were serious players, sharks making money, I would think you would play higher stakes anyway and not worry about bots in the micros.
Do you also like shinny objects?
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
10-15-2010 , 02:28 PM
Full Tilt has just banned a bunch of bots and paid out cash to players, including me. I got $15 (woohoo).

I wasn't concerned about the bots in the first place; in fact I was aware of a number of them and was able to exploit them, since they apparently did not adjust to me. But what if a bot WAS able to adjust, on the fly?

Let's say I'm in the BB and a bot raises from steal position. I know the bot will fold 80% of the time to my 3-bet, so I 3-bet 100% of the time and print monies. Is there a bot out there that can adjust it's 80% F3B down, without any input from the bot user? What if a bot could use HEM statistics and adjust to any player on the fly? That would be bad, would it not?

What will we do if that happens?
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
10-15-2010 , 02:37 PM
Unknown author
Full Tilt Warning - 1 day ago
Today, October 14, Full Tilt Poker came out of nowhere and took aggressive measures to stop the use of our poker bot software at their online poker room. There was no warning given to anybody, and this was after years of tolerating us to such an extent...


can we change the title to bodog/UB/AP now since FTP took action.

Also thank you to Sean at FTP

Last edited by iwantmyev; 10-15-2010 at 02:50 PM.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
10-15-2010 , 07:56 PM
I would not be surprised that if FTP banned bots they will lose a decent amount of their ill gotten profits. I just do not trust these colluders at FTP management(I am talking about FTP since they refused to do anything but rake in profits from these bots fro years) to do anything that will actually prevent botting.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
Ok so how do we detect them? In SNGs?
by their stats. If you interested, I can take many used codes and convert them into starting hand charts for you so you can exploit them
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
1) Most of us.

3)Yes, if the bots are good enough. We do have news shows in this country. Sooner or later, they will report it. The fish will leave. The games will get harder, the rest of us will leave.

For now, only pokerstars is safe.
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
10-16-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by romans1013
I guess I am what you guys call a fish. I am not the greatest player. I play for fun and have to reload every month. It's entertainment for me. All good.

And I do not care about bots. Maybe it's just me but why should I care whether it is a person or some software program that I am playing clicking the betting button? I just don't get this.

So this comment:

I don't think so. There must be others like me. In fact if a news show said a poker room had a lot of bots maybe I would go play there. I kind of like the idea of playing them instead of losing more money to you sharks who are always getting reads on me. Maybe the bots can't read me as well.

So I guess you guys on this thread all play the micro stakes? That is why you are all upset about this? Don't like splitting your piece of the pie up with more people? That must be one small pie to start with. So I guess I can understand that. But if you guys were serious players, sharks making money, I would think you would play higher stakes anyway and not worry about bots in the micros.
Okay, but what happens when there are 8 bots and you at a table. inless you are one of the regs u hate so much, you will not win.

bots destroy the game
Time to Boycott FTP/Bodog/UB-AP for turning blind eye to bots! (see this email) Quote
