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P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT

02-08-2012 , 05:21 AM
Can anyone who knows please fill me in on the JohnnyX22 thing and why he is banned? I'm 90% sure I've been talking to him on skype for the last week or so and want to know if that was him/if he's a known serial scammer. Here's the post where I just learned he was banned

Ps. Looking through skype right now it indeed was/is him. I'd just like to know if he scammed someone or is a known repeat offender, as the post above doesn't seem like a reason to be banned. Thanks
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-08-2012 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Can anyone who knows please fill me in on the JohnnyX22 thing and why he is banned? I'm 90% sure I've been talking to him on skype for the last week or so and want to know if that was him/if he's a known serial scammer. Here's the post where I just learned he was banned

Ps. Looking through skype right now it indeed was/is him. I'd just like to know if he scammed someone or is a known repeat offender, as the post above doesn't seem like a reason to be banned. Thanks

JohnnyX22 had 6 infractions totalling 100 points (since Sept)

No scams but there were reports of difficulty in completing some trades.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-08-2012 , 08:15 PM
carbon poker (potsniper)

* please follow all rules in thread, dont want to get into trouble, thanks

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-08-2012 at 08:45 PM. Reason: Trading post; infraction imposed
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-08-2012 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
Can anyone who knows please fill me in on the JohnnyX22 thing and why he is banned? I'm 90% sure I've been talking to him on skype for the last week or so and want to know if that was him/if he's a known serial scammer. Here's the post where I just learned he was banned

Ps. Looking through skype right now it indeed was/is him. I'd just like to know if he scammed someone or is a known repeat offender, as the post above doesn't seem like a reason to be banned. Thanks
It doesn't make sense b/c johnny didn't get banned b/c of his trade (or planned trade that fell through) with 2+2 member Thinking Out Loud. It was because he racked up too many infraction points. I defend Johnny in saying he is definitely not a scammer. But rules are rules I suppose, so if the mods banned him b/c of infraction points, there's not much I can say about that.

However his trade with Thinking Out Loud was simple misunderstanding. Johnny didn't know Minted required you to verify your account to receive X amount of funds in transfers in a given time period. When Thinking Out Loud was about to send Minted first, Minted denied the transaction until Johnny could send Minted his ID to verify. Thinking Out Loud had cancelled a pending cashout to do the trade. Then when the snafu happened, Thinking Out Loud played on those funds and lost. Thinking Out Loud took responsibility for this as his mistake, however he was frustrated and posted his experience and that got Johnny infraction points that put him over the 100 point limit.

The reason I can sympathize with this is because I had a similar experience a month ago. I had set up a trade for Minted funds, then was told I had to verify. Luckily for me, the person I was trading with hadn't recently cancelled a cashout in order to do the trades and then lost funds in the meantime and was upset about that and flamed me. My trading partner was more understanding, and within 24 hours my account was verified and we did the transaction successfully.

Basically, I can understand all points of view and can sympathize. If the mods ever let Johnny back is their prerogative, but Johnny never was nor is he now a scammer of any sort. And he said he messaged you NoFX on skyype b/c you had given him your skyype earlier to all of this.

Just my observations.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-09-2012 , 12:31 PM
What's the going rate on BCP? .96/1?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:52 PM
Can someone tell how a GDMP works??

You go to the store, buy the GDMP, and then how do you transfer to someone??

Hoping to do a P2P transfer when I get this figured out.

I am (I3betshove) on Lock. Just need some Help!

mod edit
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:21 AM
Received PM.

Be aware of this type of scam:

I am putting together a timeline of occurrences, chat logs and basic facts. Once I sort things out with the other known 2+2er and Moneybookers, I will make a post about the scam and how it was done. This will be in about 10 hours hopefully.

While I understand the need to ensure other 2+2ers remain safe, I'm running on emotion atm and don't want to ruin anyone's rep or my own for that matter by posting something that isn't true or that isn't based on factual occurences.

It was for 2K and the scammer used myself and **** to get money. Ultimately, I am the one who lost the 2K. It involved the scammer using my 2+2 name as an AIM screen name and contacting **** via AIM regarding a trade that we had agreed upon but not completed. The Scammer claimed to be me and had him send the funds via moneybookers to an account that wasn't mine.

The timing of this scam was just too perfect and in sync with what we were doing for this to be a random scam. It's as if someone had access to our PM boxes to know the right moment(s) to contact him. It was literally an hour window.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-10-2012 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Received PM.

Be aware of this type of scam:
How "secure" are our PM inboxes on here Mike?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-10-2012 , 08:12 AM
We as mods can't access them, the only way for someone else to do so would be to hack your account. I would think (no actual proof) that the way a lot of 2+2 accounts get hacked is by someone hacking the email account associated with it and then using that to get control of the 2+2 account, much like the way hackers get your poker site details.

