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PokerStars statement on min/max buyin on big bet tables PokerStars statement on min/max buyin on big bet tables

04-08-2010 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Well, I mean really, is there a topic for this thread that needs keeping to? We already have a few hundred other threads on shortstacking that always wind up with everyone bashing shortstackers, and it seems like everything else is just speculation until Stars actually announces their changes. Or was I missing some groundbreaking discussion going on ITT?
***** RAtholing scumbags

enjoy working at mcdonalds you ****ing cockroaches..

hahahahaahahhaahahahahaHAAHaHaHAHAHaHaHAHAHAHHAAHA HahAHAHAAHaHahaHahAHAAHahaHAhAaHahahAHAaHaHaHaH

gotta keep it on topic

p.s. one time stars

04-08-2010 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by jglsd1
***** RAtholing scumbags

enjoy working at mcdonalds you ****ing cockroaches..

hahahahaahahhaahahahahaHAAHaHaHAHAHaHaHAHAHAHHAAHA HahAHAHAAHaHahaHahAHAAHahaHAhAaHahahAHAaHaHaHaH

gotta keep it on topic

p.s. one time stars

I guess this is probably what a lot of people think this thread is about that haven't been following it. Very little of this actually (other than the occasional passerby).
04-08-2010 , 11:03 PM
11 days MAX and counting down!!!
04-08-2010 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
People like that? It was people who disagreed with someone on the internet who uncovered the biggest scam in online poker to date?

I followed this thread closely, and to me it is crystal clear that pokerboy got himself into a heated debate with someone stating an opposing opinon and simply overreacted. He since then apologized and admitted that, but that doesn't retroactively justify his actions. It just shows that the reputation, or "credibility" as brandysB put it, pokerboy built up on 2p2 isn't totally unjustified. Everybody makes mistakes, not everybody is man enough to publicly admit them.

I however disagree that it was "people like that" who uncovered the UP/AP scam. Don't be afraid though, even though I disagree with you on that I'm not gonna report you to stars.
If what pokerboy said was true, that he looked up and studied both accounts. I can only go on what pokerboy said, if he is making it up, then he's a scumbag.
04-09-2010 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
I guess this is probably what a lot of people think this thread is about that haven't been following it. Very little of this actually (other than the occasional passerby).
From what I've seen, yeah, a fair bit of that, and a fair bit of...

Originally Posted by 1nsight
11 days MAX and counting down!!!
But I admit to a fair bit of skimming, so I'll take your word that it hasn't been and join your hope it gets back on topic, whatever that was.
04-09-2010 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
From what I've seen, yeah, a fair bit of that, and a fair bit of...
not really...far less in this thread than others that were similar.
04-09-2010 , 04:12 AM
what strange pattern could there be to my account?

That I do other things with my time (ie not play online poker) and then marathon to keep my Supernova status up?
04-09-2010 , 04:14 AM
MT2R, is your account still closed?
04-09-2010 , 04:18 AM
My account is open now
well, I was able to log in and sit at an empty table, so I assume it's open
04-09-2010 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
My account is open now
well, I was able to log in and sit at an empty table, so I assume it's open
Excellent news. Any idea when it was opened, out of curiosity?
04-09-2010 , 04:26 AM
no idea
sent in my documents late last night US time
didn't even bother firing up PokerStars today
figured it would take awhile
finished up all of my taxes and refined a model I use for MLB derivative markets betting today instead
04-09-2010 , 04:42 AM
Kind of surprising they didn't send you an email when they reopened, or did they?

Anyway, good to hear.
04-09-2010 , 07:26 AM
if you all really care about this so much, quit bitching and show you mean business by leaving stars. That is how you can really show you mean business.

But you won't and here is why.

1. Stars is the best and pretty much only place worth playing for MANY MANY reasons and you all know them so I won't list them

2. Shortstackers though annoying keep more games going than you can find on any other site

3. You are all bark and no bite. You need stars as much as they need you. You go elsewhere you get **** support, **** software, **** everything

so just stfu already and accept the fact that stars will not get rid of SSers. Quit your bitching and just do something about it. If you really really care then ****ing leave. You will be missed for 30 seconds.
04-09-2010 , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by ulovetohate
so just stfu already and accept the fact that stars will not get rid of SSers.
What makes you think that? It looks pretty likely that Stars will in fact raise the buy-in for the standard games.
04-09-2010 , 08:12 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if FTP is making more money than Stars from cash games now. The 7 day avg is 29.4k for Stars and 17.4k for FTP. A quarter of FTP's players are at rush and getting ~3x hands per hour, so adjust it upward by about 8.8k and you get 29.4k to 26.2k. Combine that with FTP's faster software and the fact that Stars is trending down and FTP is trending up this week and FTP might actually be dealing more hands.

Does anyone still think that shortstackers are crucial to a site's bottom line?

Last edited by AirmanSpecial; 04-09-2010 at 08:19 AM.
04-09-2010 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by ulovetohate
if you all really care about this so much, quit bitching and show you mean business by leaving stars. That is how you can really show you mean business.