In this case had the traders checked on 2+2 via their pm's then they would not have got scammed, from looking at the details we have so far.

This is not the first three way trade using AIM/MSN scam, once I come back from Uni I will hunt down the previous one(s) from 2+2 and see if there is a shared party involved, in conversation with the parties from the PM which myself and Mike got.


Edit/MH: Probably not relevant to this particular case, but also using a simple password, like "password", for what on the face of it doesn't seem too important an account, is a mistake. Scammers have the time to try hundreds of accounts. At the very least use something like mine: "69my*assWord".

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-10-2012 at 09:13 AM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-10-2012 , 06:02 PM
Can someone explain how GDMP works? I've seen some posts from people who have GDMP and wasn't sure how it works, aside from being tied to PayPal.

Any help would be great.


Edit: NVM figured it out :P

Last edited by UCBananaboy; 02-10-2012 at 06:29 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 07:41 PM
Can I receive a P2P transfer on Merge (Carbon) without having yet made an initial deposit, and if so, will it impact my initial deposit bonus?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 08:34 PM
What does anyone think about getting an account with a postal credit union and then using it to cash several 3,000$ or 2,500$ poker checks. Family works for post office so I am eligible for account. Allready have 2 major bank accounts but figure maybe this option is better or perhaps worse since their connected to government. Let me know what you think, would be using this for several sites.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 08:53 PM
Just curious, what the general going rate on vig when trading Carbon money in exchange for a bank transfer? Also provided I am willing to send first to reputable posters with positive transaction records (I understand I must earn the capability of pming before I can even post in the real transaction thread), are there generally good amount of people willing to do this type of transaction? For instance, if I was looking to trade $500 Carbon-what would I expect in terms of total amount for a bank transfer?

thanks in advance

Originally Posted by sandbagged
Best thing for you to do is to look through the last 3-5 pages or so in the transfer thread and look at the rate everyone is buying/selling carbon funds, then adjust yours accordingly.

Also, since you're probably going to be sending first because you don't have a rep here, I'd suggest you only trade with very reputable traders to avoid being scammed.
Thanks for the response. I'll definitely study that thread to get an idea for the going rates. As for your second sentiment, I definitely came in here expecting for me to have to send first-I will just make sure I have thoroughly investigated/and am just generally sure of the person on the other end (as you suggested)

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-12-2012 at 10:05 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:13 PM

I Know a highly reputable that is trading at I think .85. You may find better than that but if you want a quick safe trade let me know and I'll pass you on to him. I also may be wrong about the .85, it may be more, but def not less.

It would help if you had PM ability or I can lead him here and you can get his skype. You'll probably run across him/his posts anyway as he trades a lot of merge.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-12-2012 at 10:33 PM. Reason: Encouragement of unallowed trade; infraction imposed
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan

I Know a highly reputable that is trading at I think .85. You may find better than that but if you want a quick safe trade let me know and I'll pass you on to him. I also may be wrong about the .85, it may be more, but def not less.

It would help if you had PM ability or I can lead him here and you can get his skype. You'll probably run across him/his posts anyway as he trades a lot of merge.
First of all, I really do appreciate your help. I have been struggling with a merge cashout for quite some time and I have decided to cancel the withdrawal to just send for a bank xfer. I would have to do citibank if that would work with your reputable friend, but you would have to give me a little bit of time to finalize, as I said I am waiting on a response from support (which I have posted about in withdrawal and support threads)


also I would be available to skype, but I understand we should keep all details public throughout the transaction according to the guidelines of the thread?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-12-2012 at 10:31 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:53 PM
I just got an infraction for offering to help a new poster find a trader/trade with a REPUTABLE trader in the p2p CHAT thread.

I have no intentions of trading with the person and simply was offering to help put him in contact with a KNOWN REPUTABLE trader (was going to be plainsman). I don't even know that he would trade with him. I did this because 1. he asked 2. This is a discussion thread, not a transfer thread 3. Because new ppl often get scammed and I guess I have nothing better to do then to try and help someone when I should be like anyone else and not give a ****. It's a massive waste of time anyway. 4. I'm obviously a moron and should just let ppl learn on their own.

Stupid me but lesson learned and I'm unsubscribing from this thread as well as not offering any help to any one who is not a close friend. Period. That's absurd but maybe now I'll find some extra time for other things.