But you won't and here is why.

1. Stars is the best and pretty much only place worth playing for MANY MANY reasons and you all know them so I won't list them

2. Shortstackers though annoying keep more games going than you can find on any other site

3. You are all bark and no bite. You need stars as much as they need you. You go elsewhere you get **** support, **** software, **** everything

so just stfu already and accept the fact that stars will not get rid of SSers. Quit your bitching and just do something about it. If you really really care then ****ing leave. You will be missed for 30 seconds.
Lol. Can't wait for the rant when they do change things.

What you seem to fail to grasp is that while you are correct that limiting the ability of shortstackers is going to obviously cost stars money, the business plan is obviously aiming to offset these short term losses by long term profitability (by improving the games, being able to encourage more people to join in future and also negating the risk of players leaving in future due to the SS problem)

on a side note, the short stackers aren't really going to have anywhere else to go to ply their trade anyway so to speak (since all rooms seem to be making the same changes).

Last edited by pontylad; 04-09-2010 at 08:28 AM.
04-09-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
not really...far less in this thread than others that were similar.
i take it after the change u arent going to bother responding to shorty outcries
04-09-2010 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by jglsd1
***** RAtholing scumbags

enjoy working at mcdonalds you ****ing cockroaches..

hahahahaahahhaahahahahaHAAHaHaHAHAHaHaHAHAHAHHAAHA HahAHAHAAHaHahaHahAHAAHahaHAhAaHahahAHAaHaHaHaH

gotta keep it on topic

p.s. one time stars

dont u short stack
04-09-2010 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by ulovetohate
if you all really care about this so much, quit bitching and show you mean business by leaving stars. That is how you can really show you mean business.

But you won't and here is why.

1. Stars is the best and pretty much only place worth playing for MANY MANY reasons and you all know them so I won't list them

2. Shortstackers though annoying keep more games going than you can find on any other site

3. You are all bark and no bite. You need stars as much as they need you. You go elsewhere you get **** support, **** software, **** everything

so just stfu already and accept the fact that stars will not get rid of SSers. Quit your bitching and just do something about it. If you really really care then ****ing leave. You will be missed for 30 seconds.
I've already left, I haven't played on Stars in about a month, all FTP for me since then (before about Feb I didn't play on FTP at all), and the only thing that will bring me back is some sort of effective resolution to fix the problem. The games at FTP since they fixed this problem are just way too good to want to go play either on the 50bb+ tables at Stars or even worse, play on the regular, SS infested tables.
04-09-2010 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
I remember having to use PRFetch for hand histories because OnGame sucked so hard. Then, they banned PRFetch. That network just had god awful support.
I wrote my own just dumping the tags from the pokernetwork URLs. I could run it backward for the previous x hands at a table I just sat down at

Last edited by sputum; 04-09-2010 at 12:48 PM. Reason: ooo sorry off-topic
04-09-2010 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dr._Hyde
I've already left, I haven't played on Stars in about a month, all FTP for me since then (before about Feb I didn't play on FTP at all), and the only thing that will bring me back is some sort of effective resolution to fix the problem. The games at FTP since they fixed this problem are just way too good to want to go play either on the 50bb+ tables at Stars or even worse, play on the regular, SS infested tables.
Literally, this is the exact same as me. Hadn't played at Full Tilt before and never thought Stars would make me have to. The games are such that I didn't have much of a choice...even though the decision was ultimately out of principle. Would love to come back, but I won't if they try to half ass this resolution.
04-09-2010 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by jmillerdls
Literally, this is the exact same as me. Hadn't played at Full Tilt before and never thought Stars would make me have to. The games are such that I didn't have much of a choice...even though the decision was ultimately out of principle. Would love to come back, but I won't if they try to half ass this resolution.
what is it that u didnt like about the 50bb min tables on stars?
04-09-2010 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by 1nsight
what is it that u didnt like about the 50bb min tables on stars?
I actually did quite well on them (they suit my play style), but I was playing with the same guys day in and day out with very few unknowns. When there are thousands of people playing my limit every day, it is frustrating to only play a very tiny percentage of them. At Tilt, even with Rush...I've got so many tables to choose from now and it is rare that I have more than one or two people at the same table. Personally, that is more fun for me.
04-09-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by 1nsight
what is it that u didnt like about the 50bb min tables on stars?
The 50bb+ tables have, over about the last 6 months, gotten progressively nittier day after day to the point where it's getting much harder to find the fish. If you look at the "looseness" based on the %players per flop in comparison to the "regular" stars players for the exact same stake, you'll see about a 30% -50% difference, even though most of the good shortstackers over there play pretty tight. That means there are WAY more fish at the "regular" tables than the 50bb+ tables. FTP's regular tables, which don't include the SS'ers because of the min buyin, are just as loose or even moreso than the Stars regular tables. Pretty easy decision.
04-09-2010 , 01:39 PM
Serious question (esp for jmillerdls): Is shortstacking really a big problem at the microstakes?