Not really sure why this thread is here and wouldn't trust any info in it. Take that fwiw. GL

Last edited by Nofx Fan; 02-12-2012 at 10:59 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 10:58 PM
fwiw that is the reason I came to the discussion thread, because I thought it was here that we tried to clear up any confusion. I did appreciate Nofx Fans help so I'm curious as to what he did wrong as well. That is assuming we kept his referral and the rest of the proceedings public as well.

Last edited by ChiefofChicago; 02-12-2012 at 11:10 PM.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-12-2012 , 11:08 PM
The problem stems from the fact that you are not wanted here and I ****ed up by not ignoring you.

I want to be clear that it was my fault for offering help and advice to you and has nothing to do with moderators or rules, those are all set and there for a reason. My bad and I'm best off just leaving it all be as it's pretty much a waste of time anyway.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:09 PM
What is the value of RPM vs Carbon cash. Is RPM going for more at this time or is it fair to trade some RPM cash for 97% carbon. Thanx.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-13-2012 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by corey333bd
What is the value of RPM vs Carbon cash. Is RPM going for more at this time or is it fair to trade some RPM cash for 97% carbon. Thanx.
AFAIK their worth the same. Sometimes one will offer extra to get the trade done though.
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-13-2012 , 07:09 PM
lol @ nofx fan. it's 10 points bro. chill. I would rather see mike be overly aggressive giving points than overly lax.

who is "reputable" and who is not is so subjective. I've done trades with both you and plainsman, I like both of you guys and know both of you are "reputable"

But members referring members to other members away from the "bubble" of the official trades thread is bad precedent.

Original guy (1) should have PMs before trying to set up any sort of trade, and two should just post in the official thread when he's ready and willing and able. I know Plainsman checks that thread nearly every day. The two of them would have found each other and done a deal naturally if the prices were right.

They say no good deed goes unpunished, how does it always keep happening to you though? lol
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-13-2012 , 10:13 PM
I have a few questions about P2P transfers if anyone would be so kind to enlighten me.

1) How do you make a transfer on merge? I'm on Play Aces. I've been clicking on everything and can't find the transfer link.

2) Do you have to transfer on the same skin?

3) What's the chances I'll even be able to find a trader on Play Aces if I can't trade between skins?
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-13-2012 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by tommyguns
I have a few questions about P2P transfers if anyone would be so kind to enlighten me.

1) How do you make a transfer on merge? I'm on Play Aces. I've been clicking on everything and can't find the transfer link.

2) Do you have to transfer on the same skin?

3) What's the chances I'll even be able to find a trader on Play Aces if I can't trade between skins?
1) It depends on what skin you're on. Usually it's somewhere in the cashier window somewhere. IDK personally about Play Aces (is that the name of the poker skin for If so, they don't allow P2P transfers.

2) Yes

3) If they don't allow P2P transfers, pretty slim I'd say
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-14-2012 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by AirborneSapper9845
1) It depends on what skin you're on. Usually it's somewhere in the cashier window somewhere. IDK personally about Play Aces (is that the name of the poker skin for If so, they don't allow P2P transfers.

2) Yes

3) If they don't allow P2P transfers, pretty slim I'd say

Yeah Play Aces is for
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
02-14-2012 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
Wouldn't trade with. He is not a friendly person to deal with imo.
Lol. You should put why I didnt trade with you and why I wasnt friendly with you. Its because he said I had to ship first. And when he gave his SN it didnt match the one ITT. I asked him why and he said he was doing it for a friend. He then says his friends 2+2 is netrobbery(who contacted me before). Then the carbon name he gave for netrobbery didnt match the one ITT. I tell him this seems shady and I wouldnt ship and asked whats going on? I asked if he was just MAing or trying to scam. He then starts calling me scum and says Im busto and he hopes my trade never gets done. Thats why I wasnt friendly to this guy. I have followed every rule ITT and have been nothing but polite to everyone I have traded or attempted to trade with. I wouldnt suggest trading with A 1 i s h a or netrobbery until they explain themselves on this matter.

Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
You would have to send first. Carbon name is "rolls weeper"
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
Doing it for a friend but ya
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
I have done numerous. His 2+2 name is netrobbery. Look him up if u feel more comfortable. Thx
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
ur redic. Whatever do what u gotta do. Tbh ur the biggest scum bag there is in this forum. lol
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
enough talking to this scum bag. Hope u wont find a trader lol check my post if u want in p2p lol
Originally Posted by A 1 i s h A
obv not. And no i play. I play $200-$1k husng. Check my stats u douhe bag. Come play my limits. Unless ur busto with only $300 lol

Last edited by ACEvivKING; 02-14-2012 at 06:42 PM. Reason: Had to add proof
P2P transfers: CHAT thread : No trading ITT Quote
